@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar



Just some 29 year old AuDHD transfemme (possibly nonbinary or genderfluid) gray asexual panromantic polyamorous person (No I don't like making choices, why do you ask?) who likes computers and linux and open source stuff.
I would prefer if you are a minor to not follow me but I'm not gonna stop you because not everything I post is lewd, just be aware I post some lewd stuff from time to time and if you don't have your age in your bio or are underage I will entirely ignore you regarding specific topics and possibly block you if you interact with it.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

EeveeEuphoria, to random
@EeveeEuphoria@translunar.academy avatar

the yakuza games are finally getting interesting

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@EeveeEuphoria https://youtu.be/KehKbOMSH6c link for anyone that wants it.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

The start of the new year. Time for winter.

18+ yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

WiFi 7 will allow me to use the 6 GHz band to invade your home

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Brb inventing a WiFi 7 router.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Maybe I should just invent a new copypasta for the fun of it

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j I do it sometimes without trying. Just let the brain type something out and its usually pretty good.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I dont complain about being broke, I complain about my job not paying me enough or paying me late. I know I send money to people struggling when I could use the money, I know I buy from local places when Walmart has it cheaper. I'm trying my best to help other people and small businesses out and being broke because of that is no issue to me. Because that helps everyone in the long run.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

The Virgin American Superhero comics vs the Chad European Disney comics

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j No thanks, I watch anime and read manga. Kirito is my superhero. And Asuna is my Disney princess.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Time for workies

I leave out a priceless Jade vase

Please look after this, as a community.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j ​:BlobCat_EvilSneakyDevil:​

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Just because I’m not binary doesn’t mean I want to bite people

I mean, I do want to bite people

But not because I’m not binary

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j ​:blobfoxwinkmlem:​

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

@ret at no point in my life have I ever wanted Clippy to help me, I don’t want Super Clippy to either

RE: https://furry.engineer/users/ret/statuses/111697116474442928

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j @ret I can't wait for VR to work properly on linux.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

I had a dream and in the dream, I had to watch an unskippable advert for Burger King before continuing with my dream

Like I couldn’t do anything except learn more about the Big Whopper

This was such a shock to me that I woke up and I was unable to fall back asleep for a while :haggard:

Capitalism really ruins everything

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar
RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I just cannot get into visual novels as hard as I try. Like I'll read a book, read some comics, some manga, but there is something about visual novels that feel not as engaging as either for me and I just always find myself bored with them.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

“Wow, you didn’t have [this console] when you were a child? You must be pretty young”

No, that’s called growing up in poverty bro

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j People think I'm much older than I am when I tell them my first video game console was a colecovision. Like no thats just growing up poor and having a nice grandma.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Fun fact, I actually smooth out my accent and dialect when typing and speaking online

I have a relatively broad regional accent and I speak using regional slang

But if I typed like that on Fedi, only the people from Mid and North England would be able to understand me – probably

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j I'm willing to learn yassieese

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Was watching an anime, and an episode had a content warning in the beginning about dealing with suicide and depression, and then at the end of the episode it has a "If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-273-8255 or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org" and YES PLEASE MORE OF THAT! That is the right move. As someone who has struggled with that myself, this stuff saves lives.

18+ RedCyberPandaz,
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@lio Ragna Crimson, haven't gotten too far so I can't give a good review of it but just clicked it yesterday.

18+ RedCyberPandaz,
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@stefan Its not so much that, but it can be a trigger for that feeling to flare up. Like when people who are trying to quit smoking watch a show and a character is smoking a cigarettes and the people watching it start wanting a cigarette.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

When the bombs I mention in all my posts finally explode


@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Any ETA on when that might be? Wanna have popcorn and snacks ready to watch. ​:blobfoxcofe:​

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

"Hi, I am a humble software developer, this YSN FLAG EMOJ FLAG EMOJI person has amusing posts about technology I will follow them"


@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j You say that like most of the computer technology field isn't furries.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Apparently this needs to be said. If you go somewhere that has self serve coffee, DO NOT pour your coffee back into the coffee pot.
I'd rather you just leave the cup sitting there so I can dump it out and throw it away, not nope now I gotta clean the coffee pot and make a fresh pot of coffee after I JUST made it.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Nice opinion. There’s just one tiny problem with it.

You see, it’s wrong.

Now, don’t try to argue.

Take a look at this diagram: I have depicted you as the soyjack and myself as the Chad. This completely nullifies your point entirely.

Let’s consider another thing. I have your friends and family hostage. While you would think this isn’t relevant; when you accept that you’re wrong, they will, coincidentally, be let free.

Ergo, I am right. Thank you.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@niconeko @yassie_j This actually goes hard.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j @aprzn_under_woem In the screenshot of reddit. Someone insinuated you were just trying to see what you could get away with on twitter.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Just a warning for those of you that use fdroid and the izzyondroid repo. Theres a new "app store" called "appteka" and as alright as it sounds, almost every single app I have found has a version that doesn't exist yet that when trying to update has a different signing key. I know some of these are modded apparently but still, seeing versions that only exist on that app store does not inspire any confidence in their quality and with everything I tried to "update" had a different signing key I can't trust it. Its supposed to be "community uploads" but theres no process to make sure theyre real.

PrivYas, to random
@PrivYas@woem.space avatar

BTW this profile picture is pretty cool, right?? What d’ya folks think?

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@PrivYas It makes me feel like when I'm not wearing my glasses and see an LED screen far away in the dark. So pretty good lol

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

If your brain is overwhelmed with emotions or work or thinking or pain or anything, the rest of your brain suffers as a result. Workers work worse, youre jokes are worse, your ability to comprehend basic things suffers.
Your brain being overwhelmed is like the CPU and RAM of your PC being at 75%, everything else is gonna suffer because of it. Take breaks, get rest, take naps, eat food, take your shoes off and soak your feet, lay down if your back hurts, go into the woods and scream and cuss as loud as you can. Get that CPU and ram usage down so you can be the best you.
And if anyone has a problem with it tell them that it is in their best interest to fuck off and let you maintain yourself before you break.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

:ameowblink: :ameowblinkreverse:

This is a customer announcement

Your train has been cancelled lol

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Jokes on you, I live in west Virginia and we don't really have any public transportation.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

2024 is the year of the gays, I launched a game of overwatch and said "Let's go lesbians" in chat and nobody really fought each other and we all sat around the point and said "I love you" and "Youre beautiful" and "no u" and all kinds of gay shit and I have to say it was the best start to a year ever. If anyone else plays the game, here is the replay code and you can see that 2024 is gonna be the year of the gays.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Every time you start a game of overwatch, you can find out if youre gonna have a good time by typing "Let's go lesbians!" In the chat and seeing the responses.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Time to play "Are those fireworks or guns?" (Trick question, its west Virginia, its both.)

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Look we gotta stop throwing the old years away and getting new ones as soon as the new one comes out. Alright, we need to reduce, reuse and recycle.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

You should get holiday pay for working new years. This fucking sucks.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Imma just say it, fireworks suck. Being autistic means the sudden loud noises agitate me, theyre bad for the environment and wildlife, and anyone with PTSD around loud sounds and explosions doesn't have a good time. Like yeah theyre pretty but so is a firepit.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Write an image description. If you don't write an image description I'm just gonna start taking your posts and posting them myself with an image description. It takes like 10 seconds.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

before 2023 ends

Does anyone want to tell me whether they’d end The State with me

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Do you really even need to ask me? I thought that was a given.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Alright I guess I'm gonna have to be the one to say it.
Don't you be bringing some non-native birds and entire trees to me as gifts for Christmas. Thats too much responsibility. Like where did you even get a partridge, how do you take care of them, you got a cage and food too? Where do I plant a pear tree? The HOA won't even let me plant it. What do I do with turtle doves!? Why do I need three hens!? What the hell does anyone do with 7 swans? I dont even have a pond! Just give me a $50 gift card to amazon and I'll be good.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

2024 will be the Year of Linux on the Car Bomb

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Don't most of them use phones anyway? And don't like all phones run android now? And android is a modified version of linux. So like, it already is that year right?

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Had time for a single game of overwatch before work today, told my team that I only had time for one game and to just go ape shit on the enemy team. Had fun and actually won.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Imma need shoes and insoles to stop being the worst quality thing ever. If I pay $80 for a pair of shoes they should last longer than a year.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Am I the only Dark Souls games fan that thinks Elden Ring ruins the best parts of the Souls games?

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Your account verification code is 457-GHD. Do not share this code with anyone else. This code will expire in 45 minutes.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Verification Code is Incorrect
Verification Code has Expired
Here we go again

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Just found out that I'm the fix-it lesbian. Maybe thats why I like using linux so much.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@Clover So like, your table breaks, and the lesbian across the street comes over with her tool belt and fixes it in a tee-shirt.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Discord why is everyone's status "Hang Status". Does that mean they wanna hang out? Does it mean the process for showing a status has hung and isn't working?

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar
RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Had a guy come into the gas station today, I asked him how he was, and in a thick foreign accent he said "Living the dream." And then stopped and look at me and said "Is it the American dream or the American nightmare?" Something about that just felt so real to me.

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar

Jessica on her story: ugh I’m not doing so good right now

Some random in her mentions: Oi, oi, you fancy a shag?

What is wrong with cishet men, like are they actually okay

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j The cis are just getting worse IMO.

18+ natty, to random
@natty@astolfo.social avatar

Linux is an amazing OS

I'll show you right... as I restart the system because an update deleted the fucking video kernel modules again ​:neofox_woozy:​

18+ RedCyberPandaz,
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@natty and the kernel headers didnt update with the kernel and now your network driver doesn't work so you have to manually download the files elsewhere and transfer them over and install them locally and then reboot. (Totally not still salty about it)

yassie_j, to random
@yassie_j@0w0.is avatar


The website is like out of the Watchdogs videogames or something lol

It just reeks of dystopia.

Especially this:

More than just preset behaviors & waypoints. Like a human pilot, Hivemind reads and reacts to the battlefield, and does not require GPS, waypoints, or prior knowledge to make decisions. It is the first and only fully autonomous AI pilot deployed in combat since 2018. From indoor building clearance with quadcopters to integrated air defense breach with fixed-wing drones, and F-16 dogfights, Hivemind™ learns and autonomously executes missions.

RE: https://0w0.is/objects/070eb77c-5c1d-4e03-9819-fc7d2934b861

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@yassie_j Hey yassie, you should google slaughterbots. They exist and are bad news.

jame, to random
@jame@wetdry.world avatar wtf? someone found this on pastebin's recent pastes. it's nothing bad but a very strange survey, and it puts a cookie and ip bans you if you tab out

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@efi @jame I'm willing to take that risk

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