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rlier23, to random avatar

You know what fuck it i was an absolute fools to think people on the Spotlight have the balls to NOT CUCK OUT

Years pass and pass but the FUCKING NORMIES learn absolutely nothing

Owl, avatar

@Spingebill @rlier23 Call them. Call Sargon of Akkad. The Internet Aristocrat. Ethan Ralph. Milo. Adam.

It's time to save Western Civilization once more.


@Owl @rlier23 @Spingebill The drawing aged like fine wine if you know how these retards ended up.

>Sargoy: Single handedly destroyed UKIP
>Milo: Was and will always be a grifting faggot
>The guy noone remembers
>Gym: Dying of canceraids
>Ralph: Alcoholic pill popper who is hiding in mexico from the IRS

rlier23, to random avatar

again, you should NOT buy anything that has been touched by sega or atlus

and if you do you're a retard


rlier23, to random avatar

man i swear to god if i had a good mic and a more subtle accent i'd love to just do a one time podcast with christi talking about this whole deal

because it's unironically interesting
sure probably most people are still not as tired as we are but things seem a bit different than what i've heard of the original GG


ChristiJunior, avatar

@rlier23 That all seems sensible enough, though I don't necessarily think it explicitly addresses the biggest failings of GamerGate 1. My version of his list would be:

  1. Victory at all costs - if the leftists win, video games will not only be completely ruined, but turn into a wretched tool for brainwashing the masses into accepting anti-White, misandrist and pro-pedophilia Evil, doing incalculable damage to society in the process. The lengths to which we are willing to go to destroy our Enemies should reflect that.

  2. Our Enemy is Evil, and hurting Evil is Good. Concerns about "SJW Tactics" and "the backlash being excessive/the political pendulum swinging back too far right" are at best unhelpful and premature, and at worst subversive talking points pushed by infiltrators and grifters who want GG to be Controlled Opposition.

  3. Opposing "Diversity" and "Inclusivity" is 100% legitimate. If you want to clarify that you personally only oppose to the likes of Sweet Baby Inc because their games and writing suck, make sure to not throw the anti-Diversity crowd under the bus in the process.

  4. Never countersignal our "far-right extremists"/our shock troops. At worst, they keep the enemy busy and draw away enemy fire, at best they save vidya while you don't even have to get your hands dirty. Also, you will never get any credit for disavowing them, you will only draw attention to their supposed misdeeds while also being blamed for them.

  5. While purityfagging is bad, some standards and red lines must be maintained. Games like Elden Ring and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, while compromised, are still sufficiently worthwhile and relatively light on the poz that Based gamers of good faith can be free to disagree on their merits. People who desperately try to defend the likes of Baldur's Gate 3 or Nu God of Soy on the other hand, have gone Full Consoomer.

A couple of related suggestions - if you just HAVE to play some obviously pozzed game, accept it as a vice and a guilty pleasure, don't try to defend it or attack those criticizing that decision as extremists who hate fun and don't actually play vidya. Meanwhile, you people leaning more towards being "purityfags", recognize that there is some nuance and grey areas, as well as things some people can legitimately find more or less objectionable than others. Spending a lot of time attacking other gamers of good faith because they occasionally enjoy a high quality game that's -2 on the Based Morality Scale is not very constructive.

  1. Most Centrists are worthless at best, and in any case respond better to something being the consensus/socially acceptable opinion (not really accessible to us) or shows of force/conviction (DEFINITELY accessible to us) than rational arguments or actual compromise/moderation/cuckery. Don't waste time pandering to Centrists.

FINAL NOTE: The immediate goal is hurting our Enemies and helping our Friends. Make sure attempts to pander to SJWs hurt both the gaming companies and the gaming e-celebs doing so, while rewarding those who ignore SJWs and ESPECIALLY those giving them the finger. We'll see where it goes from there, but be sure to take advantage of whatever openings emerge (like the SBI blacklist) to spread the word and recruit more people to our side.

zemichi, avatar

@ChristiJunior @rlier23

Or you can follow my simple rule: post loli

The reason why I point this out is that it's the ultimate filtering technique.

Why? It's not that you have to personally like loli, it is because a person who has problems can't coexist with it existing. They're the types that will call out the pedophiles in government privately where they can't ever get in trouble but publicly rally against and Epstein-post loli posts. They are hypocrites, and need to GTFO because they'll kill anything good from being made because they just want the fight, not the freedom of expression. :back_from_gab:

rlier23, to random avatar

don't worry fellas im enough of a sperg to somewhat keep track of all the shit happening around SBI

and will continue to update the varis thread

rlier23, to random avatar

hooo boy temperatures are starting to increase now and it's time for me to leave my fan in a perpetual powered state

give it a few more months and i'll be back to dorwning in my own sweat :dead_inside:

rlier23, to random avatar

the epitome of sex

rlier23, to random avatar

monday i had to take appart some equipment and that included disconnecting and taking away 3/0 and 4/0 cables everything went smoothly but i still got some cuts and scratches in my hands, some of which still hurt a bit today

but hey i can't really complain, it was fun and im getting payed

rlier23, to random avatar
rlier23, to random avatar

motherfuckers on the internet will come up with every orwellian solution possible to ban kids from the internet bafore even considering the option of PARENTS DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB


rlier23, to random avatar

Another day, another jewtuber trying to call lolicons(and all anime fans) pedos

Man it's not Even 6 AM and i already want the day to end :akko_tired:

rlier23, to random avatar

muyu stream let's goooooooooooo :zt_scream:

rlier23, to random avatar

it's like the 3rd or 4th day in a row jesus

rlier23, to random avatar

nintendo partner showcase was...
still better than the average sonny presentation i guess

only games i got some mild interst in are the ender lillies (not) sequel and that 3d platformer from the guys that made sonic mania who i don't think are working with sega anymore :Thinker:

as a side note, contra game looked decentish up until they shower the nigger character

rlier23, to random avatar

oh shit new game from the ender lillies devs


rlier23, to random avatar
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