Jackcooper, to android in NEW DE-GOOGLED smartphone: MURENA 2 first impressions - YouTube

1 letter away from an IUD

OminousOrange, avatar

Well, you could say it stops unwanted foreign substances from entering.

density, avatar

if you are a heterosexual, or may at any time in the future have penis-in-vagina type sex, you should learn a little bit more about contraception. that is absolutely not how any IUD works.


If you’re a heterosexual, or bisexual, or homosexual, or pansexual, or asexual…

…you should learn how a joke works.

mvirts, to android in I Installed Android on my iPhone (For Real) - YouTube

Call me when your Android runs ios


I’d rather not use iOS at all. Android is infinitely more customizable, powerful, and privacy friendly (with the right OS).

On the topic of your braindead take in this. Make iOS open source first. It’s almost like opensource breeds interoperability and closed source breed cultists who think they’re better by default.


Ok. Let’s be real now. Android without Google Play Services is not something that is even remotely useful for 99.99999999% of the Android users that is out there. Furthermore, if one or two of those users are your friends, then Google most likely keeps track of you quite ok anyways.

Nevertheless, good for you managing to avoid all big social media, relevant messaging apps, dating apps, commercial services apps and apps using Google Play Services.

independantiste, avatar

Ngl open source also breeds cultists who think they’re better by default, but at least those cultists made the right choice

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

At least they have an argument to think that

itsJoelle, (edited )

Well, I wouldn’t call it a “brain dead take”. I usually keep an Android and an iOS handset and I view each with a set of drawbacks and payoffs. The former (usually) allows you to unlock the boot loader without drawbacks and the latter does not. The latter is exclusive to a set of hardware. So if you want to have iOS you’re consigned to using the hardware deemed acceptable by Apple — but if someone were to accomplish “the brain dead take” a whole host of hardware would be available to you. There’s utility to that for some people.


I learnt last week how some people judge others by the colour of their text bubbles

Lol that’s you 🤣 Imagine being that shallow


Feelin’ a lil insecure there, buddy? It’s okay, Android isn’t for everyone.

southsamurai, avatar

It would actually be cool either way.

I don’t personally like iOS. I kinda hate it when I have to use it, even.

But it would be cool as shit for users to be able to choose their OS even more than they currently can. Hell, even a gimped partial version with a long-ass series of disclaimers and limitations would be a welcome thing for users. I despise windows, and I still wish people could freely load it on their devices if they wanted to.

Yeah, I know, there’s huge technical hurdles making it hard to pull off, even if iOS and windows were fully open source, but can you imagine being able to pick between all the major OSes as your needs require, on almost any hardware? That would be cool as fuck.


This guy gets it. No need to gatekeep either way you let it hang.


Android is an OS. Do you want iOS in a virtual machine within Android? Intriguing idea. Use Android for most things, and iOS for the free things out does better.


This makes no sense. Android is an OS. You mean emulate iOS inside Android? I think it’s already doable


why would anyone do that though



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  • WeLoveCastingSpellz, (edited )

    I am saying, why would anyone ever install IOS on their android phones

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    who hurt you

    LoremIpsumGenerator, to android in Gaming on a Chinese/English Translator Pen - YouTube

    But can it run Doom?

    Steamymoomilk, to android in I Installed Android on my iPhone (For Real) - YouTube

    The idroid

    OozingPositron, avatar
    GissaMittJobb, to android in I Installed Android on my iPhone (For Real) - YouTube

    This might actually be a way to save Apple devices that no longer get OS updates, since those essentially become immediately useless, owing to iOS devs policy of only supporting the two most recent OS updates in their apps. It’s not uncommon for Android apps to support positively ancient versions of the OS, all the way back to Android 5.0.

    Carighan, to android in The Blind Smartphone Camera Test Winners! [MKBHD] avatar

    These are always the most interesting competition.

    And the reactions to it are just as fascinating as the results. Wow do people struggle hard when their 100megapixel sensor doesn’t beat a 16megapixel Pixel. 😅

    Nath, avatar

    I voted in last year’s competition (missed it this year). It was super well run, truly a blind test, and I agreed with the final report completely.

    Yet Marques always gives his ‘best camera phone’ award to Apple, knowing and acknowledging that the Pixels beat Apples in his blind tests. He thinks the overall photo experience with Apple is better.

    I disagree with him, but I get where he’s coming from.

    Never_Daunted, avatar

    Each year he mentions the iPhone wins overall camera because of its video performance.

    captainsiscold, avatar

    I have to say, I was really impressed by how well the Pixel 7a did. At $400 now, that's a great (somewhat) cheap option for folks, though I do wish its battery life was a bit better...

    I've got a Pixel 8 non-Pro on the way, so I'm excited to see how it performs compared to my old Galaxy S9 :P

    athos77, to android in The Blind Smartphone Camera Test Winners! [MKBHD]





    Good Image Processing works wonder

    lemmyvore, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    Well, that extra $1000 added to the price would be a reason… 😄

    shortwavesurfer, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    maybe because I don’t need a new phone and don’t see the need to upgrade every single damn year?


    What did you get last year?


    onePlus Nord N200


    That’s a good purchase


    I am enjoying it. Though it doesnt work on VoLTE when on LineageOS so i will not be able to call/text excrpt via wifi after April when 2G is shut down.


    I just read about them shutting down 2G here (the UK), it feels like the end of an era.


    2G is something i rarely think of.


    That’s fair!


    Not the user you responded to but in my case nothing. My Xperia 10 III is still working well after three years so there no reason to buy a new one.

    Okay, I might be out of the OS support window so I might want to do see how AOSP does on my phone. But hardware-wise there’s really no reason to upgrade (and much less to a comically expensive device like in the video).


    The next couple years will be interesting. They can’t just throw more processor speed at us and call it a day, so will be intriguing to see how they overcome that.


    “don’t need to upgrade my phone every year”.

    And neither do I. Currently running a (horror!) 2018 flagship on DivestOS. It’s faster than anyone’s phone that I know. Everyone is surprised at how fast my phone is.

    Paid $80 for it 3 years ago.

    helenslunch, avatar

    Then don’t? I don’t understand your point here.

    clmbmb, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    There are so many reasons, but the main one is that they keep pushing their shitty Exynos cpus in Europe! My next phone is certainly not a Samsung just for this reason.


    I mean, we are yet to see the performance of the latest generation

    woelkchen, avatar

    shitty Exynos cpus

    Funny how Exynos is shitty but when it’s rebranded as Google Tensor, it’s the strong heart of the best Android phones.

    Exec, avatar

    Afaik tensor isn’t the main cpu in pixels


    It is, and it’s the reason Pixel 6 and 7 series had so many issues with poor battery life and weak modem. Although it appears that the third generation Tensor CPUs in Pixel 8 have major improvements on both of these pain points.

    Still, that probably brings Pixel 8 only to the cheap-ish midrange standard when it comes to cell signal, as the Pixel 7 phones were atrocious and 6s were apparently even worse.


    To be fair, I’ve only ever seen negative opinions about the Tensor chips and the majority of it stems from it being an Exynos derivative.

    eager_eagle, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else? avatar

    That’s $1000 more than I’m willing to pay on a smartphone.


    What phone are you currently using? Do you find there’s anything you can’t do at such a price point?


    I have a Pixel 6a, and no.


    I have a Pixel 4a, and while not getting any more updates can be a dealbreaker, I think it’s theoretically still fine for me. It does everything I need. Write text messages to friends, surf the web, connect to online services, take pictures at events. It has a nice screen and I have access to custom roms for privacy. What would be a reason for me to spend $1200 and upgrade except for ‘it has better specs’? I think I’d rather use the $1200 to upgrade my computer and there’s still enough money left to buy a VR headset or other random stuff. I think that’s a valid reason to just spend $400 for a new phone or not get a new phone at all until the old one breaks.


    I think the finance model for phones kinda makes them such an easy purchase in a way in which you can’t do on PC.


    Idk. You mean effectly getting them on a credit that is tied into the contract? Most electronics stores around here also offer expensive products like computers and laptops on a loan. There sometimes is a price tag 1200€ or 60€ a month (with their partner company that hands out loans.) You can even rent a Roomba, pay monthly and get the newer model after 2 years.


    Yeah, but with a Roomba, it’s not tied to a utility. You’re never going to NEED it, whereas with a phone, you need it to live these days, for better or worse.


    Well, I’d argue you need some means to clean your house, or it’ll be very gross after a few months. And while you don’t need a $1200 vacuum robot for that, you also don’t need a $1200 phone. It’s kind if a similar situation.


    😂 I so shouldn’t be giving you that but you genuinely made me laugh, so I’m going to give you that. Take my upvote!

    omgitsaheadcrab, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    I got a pixel 7 pro for €700, happy with that given the current nutty prices of phones


    Other than the battery life, the Pixels are great long term phone investments.

    Mr_Blott, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    Things I will never do -

    Pay that much for a phone

    Click on a YT link that’s clearly an ad

    Hyperreality, (edited )

    In this case, it's a semi-successful youtuber who does phone reviews.

    But I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you.


    Mr Blott was suggesting that the review is ultimately just an advertisement. I disagree with it, but each to their own.

    Nath, avatar


    18 Million subscribers, Billions of views, has had Kobe Bryant and the US president as guests on his channel. If that’s “semi-succesful”, what on earth is your yard-stick for successful?

    I don’t always agree with his takes, but I honestly can’t think of a better or better-known tech reviewer.


    I dunno. My local doctor has saved plenty of lives.

    Consider him more of a success than someone who reviews overpriced phones on youtube.

    Suppose how you define success depends on what you think's important in life.

    helenslunch, avatar

    A famous YouTuber is not going to be successful at saving lives, but is extraordinarily successful at being a YouTuber.


    I mean, Linus Tech Tips exist. So do Jay-Z 2 cents. There are plenty of other successful tech YouTubers.


    Semi-successful? He has 20 Million subscribers.

    Capitao_Duarte, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    Found the phone interesting, but my S22 is working just too perfectly the last 2 years to buy a new one now. Maybe I’ll get the S26, if it’s time to change


    Samsung have for the large part, done really well with their phones in recent years. I’m glad people are getting more and more usage out of them.

    r00ty, avatar

    I generally change every 4 years anyway. It's around the time battery performance starts to become noticeable I find.

    I suppose if there was nothing worth upgrading to I'd just change the battery. But after 4 years there usually is.

    JustSomePerson, to android in Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Why Buy Anything Else?

    Why Buy Anything Else?

    It seems to be the size of an air craft carrier.

    r00ty, avatar

    So, also usable as a weapon if required. Another feature.

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