Gradually_Adjusting, to Ukraine_UA in 12 Feb: Nice! Ukrainians UNLEASH RC CARS WITH MACHINE GUNS TO STORM RUSSIAN POSITIONS avatar

The RC car drones don’t trigger anti tank mines, withstand anti personnel mines, and they’re fast.

Fuck a Tesla. I hope there’s surplus on sale after the war.

eran_morad, to Ukraine_UA in 12 Feb: Nice! Ukrainians UNLEASH RC CARS WITH MACHINE GUNS TO STORM RUSSIAN POSITIONS

Fuck russia.

budyn_smietankowy, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

Aint that guy a shill?


That was my first thought. Then the video starts with, we got these phones last summer and they are prototypes…well, I don’t think I have to hear anything else. Maybe his integrity issues stalled the release of the video. If that’s the case, just throw away the review and wait until you can do a production unit.


Something like half the comments on that video are about his facial hair.


He actually said that it was a late prototype, then went on to list the things fairphone said had changed between his unit and the final product.

Then added that nothing he experienced should’ve been impacted by the slight changes they made.


Shill for what?

Got a followup?


Didn't think so.


Got a followup?


Didn't think so.

Were you expecting a reply while you typed the comment?


Clearly fucking not.


You seem happy.


You seem like you have nothing to contribute but still feel the need to open your mouth.

You work in HR, don't you?


Hey everyone check out Mr last word over here.


Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it's clever to go "LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS."

Next post is probably "LOL I LIVE RENT FREE IN UR HED"

So I downgrade my HR assertion and now assume you're an Astros fan.


Got a followup?


Didn’t think so.

Hey everyone, check out the guy that thinks it’s clever to go “LOL U GONNA RESPOND TO THIS.”

You feeling alright?


Be more literate. Learn the difference between a question and a statement and how these things change circumstances.

Also go away. You're boring.


You seem troubled, everything ok at home? Struggling with anything. If you need to talk dude I’m around. The way you are acting and responding to people is not a normal emotional response. If ya need to chat hit up my dms, don’t suffer alone.


Shut the fuck up and fuck a goat while you're at it.


You seem worked up. I’ll leave you be. Reach out to someone. You don’t sound well, take that first step to get help. I wish you well on your journey and I hope you find the peace you so obviously need.


Reach out to your own ballsack or coochflaps and slap it/them really fucking hard.

DaGeek247, avatar

Linus is many things, but I never saw him "shill" for anything that wasn't clearly labeled as such.

RamblingPanda, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

He’s popular?

exscape, avatar

156,031 views 1 hour ago

He doesn't have 15 million subscribers that all hate him.


I can click a link even if I dislike the linked.

But yes, I know that many still like his content.


He's certainly popular but not necessarily liked.



cm0002, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

I agree with the review here, I’ve always found the mission of fairphone exciting and noble, but the specs…always left me with a meh feeling.

“It’s a fairphone, not a great phone”

“They overshot the mark and made too many compromises” - 100% agree with this line


I’ll still hop to Fairphone after my current phone dies. I would miss a great camera the most but a decent camera is still a decent camera. At least I’m the boss over my own phone, I’m so fed up with not being able to swap out parts myself like with a normal desktop.


I’m so fed up with not being able to swap out parts myself like with a normal desktop.

Meh, most phones (except iPhones) aren’t really that difficult to swap a battery out or something. The easy removable battery is nice, but you can change the battery on any Android phone with a bit of patience, time and heat.

Beyond the battery, the fairphone looks…pretty much the same inside from any other Android I’ve taken apart, the battery adhesive is the most difficult part once you’re inside the phone, everything else is easy. So it’s really not worth the performance compromises IMO


You aren’t paying extra solely for the modular design. I don’t know why tech enthusiasts always hand wave the social and environmental benefits of Fairphone away when they are the key focus of the company.

espentan, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

I like it when youtubers use thumbnails that scream “this is crap, don’t watch”. So many use them, too. Thanks.


Making dumb faces for your thumbnail is one of many clickbait tactics.

janAkali, avatar

It’s also a good filter for useful videos vs ‘content’.


Unfortunately nowadays pretty much almost everything has some form of clickbait title or thumbnail. Even science or news videos (and I'm not talking about tabloids) ... One of the many reasons why I barely use YT anymore.

adam, avatar

Linus has repeatedly pointed out that, unfortunately, it works. They make way more money from videos that follow this shitty trend.


They can't even get their testing data right. There's no way in hell they could predict the loss of users from clickbait because they'd be already gone at that stage. So you would only measure with users that are susceptible to clickbait, which of course means they'd click more on clickbaited videos.
It's like EA suddenly doing a decent thing. It probably won't pay off for them in comparison, because all their good faith costumers have been shunning the company for probably decades at this point. And what's left are the customers who buy their shit anyway, regardless of how much they get milked or bullied through various marketing strategies.



Metal_Zealot, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5] avatar

You’re already unpopular, Linus. You swept a workplace sexual harrassment scandal under the rug, were called out for your lack of proper testing, and your data is constantly incorrect.



It really seems like a lot of the anti-Linus crowd gives way more of a shit about it than the actual victim, which is about par for the course with anything involving LTT.

Wish people had the kind of energy for shitting on actual horrid companies that they do for this one.

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Wish Linus had the energy to be a less shitty person and NOT work his team at an unmanageable rate, and had a clear idea of what his company even is.

Btw, nice condoning sexual harassment by completely minimizing it.
“Linus isn’t a big company, so it shouldn’t matter as much”


fan0m, avatar


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  • DeepGradientAscent, avatar

    Judging by the fact that he only down voted you and posted no evidence, I’d say this “fuck-knuckle” is speculating.


    You're completely illiterate.

    Stop talking.


    Are you Linus or do you work there...


    DeepGradientAscent, (edited ) avatar

    You’re down-voted quite a bit, but I agree, and I’ll die on this hill with you.

    I noticed the decline in quality and usefulness of his videos for me, personally. I was very disappointed at the path he took when Gamers Nexus called him out for shitty testing.

    In the grand scheme of things, there’re way worse people and companies in the world, and I don’t think he should be cancelled after that fiasco.

    The vitriol against LTT is beyond ridiculous, and from what I’ve seen, there’s no substance in the alleged sexual harassment. I’m open to any links showing otherwise, but I’ve seen precisely zilch that’s concrete.

    He’s had some horrible takes and I don’t watch a lot of his videos anymore. But he and his employees are not the SS.

    fan0m, avatar


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  • Banzai51, avatar

    The improper testing has plenty of sources. They were trying to speed rush through testing and missed details.

    The sexual harassment doesn’t have hard sources. It got tossed in there as an afterthought as everyone dog piled him for being popular and the botched testing. No idea if it was really true or not.

    aluminium, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

    I mean I agree on some Points and I too agree its in many ways a overpriced undercooked phone but the Note 5 comparison is absolute nonsense.

    I’m the first to recommend second hand flagships but the Note 5 is maybe a fun secondary phone but definitly not daily drivable and recommendig it to people who don’t know what they will get themselfes into is criminal.

    Like just the fact that he implies that the Note 5 SoC is comparable in Performance to the Fairphone is braindead. You are comparing a Cortex A57 to a A78. There are 6 generations between them.

    Also what are these doofusus in “The Lab” doing. Would it really have been that hard to pull up some common CPU Bound tasks like rendering websites, compressing files, … . App opening Tests are often limited by Network speeds and IO Speed and tell you very little about the in App Performance.


    They just throw out any random shit and people click and watch it. LTTs quality dropped years ago when they got too big. It's about views now, not respectable content.


    100%. I don’t get how people still enjoy this slop. He was alright 6 or 7 years ago but now it feels like mass media thrown together crap. Same as well for MKBHD honestly. Dude is reviewing nothing and always just sharing first experiences.


    Yes MKBHD is the same. Just loads of shill content to keep brands happy.


    Billionares paying millionarea to promot their wares to their wage slaves.

    clmbmb, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

    Please don’t promote this prick anymore!

    cmgvd3lw, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

    You have to press the enter key for unlocking… there is no uninstall option on the app menu… what???

    You even a real reviewer? All ASOP roms do that.

    Banzai51, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5] avatar

    Methinks y’all doth protest too much.

    aleph, to android in Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review - Hardware Canucks avatar

    Man that side-by-side of the scrolling lag was super obvious. That would drive me up the wall.

    It’s such a shame that Google still can’t get their act together and offer as smooth and consistent an experience as their rivals because otherwise they do have a lot going for them

    Welp_im_damned, (edited )

    Yeah I this is extremely true for google photos video editor. It is optimized like shit.


    I tested a Pixel 8pro with GrapheneOS. The lag is awful for a device of such high price. Totally unacceptable. And it’s not GrapheneOS fault I believe.

    aleph, avatar

    Ah, shame - I’d heard mixed reports over whether Graphene manages to fix some of the performance issues of the stock ROM, but that’s one more data point in the Nope column.

    I guess Tensor still has some fundamental issues that have yet to be ironed out.


    It’s basically Exynos isn’t it? Dunno if it is the chip… battery was good though. Tested it as an internet only phone not for calls etc (no sim card). Also I need to clarify that the lag is not there in all apps but in quite few though. So it must be the architecture of apps and not the chip.

    aleph, (edited ) avatar

    I’d say it’s more like a cousin/sibling of Exynos rather than being a straight rebrand. They share very similar clock management and power management architecture, although there are enough differences to set them apart.

    It could well be that certain apps are optimized more towards Qualcomm’s Snapdragon architecture over Tensor, which would account for why the Nothing Phone appears to perform better in certain apps than Pixels do, or it could be that the SoC’s thermal management or clock profiling is leading to inefficiencies in performance.

    Could be a little from column A and a little from column B, so to speak.

    bradboimler, to android in Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review - Hardware Canucks avatar

    So I bought a 7a have had it for a week I got it for Graphene OS I tried stock Google android for 2 days I had to toggle airplane mode for a working data connection over a dozen times each day battery was crap and phone got super hot unable to hold it. I have now spent a week with Graphene OS and wow No data issues at all signal is great. Also phone doesn’t get hot just a lil warm when doing something like gaming battery is miles better. Also on stock android the launcher would freeze and you had to lock and unlock the phone until it unfroze and it did this dozens of times 3rd party launchers had the same issue. So my conclusion is it’s a great device if you run something other than stock Google android.


    🤨 I haven’t had any issues with the stock rom. Like was it up to date when you used it?

    bradboimler, avatar

    Yes it was up to date latest version February security patch and all also my hotspot didn’t work got verification failed Google Support and my carrier could not fix it and then the Google support rep said if Graphene OS worked better then the would just go back to if it was them like what you recommend I go to graphene OS I thought it was funny.


    That’s crazy! At least graphene is working well for you.

    bradboimler, avatar

    Yes running it now graphene OS runs amazing but why is the stock OS so bad it should not be that horrible.

    Xylight, to android in Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review - Hardware Canucks avatar

    I’ve had a pretty good experience with my pixel 8, especially in battery. nearly got 11 hours of screen-on time once.

    Wish performance was better though, but otherwise it’s still pretty good for me.


    I wanted to like the 8 but the discrete modem meant battery life on 5G was still awful. It shouldn’t be an answer to have to disable 5G for a phone this expensive so until Google sort that I’m steering clear of Pixels. Hopefully they’ll resolve this for the 10 when Tensor G5 comes in

    SuperSpecialNickname, to android in Google Pixel 8 - A Long Term User Review - Hardware Canucks

    I miss the design of Pixel 6 :/

    Xylight, avatar

    I personally liked the pixel 8 design a lot more, the rounded corners felt more natural and the matte visor that blended into the siderails felt a lot smoother. Not to mention the smaller size

    aleph, avatar

    Agreed. The 6 was too boxy and too big.

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