darganon, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

I only upgraded for the nicer camera. I have so many pictures that are blurry that I think springing for a little nicer camera is worth it. But yeah, the tech is pretty stagnant.

FinishingDutch, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays avatar

For me, it’s just the fact that phones… are phones. They all look the same, function the same, there’s just nothing new happening with them.

Sure, chips get better and faster, they’ll add another camera to it and fiddle with the dimensions a bit, but that’s not innovation. All phones look like boring rectangular slabs.

Back in the late 90’s, phones had way more variety and personality. Candybar, flip, even the sidetalkin’ taco that was the Nokia N-Gage. A Motorola Razr looked nothing like say, a Nokia or Sony Ericsson. And those were distinctly different from your Samsung or Mitsubishi phones (Yes, Mitsubishi made phones!).

I’d love it if we went back to more phone variety, but I fear the smartphone has effectively killed every other style. Most people wouldn’t ditch their big screen smartphone to go back to a small flip phone.


Foldable phones are coming back. Innovation is there its just a lot slower, probably because releasing the same phone every year makes so much money.

FinishingDutch, avatar

Well, while those flexible screen flip phones certainly look like neat tech, it’s not the same as the flip phones we used to have.

And it’ll need a few more versions before I’m comfortable buying one. Those screens tend to be just a bit too fragile.


Yeah right now they are, but that's innovation, making foldable screens and then ultimately making them more durable.

Then cost has to come down aha, cause holy moly.


I can’t believe this page still exists

FinishingDutch, avatar

Jesus, that’s a blast from the past for sure!

It really was the thing everyone latched on to with the N-Gage. I actually still own a first gen model that I bought on release. It was actually pretty decent, both as a phone and the games it played. Of course, it never really took off, but I enjoyed using it.

As for the sidetalking… I bought a headset for it to avoid that :D


The Motorola Droid 2 was my first smartphone and I sorely miss that slide out keyboard with dpad.

FinishingDutch, avatar

I’ve never had a Droid, but loved every other Motorola that I’ve owned. Including the original StarTac and Razr. They made some really nice phones over the years.

AdmiralShat, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

It seems like each new version of Android locks down the file system in some new way that breaks a core part of something I do, so I actively don’t want to upgrade.

I can’t root my phone because I need my banking apps readily avaliable right now.

viking, avatar

That’s why I stick with Android 12, all my banking apps work just fine with magisk’s DenyList. Heard that’s getting tricky on 13 or 14.

And I absolutely need root to add system-wide adblocking and security features like Ice Box and Storage Isolation.


I must be very lucky, but I have never been annoyed at something that Google does since 2020 (the year I got an Android phone and started to root).

Hail, AdAway and Swift Backup already improve my Android experience completely.


This is why I’ve ended up keeping my Pixel 4 on Android 10. I’ve made backups and flashed the latest versions, only to come back because every time they’ve broken something I need the phone to do.

It makes me glad that this is a secondary phone because I can happily keep it on this ancient version of Android and not give a shit about the security.


I’m still bitter about USB mass storage being removed for only MTP. MTP sucks, any time I use it for more than a few small files it always ends up dying partway through.


Yea, don’t waste time with MTP. It’s a hack to enable some access. It’s always been unstable.

Use some kind of network sync tool instead. Syncthing, Resilio Sync, Foldersync, etc.

shortwavesurfer, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

I upgrade less than I used to, and I only do mid-range devices now, like the Pixel A series or Motorola G series. That kind of bracket. I’m just going to install Lineage OS on it anyway and it works fine so why pay more when I don’t need that.


You can just buy a used phone too. An older pro is going to be better than the new A. Same price too.


But worse battery life.

Dreizehn, to Ukraine_UA in 20 Mar: LAST GASPS. Russians Lose 120 MEN, 13 TANKS & AFVs in Insane Assaults. | War in Ukraine avatar

Zero sympathy for the shitstain Russians. Slava Ukraine!

aluminium, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

I actually think the opposite is true as well. Phones these days mostly exist between 6.2 and 6.8". We don’t actually have any huge phones as like the Galaxy Mega 6.3 (which with modern 19:9 aspect ratio screens and smaller bezels would be more like 7.5") don’t exist either

rainynight65, (edited ) to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

I used to like small phones. I thought the form factor of my erstwhile iPhone 5 was perfect.

But then I got older, and my eyesight got worse. Reading small fonts on small screens is becoming increasingly difficult, but I’m not yet at the point where I have to wear glasses or contacts all the time. I also don’t like just increasing font sizes, as I lose screen realestate. So I’m kinda starting to see why some people like phones with bigger screens.

ferralcat, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

I hate small phones. I switched back to an iphone SE years ago and realized it was a pita to use anymore. Everything is… too small.

skuzz, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

It started as a hardware problem and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. LTE needed more and larger antennae for lower frequencies than older tech. Four cellular antennae are now pretty standard. Then you have wifi, Bluetooth (which can share if they can TDM), wireless charging, NFC, ultra wideband, GNSS. Then the chips are so powerful they need heat dissipation systems installed (or just lame thermal throttling like what Apple does.)

The modems require more power, (especially at the beginning of LTE) which means bigger batteries. LTE and NR have reduced range compared to the older narrowband technologies, so the phone needs to use more power to transmit, especially when carriers like Verizon didn’t backfill cell sites to compensate for the reduced coverage.

Then, cameras, one wasn’t enough, 4 or 5 are very common now (usually 3 primary and depth or low res sensors for aiming.)

When tablets became popular, many people decided to just have a large phone screen rather than a tablet, further entrenching the size.

The tech is more mature now, a 2-antenna MIMO antenna for cellular would suffice, albeit at the expense of network performance. Likewise one camera with a depth sensor would work, although mobile photography would be more limited. Dropping some limited-use items like wireless charging and ultra wideband could further shrink space.

So it would be possible now, but as others here have mentioned, the supply side focuses on larger hardware.

Ironically, at this point I’d almost prefer a smart watch with LTE and stop carrying a phone altogether. However, the aforementioned antenna issue makes it so watches generally have poor to unusable signal, poor battery life in cellular mode, no camera, and the 5G NR low power spec/chips aren’t fully done yet, so it’s LTE only on them, which, with carriers transitioning to 5G will make it so watches can only access a handful of congested bands.

Also, that device manufacturers tend to design smart watches to be companion devices to a smartphone rather than primary makes that concept’s execution problematic.

Another idea I had that was anti small phone but huge battery boost was to just bring a backpack or a satchel or whatever. Carry a full sized tablet around, and use a Bluetooth headset for calls. However, tablets are also often crippled by carriers/manufacturers so they can’t do common things like SMS or voice calls, and Apple has basically monopolized that market.

Kolanaki, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them avatar

I just went phone shopping not too long ago and had the opposite experience. Bigger phones are way harder to find now. Where the hell are the 6 or 7 inchers? 😩


That’s what she said… sighs

MaXimus421, (edited ) to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them avatar


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  • SuperSaiyanSwag,

    I agree with you except the headphone jack part. My Bluetooth headset is great, but losing the convenience of using a non-battery device and not worrying about the battery life really is a great loss. I’m so glad my steam deck and switch have a headphone jack.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • SeabassDan,

    Lol it almost seems like you’re the one that can’t seem to just let things be

    RubberElectrons, (edited ) avatar

    Much as I like Bluetooth, it’s another thing to charge, has lower sound quality than wired unless you can afford LDAC, and other technical and real life reasons it seems your low quality privileged ass can’t comprehend.

    Read a book, truly embarrassing to read how you think.


    I mean, the loss of the headphone jack was a downgrade for no reason beyond profits. Big screens were a tradeoff made on purpose because customers demanded it.


    I just want a phone that I can use with one hand and not fucking drop the thing trying to type something on the other side of the screen.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • RubberElectrons, avatar

    Wow, what a low-quality take. See if your doctor can prescribe something to spontaneously regenerate some brain cells so you can imagine:

    • carrying a shopping bag in one hand and trying to see where to take it thanks to the smaller phone in the other
    • holding the brake lever on your bicycle and entering a new address
    • smaller screens mean less illumination area, meaning longer battery life
    • smaller screens costing less to produce, thus cheaper phones

    Gotta suck to be so unimaginative lol.


    Look at Mr lucky here with two hands. Fucking ableist.


    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • TonyOstrich,

    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.

    MaXimus421, avatar


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  • TonyOstrich,

    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.


    You ppl are a minority.

    You say the market has concentrated too much?


    They’re all pulling their chest out about who’s got the bigger

    Yea, sounds like everyone you know is a tool. I don’t know anyone who behaves like this, it’s juvenile.

    brax, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    I don’t get why you’d want a smaller phone unless you’re looking to get one in a flip-phone style form factor. I’d be down for that. I miss being able to accurately text from my pocket.


    Galaxy S3 was comfortable to chat and surf. One or two words less per line but it fit in your pocket and your hand didn’t get tired from the weight.


    I went S2 -> S5 -> S8+ -> Note 10+ -> S23 Ultra

    Never really felt my phone was too big, though there are times where I’ve got a show to go to and wish I had a cheap flip phone to fall back on. The older phones seemed fine at the time until I realized how much better the bigger screens were. I’m not sure I’d want one bigger than the S23 Ultra, unless it folded out to a tablet.


    Because I don’t want this giant thing in my pocket that’s also hard to hold, let alone use one handed.


    Using one handed isn’t really an issue if you toggle the one-handed mode…

    One handed mode


    I don’t get why you’d want a smaller phone

    Being able to hold the phone comfortably and securely in your hand is really important for me. I’d love to be able to reach the vast majority of the screen without having to shuffle the phone in my hand or use two hands. I very rarely watch any videos on my phone, or play any games that require a large screen.

    My wifes iPhone 12 Mini is a perfect size.


    One-handed mode exists if you need to reach the whole area of the interface with one hand, albeit it won’t help if grip is an issue. Maybe a pop socket kinda thing for that?

    one-handed mode


    Have you heard of women? Or maybe teenagers with not-so-large hands?


    Most larger phones have a single-hand mode that gives you kind of a picture-in-picture of the screen itself.

    Screenshot of one-handed mode


    Are you stupid…? You still have to hold the phone in one hand. One-handed mode doesn’t change the physical width of the phone.


    Ok? The issue wasn’t clearly defined. There’s always pop sockets and similar to make it easier to hold. That said, my teenaged kids have 0 be issue holding this phone so idk what OP is on about

    warm, (edited ) to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    I think he means normal sized phones, instead of the 'phablets' we are surrounded by now. I still think the ~6.1 inch screen is the perfect size.


    6.1” is too big. I miss the 4.7-5.1” range that they had on the iPhone Mini for example.




    Thats a small phone and I agree they are good too. But 6 is a good size imo, plenty of real estate and cant still be used with one hand.


    If you have big hands.


    Nah, I have average hand size and can use that size phone with one hand easily. Though I do prefer smaller phones in general and would rather see more choice in that space.


    Lol, I call BS.

    You clearly don’t have “average size hands” unless you’re excluding women from that calculus.

    Even then, an average man probably can’t use a 6" screen one handed. Why else do they ship with “one handed mode” on devices?


    Yeah average male hand sorry. Female hands is another reason we need small phones, that and the illegally small pocket sizes they have to put up with!

    I can use it one handed, its not the most comfortable thing for every task, but doable. I would not want a phone any larger though.

    EngineerGaming, avatar

    Pockets at least you can expand, I do it on all my clothing.


    I can only reach about 5" with the thumb, while holding the phone. But not the opposite edge. Average male hand.


    Yeah if you keep the same grip, if I change grip I can reach everywhere, though smaller would definitely be easier and more comfortable.


    I find for me it is half about the usability of thw phone one handed and the other half being pocketability. I don’t want to have to carry a man-purse just to be able to have my phone with me at all times. Front pocket of jeans is where i keep my phone and the pockets are not deep enough to contain the phone without pressing into my hips when i sit. Keeping the phone in the back pocket is just inviting theft.

    I just want another Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact with updated specifications.


    I can’t use a 6" screen one handed, I doubt most women (who are half the population) can either.

    Alonely0, avatar

    @BearOfaTime @warm at 6", even smaller hands like mine are able to reach within .5cm of the top of the screen. At that size, the weight distribution of the phone is what makes a difference in terms of manageability. For example, the weight distribution of the Pixel 6a (6.1") makes it a breeze to use with my right hand, but a tad more difficult with my left one. Using it in reverse (had to once) is impossible one-handed.


    Yeah, that size is certainly the limit for usability tbh. Its diminishing returns past that, I dont need a wider or longer phone, everything can be displayed perfectly on a 6 inch.


    HTC One dimensions: 146.4 x 70.6 x 9.4 mm

    S23 dimensions: 146.3 x 70.9 x 7.6 mm

    You don't account for the MUCH smaller bezels and the different aspect ratio. The phone size is very similar


    6 in phones are in no danger of disappearing though.

    kandoh, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    Bigger screens make it easier to use as my main computer, thank you.


    I couldn’t resist. I’m sorry





    Dom Joly moment

    redcalcium, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    Because there is no demand, display manufacturers don’t produce small phone displays anymore. And because there’s no small display in stock, phone manufacturers have given up on producing small smartphones. Technically, you can contract the display manufacturers to restart production of small phone displays, but no one seems to be interested in taking the upfront risk.

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