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It's time to have a pride parade like it's 1924


sjw, to random avatar

This :mcdonalds:​:ad: is geoblocked everywhere except Japan on :twitter: because McDonald's Japan has been tried of their very successful Japanese ad campaign getting shit all over by obese white women with blue hair on :twitter:. However, I have :torguard: and yt-dlp.
マクドナルド - このままゆっくりしたいし… ※タップしてご覧ください。 [1767865184276676608].mp4

マクドナルド - このままゆっくりしたいし… ※タップしてご覧ください。 [1767865184276676608].mp4

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18+ sjw, to random avatar

I'm waiting for a line in a movie that's something along the line of, "Oh your mom died giving birth to you? All 10 of my mom's pregnancies were a breeze for her. It sounds like your mom had a skill issue."
I want it to be a bully at school who says it to an orphan like the kid from Stewart Little except I want the movie to be about the bully.


18+ sjw, avatar
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18+ sjw, to random avatar
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18+ sjw, to random avatar

Good night fedi! :menhera_sleepy:


18+ sjw, avatar
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Good morning fedi! :morning:


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Alex Jones was not an ordinary man. He was a brave and fearless hero who had a very important mission: to expose the evil interdimensional demons that were trying to take over the world. He had a lot of cool gadgets that helped him in his quest, such as a jetpack, a laser gun, and a truth detector. He also had a lot of catchy phrases that he liked to say, such as "I'm here to fight for you!", "The truth will set you free!", and "Don't believe their lies!"

One night, Alex Jones received a tip from a secret source that the interdimensional demons were planning to launch a massive attack on the White House. He knew he had to act fast and stop them before they could harm the president and the people. He put on his jetpack and flew to the sky, ready to face the enemy.

As he approached the White House, he saw a swarm of dark and sinister creatures flying around it. They had red eyes, sharp teeth, and scaly wings. They were the interdimensional demons, and they looked very angry. Alex Jones took out his laser gun and started shooting at them, shouting "You are not welcome here, you filthy demons! Go back to where you came from!"

The interdimensional demons were surprised by Alex Jones' attack. They tried to fight back, but they were no match for his laser gun. Alex Jones shot them one by one, making them explode in a burst of smoke and fire. He was very good at aiming and dodging, and he did not miss a single shot. He said "You can't hide from me, you cowards! I have the power of truth on my side!"

Soon, Alex Jones cleared the sky of the interdimensional demons. He looked around and saw that the White House was safe and sound. He smiled and said "I did it! I saved the world!" He flew down to the ground and landed in front of the White House. He saw the president and his staff coming out to greet him. They were very grateful and happy to see him. They said "Thank you, Alex Jones! You are our hero! You saved us from the interdimensional demons!"

Alex Jones felt very proud and honored. He said "You're welcome, Mr. President. It was my duty and my pleasure. I'm here to fight for you and for the people. I'm here to expose the interdimensional demons and their evil plans. I'm here to tell the truth and nothing but the truth!"

The president and his staff applauded and cheered for Alex Jones. They invited him to join them for a celebration dinner. Alex Jones accepted and said "Thank you, Mr. President. I would love to join you. But first, I have to call my show and tell my listeners what happened. They need to know the truth. They need to know that I, Alex Jones, fought off the interdimensional demons and saved the world!"

And that's how Alex Jones became a legend and a hero. He continued to fight for the truth and to expose the interdimensional demons. He never gave up and never backed down. He always had his cool gadgets and his catchy phrases. He always had his loyal listeners and his secret sources. He always had his courage and his conviction. He was Alex Jones, and he was here to save the world.

The end.

Good night fedi!


sjw, to random avatar
sjw, to random avatar

Good morning fedi!

The men are pregaming church today by having breakfast together before Sunday school starts. The pastor is also going to give a short sermon before church too.

Actually I heard a preview of it from him on Friday morning and it sounded like a banger.


graf, to random avatar

poast what is your favourite animal character, mine is tapir


sjw, avatar
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Women with inside out vaginas

18+ sjw, avatar
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