@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar



professional textwaller and internet schizoposter autist
watch digimon tamers btw you really should:
mostly pc98/nerdposting alt: @Pawlicker

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RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Best Buy now putting niggerfaggot flags above their customer service counter. They've never had anything I needed so this is a good excuse to stop going permanently.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@RustyCrab mine closed the location nearby and the next closest location is a drive away so fuck em

kirby, to random
@kirby@lab.nyanide.com avatar

@leap123 you have got to be kidding me you're fucking 14 and on fedi

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@kirby @leap123 @graphite >join fedi
>Get groomed by the pronoun people writing schizo gender essays

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

why yes i play visual novels how can you tell

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar
deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar

🙄 firefighters are universally incapable of assessing risk rationally

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@deprecated_ii what in the fuck is the context lmao

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

three feet on the gas

splitshockvirus, to random
@splitshockvirus@mstdn.starnix.network avatar

@Pawlicker @ademan @PurpCat

Friday at 4pm EST work?

And do you want 99 or 04 I have no opinion on either.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@dcc @Pawlicker @splitshockvirus also if you have wangblows or are using it in Wine, there's a D3D10 renderer (notably also for Deus Ex).

crunklord420, to random
@crunklord420@clubcyberia.co avatar

I feel like it'd be super easy to make top 50 mobile game of all time with a medium amount of effort simply by the nature that no one even tries. It's the most cancerous selection of trash I've ever seen. I was just moderately curious, I tried looking through the app store in all the ways I knew how, and it's all fucking trash unless you want to buy Minecraft or Stardew Valley.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@crunklord420 It really is.

Look at how big Fortnite or CoD mobile are on the basis that literally nobody else is trying to make a console quality shooter on the go, or genshit impact being so big for being often called a BoTW clone. Or how PUBG mobile outlasted the popularity of the desktop game. Or how big the PS2 era GTA mobile ports were.

One of my goals when I get into gamedev was to make Android ports (I will never touch Apple) of the games I make (given that being a PC game lots of people would want to get in on it) and charge what, like $2-3 for them or some shit.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@crunklord420 IMO, the trick is to have something elsewhere first. That's when you can put your real game up because of little shits searching for the app and getting fake crap. Search for something notably not on Android like Undertale, or something that's notably banned from the app store like Fortnite and you'll get lots of shitware.

One of my personal theories of why the elsagate shit happened was this. Lots of kids were searching for (cartoon) or (media franchise) and only getting lots of junk, and they clicked on the junk and got that.

Vril_Oreilly, to random
@Vril_Oreilly@comfyboy.club avatar
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@RustyCrab @Vril_Oreilly the local 5 guys near me closed as i live in the cursed part of town but it's good for what it is, but when i need food fast i'm not driving over state lines or to that one exit with the stores


Lyx, to random
@Lyx@cum.salon avatar

@PurpCat tmdwu yootubez


@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Lyx cc @burner

sickburnbro, to random
@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

Afghanistan would like a word

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@nike @sickburnbro this is literally what happened in the MOVE bombing and exactly why it's risky.

Because MOVE set up shop in a city, blowing them up left 250+ homeless because they literally blew up a city block to wipe out a group.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@ImperialAgent @nike @sickburnbro yeah which meant the media remembers it

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Nesano @nike @sickburnbro the philly feds trying the same shit the ATF did at Waco but in a crowded urban environment with very predictable results (unreal amounts of collateral damage to wipe out a dozen people or something).

That's exactly what would happen if the shitlibs who wank to the idea of drone strikes on wrongthinkers online got their way.

thegreatape, to random
@thegreatape@thechimp.zone avatar

if your budget doesn't look like this - don't @ me

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@thegreatape gonna pop some gas station pills and fuck all the girls at the furry con

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@thegreatape need autistic gf to PLAP and talk about autistic stuff with

eris, to random
@eris@akko.disqordia.space avatar

I can't understand full grown adults watching Bluey

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@coolboymew @eris @meso it's not even a thing where you see some porn artist thirsting over someone

PNS, to random
@PNS@noauthority.social avatar
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@jeff @PNS it's Canada

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

>be me
>get obsessed with posting on an alt for no reason

fedi moment

nugger, to random Japanese
@nugger@poa.st avatar


@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@burner @d0c40r0 @Will2Power @nugger sounds like they became spiritually furries

sepples, to random
@sepples@pone.social avatar

the people on twitter talking about the mass layoffs of product managers - whether they're stemcels celebrating the culling of "fake email jobs", or soyjaks attacking the latter as "engineers who never want to deliver anything" - all sound as if they're blind to the significant portion of "engineers" who are obsessed with metrics and optics and only got into software because it's cushy and pays well.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@RustyCrab @sepples my entire tech job was like that
The people above me knew less and wanted me to do what they wanted to be good wagies

theorytoe, to random
@theorytoe@ak.kyaruc.moe avatar
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@DocScranton @theorytoe @Morghur I'm laughing at how she's being canceled for drawing Nazi sausage party ocs 🤣

DocScranton, to random
@DocScranton@roysbeer.place avatar

and that's me reaching for the "show less news from this game" button in steam

androgynous blob characters attract the worst freaks of nature into their fanbase

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@DocScranton >androgynous blob characters attract the worst freaks of nature into their fanbase

replacing these with kemos

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@DocScranton I'm used to art styles that scream Tumblr mental illness

IAMAL_PHARIUS, to random
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@poa.st avatar
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@IAMAL_PHARIUS lmao 2024

fuggy, to random

My time on Twitter so far has gained me many new enemies

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Goalkeeper @fuggy me when keffals is so desperate for frame he interviews the motherfucker

JessTheUnstill, to random
@JessTheUnstill@infosec.exchange avatar

A little tip for a world where fascism is on the rise:

If you want to figure out who the fash/fash apologists in a organization are, propose a rule:

No Fascists Allowed

Everyone who complains about that rule is a fash or fash apologist and shouldn't be trusted.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@JessTheUnstill just make the instance mascot this guy


Remi, to random
@Remi@poa.st avatar

Ryouko Kui's Planescape, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate art (Dungeon Meshi author)


@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar
PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

you don't understand i don't want to fuck fat hogs i only wanna fuck cute talking animals

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

can't even get a job at a college without bullshit

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@arcanicanis I wonder how to do that and who I have to speak to.

idiot, to random
@idiot@shitposter.club avatar

>Koreans honestly, truly believe that if they send out enough copyright strikes, I'll start consuming manwhore or whatever the fuck

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@RustyCrab @idiot they just told a shitload of people this manga app exists now, it's going to get forked at this rate

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@RustyCrab @idiot or if they're poorfags they forget it exists or let it stay broken
see: every car in the hood

SrbijaStronk, to random
@SrbijaStronk@poa.st avatar

No matter how little you lift or how much you put off, remember this; you are not this guy.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@interalia @SrbijaStronk the fruit farming site thread watching fishtank is literally post after post calling jet a wigger and shitting on him, shitting on how the fan favorites kept getting booted, among other things.

iska, to random

mooom nekobit is showing his unix brainworms again

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar
PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar


@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@DocScranton in between a microwave sausage biscuit

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

our boys getting lazy with food hacks

bleedingphoenix, to random
@bleedingphoenix@wolfgirl.bar avatar

I need to nail whatever block is disrupting my creative processes. It's hard to come up with interesting things or to write a fun story when it feels like something's shut off. I'm not depressed, but I feel monotony like a thin layer of dust on me. I need to good rag to wipe off with, just have to find it.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Dan_Hulson @hazlin @bleedingphoenix I notice my creative block eases up the most when I talk to friends who have the same autistic interests I do.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@bleedingphoenix @hazlin @Dan_Hulson so I kind of have niche interests in the scenes I'm in but you have no idea how creative I get with a fellow brainstorming friend

It unfortunately means it hurts harder when you're seen as their 10th side friend.

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

Ah fuck the guy who made pascal died this year shit

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

male karens

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar
kirby, to random
@kirby@lab.nyanide.com avatar

Well I found the reason why those blocks appeared lol

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@adiz @kirby if you're not having some crusty man in a dress tell you to neck yourself you haven't won the internet

ChristiJunior, to random
@ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com avatar

There was a time when I used to look down on TV shows that existed solely to sell toys. Then I realized that 99% of current TV shows and movies exist so Jews can sell poop sex and White Genocide, and suddenly glorified toy commercials started looking far preferable.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@xianc78 @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton do you think fans of some cult anime dry up when the original series ends?

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@xianc78 @Kerosene @ChristiJunior @DocScranton Look, they tried that with Littlest Pet Shop. Only furry gooners were drawing porn of the animals from it, and said artists will get likes drawing anything on FA/IB/e621.

@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@DocScranton @Kerosene @ChristiJunior The same goes with software projects.

I talked about this earlier but there's two extremes that parasites latch onto: the most normie/big name stuff (for different reasons, from control to trying to "make a lot of money" and be like Andrew Tate), or the most niche autistic stuff that's also a meme for being autistic (Plan 9, Lisp, etc, think the safe edgy of niche tech).

You won't see lots of parasites attaching themselves to illumos because nobody cares about illumos and it's not a specific kind of hyper autism like Plan 9 is (which has plenty of trans flags in its community complete with 9front.org having the "progress" flag as the favicon out of season). Ditto with uncool programming languages like Ada, Turbo Pascal/Delphi, Modula-2/3, Fortran, maybe even PHP given how uncool it is in some circles. The guy who wrote this post saying PHP is bad now identifies as trans and has said pedo supporting things in the past. The tech that isn't pozzed is the tech wagies who want to get rich quick and parasites don't want to attach themselves to.

nukie, to random
@nukie@boymoder.biz avatar
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

@nukie @mja @paula @allison @FrailLeaf me posting on /trash/ is wanting to have sex with bmo from adventure time

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