@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar



Just some 29 year old AuDHD transfemme (possibly nonbinary or genderfluid) gray asexual panromantic polyamorous person (No I don't like making choices, why do you ask?) who likes computers and linux and open source stuff.
I would prefer if you are a minor to not follow me but I'm not gonna stop you because not everything I post is lewd, just be aware I post some lewd stuff from time to time and if you don't have your age in your bio or are underage I will entirely ignore you regarding specific topics and possibly block you if you interact with it.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Ahhhhh CBD my beloved. I've missed you. ​:BlobCat_Heart:​

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Finally found some CBD. Went to 5 different places and they've all traded out their CBD for the delta 8 THC stuff. I dont wanna get high I just wanna calm my ADHD ass down ​:thisisfine:​

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

5 hours of sleep is better than 0 hours of sleep.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Can't sleep ​:thisisfine:​

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Quite stressful that I can't slow down or focus. I just gotta keep reminding myself that its for proper medication so I don't have to rely on THC to medicate.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Haven't used any THC in a few days because I'm trying to get my ADHD medicine again and its very apparent that I cannot focus on anything without something to help. In the past 2 hours I have bounced around 9 different things on my PC and haven't actually done anything. I've set up a bunch of stuff, but I haven't actually had the ability to sit there and do anything for more than 30 minutes and then I'm off doing something else. Tuesday cannot come fast enough.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

You can just hear the laugh looking at this image.

RE: https://sakurajima.moe/users/dotmoe/statuses/112502561750158220

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I like to sit down and read fedi in the morning like its my newspaper. Lots of gays and cuties today.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

These drug addicts are getting out of hand. I've had to kick one out every day I've worked, I've had everything from hot meth and crack in the face going back to the bathrooms, to finding needles in the bathroom, to people coming in fucked up shirtless hooting and hollaring and spilling shit everywhere and swinging sticks around and throwing dead bugs on the counter, cussing and screaming, and today I just had to help my brother install a new door because someone kicked his in trying to rob him but his dog got ahold of them and ran them off.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Yep, depression is back. And its back hard.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

On yeah, feeling like I dont belong anywhere again. Isolating from my friends again.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Got rage 2 for free years ago, finally getting around to playing it. I swear I can't sit there and play it for more than 30 minute bursts and then I gotta take a break. Its not a bad game, but it just feels like this weird mix of an overwhelming amount of stuff to do and nothing.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

"I can't stand that show, its too violent."
"Dude, you kill people for a living."
"Yeah well you think a chef goes home and watches master chef?"
Fair enough.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Woke up just in time to hear the storm start and get the fan out of the window.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I have performed an internal investigation and found that I have done nothing wrong and am super cool.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Its funny how an AI site will tell you to purchase credits or a premium service to keep using the AI, how about you purchase all of the data and images you have stolen from people first.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I love that the one time my chat message on a big streamers chat gets read its something I said to get chat rialed up ​:blobfox3cevil:​

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Fuck you discord. As soon as I get used to your new shit mobile layout you make a worse new mobile layout.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Am I the only one feeling all of this bad stuff is building up to something really bad? Like this month seems to have been exponentially bad every day with no breaks or signs of relief. Feels like somethings gonna snap.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar
RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Selling lottery tickets to this lady with her kid, and her kid grabbed them and she took them out of her hands and said "You can't get these, you gotta be 18, its against the law." And the little girl chimed in "But mom, you let me scratch off them in the car all the time!" And every part of me wanted to say "Yeah mom!" But I just couldnt stop smiling and giggling at her. Just adorable.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Ah yes, the three genders. Boy, girl, and Mario.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

New headphones were delivered today ​:madelinebounce:​

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Had a dream last night that I had to take my entire computer apart and replace 7 parts in it that I had ordered and the GPU had to be powered with gasoline so I had to go to the gas station to get my computer working. I think my job is killing me.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I love technology, I just hate what its been turned into to try and be as simple as possible. It just doesn't work anymore because they keep taking away the ability to configure it to your needs. Thats what made technology great. I'm remembering when the local track car racing place had their PC die that controlled their entire system, and they were going to have to shut down because their system ran dos and used an RS-232 port to send the information to the track controller. And they couldnt get it fixed without spending thousands of dollars for a new system. And then I installed Debian (Raspbian) and dosbox on an old raspberry PI zero I had and just copy pasted their entire drive over into a folder and forwarded the RS-232 signal from dosbox to go through the USB port with a USB to RS-232 adapter I got off of aliexpress for $2 and it just worked. I gave it to em for $200 (Because the guy didnt feel comfortable with me just giving it to him because I saved his business) and they are still in business 3 years later with that exact setup. If you tried to do any of that with any kind of systems nowadays, it's so "simplified" and locked down that you are so limited to what you can do that you just could not do that without having to break into the hardware itself to bypass the shit firmware and software to just get it to communicate.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Yes another great moment in the enshittified technology department. My mother has a "smart clock" but it can only connect to a 2.4GHz network. The new router/modem combo that we got (Because the old one died) has all of the networks on the same name and password, so the 2.4GHz the 5GHz, the "WiFi6", and when she tries to connect to it using the app on her phone, the phone is connected via "WiFi6" and can't find the clock and you cannot tell the phone to use the 2.4GHz network because its set up to use the "best" one automatically with no option to change the frequency or anything so her clock is now useless. Everything only finds the one signal but because they are all different frequencies, the devices cannot find each other. Just absolute garbage.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I'm sick at work, throwing up, still got 4 more hours of work and gotta be back in the morning because my job doesn't respect me enough to let me call off even though everyone else does, because I can't get to a doctors office and get a sick note.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Just had a guy come in with a fake $50 bill. He said he got it from the bank and hes been a trustworthy guy since I started working here, so I hope he goes back to the bank and gets it figured out. Its been a problem since the beginning of the year. They even want us to check 20s, 10s and 5s.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Decided to start playing monster hunter world again.

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Today sucks, I'm tired and sick and grumpy and crappy things keep happening. I haven't even gotten to work today ​:neofox_floof_explode:​

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I think I just found an SCP in west Virginia. This guy came in and was chit chatting with me, and about 90% of what he said was incoherent nonsense. Sometimes I could sorta piece together what he was saying or trying to say, but like, I think that was a human cognitohazard because my brain feels like it was psychicly attacked.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

You ever just feel when your brain decides its done for the day?

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

It was at this moment, that I knew, my brain shut off

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I guess today's the day everyone decides to be shitty.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Amazing. People gonna have an issue with me riding my electric bike on the road and then almost hit me 3 times because they can't use a turn signal.

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

I somehow, fell asleep watching a streamer vod on youtube, and woke up having watched an unofficial upload of dodgeball with 212 views thats smashed in the corner of the video with the pitch messed up and a filter over the video.

Notseagulls, to random
@Notseagulls@akko.gay-garden.no avatar

Late night thoughts leads to bad ideas, but fedi; should I learn how to draw furry art?

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@Notseagulls if you are interested in it, go for it, just take your time and go at your pace, dont worry about where other people are in their art, focus on you. And when you feel comfortable, share your art and dont be scared of criticism. Its hard and you will get discouraged and feel like you aren't good enough, but dont let that stop you if you enjoy it.

thatgalsilver, to random
@thatgalsilver@zoner.work avatar

Drink water. Take your meds. Take a shower. Take care of yourself.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@thatgalsilver only if you do the same ​:BlobCat_Heart:​

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Is yassie like Yuri and Yaoi but like, non-binary?

expergetech, to random
@expergetech@labyrinth.zone avatar

who here has bingo

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@expergetech what do you do when you have 3 bingos?

18+ ChaosKitsune, to random

Im a full stack developer. That means I can be a top, or the bottom. I have mastered the whole stack

18+ RedCyberPandaz,
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@ChaosKitsune but can you be the sandwich meat in the middle?

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

How do some people genuinely think "shut the fuck up" isn't a hostile thing to say?

18+ RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Goose is doing well, hes been eating, going potty by himself, been drinking, been taking his medicine. Hes recovering really well from his surgery. My moms dog started having issues and apparently she's got a bladder stone the size of a human knuckle. So she's gotta have surgery now.

garden, to random

I have an announcement to make
Can I have your attention?

  • posted by Vi
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@garden jokes on you I already had it

carbonated_estrogen, to random

I want to drink more coffee, ride skateboard, write more code, but another part of me wants nap ​:neocat_googly_woozy:​

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@carbonated_estrogen I said something similar to my cousins before I knew I was trans and my 13 year old cousin said "The battle between the rad and the dad." And you just gave me flashbacks so now you can suffer as well with that lol

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

Goose has went outside and peed twice and has eaten a whole hamburger! Its been like 18 hours since his surgery!

RedCyberPandaz, to random
@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

So tired this morning. Got goose to sleep and was trying to stay up buy I ended up passing out and when I woke up I jerked out of sleep to check him and make sure he didnt chew or get his stitches out but hes fine.

jo, to random
@jo@wetdry.world avatar

I've just found this website, called https://nostalebots.xyz, talking about how stale bots are annoying the author of that blogpost

I don't agree with the tone, its only vaguely making its point, and doesn't convince me with a good argument. GitHub has had stale bots for years, and why is it all of the sudden only now a problem?

has multiple protections regarding this, such as CLAs, codes of conduct, and of course, the ethics of the developers themselves, I highly doubt that a specific GitHub bot would erode all of that.

So, I agree to disagree with the author.

@RedCyberPandaz@zoner.work avatar

@jo you got me until I read the username. I was about to destroy you and call you a donut. 10/10

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