@zemichi@bae.st avatar



The Final American

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zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@PurpCat fake news

I personally deboonked it here on fedi. :back_from_gab:

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Niggas cant accept the fact that the dude making the claims made shit up. :back_from_gab:

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Good night fedi! :menhera_sleepy:

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@sjw night :back_from_the_cia:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

:back_from_gab: :mcdonalds_flag:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@takao @deadheat @kumicota
I nominate False for best fisherman of the year for casting the biggest bait ever known to man and catching a whale.
:back_from_gab: :gamer: :jokerlol:


@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@sampo @kumicota @deadheat @takao
Get ready to laugh more.

Apparently this means people are gonna try shorting Nijis stock. I don't know I don't do gambling. But funny time for this to drop.

I have a post in the works about the future of Nijisanji if they sold off everything. I may have to finish that. :backfromgab:


@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@SNEK @kumicota @deadheat @sampo @takao
It's not gambling if I know my luck is bad. :back_from_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Gab's newsletter is a hoot :back_from_gab: :jokerlol:

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

>We've banned porn
>Site traffic is up!

Imagine believing this. :back_from_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Technology evolving at a rapid rate

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
Dan_Hulson, to random
@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

Why do the Gab people keep quote poasting everybody 😩

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@Terry @RedTechEngineer @Asburtame @Dan_Hulson @McMongoose @sjw

Funny story about this screenshot in the article. I'll mention it because it is church Sunday.

Isaiah 8
"18 Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward.

22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness."

God strictly forbids "Necromancy", that is communication with the dead over matters of the future. Necromancy bites people in the butt when they do it.

Gab's own AI service actually has bots of dead people. Part of the reason why you don't do necromancy is that it is assumed that demonic influence settles into what is supposed to be the "dead spirit" in question and it leads people down the wrong path.

Guess what happened after gab AI? Mass exodus from the service. Curious! :back_from_gab:
christian gab.png

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

This style of reviewing will never stop being funny


zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Women with filthy vaginas

@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

>predicted gab federation
>Predicted Gab AI
>Predicted paying for gab images 7 years ago

I have predicted Gab's every move for years, I am the Gab clown. :backfromgab:


zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

:back_from_gab: :kfc: :pizza_hut: :taco_bell: :shrunited_shrimps_of_america:

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

This post made me invent the combination YUM brands pizza
:back_from_gab: :googlepizza:
-fried chicken cracklings
-taco cheese blend
-ground beef with taco bell seasoning
-whatever left to make the actual pizza.


zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

The Willy Wonka experience is absolutely hilarious

@zemichi@bae.st avatar
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar


zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Clown :back_from_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Wanna play the Lain PS1 game?

Just rob a bank and purchase this sealed copy this shop got! :back_from_gab: :lain_bear:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

I will believe Japan is now anti-ESG when they start openly bashing ESG.

"Oh they're too nice to do that" bullshit they openly published their bullshit IN JAPANESE and didn't give when people complained the first time.

"Tifa titties are big now we won" listen you dumb faggot they only removed this statement LAST MONTH you really think they suddenly reversed all changes made LAST MONTH? They openly liked this shit LAST MONTH.

Again, naked dogeza, full reversal of all changes, fire the censors and kick them out of Japan. The only way I'll believe these fucks. Nobody has done anything yet.

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar
rainignterror1080p, to random
@rainignterror1080p@varishangout.net avatar

@Kyonko802 if fate and tsukihime went against one another which would win?

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@rainignterror1080p @Kyonko802
La Creatura SSGSS4 can beat all servants with the exception of Chilla 10000%
:necoarc_ascend: :tamamo:

18+ sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@sjw welcome back from gab :back_from_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@takao @deadheat @kumicota
Come to Brazil for premium vtuber bootleg merch, shrimple as that. :shrazil:

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

What if demons inhabit the moon tho?


@zemichi@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Good morning fedi! :morning:


@zemichi@bae.st avatar

@sjw morning :back_from_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

:starbucks: :cofe: :back_to_gab: 🍵 :back_to_gab: :coca-cola: :back_to_gab: :cupofcoffee: :back_to_gab:

zemichi, to random
@zemichi@bae.st avatar

My SFW AI images prompt thread

What is this for?

This is a thread exploring and investigating the different prompts and quirks of AI image generation.

First off, I don't "know" anything about AI image generation, I'm still new at it as well. But this will be an opportunity for both of us to learn the different effects and what they do. What this thread hopes to do is build a more detailed explanation and demonstration of what different prompts do so I can easily reference them.

You may have noticed I did a NSFW thread first. Why? Because poses are harder to do and require more detail and setup to figure out. Once I figured out how the workflow works I feel I can now cover some of the more simple and unique stuff about image generation. This thread won't be about prompt recipes only, we will cover poses, camera angles, techniques, environment, camera effects, a lot of things that people may not know about even though they seem to be obvious. AI has its own preferences and biased that have to be explained. This thread isn't really a "how to" but more of a "why" and "what". Hopefully you'll learn along with me what AI can provide.

One more thing, even though this is the SFW thread because we're dealing with art you should be warned that there my be things that some people don't seem to be "SFW". We will not be talking about hardcore nudity or porn or violence here, that's for the other thread. Basically whatever you see in an art book or a museum will be the level of SFW applied here. If you don't like girls in bikinis, that's your own problem and I won't be hiding them just for this thread. :ass:

The tags we will be researching

Danbooru tag groups

Some of the basic tags we will be looking at. All the tags should be self explanatory but we'll be looking at them deeper and what effects they have.


A page going over tag experiments. While it is great and detailed unfortunately I think it is a little too straightforward. Hopefully I'll be able to cover in more detail how some of these tags work.

The main thing to understand is that these are not the only tags used in AI art. From what I've read (may be wrong) people looked at various sites and took image data like metadata, descriptions, and tags. It wasn't just the boorus although they were convenient because of their tag system. Because of this, this is why you see stuff like "8k 4k ultra detailed unity 3d detailed dynamic pose artstation" stuff in the AI art prompts. There are more tags to find out there. For example "boudoir photography" gives you pictures of anime girls in lingerie, even though anime art tends to not discuss "boudoir" and there's barely any mention of it in danbooru. The AI has some knowledge of it and can apply it to generation.

(Theory, don't listen to this) this leads me to believe there may be some weird "Justin Bailey" type of tags that are just pure coincidence that work well for a given prompt setup. Be sure to test things you can think of and see what it generates.

The sites I use

I don't have my own hardware to do AI art, so I have to rely on sites.

Primarily Im going to be using NovelAI:
Personally I really like it. The opus tier gives unlimited generations (under a certain resolution) so I've been abusing it for my AI generation tests.

The free stuff:
-i used to use this but because of the loli crackdown I've been avoiding it.because of the crackdown stuff like "1girl" and "hololive" got blocked. They've since fixed that problem but I'm not gonna really invest my time in this if even basic stuff that isn't loli gets blocked. On the other hand this site has Lora and model support. It's how I generated the AI Pleroma-tan images.

Free generator. Bare bones but it does have the ability to import tags from a danbooru page.

Other stuff:
I can't personally vouch for this site because I've never used it but it does have Lora support (they're called "spells" there) and their own AI bot stuff too.

How this thread will work

I will be studying a certain technique or tag and laying out what they do with AI. Now most tags are self explanatory but I haven't tried a lot of them, so the best way to figure them out is to just use them.

Unlike the NSFW thread we won't primarily cover poses and tag combinations. But if I do I will post a stable combination of tags and give an accuracy rating of that combinations ability to produce the object, pose, or effect. When I test combinations I generate 10 images and see how well they generate the wanted effect. I will then make an image demonstrating the effect in action with my own AI generated characters (if possible). I recommend you do your own testing as well and see if you can improve anything too.

The forbidden arts (funny name) :blobwizard:

Because of the nature of AI being an easy tool to make art there is a lot of controversy about the moral and ethical implications of using it. We will not be discussing it here.

However we will be going over subjects that will probably upset many people. So, I've given these subjects a trendy cool name "the forbidden arts" that will be for AI subjects that will be crossing the line and will upset people. These taboo subjects will be about work shortcuts, copyrighted works, and other possible cheats. Basically anything that will piss off people. :backfromgab:

As a profound man said:
"Al tools are divine tools passed down directly to us by the LORD as punishment for artists being really annoying on twitter."

If you get upset over this or AI this isn't the thread for you. There is an important reason why this stuff needs to be covered and if you ignore it you may be left behind and in trouble. And I'll tell you why right now.

Why do you need to learn how to make AI art?

Unlike the snake oil that is chatGPT and hype from dubious "investors" that are retarded with money AI art has very real and practical use RIGHT NOW and the technology is improving very quickly. If you do not learn this now you will lack a practical skill that will be useful in the future.

You may be an artist who thinks they "can already draw" and don't need it. You'll probably get pats on the back for artists who are anti AI art as well. But secretly, behind your back artists are already using AI art to increase their workflow (or for cheating) and are building up their skills with it. Art jobs will most likely ask if you have knowledge on how to make AI art just so they can make things quicker. I can probably bet that there are even artists that don't know how to make AI art padding their resumes saying they do to get jobs. You're gonna have to learn it.

"Oh I'm not an artist and don't work in art so I don't need this!" Wrong, there are other possibilities for AI art too. I can imagine a scenario where you average Joe or Jane are working at a company and need images for some presentations or print outs or something. Then you average Joe or Jane are tasked to make the image because your company won't spend 100 dollars for a graphic artist. So you boot up some program to make AI stock style corporate art images that the company pays $10000 dollars a year to license and use. These you make some weird diverse image of a black guy with a black woman with a Mexican guy all eating salad at a table for a print out that people throw away the next day. Point is, if you know how to make that you don't have to waste hours making that and wasting your time.

This is one of the rare times you can get ahead and learn a tool that may become very common in the future, it wouldn't hurt to learn how AI art works.

Final thoughts before the thread

This is not supposed to be a serious thread. This is a thread to explore AI art. I will primarily using NovelAI for these AI images with probably a few from PixAI (exploring Loras, real women generation, and their animation feature).

Here are my unwanted tags for NovelAI
Unwanted content tags:
lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, very displeasing, displeasing, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry,
Should work for most things, although I'll be covering some lower quality stuff and some weird "magic" tags that are available. Those will be rare though, we will be looking at higher quality art.

For my next post I will cover my Maidbots and their designs as I will be using their tags for demonstration images. :backfromgab:
1girl, medium hair, green hair, goat horns, closed eyes, small breasts, maid, ma s-2537612691.png
1girl, red hair, short hair, red eyes, smug, butler, butler uniform, medium brea s-3029615566.png
1girl, long hair, blonde hair, yellow eyes, huge breasts, cleavage, thick thighs s-2989046283.png

1girl, red hair, short hair, red eyes, smug, butler, butler uniform, medium brea s-3029615566.png
1girl, long hair, blonde hair, yellow eyes, huge breasts, cleavage, thick thighs s-2989046283.png

@zemichi@bae.st avatar

Vibe Transfer part 2

As a continuation of the previous post here are some examples of how reference images color palettes get used in vibe transfer.

First example uses the vaporware tag along with the floral shoppe album cover to give a strengthened color palette.

Second example uses an actual color palette image as the reference image. In this case it was a "vintage" color palette (think 1960-1970 style) with no art modifying tags other than game cg.

Last example uses the darkest dungeon cover art as a color palette reference with no modifying tags other than game cg.

2nd example shows the strength of the vibe transfer, as you can use any color palette as a reference to make AI image generation more consistent with a color theme you want. :back_from_gab:
game cg, 1girl, desk, computer, keyboard, chair, from above, medium hair, green s-1981333256.png
game cg, 1girl, stage, stage lights, microphone, long hair, purple hair, purple s-3575312697.png
game cg, 1girl, dungeon, long hair, aqua hair, blue eyes, medium breasts, {white s-3309699589.png

game cg, 1girl, desk, computer, keyboard, chair, from above, medium hair, green s-1981333256.png
game cg, 1girl, stage, stage lights, microphone, long hair, purple hair, purple s-3575312697.png
game cg, 1girl, dungeon, long hair, aqua hair, blue eyes, medium breasts, {white s-3309699589.png

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