Zectivi, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

I run GrapheneOS.

I told myself that my Pixel 8 pro will be enough for a bunch of years. That is, until I went on a trip with it. Now I feel like my Pixel 7 was better than the P8P is, with just as good of a camera with better battery life.

I’m glad I kept the p7 as a burner, because I may just make it my prime phone. I only upgraded on the prospect of a long lasting phone and received the p7 for free…

paultimate14, to android in HTC One M8: The Android GOAT, 10 Years On!

I really miss front-facing speakers. It’s one of many features that phone manufacturers have removed from phones over the past decade.


Sony has them


I think the extra space at the top and bottom actually looks nicer, too (as long as it’s close to symmetrical).

Grass, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

I went from an OPPO find 5, to oneplus 1, then OnePlus 5, and now pixel7a. The OnePlus 1 was probably the only one I was impressed by and the others were just replacements. I don’t plan on changing until Linux phones are less of a pain in the anoos or if the 7a gets totalled. I’m the family tech guy for a lot of people that always upgrade to the latest phone and nothing worthwhile ever happens in a decade of phones any more. If anything they get worse with more planned obsolescence and proprietary bullshit.

cm0002, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

I agree with the review here, I’ve always found the mission of fairphone exciting and noble, but the specs…always left me with a meh feeling.

“It’s a fairphone, not a great phone”

“They overshot the mark and made too many compromises” - 100% agree with this line


I’ll still hop to Fairphone after my current phone dies. I would miss a great camera the most but a decent camera is still a decent camera. At least I’m the boss over my own phone, I’m so fed up with not being able to swap out parts myself like with a normal desktop.


I’m so fed up with not being able to swap out parts myself like with a normal desktop.

Meh, most phones (except iPhones) aren’t really that difficult to swap a battery out or something. The easy removable battery is nice, but you can change the battery on any Android phone with a bit of patience, time and heat.

Beyond the battery, the fairphone looks…pretty much the same inside from any other Android I’ve taken apart, the battery adhesive is the most difficult part once you’re inside the phone, everything else is easy. So it’s really not worth the performance compromises IMO


You aren’t paying extra solely for the modular design. I don’t know why tech enthusiasts always hand wave the social and environmental benefits of Fairphone away when they are the key focus of the company.

MaXimus421, (edited ) to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them avatar


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  • SuperSaiyanSwag,

    I agree with you except the headphone jack part. My Bluetooth headset is great, but losing the convenience of using a non-battery device and not worrying about the battery life really is a great loss. I’m so glad my steam deck and switch have a headphone jack.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • SeabassDan,

    Lol it almost seems like you’re the one that can’t seem to just let things be

    RubberElectrons, (edited ) avatar

    Much as I like Bluetooth, it’s another thing to charge, has lower sound quality than wired unless you can afford LDAC, and other technical and real life reasons it seems your low quality privileged ass can’t comprehend.

    Read a book, truly embarrassing to read how you think.


    I mean, the loss of the headphone jack was a downgrade for no reason beyond profits. Big screens were a tradeoff made on purpose because customers demanded it.


    I just want a phone that I can use with one hand and not fucking drop the thing trying to type something on the other side of the screen.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • RubberElectrons, avatar

    Wow, what a low-quality take. See if your doctor can prescribe something to spontaneously regenerate some brain cells so you can imagine:

    • carrying a shopping bag in one hand and trying to see where to take it thanks to the smaller phone in the other
    • holding the brake lever on your bicycle and entering a new address
    • smaller screens mean less illumination area, meaning longer battery life
    • smaller screens costing less to produce, thus cheaper phones

    Gotta suck to be so unimaginative lol.


    Look at Mr lucky here with two hands. Fucking ableist.


    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.

    MaXimus421, (edited ) avatar


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  • TonyOstrich,

    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.

    MaXimus421, avatar


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  • TonyOstrich,

    What are you on about? Just because someone is in a minority doesn’t mean their preferences or desires are invalid. Infeasible maybe, but not invalid. There are all sorts of products made for people in a minority of some kind. I can’t imagine left handed versions of common right handed objects are an extremely lucrative market, but there are products that exist for those minorities.

    Plus it’s not like minorities or majorities are ever static, things evolve and change over time. If no one ever voiced an opinion, how would anything ever change?

    You can keep crying about people stating a preference, and I’ll be sure to keep reminding you they are as free say what they want as you are.


    You ppl are a minority.

    You say the market has concentrated too much?


    They’re all pulling their chest out about who’s got the bigger

    Yea, sounds like everyone you know is a tool. I don’t know anyone who behaves like this, it’s juvenile.

    aniki, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    I’d kill for a sub-6" phone with a physical telephoto lens.

    aluminium, to android in This Review is Going to Make Me Very Unpopular [Fairphone 5]

    I mean I agree on some Points and I too agree its in many ways a overpriced undercooked phone but the Note 5 comparison is absolute nonsense.

    I’m the first to recommend second hand flagships but the Note 5 is maybe a fun secondary phone but definitly not daily drivable and recommendig it to people who don’t know what they will get themselfes into is criminal.

    Like just the fact that he implies that the Note 5 SoC is comparable in Performance to the Fairphone is braindead. You are comparing a Cortex A57 to a A78. There are 6 generations between them.

    Also what are these doofusus in “The Lab” doing. Would it really have been that hard to pull up some common CPU Bound tasks like rendering websites, compressing files, … . App opening Tests are often limited by Network speeds and IO Speed and tell you very little about the in App Performance.


    They just throw out any random shit and people click and watch it. LTTs quality dropped years ago when they got too big. It's about views now, not respectable content.


    100%. I don’t get how people still enjoy this slop. He was alright 6 or 7 years ago but now it feels like mass media thrown together crap. Same as well for MKBHD honestly. Dude is reviewing nothing and always just sharing first experiences.


    Yes MKBHD is the same. Just loads of shill content to keep brands happy.


    Billionares paying millionarea to promot their wares to their wage slaves.

    AceSLS, to android in The Galaxy S24 Ultra Can Run Real PC Games Using Winlator! Not Cloud Gaming

    I’m sure this is good for the health of the non replacable battery

    harry315, to android in Best Mini Phones in 2024 | Top 12 Small-ish Mobiles Reviewed! - list in post

    🦧 where Unihertz


    In my hand, currently.


    Seeing the headline I was expecting to see Unihertz Jelly Star too! I’m really curious about the experience of a 3-inch phone


    Unihertz rarely mentioned in discussion about small phones. I wonder why.

    redcalcium, to android in Small Phones are Dead and We Killed Them

    Because there is no demand, display manufacturers don’t produce small phone displays anymore. And because there’s no small display in stock, phone manufacturers have given up on producing small smartphones. Technically, you can contract the display manufacturers to restart production of small phone displays, but no one seems to be interested in taking the upfront risk.

    Ilandar, to android in Rabbit: $30,000,000 AI Is Hiding a Scam

    Good video, thanks for sharing. Not sure what people here are moaning about. I guess anything over 10 seconds is “too long” nowadays.


    Many people, myself included, prefer to read. I can quickly skim an article to make sure it’s worth investing some time into before reading it for retention and understanding. I can also read far faster than a narrator can narrate the same. Overall, written word is just a significantly more effective medium for me. Others may have different reasons.


    Is that personal preference a reason to complain about someone else sharing a video link?


    I personally dislike how much people lean into video for information, also because I prefer to read, perhaps it’s a little bitter but I get the sentiment


    That’s a long way of saying no, a personal preference is not a reason to complain about someone else sharing a video link.

    dantheclamman, avatar

    You could have been helpful without being condescending. It’s actually allowed and even encouraged.


    Because Coffeezilla exposes a lot of finfluencer fraud and people get really, really invested in these scamsters. People don’t like to be told that they got fooled.

    eager_eagle, to android in my reaction to day 1 of Google i/o avatar

    it feels like they’re shooting gem* products everywhere to see what sticks

    then they’ll kill 90% of them in a couple of years


    The assistant can’t even do things that the regular assistant has been doing for years, and it takes longer to tell you that it can’t do it. It’s a half-assed attempt, so it only lasted about 2 hours on my phone.

    ItsAFake, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    Just wait till you break it to buy a new one, if you’re lucky you’ll be able to hold on to your phone long enough that it will feel like an actual upgrade instead just being new.


    Every 2.5 years for me. I usually get two generations back. My “newest phone” is a Pixel 6 from Oct 2021.

    Honestly it feels like a subscription service these days.


    I did that but lost my headphones jack with connected built in quad DAC, a reliable fingerprint reader mounted on the back of the phone, and front facing camera that wasn’t crammed under my screen causing an annoying dead spot…


    A reliable, fast fingerprint reader that you can feel, where your index finger is naturally placed already when removing your phone from a pocket, so that you can effortlessly unlock the phone before you’ve even got it out.

    Not having to wake the screen to see whether the reader is, either reach awkwardly with the thumb of the hand holding the phone, or use a finger from the other hand, then press hard maybe three times until it works (with the added side effect of a bright flash of light at night).

    Why did they think this was better? Could we maybe have one on the edge, or the power button?


    Having my fingerprint sensor located on the power button of my phone has been an absolute life changer. I have zero clue why companies keep insisting on putting the fingerprint sensor in some nebulous place under the screen or on the back. It’s beyond me.


    I am responding to you on an LG V30 that I haven’t been able to part with because of the things you mentioned.

    The battery life sucks and sometimes the fingerprint reader on the back doesn’t work right but I can’t bring myself to buy something new that doesn’t have the features I want. It just feels like I’d be downgrading.


    You’re on the phone that died on me and I felt the exact same way, if you find something you’re happy with let me know, so far I’ve HATED my Pixel 7 Pro experience but 50% of that is probably a combination of more recent updates to Android than I had been running on my LG and the specific PixelOS features or lack there of in comparison.

    MrFunnyMoustache, to android in Why I refuse to upgrade - 8 minutes video explaining why it's not that interesting to upgrade phones nowadays

    The smartphone market has matured, so there is less of a difference between each generation. Earlier on there was a massive difference in performance:

    The OG Galaxy S had 512MB of RAM, 8GB storage, and a single Arm A8 core at 1GHz, and the SII had 1GB of RAM, 16GB/32GB storage, and a dual core A9 at 1.2GHz. This is a single generation with double the RAM and more than double CPU power, and nearly 6x the GPU power (theoretically), and 2-4 times the storage.

    Then the SIII came out with a quad core SoC 1.4GHz, a much larger screen with higher resolution (jumping from 480p to 720p), significantly bigger battery, and up to 64GB of storage.

    The S4 doubled the RAM to 2GB, faster storage, significantly faster and more efficient SoC, a larger, 1080p display paired with a much more powerful GPU, and a significantly larger battery as well.

    Back then, if you had the money, there was a considerable difference between each generation and there was a reason to upgrade, many not every year, but if you could afford it, upgrading every other year made sense.

    After that, changes were much more calm. Sure, some phone makers made exciting and innovative stuff, but the hardware didn’t have a massive difference from one generation to another, and also prices were rising.

    Nowadays, phones are far less exciting, but flagship phones are ludicrously expensive, and yet they sell incredibly well. While phones are being improved from one generation to the next, they feel like small steps rather than a giant leap. Our demand for power hasn’t gone up quite as fast as our phones themselves. People will keep buying phones less frequently, just like we do for laptops.

    scrubbles, to android in This $20 Android TV Streaming Box is Great for Pirates - Android TV Device Roundup avatar

    Linus lost all credibility to me, I used to barely trust him, now just not at all

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