Lavaearth, avatar

Update time.
@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo

Goblin girls
Small; weak; cowardly; messy; inconsequential; pests. Stealthy; cunning; intelligent; daring. There are many goblins in the world and many are the adjectives attributed to them because, although they are generally small, they are hard to ignore, flirting shamelessly with the men they like despite the competition. The men who fall into their nets, especially, can't ignore the love and affection with which their homes are cared for by their wives.

It is not known where goblins originated. Some historians have found records that the race originated in the faerie domains. Some researchers are investigating a possible correlation with the brownie race. The very few tales and records about these times are contradictory, some speak of them as servants, others as nobles and others as cunning. There is even disagreement as to whether they had a single origin and whether they were actually several races with common characteristics or if they were a single race that diverged over time as it spread throughout the world.
This confusion about the hidden beginnings of their history was always present. Initially, there were few patterns of behaviour common to goblins. Some lived alone, others formed bands, lived isolated from other races, or made a point of living together with them. They could (and still can) be shrewd, savage or servile.
In the wilds, they could live isolated in caves, searching for riches like and feuding with kobolds, gnomes and dwarves, or in primitive tribes hidden in hard-to-reach forests. Alongside mankind, living in hiding, they could be play-actors and tricksters; living as thieves and rogues. But there were those who lived as servants, looking after the well-being of houses and homes. Many lonely goblins, especially hobgoblins, looked for people they could serve in exchange for protection.
In those days there was a famously benevolent goblin. This goblin lived in a wood on a hill and, with a magical golden cup, served water to thirsty knights who passed by, quenching their thirst and refreshing their vigour. Politely, the goblin even served them a silk napkin with which to wipe their lips. Once, a knight who didn't deserve the title exclaimed "I'm thirsty" and after being served, he didn't return the cup but fled with it on his horse. Time passed and the "knight", a foolish thief, roared about his deed. A feudal lord had him arrested and, not wanting to be an accomplice, handed the cup over to the king. It is said that other knights searched for the goblin on the hill, but it was fruitless.
Some goblins were under the service of good patrons and others of bad ones. Whether it was the character of the master that influenced the goblins or whether it was the character of the goblins that made them choose their masters is still debated. The fact is that, unfortunately, the goblins who were left in the "care" of witches, tyrants, dragons, goblin kings and other servants of evil became physically and spiritually more twisted and reproduced faster despite the high mortality rate among them. They became cunning, cowardly and sadistic. They envied what was beautiful and paid fearful servitude to their masters in exchange for crumbs of power and fleeting pleasures.
Their masters, stronger entities and races, used them as a labour force and cannon fodder. When their masters became weak, they were the first to betray them. When autonomous, they lived by stealing, looting and sabotaging other races, including other goblins, especially among the rare good ones left who were subjected to even crueller violence.
Over time, the worst goblins became predominant. Under the auspices of malevolent entities, they spread like well-watered weeds, and soon reached a point where, if their patrons were killed, they had no problem having predatory autonomy or being recruited by a new one. Although individually weak, when they organized themselves as hordes, they were a scourge on the land, requiring constant effort against them to keep them under control.


sjw, avatar
Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo The evil goblins formed societies whose kings and queens needed both leadership skills and cunning to avoid the knives of their peers. Ingenious and stealthy, they set up their homes and caves underground where they also accumulated magical and mundane treasures: some stolen, some inherited and some created with the trades they learned while serving. They lusted after the beauty of other races and used various means to get hold of beautiful people. They despised themselves and had a mad desire to be served by beautiful things while degrading them. Kidnapping, trickery, business, bribery - there was no fixed method of obtaining this beauty.
The few good goblins who still existed did their utmost to sabotage these sham marriages and sought true love. Resentment against the race spread, however, even more so with goblins who pretended to be good in order to do evil deeds. Soon, all goblins became evil and were exiled from socializing with other races. Those who still had good hearts formed communities in wilderness areas far from their evil peers who lived underground.
The Goblin Queen:
One day, the queen of the largest kingdom of the evil goblins decided to marry off her children.
One of them decided to marry a beautiful bathhouse attendant. The goblins, noticing the girl's humility, decided to buy her gifts and, as a last resort, simply kidnap her. The girl, however, also had cunning and magic (in the form of a talking mouse) on her side and thanks to this she managed to keep the goblins at bay until sunrise. So evil were the goblins of this kingdom that they had to return underground when exposed to the light of the king star.
Sometime later, another son decided to marry the princess of a kingdom that had been victorious against the goblins, driving them from their land. This time the goblins decided not to negotiate and instead decided to kidnap the princess. They also dug tunnels through the castle's basement in order to break in and bring it down. A hero discovered their weak point and challenged the goblins and defeated almost all of them by stepping on their feet, except for the queen who wore stone shoes and took him hostage. The princess managed to rescue him and together they defeated the goblins' plan. The goblins tried to bring down the castle, but the flooding of the underground drowned almost everyone.
The queen escaped.
This happened at a time when the goddesses were creating monster girls.
The goblin queen, full of rage and with a desire for revenge, negotiated with the goddesses who felt the same way. She wished the goblins to become beautiful, so that human men would never look at their women again and so that they would prostrate themselves below the height of a goblin, depriving them of love forever.
The offer of beauty was extended even to the good goblins, both those who lived far from humanity and the few who still lived close to it. The goblin women would become beautiful and their next generations would be made up of monster girls. This desire for beauty affected goblin women of all character types, and even the best-natured ones had at least seeded resentment against humanity.


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo A goblin woman who lived in a village far away realized and lamented what was about to happen. Her tribe lived in isolation from humanity, but with the advent of monster girls they would now need human men to have offspring. The women of the tribe wanted to kidnap and steal men in the same way that humans did so long ago.
The goblin woman received a visit from another divine entity, one who wanted to repair the bond between men and women. She was told to leave for a certain kingdom to serve in a castle. In this same castle there was a noble and humble apprentice knight. The kingdom was in trouble because it was in conflict with man-stealing goblins.
Arriving at the castle, the goblin presented herself as a candidate for the position of servant and was immediately rejected. The kingdom had been harmed before by goblins who were spies and saboteurs rather than servants and it couldn't take the risk. The noble but naive apprentice decided to give her a chance by hosting her at his residence. The goblin found this amusing and as a show of trust said that if she misbehaved, he should step on her feet, teaching him about the goblins' weak point. She asked him that this secret should only be shared with humans she approved of, because although she disapproved of the direction the race had taken, she didn't want to see it destroyed.
The goblin proved good for him. With her knowledge, intelligence and smarts, she foresaw the goblins' plans for attacks and traps, saving him more than once from kidnapping and "marriage" because he was so coveted, both because he was an enemy and because he was desired. Alongside the goblin, the apprentice developed his wits, often at the expense of the tricks and pranks played by the goblin, and more than once saved the same goblin from the vengeance of her peers. The apprentice then became a knight and soon became a renowned hero.
The hostilities between the goblins and the humans continued, until at one point the goblin attacks suddenly stopped. One day, the daughter of one of the goblin leaders arrived as an ambassador at the castle asking for a ceasefire and for negotiations to begin. The nobles, maidens and warriors of the kingdom were suspicious, but initially decided to comply.
As a show of trust, the goblin queen told the king that he should remove the goblin who was with the knight because she was nothing more than a double agent who was gaining the kingdom's trust while gaining information about them.
The kingdom sentenced the knight and the goblin to exile.
Diplomacy sessions followed and peace seemed to endure.
Sometime later, the goblins asked for a big party to celebrate peace with the king. It would take place in the king's castle itself, where they would all be inspected and disarmed.
But the goblins smuggled a powerful potion into the castle and dug a tunnel under it. By mixing the potion with wine, any human who drank it would go mad with lust and be easily ravished. The plan was to drive them mad and with their charms bring the best men and soldiers of the human kingdom to theirs, single or not, winning victory and slaves.
The party began and all seemed well. Nobles, soldiers, knights and maidens joined the elite of the goblin nobility to celebrate. There were also many servants and commoners, impeccably dressed, serving the food and drink and leaving everything in order at the party: "It's a pity they're not rich or noble," thought the greedy goblins.
Finally, they brought out the barrels containing potions of “happiness”. The goblins could hardly hold back their giggles. A nobleman made a short speech and then the King handed him a beautiful gold cup studded with precious stones that made the goblins' eyes widen. The nobleman then dipped the goblet into the wine and drank.
The wine was then distributed to the other humans. How happy the goblins were! And how strange...
The party continued and the men didn't go mad. Strangely, they seemed refreshed, and to the goblins they were even more attractive. They weren't drunk, lustful, rude and reckless, but instead seemed composed, wise, charismatic, sporty, considered and charming. They became attractive to them in more than just a carnal way.


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo One goblin suggested that perhaps the glass gave the wine a certain difference and that if they drank the same wine they could be just as charming. And so, one after the other drank the same wine.
What a refreshing, silky wine! What uncovered feelings! They looked at men with their wives not with envy and a desire to steal, but with sweet admiration and desire. They talked and celebrated with the humans openly. They desired not a man who begged and crawled for them, degraded like a piece of meat abandoned in a cave, but a... "husband"? They dreamed and saw affection, harmony, respect and love. They said goodbye amicably, taking the wine back to the caves and sharing it with the other goblins.
Within the hearts of the goblins underground, the new desires for love and purity clashed with the old desires for evil. The chalice showed the evil goblins a possibility. Many refused. But many, including the queen of the kingdom's goblins, accepted.
A bloody confrontation broke out between the goblins, but the queen allied with the human kingdom had the overwhelming advantage. In an act of mercy, she exiled the defeated goblins in pity for them, wishing them to take a new path in the future.
The goblins, repentant and wanting real peace, returned to the king to ask for it. What a surprise to see the knight and the goblin waiting for them with the nobility. The exile had been faked. They explained to the goblins about the power of the chalice that had been lost and that the goddesses of love had purified it to give the goblins a path to salvation. And they invited them to celebrate the knight's wedding to the goblin.
This story spread to many other goblins around the world, renewing their souls.

The earliest accounts of goblins characterized them as mischievous, domestic spirits who were always helping or pestering mankind. All over the world there are many monster girls who share similar stories and characteristics. It will take a lot of research to conclude whether they are distant relatives descended from common ancestors or whether they are races that developed apart.
Hobgoblins: Taller and stronger than ordinary goblins (coming close to humanity) and characterized by having very thick hair. Hobgoblins are a goblin race that has specialized in living with humanity. They are excellent caretakers of homes and houses and are more organized than other goblins. However, this doesn't stop them from being artful from time to time, playing tricks on their husbands, especially when they make them angry.
Hobgoblins suffered greatly during the war with humanity and many had to flee to goblin tribes. Among the goblins, they usually have managerial positions due to their organizational capacity and greater strength. These leadership positions tend to be abandoned soon, as the hobgoblins tend to earn more headaches than rewards because they are considered to be very straightforward by their cousins.
-Trasgo - Very similar to ordinary goblins. They usually have dark skin tones and many wears red caps. They choose lonely single men and frequent their homes at night (whether they like it or not) performing acts to get their attention, such as tidying up the messy house and messing up the house of the organized. If the man moves house, they will follow him to another. They only give him up through the interfrence of a priest or if the man marries her or another woman.
-Redcaps - Many generations of humans and monsters have been involved in peace and war, good and evil in such a way that they have been affected in both flesh and spirit. The redcaps are the descendants of the goblins who lived in the highlands and who continually warred against humans, in servitude to humans, each other or merely delighted in the conflict of others. Today they are goblin girls who are much stronger than their relatives, endowed with claws, skill with weapons, fast running in their iron or steel shoes and with a thirst for blood and powerful men. They all have a red cap that increases their strength and magic when soaked in blood and makes them weak if it stays dry for too long. Few are the men who have managed to correct them.


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo -Other
Some monster girls who are commonly mistaken for or considered related to goblins. Below are 3 of them with brief explanations about them:

-Eastern goblin - Small monster girls from the far east. They have the size and willingness to get into mischief in common with goblins, but possess immense strength and courage to confront their opponents directly. These and other distinctions imply that the first Westerners to meet them had a very superficial observation of them. Later observations lead one to believe that they were actually a variation on the oni, but the name was quite popularized in the West and, peculiarly, they found it amusing.
-Bugbears - It should be noted that contrary to common belief, monstrology considers that there is little kinship between bugbears and goblinoids. In our research, it seems that bugbears are more closely related to bogeymen. And both goblins and bugbears don't like to be compared to each other.
-Brownies - We mention brownies here because of their similarity in domestic ability, being monster girls who specialize in looking after houses. Even the goblins agree that this race is one of the best maid producers there is. There is a good deal of rivalry and sometimes conflict between the races for the same niche, not to mention beings like the Zashiki-Warashi.



Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo Features:
Physiognomy: Although the typical image of a goblin is of a green short stack with pointed ears, the truth is that there are many variations. Goblins can have different skin colours (yellow, grey, black, red...), they can be slender, sculpted, thin, not to mention hair, noses, eyes and ears, even goblins with antlers or horns. This chaos of appearances goes back to the very beginnings of the race
Physical attributes: Goblin girls are short and physically weaker than untrained humans. Their bodies are, however, quite agile and dextrous.
Darkvision: Goblins can see very well in low light.
Intelligence: Goblins are naturally good learners. Goblins, both good and evil, studied the trades and requirements of their masters in order to better serve them and kept this knowledge. Their intelligence is quite creative when it comes to applying acquired knowledge. However, those familiar with them warn that their intelligence runs much faster than their common sense and that the main job of a teacher of goblins is to nurture their wisdom so that their intelligence doesn't come up with something that blows them and those around them up.
Magic: Goblins' magical abilities don't develop automatically and require study. In general, however, the race has a good aptitude for magic from the faerie schools, especially fairy illusions, which reinforces theories about their origin.
Home protection: Goblins have an enormous sense of care and affection for what they consider their home. So much so that their intellectual, physical and magical abilities are enhanced in relation to any tasks they do in relation to their home. This makes them excellent housekeepers. This characteristic, inherited from the ancient goblin protectors of homes, is however little known, even some goblins are not aware of it. Historians believe that this is due to the age of evil when the vast majority of goblins were just pests. Goblin girls, on the other hand, ironically don't take advantage of this, as they believe that any woman is at least a good housewife.
Stealth: Goblins are masters of the art of stealth and hiding, both by mundane and magical means. This skill has been developed since ancient times: to hide from the strong, to steal better or to avoid offending their masters with their appearance. Today, although beautiful, goblins occasionally step on the toes of someone dangerous and discretion helps.
Sensitive feet: A particular weakness of theirs that is very little known is the sensitivity of their feet. Trauma to this part of their body causes them much more pain and discomfort than other beings of the same size; a hard stomp can leave a goblin incapacitated with pain.
This characteristic is the cause of certain rules of etiquette and politeness in the race. Stepping on a goblin's foot on purpose is both a serious threat and a tremendous insult to them. Stomping is a declaration of mortal enmity.
Goblin girls avoid going barefoot as much as possible; their savage tribes always give preference to footwear before dressing the rest of the body. Although they don't look it, on the rare occasions when they don't have shoes, they walk very carefully, feeling where they're stepping before setting foot.
Like many women, monsters or not, goblin girls like pretty shoes, but never at the expense of comfort. Goblins remember well the story of a hero who defeated an entire tribe of goblins by stepping on their feet except for the queen who wore stone boots. Magical shoes that offer comfort, beauty and protection are expensive items in their society. No wonder good goblin shoemakers tend to be very wealthy.


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo Society
Goblins are one of the most common monster girls, despite also being one of the weakest species. Since the time when they were most of them were monstrous, they have always sought to have large families as a strategy against their high mortality rate. In recent history, with peace established with humanity and jealousy on the part of other monster girls becoming a greater threat, a change in their birth rate has begun. The reaction to this phenomenon has not yet stabilized, with many goblins still having many children and others having very few (3 children being considered dangerously low by the oldest goblins). Among their scholars, it is already being discussed whether there should be new patterns of behaviour to avoid population overload and panic breeding or whether they should maintain tradition in case of future disasters.

Goblin societies vary greatly throughout the world in terms of technological and cultural development: there are still those that live in caves or primitive villages and others that live in chaotically well-developed cities. Goblins have always been very good at learning to help their masters and are good at passing on knowledge, but they tend to be quite disorganized among themselves unless an exceptional leader shows up. Their communities tend to have very well-built homes and buildings, but they are disorganized.
Usually fragile, goblins are rarely solitary. They either live in communities of their own or together with other beings where they can have a system of mutual cooperation. It is very common for goblins to live in the cities of other races, especially humans, where they go to find potential partners. In these places they usually live as servants, maids and caretakers for specific buildings and families, or as support for wizards, engineers and scientists. They learn well and are good assistants who often become professionals. They have great ideas and put together original prototypes, while other members of the team make sure that things are effective and don't explode. They are not fussy about how they survive and can be found in the most diverse professions.
Goblins tend to be mischievous by nature. They are shrewd problem-solvers, even if they are unorthodox. They prefer to live in societies with very clear laws for their own protection (not anarchic, but not overly restraining), but they have a good eye for spotting systems that might be harmful or unfair to them, seeing who is actually in charge of the system and how to undermine it.

Corrupt goblins are cowardly, vengeful and envious creatures. They never challenge other beings to combat unless they are sure they have a good chance of winning. They prefer to use dirty tricks such as poisons, traps and ambushes. They take revenge on the strong by attacking the weak who are loved by them using "accidents". Possessing cunning and intelligence, they infiltrate among good goblins, steal, spy on and sabotage communities that have formed relationships of trust with them.
To reproduce, they prefer to kidnap good-natured men using trickery. They do this because they take pleasure in denying good men to other women and reducing them to carnal slaves. Wicked men are sometimes recruited by them to replenish their numbers, but the evil goblins soon discard them because they don't want what other women don't want.
Like the monstrous goblins of times gone by, they are not shy about serving stronger evil beings or groups if it brings them some benefit, or abandoning them if it is advantageous. They act as maids in evil homes and strongholds, as well as engineers, magicians and inventors (when of high status) or simply as disposable hordes (when in large numbers).


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo Love
They are infamous for their audacity, which is the opposite of their height when dealing with men.
Some monster girls accuse the goblins of having no charm, class or grace when courting. While some goblins take offense at the accusation, some of the older ones smile and agree: "We don't have superpowers and we're short, so we have to be brazen." If an indirect line doesn't work, they are quick to be more direct: meals, invitations to outings, provocative outfits, indiscreet comments and if all else fails an unmistakable "I like you".
A peculiarity of goblin girls is that they tend to like shy, serious men. Nothing cheers them up more than seeing a blush on a man's face and so they love to tease the objects of their passion. So much so that immature goblins sometimes lose the man they want because they tease him too much, giving the impression that they are not serious women and are after momentary carnal pleasures. Some men just get tired of their antics. More mature goblins, aware of this peculiar inclination, usually educate their offspring about the limits to be set.
Goblins are exceptional and creative housewives. They like to invent new meals, routines and decorations for the home. Their degree of success varies, but they always improve. It doesn't take them long to make friends in the neighbourhood; they are curious, lively and gossipy.

Places that receive the affection of good goblins, be they homes, castles, towns, streets or stores, soon become neat and well-kept. Going back to their origins as fae-like beings of houses, goblins see no problem with simplicity and even enjoy the humble jobs necessary for a healthy and beautiful life and place to live. When they start families with human men, their place of action is the homes where they live, but as they integrate into communities, they extend their affection.
When well-educated in a profession, they help their neighbours well in the societies where they live. They enjoy learning their husbands' trades as much as teaching them their own.
Although many see them as "inferior" monster girls, goblins know how to talk, argue and respond well to what is said to them. They have sharp tongues, but are very good at making friends.
Notably, goblins empathize a lot with shy women who feel unwanted or are having love difficulties. Many of these women (human and monster) have thanked goblins for giving them the help and courage to win over their men.


Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @MK2boogaloo Well, that was goblins.

Very rich monster girl lore wise. Most difficult part was making their backstory.

Hope that @King_Noticer enjoys it and live a happy life with his goblin waifu.

Btw: Redcaps are really cool.


Lavaearth, avatar
Lavaearth, avatar
Lavaearth, avatar

What color do you prefer your fluffy tails?


SuperSnekFriend, avatar
Lavaearth, avatar

@theorytoe @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @rlier23 @Zerglingman @Tactical @Dan_Hulson @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef @Gundog @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @Paleloon @rightwingsjw @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @bleedingphoenix @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @skylar @Remi @kakkerel @Groomschild @King_Noticer @MK2boogaloo Reminder that if anyone has good folklore, folk and fairy tales and mythology about foxes, I ask to point it to me.

Monster girls based in traditional tales. That is one of my main objectives.

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

@Lavaearth @theorytoe @rlier23 @Zerglingman @kakkerel @MK2boogaloo @Tactical @DEERBLOOD @Dan_Hulson @Groomschild @GrungeQueef @Gundog @King_Noticer @Paleloon @Remi @SuperSnekFriend @William_The_Dragonborn @merchantHelios @monsterislandcolonizer @rightwingsjw @Saber @80085 @Giganova8 @RehnSturm256 @bleedingphoenix @skylar For the room more than for you, Aesop's fables are there. I think they're what most people think of when they think of foxxos.

The Bible has this one really weird story where Samson takes 300 foxes, sets their fucking tails on fire like an asshole, and then throws them at the Philistines' fields to set the fields on fire. (Judges 15).

Awoo, avatar
Awoo, avatar

I've got some PDFs about Foxes/Kitsunes in Japan. I'll send them your way later.

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