icedquinn, avatar

has it ocurred to anyone yet that when you slather on mountains of laws over companies covering social issues that maybe capitalism just doesn't work? idk

was thinking again about how they don't want to deal with the daily expenses but the government is always around for discrimination laws and mandatory warranties etc.

how much government interference before we drop the pretense that 'private enterprise' actually exists

anonymous, avatar

@icedquinn If we stopped regulating them how would I get the latest ISlop????? :soy1:

icedquinn, avatar

@anonymous idk its a real question.

the benefit of private capital is that people are allowed to make their own decisions. regulatory pileup prohibits decision making. there comes a point where if the state wants me to hire people to fill quotas, the state should also just pay their wages for me because they're already making a plurality of my decisions for me :comfystoner:

i think some strategic set of laws is fine but there comes a point where you might as well just be socialist.

anonymous, avatar

@icedquinn Okay, okay, but you're missing something important.

If the government paid the workers they forced companies to hire then I would bare minimum lose bennies!!! I might even ... GASP ... PAY. EXTRA. TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

Then I would have money for afformentioned ISlop and would instead have to be discerning with my purchases.

Nope. Communism is better trust me bro. When you have a government mandated camera in your living room you'll thank me. :smug9:

icedquinn, avatar

@anonymous i don't think marx or smith wanted that. :blobcatgooglybadumtss:

anonymous, avatar

@icedquinn What part did they not want? Because I think we can all agree if Marx were alive today he’d be using an ISlop 10000 to post about how niggers suck

icedquinn, avatar

@anonymous Smith wanted specialization for abundance. Marx was wondering why industrialization only made serfdom worse.

its the rent seeking parasites that keep turning everything back in to authoritarian shitholes

anonymous, avatar

@icedquinn You're not wrong ultimately but Stalin literally killed an entire country (can the USSR even be called that or was it more of an alliance) because he thought plant genetics were too racist.

icedquinn, avatar

@anonymous stalin and lenin were humongous retards. the five year plans to 'surpass the west' were never going to work. you can't surpass slave owners in cheap production when your society doesn't own slaves.

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