
I feel like the healer concept has changed so drastically to the point that being a traditional healer is now a bad thing in the eyes of many. This partly has to do with how complex games get the longer they go on and live service/gacha games are a good example of this. You see launch healer stay the same with little to no changes to their kits down the line, and then newer healers get added that may not heal as much as the old ones, but they do provide more utility to the team, which makes them get picked more.

Someone in the comments also brought up the fact that in OW2 the healers aren’t really healers anymore, they are dps now, and yeah it’s not just a problem with OW these days. A good number of games now treat the healer/support role as a second dps class. I think the reason why is because the majority of players don’t want to actually play a support role.

rainignterror1080p, avatar

@Echigo back when i played ow1 i mainly played healer then tank since none of my friends wanted to. it was fine but i thought that the healers needed more escape skills not more damage

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@rainignterror1080p @Echigo main issue with tank in any game, is it has to feel fun. I like tanking but I've found most games make it pretty boring.

LolikingSama, avatar

@Echigo I think the reason for that is being a traditional healer isn't very fun and engaging and not many people would pick one otherwise. Ok think of a white mage in Final Fantasy 1. Only Healing/Buff/ and debuff spells really, right? Now imagine playing that while your teammates are dashing around with their interesting skillsets and tank putting up these huge cool barriers and hooking/grabbing people. You'd feel bored and like you're missing out right? So I think they try to find a sweet spot with healers between being able to DPS, but not TOO good or they'd be better than the DPS. Think about Mercy from over watch. If you couldn't use her gun she'd 100% be the most boring god in the game. Maybe it's a design thing and devs just don't make interesting kits anymore for healers and they don't make them fun enough so they compensate with more healers with DPS.

Minty, avatar

@LolikingSama @Echigo okay but counterpoint you're almost dead and I am the one that decides if you live or die

Minty, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama that's the key. They never get out of the aoe. And then they blame you for not retard proofing them.

LolikingSama, avatar

@Minty @Tamamo @Echigo tank/ dps charges into the enemy team and dies alone:

Why didnt you heal me?



@LolikingSama @Minty @Echigo >Play Mystic.
>Drop healing motes (cleanses debuffs and heals) RIGHT AT THEIR FUCKING FEET.
>Literally all they have to do it press F to pick up
>DPS dies of DoT stacks.


Ronnie21093, avatar

@Tamamo @LolikingSama @Echigo @Minty Man, if I had a decent enough spare PC, I'd totally look into trying to set up my own private server. Most of the ones I can find for Tera are PvP focused :akko_tired:


@Ronnie21093 @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I played on a PVE server. PVP servers were pure cancer.

>Its about the thrill of open world PVP :soy2:
>90% of "open world PVP" that took place were max level assholes camping the exits of starter towns ganking noobs.

Ronnie21093, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty Exactly why I don't play on the popular Tera private servers. :akko_tired:

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @Ronnie21093 @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty open world pvp and the drop on death lose ur stuff shit is for a mega minority. Especially on death shit.

Open world pvp would be fun, if it wasn't for farmers.

Grieving other players of high or equal level is just fun, doing it to lower lvl players is just cancer.


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty @Ronnie21093 The only penalty for death in Tera was low stamina upon ressing.
Low stamina = lowered stats, but you could regain stamina by sitting by a campfire. Really not a big deal except if you ressed in the middle of a bossfight and can't regain stamina to discourage reckless playing.
...Until they removed the entire stamina system for some reason. Funny enough right around the time the game started to become shit.

>Grieving other players of high or equal level is just fun, doing it to lower lvl players is just cancer.

This is exactly why every single "hardcore" pvp MMO failed miserably. Your fun comes as the expensive of someone else's fun. And when the game matures and the powergap between new and old players widens, the problem becomes worse and worse until no new players come in anymore and the game death spirals.


@Tamamo @Ronnie21093 @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I remember walking out of town as a low level zombie in WoW once and walking right into an asshole paladin wandering through and insta gibbing me.


@supersid333 @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty @Ronnie21093 Back when played and you didn't have the cross server bullshit you could often just say in zone chat there's some ally dipshit ganking noobs and more often than not some friendly neighborhood Horde would log on their main to teach him a lesson by whooping his ass and corpse camp him until he rage quit. :akko_grin:

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @LolikingSama @Echigo @Minty now u know why I tank and don't heal.

I will say as a tank I'm not a fan of mystics, only because it can in certain fights be cancer as a tank to try to stay near or go to the globes.


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I would reserve my direct heals for the tank and drop motes for DPS when shit got hairy.
Smart DPS stay close to the tank so i could catch them in my lock on. Retard DPS would scatter and expect that i run after him. (i didn't)


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I mained Elin Lancer for a while.

Was such a fun class to play. Felt bad ass as fuck once you got into the flow and just blocked and iframed everything the boss threw at you.

Then they introduced the brawler and tanking was ruined forever. :hana_disgust:

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty Elin lancer and Elin reaper player myself. Brawlers was meh imo I didn't like it, even after they let elins use it.

Valkyrie was cool, sadly they never got to add Elin valks.


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty Before they introduced Brawler, Lancers and Warriors were the only tanks.

The thing is, you actually had to manage agro before the brawler patch. So you HAD to balance between caution and playing aggressively to maintain agro.
Then because DPS numbers became so ridiculously inflated, maintaining agro became harder and harder unless you were overgeared as fuck so many tanks just said fuck it.

So did they fix agro generation to compensate for the inflated damage numbers? lol no.

Their first "fix" for the tank shortage was to give half assed tanking abilities to Berserkers for some reason.
Guess what, Berserkers didn't roll berserker to tank so that didn't help.
So the next "fix" for the tank shortage was releasing a completely broken braindead Brawler class that could outDPS the DPS by standing in front of a boss and just facerolling their keyboard.
Than to "fix" the Lancers, they cranked up the damage output of Lancers as well.

In the end agro management went completely out the window making a good chunk of the lancers kit like shouts obsolete and you could just spam the same attack chain over and over without ever worrying about agro, making tanking boring as fuck IMO.


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty >Valkyrie was cool, sadly they never got to add Elin valks.

They did Add Elin valkyries in the end. But i long stopped playing by that time.

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty same I think I played a little bit more after the valk update and then quit. I heard rumors of the Elin valks being a thing later but never saw it myself


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I quit after after yet another patch that added yet another a recycled boss with a few new moves and more yet more powercreep.

Half my guild quit because they didn't feel like another bullshit RNG fueled gear grind and i followed soon after. It was the patch after Ruinous Manor.

What really sealed the deal was when logged back in a few months later and they re-opened Ruinous Manor, an instance i ran hundreds of times to farm gear.

Guess what, because my gearscore was one point below the new recommended level, i could not get a party together, eventhough i could tank that fucking boss in my sleep for fucks sake. :reimu_sigh:

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty I mostly stopped after they gutted the game and added those awaken weapons, gutted the story, and basically removed the entire opening and alot of story and dungeons.

I stuck around mostly for the Elins, and game play........and the ERP.....I was a male human zerk for a reason :klee_smug:


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty Amazing how they kept removing things instead of adding them.

The Nexus raids
Faction wars
Sky castles
Dozens of instances
Stamina system
Charm buffs
The voting system where guilds could manage towns
Hell even the Teleport NPC got replaced by a generic object because god knows why.

Rip funny hat smug Elin teleport masters.

18+ Azur_Fenix, avatar

@Tamamo @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty camp fires, fuck I forgot about those. Other then Regen I forgot if they did anything else?

Also ya, the replaced her with the teleport book atlas I believe.


@Azur_Fenix @Echigo @LolikingSama @Minty You could burn charms in campfires for buffs.


@Tamamo @Azur_Fenix @LolikingSama @Minty Don't forget about the Thiccen Thighs potion.


@Echigo @Azur_Fenix @LolikingSama @Minty They made those permanent at some point. You could get buy them from a specialty vendor in Velika.


@Tamamo @Azur_Fenix @LolikingSama @Minty Yeah, and then they removed them.


@Echigo @Azur_Fenix @LolikingSama @Minty Maybe on console. On PC they became permanent at some point


@Minty @Echigo @LolikingSama Terra priest class had a skill that would let you pull party members to you.
Even if you used it to save their ass some of them would still get mad because muh DPS meter. :retard:
If they gave me shit, i would use it to fuck with them over and over until they rage quit. Pulling them into AOE warning zone, iframe myself out and watch them get pounded into the floor out was a classic. :nep_happy:

You could also use it to glitch people through doors. Handy if the boss arena was closed and someone ressed outside so they could still rejoin the fight. :gamer:


@Tamamo @Minty @Echigo @LolikingSama I know FF14 has a simillar ability and I've definitely seen a clip or two of a disliked DPS being pulled into oblivion.


@LolikingSama The one healer I look back to is Ying from Paladins. Early on she actually did have a damage focused talent and it stays to this day but even with the two she has now I think she still has a low pick rate because her kit has pretty much stayed the same since the beginning. Attack button, summon button, shatter button, teleport button and her ultimate. Not to mention she also has to manage her summon placements to make sure if she’s in a dangerous situation she can teleport to safety. She heals a lot but plenty of other supports like Seris can heal just as much if not more than her now, and her kit isn’t as isn’t as the other supports in the game even the ones that released along side her.

LolikingSama, avatar

@Echigo I might boot up paladins again one of these days. their hero kits and designs might be the most unique ive ever seen.


@LolikingSama It’s not as buggy as it used to be thankfully.


@LolikingSama Not to mention despite the game having a big focus on crowd control she doesn’t have any, even single target ones that supports generally have. So she’s reliant on the rest of her team and her teleports to stay alive, especially from the mobility flanks.


@Echigo Healing in Tera was great. You had to juggle healing and buffing with a lock-on mechanic. It was a very active role.

The problem is that every moderns game idea of "challenging" content is bullshit timed DPS checks making healing low priority.


@Tamamo Yep, Tera is still up on PS so I can still play it, and yeah, healing in there is nice.

Also yeah, tons of games now are too combat/dps focused because a lot of gamers now have low attention spans when comes to anything but taking things slow.


@Echigo A shame the PS version is so gimped. I tried it once, framerate issues aside, it felt so awkward to play on a pad.

I have fond memories of healing in Tera. Like my somehow entire party failing to iframe a swipe, killing everyone except me. Was fun trying kite the boss, desperately looking for the dead tank, bait an attack, iframe and run like hell to res the tank. Waiting for the spell to finish while the boss in closing in. :doge_laugh:

In the end it worked out and we won. But damn that was such an adrenaline rush. :hinata_yea:

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