RustyCrab, avatar

I swear to god Microsoft is using AVX 512 in visual studio or some shit. How does it heat up my processor so hard when it's not even using any measurable CPU


The mostt positive MS software experience:

PeachySummer, avatar

>hot CPU
>fry bacon on CPU
"Damn I love being a slav"


@RustyCrab electron moment

RustyCrab, avatar

@professionalbigot69 vs, not vscode

RustyCrab, avatar

@professionalbigot69 neither VSC nor intellij do this. It's just VS

neko, avatar

@RustyCrab @professionalbigot69 weird how they would just make one for coding and one for not coding.

RustyCrab, avatar

@neko @professionalbigot69 vs is a bloated disaster and everybody's been abandoning it for a reason. It's somehow a billion gigs the size and manages to have half the features of newer editors.

smug, avatar
RustyCrab, avatar

@smug @neko @professionalbigot69
>impossible as a windows dev to avoid it
this is thankfully not so true anymore. Vsc and the intellij platform are both competitive depending on what you need. I still occasionally have to use it because rider will do some weird shit, mostly regarding its debugger, but it's been rapidly improving.

Most of the useful and popular plugins I used to use for visual studio have been simply abandoned and their extensions marketplace is quite barren compared to what it was. I'm sure it doesn't help that they still have their insane pricing model where if you're using it for business it costs something like $10,000 per developer while jetbrains is a lot more flexible and vsc is free.

Visual studio does indeed take 5x longer to load the same project vs intellij and frequently stalls out while I'm working.

smug, avatar

idea products are also incredibly slow, unfortunately (muh java).

RustyCrab, avatar

@smug @neko @professionalbigot69 perhaps in the grand scheme of things but they beat the living hell out of VS and it's good enough for me.

Granted I bought a RETARD POWER setup because I was expecting to run visual studio primarily so when I swapped to Rider it ran like butter. I'm sure if it was a mid tier machine it would struggle.

deprecated_ii, avatar

@RustyCrab :glowie:

RustyCrab, avatar

@deprecated_ii yeah that's my cores after opening it

deprecated_ii, avatar

@RustyCrab I'm convinced resource monitors are just straight up lying sometimes

once in awhile my laptop will feel like the CPU is at 90% utilization, sluggish and laggy across all open applications but not totally unresponsive, and it reports < 30% CPU use

RustyCrab, avatar

@deprecated_ii I don't think I've ever particularly seen that on windows, the one exception being this. I know that some instructions can heat up your CPU to preposterous levels which is what I think is happening here.

Oddly I have seen htop/system monitor misreporting usage on linux and I'm fairly sure it's related to root permissions

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