
a lot of normies talk about how palpatine destroyed the republic and democracy but not many of them talk about the legitimate issues and problems the republic had seriously and how there was going to be no serious change in the republic it would have stayed a corrupted bloated oligarchy for a very long time the bloodless revolution palpatine launched destroyed the old order and brought forth a new order which itself was eventually overthrown and in legends replaced with a republic worth defending while i do generally hate liberals and their forms of government luke was a great man and worth following

Fash-E, avatar

@nikiboo the jedi council in the late republic were out of touch boomers and palpatine was basically sulla, also alderaan was a legitimate target as it was the headquarters of an intergalactic terrorist organization

wgiwf, avatar @nikiboo The biggest problem with Alderaan is that they destroyed it, a step too far that made people who otherwise stayed in line rebel. A hard crackdown of the rebels there would've been acceptable, but outright destruction of the planet was an action that made the average politically uninvolved man's stomach churn.

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

@wgiwf @nikiboo It's almost like George Lucas as a Baby Boomer used a "Holocaust" moment to make fighting the Empire a crystal clear acceptability to the post-WWII movie demographic.

wgiwf, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo Fair enough, without the whole destruction things become a lot more gray.

Fash-E, avatar

@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo the galactic population is in the tens of trillions, one planet in relative terms is like bombing a house on earth, it was no biggy.

SuperSnekFriend, avatar @wgiwf @nikiboo Yeah, but Alderann was a pretty nice planet to live in. Could have served as a vacation spot or reward for faithful mofff or other high officers.

Fash-E, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend @wgiwf @nikiboo yeah but check out our sweet new lazer
planet go brrrr ha ha

Awoo, avatar
This is Rebel propaganda. There was no Death Star and Alderaan blew itself up when it tried to harness its molten core for energy. Top Imperial researchers warned them of the dangers but they refused to listen. Then they had the audacity to blame the destruction on the Imperials who worked hard to house the now planetless people.
@SuperSnekFriend @wgiwf @nikiboo

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

@Awoo @wgiwf @nikiboo Keyed and Empire-pilled!

wgiwf, avatar @SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo It was one of the old core worlds, not some random outer rim planet. Also, didn't Tarkin just on his own decide to destroy it? Palpatine seems like he would've used a purge of the rebel element from the planet for a propaganda victory and further cement Imperial values, not overreactive destruction.

Awoo, avatar

The Death Star was apart of Tarkin's Doctrine of Fear. The idea was make a big fuck off weapon, use it once and then the rest of the Galaxy would piss and shit itself in fear.

Basically Tarkin wanted the Death Star to work like nukes IRL and Alderaan was Hiroshima/Nagasaki. @SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo

Fash-E, avatar

@Awoo @wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo Grand Moff Dirlewanger

Groomschild, avatar

@Awoo @wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @nikiboo probably would have worked if the death star wasnt destroyed like a month later

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