ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

>Be 2015 CMD
>Slowly eating redpills, friends haven't quite caught on yet
>Friend introduces me to his new girlfriend and her sister
>Sister is very interested in me
>She's a psych major going for an M.S., and an ardent feminist
>Even the first redpill is enough to know to avoid that
>Calmly explain that I'm too busy for romance and turn her down

>Fast forward 7 years
>Friend has finished two Ph.D.s and a law degree. He marries the same girlfriend from 7 years ago
>Fast forward 6 months
>Divorce. Girl is demanding alimony and damages to the tune of half a million upfront.

:asui_what: Holy shit that could've been me if not for internet racism.

sjw, avatar

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating just remember racists don't care what colour your skin is. They just want what's best for you as long as you're racist too.

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

@sjw This is so true it is actually kinda crazy.

Awoo, avatar

More accurate to say that racists don't care what colour your skin is, as long as you stay in your own country.

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

@ceo_of_monoeye_dating RIP your friend! :gura_pain:

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend He will suffer for his entire life as a slave to the system. I hate saying this, but he genuinely deserves it. He would routinely argue for why big pharma should do what it can to make money from prescription drugs, he believed just about every kike argument The Economist put out, he pulled just about every upper-class lefty argument out there...

He spent his youth advocating for the shackles of our system, then slapping them on himself. He has now had a slave's mark seared on his skin, and seems only now to realize what horrors he has done to himself.

It feels cold to think this of an old friend, but the conclusion is just inescapable...

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

@SuperSnekFriend Like deadass this is the guy who would be like "yes I would like to buy an Apple Watch. I do know it's monitoring everything about my body and sending it to a large corporation. I think that's good."

I would say something like, "wait bro, it's bad to just hand that information over to a large corp. Isn't it kinda creepy that they want your medical data?"

He'd respond with some variant of "they are going to spy on you anyway. Embrace it."

I just...I hate that this was someone I cared about. He wasn't overtly evil, but he fucking hammered himself into the bestest system cog ever and now he seems shocked when the system spins that cog as damn hard as it can.

Awoo, avatar

I once made the argument to a friend that Autism is actually humanity developing a natural defense to social fuckery and deception.

ceo_of_monoeye_dating, avatar

@Awoo I'm not immediately convinced but I'm not dismissive. What does the argument look like?

Awoo, avatar

Man I was a drunk and it was many moons ago. I think it basically came down to that humans are slowly developing the ability to be immune to social conditioning and manipulation. As these more or so then predators (Unless you count Jews) are our greatest threat.

Reluctant_Weeb, avatar

@Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating
But Autists are HIGHLY susceptible to social and societal pressures, way more than normal people. They're as a group the most suggestible people I've ever met, on the level of children in this regard. It's just that their inbuilt social retardation makes them miss social cues, leading to them not realizing you want them to do something because they don't understand what's obvious to everyone else. Your understanding of autism is based on a 4chan meme disconnected from reality.

Awoo, avatar

Nah, it is mostly based off the handful of autistic people I know that basically embody this image. Don't give a shit about anything, just living their own lives doing their own shit. One of them is on government gibs and has a fuck ton of money saved because he has no desire to buy anything. Coomsumerism has no affect on him.

Reluctant_Weeb, avatar

@Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating
You're seeing survivorship bias from those who 'make it.' Most autists aren't able to even hold down a job or manage their own money. It's (in my mind) a massivly overly broad diagnosis, but as it is you must include the majority who don't work and will just do whatever you tell them. I'm going to have to tell you to just trust that I have more experience with autists then you, as I am autistic and have spent much time inside autism specific programs, with other autsits across the whole spectrum. Now it is true that they socialize much better with other autists, but most will simply go along with whatever the authority tells them to and aren't able to formulate any idea otherwise.

Awoo, avatar

Well next time I see my friend I will have to refer to him as the Uberautist. Because clearly he won the genetic lottery.

Reluctant_Weeb, avatar

@Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating
Rearing also has a lot to do with it, as most parents are completely and totally unprepared to deal with an autistic child, they'll only think to get it diagnosed much to late and the resources meant to help them are probably terrible and counter-productive. It's a huge mess.

Awoo, avatar

Bout to get worse here. Government is talking about reducing funding to Autistic kids. They caught on that many people are just abusing the system and like always a few bad apples fuck it for the ones who need the legitimate help.

wan, avatar

@Reluctant_Weeb @Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating The "spectrum" part confuses many people; most don't understand that autism is a label applied to clustered sets of symptoms, meaning different autists will have different things going on under the hood.

The arms' race with intraspecies predators is real, but most of it takes place on a biological time scale – we're presently living through a period where some are being selected for the ability to fake blush responses, for example.

Awoo, avatar

>we're presently living through a period where some are being selected for the ability to fake blush responses, for example.
Wait, so you are telling me that a woman's ability to fake an orgasm is the result of a genetic arms' race?
@Reluctant_Weeb @ceo_of_monoeye_dating

wan, avatar

@Awoo @Reluctant_Weeb @ceo_of_monoeye_dating That'd be part of a different, separate arms' race, as is a man's ability to detect a woman faking one.

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

@Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating If autism (real and not misdiagnosed) didn't fuck one's neurology in childhood, then I would believe you.

Awoo, avatar

There are always some kinks to work out in the development process.

SpurgAnon, avatar

@Awoo @ceo_of_monoeye_dating would explain the increase in rate. Natural response rather than the other one: zoochosis.

This way the subject is more likely to survive and be successful....

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