marcel, to random avatar

Some of you might still remember the story of three Polish hackers who helped a train operator get their trains back working, after the manufacturer had bricked them. If not, there is a fascinating article here, which reads like a thriller. And there is also a video for those preferring that medium.

janamarie, to random avatar

I brought my Olympus 35 RD to this year and took a whopping 72 shots, … just to find out later that the camera jammed twice, unnoticed by me ;—;

There were 0 pictures on one film and just 1 picture on the other, the single picture is of course a compose of an unknown number of other shots. That however turned out to be a very happy accident. I love the resulting picture, so far I have found 13 (!!) separate shots within! :O
It’s so colourful and vibrant, I’m so sad about the jammed camera

janamarie, avatar

I finally managed to get the image I took at scanned! :3

Here it is:

pure chaos – CC BY-SA 4.0

schaffenburg, to random avatar
cato, to random German avatar

Was war eigentlich das "DLF Sendezentrum" auf dem ? Deutschlandfunk wird es ja wohl eher nicht gewesen sein?

Leeo, to random avatar

Da uns der bisherige Abnehmer kurzfristig abgesprungen ist: möchte jemand schwarze Bällebadbälle haben? Knapp 5 Epal, speditionsfertig gepackt insgesamt ca 22.500 Stück. Wir wollen nix dafür haben - wir wollen sie nur loswerden. Selbst oder per Spedition abzuholen im CCH bis 05.01.

Bitte teilen sonst kommen sie in die Müllpresse!

betalars, to random German avatar

Beim gab es einen Talk, in dem es um Hoffnung ging.

Zentraler Aspekt des Talks war Kunst: Kunst, die nicht von Menschen gemacht wurde.

Ich kann nicht sagen, wie sehr mir das das Herz bricht. Dass Leute im Chaos wenn sie über Hoffnung reden sofort an Maschinen denken, die Menschen das Kunst machen abnehmen.

Es gibt mir das Gefühl, dass es vielleicht doch ein Fehler war mich für diese Community zu engagieren. Und ich fühle mich gerade weder sicher noch willkommen.

cato, to random German avatar

Bester Moment bei Drölf Live auf dem mit @S73AMPUNKCA7:

Gesucht war ein Tier, das auf k endet.
Anrufer: "Gulaschsuppe"
Anrufer: "Nee, hab mich geirrt, das endet ja auf ck" legt auf

patagona, to random German avatar

1: "Also ich trage einfach immer Maske wenn ich mit vielen Leuten in einem... einer..."
2: "einer Kollisionsdomäne"
1: "Genau, in einer Kollisionsdomäne bin"

leah, to random German

Ob ich auf dem nächsten größeren Chaos Event mit Photopolicy mal einen Vortrag über Regel konformes Fotografieren halten soll?

So mit Argumenten dafür und dagegen.

Als Fotografin finde ich die Regeln ja auch furchtbar nervig, aber so unklar wie vielen die Regel ist und wie weit sie gedehnt wird, wäre das vielleicht mal notwendig. Man kann Regeln ja immer auch als Herausforderung betrachten wenn man nur will, dachte immer das wäre Teil des Hackings.


I've crated a short survey to get your opinions, arguments and some context on the at chaos events like last congress for my planned talk:

Please participate and share if you visit chaos events or plan to do so.

cato, to random avatar

Btw, not that it would matter now, but I didn't have a single Tschunk during , because none of the bars I came across had it listed on the menu. Was there a secret to getting a Tschunk that I didn't know?

NikTheDusky, to random avatar
cato, to random avatar


Seen talks? Eh, one or two.
Enjoyed the vibe all around the various assemblies? Yeah!
Angel shifts? Only managed two hours as a bar runner, but it was fun.
Partied? Only like 15 minutes in the bathroom.
Hacked? Hmmm... Nope.
Stayed up late? Definitely.
Hackertours? Yeah, two of them, was really nice.
Met great people? Oh hell yeah. I spent what felt like half the congress with someone I knew from fedi and I had such a nice time. You know who you are :>

cato, to random avatar

Suddenly lights on in the whole (?) CCH. It's over isn't it...

cato, to random German avatar

Du weißt, dass ist, wenn schon ein paar Stationen vom CCH weg neben dir im Zug jemand Demultiplexer und Schieberegister erklärt :3

Fredddyyy, to random

In mainstream media 37C3 is described as this big serious event, where the big questions of our time are discussed. But in reality everyone is running around with cat ears, while plushing up their blahajs and meowing at each other ​:blobcatgoogly:​

bbhorne, to random avatar

As folks gather at the birthplace of Wikileaks , I wonder who will raise the alarm that needs donations to continue? Wikileaks hasn't published a leak since 2019, while DDoSecrets has published millions of documents. But the Germans like to pretend history ended when Julian got arrested. The leaks didn't stop, it's just the funding for the leaks kept going to the bloated ancestor, instead of going to the active publisher. Who will archive and publish leaks when runs out of funding? Unclear, but don't expect to see anything new from WL.

cato, (edited ) to random avatar

[NOC is already working on it]

wifi doesn't seem to have any link to the outside world - can't ping and my display in the open wifi isn't reachable, nor can it connect to my VPN. Anyone else having issues?

cato, to random avatar

opening "in 78 minutes" - someone's having fun working with timezones!

cato, to random avatar

Quick reminder that not wearing a mask at is kinda objectively a bad decision

cato, to random avatar

Good morning! Time to get ready and leave for :D

18+ cato, avatar

All set, multiple tests are negative. Let's goo

jomo, to random avatar

not sure if troll or serious

mne, to random German avatar

On my way to the
Taking @cato|s display with me

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