@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar



IT-Security 🛡️| Enjoying Nature 🏞️ | Naturally curious ⚙️ | Weird fascination with Infrastructure ⚡| 🇬🇧/🇩🇪 (learning 🇫🇮) | mid20s | Also Kite 🌌 | 🏳️‍🌈 Pan | @Polarie_Fox 's other half | Apparently a ​:therian:​ | he/him (they/them is okay too)

🔜 FurryTram Frankfurt

"Stick Around. I'm full of bad Ideas."

On Fedi since 11.2022

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cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

I just dumped 114€ into 4 different batches of new stickers

I feel like this should be it for now with new artwork / furry stuff xD I still need money for projects and hopefully my new fursuit sometime this year. (still got two commissions I'm waiting on tho :3)

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Hopefully overestimated and not underestimated? ^^'

cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

Fig. 1: Proper handling of lynxes
YCH by https://twitter.com/zibao999 :3

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I think I have to fine you for posting too cute art without a proper cw.

But I can leave it at a warning for now

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I just had the very disturbing realization that I have no idea where my banner with all my pins is

18+ Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I know our system isn't perfect but...

I was at the dentist today for a checkup and cleaning. For free.

Then they made a small correction to one of my fillings I've been having trouble with. For Free.

And my old mouth insert for nights was getting pretty close to breaking so they made a custom new one I can pick up next week. For free.

Not to mention I'm getting a blood check next week at another doctor.

For free of course.

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

cleans up room

"Oh, a box. Wonder what's in there"

Opens box

"Uuuh, a bunch of special stones. Hmmm, what kinda stone is that? It looks kinda moldy."

Reads Titel "Asbestos"


Slowly closes box again

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

@cato It's glued to the box though.

Although now that you mention it, I did get a box of epoxy yesterday.
It's intended for something else but I'm sure there will be something left over.
(I just gotta figure out how to use that stuff first ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​)

18+ Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Ich muss Mal ne Ausnahme machen weil der Post eh nur für den Deutschsprachigen Raum relevant ist:

An die Leute die es geschafft haben Ihre und/oder Diagnose zu bekommen. Könnt ihr ein paar Ressourcen und Tips teilen?

Mir wurde jetzt schon ein paar Mal gesagt das ich wohl einige Eigenschaften habe die darauf hindeuten aber ich hab ehrlich gesagt keine Ahnung wie ich da am besten rangehen soll um möglichst hohe Chancen auf eine korrekte Diagnose zu haben.
Ich wäre über etwas Rat also sehr dankbar ​:neofox_bottom:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Why are there two different types of small 'g'? ​:neofox_think:​

RE: https://social.vivaldi.net/users/brucelawson/statuses/112149984509581262

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

@cato Ah! You're right.
But how would a change to the different variant when typing ​:neofox_think:​

cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

I really need to get a hackerspace passport and catch up on some spaces and events

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


You... Need a special passport for them?

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Ah, okay ^^'

I really though there might be a lot of events that are exclusive, where you actually need special approval/permission to even go ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

One thing I really like about my new room is the view of the terrace:

Today I saw a Field mouse and usually there are also Blackbirds and blue tits jumping across the grass ​:neofox_heart:​

A little field mouse cleaning themselves on my terrace

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Those Tufts at the top of lynx ears will forever be one of my personal mysteries of "Why evolution? Why?"

RE: https://hourly.photo/u/lynxes/p/2403/18/16

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Ah, you must be the local expert!
Please enlightened me about this peculiar and derpy feature ​:neofox_think:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

sigh I really need a dedicated fountain pen to use with my "November Rain" Ink.

It's a beautiful green but it has this very weird composition that makes it basically impossible to get out of my pen again. I've been washing and cleaning it now for 24 hours and there is still a weird clue residue coming out of it.
I basically can't really use any brighter color with this one now cause it always taints the end results and makes them various shades of brown (except for my purple ink, that one still looks okay)

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar



I obviously didn't dip my f-pen in again
But I smudged some on a paper with the back of a pencil :3

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I swear to whatever, some things should really be labeled as "Keep out of reach of children and Karb" ​:neofox_googly_shocked:​

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Let's just say I saw the "Caution! Do not consume!" Label only after I've taken a sip.

Maybe I am a cat cause it definitely feels like curiosity is killing me right now ​:neocat_x_x:​
Or maybe it's this famous "puppy brain" that everyone keeps referencing

cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

Got this cute new icon from IsoFrieze ^w^


@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Look at those cute, squishable beans :3

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

OMG! I had the most amazing dream:

I can't quite remember the things around it but I was a big dragon flying from one end of a forest to another, past beautiful sceneries like a river or an abandoned railyard.
The forest spirits tried to lead me to the wrong path but I realized their tricks soon enough.
I could feel the wings on my back and the air on my scales.
That was awesome! ​:dragnaww:​

(To bad I woke back up to a day of human hood)

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I'd probably would but I think there was a reason why I was in a hurry ​:dragnthink:​

Also when you already have momentum flying it's hard to slow down :D

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Not really. I'm a dragon, not a plane: we have VTOL ​:dragncoolmlem:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Now that I have Aussie-Karb right now I really really wanna be irresponsible and commission a proper aussie-shep Sona (with maybe a hint of dragon in him) ​:ablobfoxhyperowo:​

cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

RáÚÆ â€š�£

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


"I bought a mannequin yesterday"

As one does, I'm sure ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​

cato, to random
@cato@chaos.social avatar

"why is my nextcloud not responding"

photoprism fucked up and hogged the CPU

you can see the energy consumption at home dropping as soon as I killed it lmao

Grafana graph showing power consumption dropping from about 130W to about 100W

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


That's... Uhm a very substantial increase ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​

I wonder how that happened ​:neofox_think:​

Did you check what the picture was?

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Am I a good boy now?

Aussie Sheps are the best so obviously I had to be one for a time >:D

🎨 As usual amazingly drawn by @Kovie 🎨

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Hehe! Yiisss! ​:neofox_cute:​

I technically get one bust a month, and I gotta keep it interesting for myself and Kovie :3

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Body 👏 maintenance 👏 just 👏 takes 👏 up 👏 too 👏 much 👏 time👏 ​:blobfoxdeadinside:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Being at the "strike a pose" panel and hearing them praise Twitter and Facebook for now having support for alt text really hurts my soul on multiple levels ​:dragngrimace:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Are you an or that wants to share your work online?

Is the process of posting to so many platforms annoying and bothersome for you?

Are you at this year?

Then have I got a panel recommendation for you:

Today at 18:30 in the Clarion Live 11 Room I will hold a panel about to make your sharing processes more streamlined.
I'd love seeing your there ​:dragnheart:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

So one thing I made very clear when I entered into a relationship was that no gifts were required on days like Valentine's. I don't need gifts to feel loved.

But of course @Polarie_Fox didn't really care about that and commissioned this beautiful artwork!

I guess I can make a exception this Year. Thanks my big fox 💜

🎨 Artwork created by PatPat

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I just realized: I don't need to store Boxes in my Room anymore!

I've got my own basement now ​:dragnaww:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

And with that the Sticker pack remaster has been started :D

Awesomely drawn by Russ 🎨

I wanna get get at least some of the old ones updated to my current design, but at the same time I'm really in love with the old ones

Pack also available for Signal

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I had the idea sitting in my "Sticker idea list" for quite a while and now it's finally a reality :D

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I think I should start a photo series titled:

"Why I don't have a job in electronics".

But knowing who some of my followers are I'd probably need to get ready for a two hour talk on safety and fire prevention the next time they see me ​:neofox_googly:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Gentle reminder to anyone attending con dances, raves and other events with loud music:

Already over 24 Minutes of unprotected exposure to the loud music a week causes permanent hearing damage.

So please use earplugs: You can still hear the music loud enough, you can still feel the Bass and in my experience also understand people better should they talk with you.
And best of all: It's way better for the health of your ears ​:dragnheart:​

PS: And if you ever need some at a con because you forgot yours then try to find me: I always try to carry a few extra and am happy to share them with a fellow furry :3

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Panel was a success (in my book)!

Thanks everyone for attending and being interested. Means a lot to me ​:dragnheart:​

If you missed it and want another chance to see it. I'll be holding the same panel at

RE: https://derg.social/notes/9p8i3296re

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

being the best chat platform, example №6194:

I tried opening a chat I had with someone on my PC. Now all my DMs have been wiped. Isn't this great ​:blobfoxupsidedown:​

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Yeah, the main reason that pushed me away from using it more was the instability/unreliability.
So for family and non-techy friends, Signal was just the way better option.

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I finally, finally managed to upload all my commissioned art onto FA.
Took me almost the entire day but whatever...

Now I, at least, have a link in case somebody ask me the art I got in the past.


@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I also have triple backups of them but those are all only for private access ^^‘

This is much easier for just showing them to someone.
(Although I still keep my Refs private, just in case ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​)

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I consider them more or less the easy "proof of ownership" of a design or character. And while I know they are occasionally out there I don't want to make it too easy to just find them ^^‘

Although maybe I should see if I can Watermark it back home and then upload it like that ​:neofox_think:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Definitely not realized just right now that Visa ≠ Passport ​:blobfoxupsidedown:​

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

And now I've got my first passport ​:neofox_aww:​

18+ Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I don't know if anybody else noticed but I think it's kinda funny that, in the song "Stayed Gone", Vox uses "furry" as an insult against Alastor ​:neofox_3c:​

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

Also since I'm back to Germany now and Snow isn't really a thing here anymore it's time to pull the form out of my proverbial sleeves:


Also excellently drawn by the amazing @Kovie 🎨

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


I know, right ​:dragnheart:​

Mustelidae are awesome. But you can see that I'm planning something sneaky with that face ;3

Karb_Derg, to random
@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar

I didn't believe there is a thing such as "too much public transit".

But I keep missing my connections cause I can't find the correct locations.

There are 35 platforms in the basement of a mall but apparently I needed Platform 47?! Where the hell is that now?! ​:neofox_dizzy:​

@Karb_Derg@derg.social avatar


Technically it's very clever cause people don't have to wait in the cold and it keeps the Malls alive if literally almost every bus + the metro have a indoor station here but there are two different areas where the bus stations are and apparently I was at the wrong one.

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