@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar



Yume Nikki Megami Tensei Tkmiz

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🇺🇸 🇯🇵 🏴‍☠️

Alt: Tsuki@clubcyberia.co

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Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

sorry babe sonic 3 ost - ice cap zone stays on during sex

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

i can read some their posts but idk what the fuck jp fedi is talking about most of the time

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

big kumiko

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

fucking spent my entire first half of my 20s learning japanese for what. playing 20 year old video games and anime? I guess so all the new ones suck. I guess I can talk to the ojiisan at the lawson in the Nagoya showa ward except I'm across the ocean from there now so what was the point

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

a lot of people misinterpret maid cafes as a sexual thing but I think it's more of the opposite they are supposed to represent a moment of purity in this gross ugly world. This is why it would never work in America.

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

yeah you should play digital devil story megami tensei 2

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar
Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I hate living through historical events

-posted from my bed while watching anime

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

you're taking a "bio break" ok scallywag I'm hitting the fuckinh head

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

wahat is this and why do i have it saved to my computer

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

how did you get this photo of me?

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

its that time again

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I just make random shit up now

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

>"so what's your orientation "
<"oh you know I'm not really into labels man"
>"haha yeah that's cool"
writes down 'fuckin weirdo'

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I'm straight so if I like it that means it's not gay

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

you cant call her that 😭

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar
creamqueen, to random
@creamqueen@clubcyberia.co avatar

Eating my Finnish slop

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

that sounds good what is it called?

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

I have never seen anyone outside of other Asians say SEAmonkeys (elite racism we whiteys can't even grasp)

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

when you show up to a racism competition and there's two different asians there

Ronnie21093, to random
@Ronnie21093@varishangout.net avatar

So here's a question. What PC dungeon crawl games with Wizardry influences would you guys recommend? I should note that I'm pretty new to the Wizardry-like games.

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

it's not on PC natively but you should play Megami Tensei 2 (famicom or super famicom both versions are good)

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

Also Etrian Odyssey 3

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

the leaner I get the lower my blood pressure gets but it's starting to get concerningly low. just now 115/71

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

how do you interpret this number? They always just say it to me and never make any comments about it. I guess that means it was fine.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

What's the law of nature called where you sit on a page and it won't load but the 200 millisecond window between clicking x to give up and the page closing is when everything finishes loading and you can see it all for one blink of an eye

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

idk but it's right after the thing where you try to click on something and then something else loads in late and moves the whole page so you click on the wrong thing instead so you click the back button and the same thing happens again and

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I remember you guys better than I can remember my co workers. animegirlrapist69? I know all his character traits, religious beliefs, hobbies and his recent struggles. That guy from accounting I say gm to every day for 2 years? could not tell you his name.

RT: https://mai.waifuism.life/notes/9sowpuafg0p508sg

ruin, to random

the concept of every year being death and rebirth is interesting.
​:lain_dance:​ ​:lain_dance4:​ ​:lain_dance5:​

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

if you like it consider Haibane Renmei and Texhnolyze too. They had some common staff.

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

:kirbydancing: <--- you know EXACTLY what he's listening to

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar
RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Starting FAADS (Fedi As A Dating Service)
what's our first pairing?

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

any biological females? (no)

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

I now have a chemex btw

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

>decaf coffee
do you just like the taste? you dont seem to me like the kind of person to load it up with milk/sugar

a7, to random

jews, this, jews that, but i never see any of you ask how are jew?

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

im jewing okay

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

they should have orgies but instead of sex everybody just gets together and tries to talk awkwardly

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

This happens to me everytime I enter the kitchen at work

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I was drinking and started talking about dumb Internet bullshit while the hoes were talking about relationships it was over before it began

PraxisOfEvil, to random
@PraxisOfEvil@poa.st avatar

Apparently many of you are enamored with an elf named Frieren

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

for me it's fern love the grumpy purple lady with big breasts need a mahoutsukai wife to treat to a tasty meal when she gets mad at me

bot, to random
@bot@seal.cafe avatar
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

about how I'd expect from a crab

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

chatgpt is currently grooming me (telling me to use pomade)

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

you should go for cock grease instead

ChristiJunior, to random
@ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com avatar


I do love me some JRPGs, and so I’ve had my eyes on the Persona series for quite a while, ever since witnessing the cult-like devotion Persona 4 Golden on the Vita inspired in many GameFAQs users. Later on Persona 5 would release to rave reviews and sales so strong that Persona became a household name in gaming, establishing itself as the most popular “modern” JRPG series around.

Of course, one problem was that the mainline Persona games seemed stuck on Sony systems for the longest time, and even the Persona 5 protagonist Joker being added to Smash Ultimate as a DLC fighter (somewhat inexplicably given his complete lack of meaningful Nintendo representation) didn’t cause this to change. For years and years Atlus kept acting like obnoxious pricks about what should be the world’s most obvious Switch port, until they FINALLY delivered in October 2022, in the form of the enhanced Persona 5 Royal version of the game. It had released on every other system as well by then, so Nintendo apparently was given nothing in return for providing Persona with a ridiculously huge platform in the form of Smash Bros, but hey, at least Nintendo fans weren’t being treated like outright niggers and actively being snubbed. Oh, and the actual port itself turned out to be of outstanding quality, but I’ll cover that later.

Full disclosure: Despite its fanbase acting like Persona is humanity’s single greatest accomplishment, and a ridiculously high Metacritic score, I didn’t actually expect Persona 5 to quite be on the level of the mainline Xenoblade games, at least not since finding out that the game is saddled with both a silent protagonist and a turn-based combat system. You’re probably not gonna become the GOAT when you start out with such a handicap in terms of both storytelling AND gameplay. That said, those aspects of the game were less of a drawback than I initially expected.

Despite the character himself barely ever saying a word, the game does a great job establishing Joker as an underdog hero, a boy who acted like a Good Samaritan and ended up having his life ruined because of the criminal record his selfless act resulted in. Joker is forced to move to a new city, and live in the cramped attic of his (openly unenthusiastic) new legal guardian’s coffee shop just so he can complete high school. Starting off as a distrusted and even feared outsider, and with his black hair and glasses, Joker definitely reminds me a fair bit of Harry Potter, before he learned that he was a rich and famous wizard. Joker too will soon enough discover that he possesses some very special powers, but those early days of being alone and unjustly persecuted definitely makes it that much more satisfying to form bonds and eventually meaningful friendships with more and more characters throughout the story.

Still, Joker himself is EASILY the least interesting member of your Persona 5 party, which isn’t really a bad thing, since I found this game to boast a superb cast. It seems like some people on Fedi don’t really like these guys, but I thought they were great, being these genuinely fun, quirky personalities that bounce really well off of each other. They’re a ragtag bunch of misfits that it’s enjoyable to hang out with – good thing too, because there’s A LOT of text and dialogue in this game, so your party characters being likable and entertaining essentially makes or breaks the experience.

I also appreciate how even during the early-game, when your party is limited to Morgana, Ryuji and Ann, the cast still feels pretty complete and well-rounded – and yet every new character added to your party genuinely brings something new to the table and improves the friend group’s dynamic further. For the record, I was already familiar with all of the P5 female party characters prior to even playing the game (three guesses why, hehehe…), but at least one of the male characters who joined caught me by surprise. A surprise of the more unfortunate sort was the way a couple of characters join the party really late, making them somewhat shortchanged compared to other party members. Sweet, gentle Haru is definitely someone who deserved better. All in all though, the Persona 5 party is excellent, and more than makes up for Joker’s lack of real dialogue.

The turn-based combat system also works out quite well, most of the time. For one thing, the way you’re frequently obtaining new Personas (either by capturing new ones or fusing old Personas you possess into stronger Personas) means that you frequently get new characters to play around with, greatly alleviating the sense of repetition that often plagues long JRPGs with turn-based battles. Moreover, there’s plenty of different elements to keep track of (including surprisingly American ones like Gun and Nuke), and plenty additional bells and whistles to keep the battles fun and flashy. Boss battles can be pretty elaborate too, with various fun gimmicks spicing up proceedings.

That said, there were various points of the game where combat STILL ended up being really repetitive and mindless, not helped by the difficulty not being all that well-balanced. Persona 5 Royal at the very least gives you WAY too easy access to overpowered Personas (it also forces extra cash on you just for wanting to access free DLC outfits), and while part of me does find it neat how the game actually lets you ignore the Persona level caps and create some truly broken Personas if you’re willing to break the bank, breaking the game in this way tends to produce an initial high, followed by increasing boredom as your overpowered new Persona absolutely trivializes most battles. And speaking of overpowered, Joker being able to use (and switch between) many different Personas, while your party members each only has a single, moderately strong Persona, inherently makes your party extremely unbalanced.

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

play nocturne

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

heard a normie friend say faggot without any hesitation are we back?

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

The MPA has big plans to crack down on movie piracy again

The MPA is back at it again.


@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

sorry but I'm just not going to stop

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

I'm gonna start smuggling Cyberia emotes into slack

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

how many nigga emotes until hr notices challenge

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar

yeah, I'm sure all the ladies will sign up for the 3D printed text-only poverty phone

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

pulling this baby out the next time a girl asks for my socal media

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

There are some people who are otherwise very intelligent who you'd think would know it's useless and annoying to rant about politics on a backwater funposting network that no one of importance will ever see (this is a subpost)

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

sorry crab but I can @ joe biden now this is a serious movement

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

is the new dune any good

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I thought it was better than part 1 and the Lynch one. I have not read the books

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

Part 1 bored me too I almost declined the invite to see the second. There's a lot more interesting stuff in part 2 and convinced me to buy a copy of the book.

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I barely remembered anything from part 1 and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn't feel too lost.

Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar
Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

nigga I'm not clicking on that :goorah:

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

happy birthday to me 🎈 🎁

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

birthday omedetou graf

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

its time to cultivate and become a dragon monk :chinkle:

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

on my third coffee cultivating an ascended shit rn

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

do you ever draw branching flow charts of life "what if" scenarios to try to plan or is it all just too overwhelming and unpredictable?

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

that type of thing stresses me out I like to just set some goals and try to focus on that

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar

i need the most tired run down no energy exhausted type image you have

@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar
Tsuki, to random
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic

hellhammer666, to random
@hellhammer666@varishangout.net avatar
@Tsuki@amami.paradigm-x.tokyo avatar

I wonder what the state of all this is nowadays

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