@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar



you will never be a woman

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dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

The "its just fantasy bro, get over it" defense that shitlibs employ against objections to their hobby pozzing is so fucking annoying.

My fantasy explicitly excludes trannies and faggots like you. YOU are bringing YOUR piss earth reality into MY based and gnomepilled grognardic fantasy chudfortress, nigga. Piss off.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

It's day 2 of the gay month and I still haven't seen a rainbow flag out in the wild.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>some bumfuck australian town full of white working class people got destroyed in a flood
>infamously poor response from the government and basically no support for victims, some of which are still homeless 2 years later
>instead of forking out for proper assistance they send millions of dollars to a research program which gives all the victims MDMA
>It's being run by a jewish doctor

You can't make this shit up


dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

Overheard some reddit looking fellows talking about how there's some african worm or parasite or something that specifically infects humans, and one of them declared emphatically that there's no real ecological niche that parasite fills, so it's a "mistake of nature".

I dunno bro, african mortality seems likes a pretty big and vital ecological niche to me.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar
dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar


@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar
dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar


dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

It's important to note that not EVERYTHING to do with globohomo democracy football politics is part of the kayfabe.

There is a significant portion of system-approved politispergs who truly buy into the histrionics, which is how you end up with ridiculous shit like this coming from delusional self-important morons who don't really know where their unhinged worldview ends and their own grift begins.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I noticed a while ago that pharmacies have been removing colourants from some of their products, particularly liquid cough medicine, and offering colourless products instead. I thought this was some sort of move to help combat kids necking a whole bottle of magic healing potion and ending up in hospital.

But recently I noticed that it actually seems to just be the purple coloured products being replaced with the colourless version, which is fucking hilarious because I'm pretty sure simply changing the colour of purple cough syrup actually WILL significantly impair the ability of our melanated friends to concoct Lean.


dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>tfw everyone across the entire political autism spectrum comes together to demand Ian Miles Cheong's public execution

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

What could possibly go wrong?

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>psyops aren't real, take your meds schizo

>why yes, a bunch of western bloc and five eyes countries have StArTeD a CoNvErSaTiOn about military conscription and ThAtS a GoOd ThInG, yOu FuCkInG ChUd

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

Whatever your opinion of kiwiniggers, this is the astronomically smug snark you only see when your ideological opponents are 110% invested in the narrative of "we are on the right side of history and absolutely nothing we do to you will be interpreted as wrongdoing, ever, and this will never come around to bite us in the ass, but even if it does we will learn nothing from it because we don't care about anything other than being on the side that allows us to do horrible shit to people and feel morally righteous about it in the current year"

This is what high time preference looks like in midwits.


dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

POV: You are a medication originally developed to manage and treat hormonal issues in women with postmenopausal symptoms or who have had hysterectomies.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I've been seeing a fuckton of the usual conservatard suspects crowing over all the EVs just shitting themselves in the US cold snap, so I went to go sniff out the coping from some of my favourite shitlibs and it's just total radio silence on the matter. They're not even coping and sneeding by saying "Well they're intended for use in cities! They're not for cold weather use!", it's just complete silence lmao.

Sometimes with topics like EVs, climate change, land policy, etc, I have to stop myself and think "Have I been taken in by dumb rightoid talking points on this particular matter? Are my conservative-ish priors creating a blind spot on this issue where the libtards might actually have a point?"

Nope, "all electric everything right fucking now" is a fucking stupid policy position and will continue to be a stupid policy position for the foreseeable future, and then some. The mental midget pants-shitting libtards who push for this kind of galaxybrained idiocy are really just that low IQ and/or easily duped.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I have a libtard boomer relative who fundamentally believes that because his great grandfather was a highly successful and renowned [professional], he too has a deep, personal connection to being a [professional] too despite this occupation skipping two generations. Much of his family tree were also [professionals] and their lives revolved heavily around this [profession] and its surrounding community for over 150 years.

He takes so much pride in this fact that it became a defining factor in his decision to completely change his career trajectory to become a [professional] too, later in life. He talks at length about how being a [professional] is in his blood and that there is a spiritual connection to his work as much as there is some profound, undiscovered scientific and physiological reason as to why he is so strongly drawn to the same way of life his forefathers were - the perfect balance of boomer faux-spiritualism backed up by unfalsifiable libtard pseudoscience.

He also believes that all the third world trash falling off boats and scamming the visa system can become "as Australian as any white man" just by virtue of them stepping foot in the country.

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling teens and their oddly comprehensive knowledge of how to construct underground tunnels in an urban environment!

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I wish all r/ZeroCovidCommunity members a very happy infection


@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

I wish we could still view subreddit overlap because it would be interesting to see what else these fruitcakes do on reddit while they stay locked in their bugman apartments 24/7, 3 years after it became apparant that it's not gonna fuckin kill you lmao

@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

Update: Covid completely consumes their lives and they're all mentally ill

@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>active in r/suicide watch

@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>long-awaited appointment with a new therapist


@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

>OCD and eating disorders

dickflatteningenthusiast, to random
@dickflatteningenthusiast@poa.st avatar

It seems that all it takes is some rapey shitskin getting let out of immigration detention and immediately diddling some kids to turn immigration respecting redditors into sieg heiling deportation enjoyers.

This is actually really fucking interesting considering that only like 1 month ago, any mention of jungledwelling rockspider gimmegrants doing the wrong thing was sufficient cause for a reddit jannie to swoop in and purge a thread on the grounds of inconvenient racism.

We seemed to have turned a corner in the public discourse, which previously made the very mention of deportation verboten. Now, emergency deportation CAN and SHOULD be discussed when concerning pedophiles. And not only can it be discussed - according to reddit - the concept should be actively advocated for at a mass scale when concerning multiple immigrant pedophiles, and also fuck the bureaucratic hurdles, just send them the fuck back from wherever they last were causing mischief and make it someone else's problem.

Interesting developments.


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