@judgedread@poa.st avatar




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judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar


judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

So they extended Iger's Disney contract another two years.

He gets like $30 million annually so clearly streaming losses don't matter.

My new theory on park discounts is they jacked up prices about 20% above their acceptable margin to do the perpetual 'EVERYTHING MUST GO!' furniture store scam.

Because the Disney simps are still taking any abuse Big Mouse dishes out.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Bud Light and other brands never would have gone so far into depraved faggotry if they'd had accurate public opinion data.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Trevor once suggested that my Team A-B analysis is one of the more threatening memetic outbreaks to the kikes, making what they're up to a bit too clear, especially in this critical year.

Then suddenly a certain puppet master cunt spews additional disinfo about me.

Makes you think.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

I really did mindfuck Torba, deal with it. Proof is in the fact I was his first ban when he pivoted to 'censorship is based.'

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Lordgriffin2022 Yep, nudity is banned as 'porn.'

Pic related is one of the very few posts of mine ever deleted on Gab, and it is PG rated. Of course it was at the height of congress fulminating over Taylor deepfake porn (this is not porn).

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Hollywood now happy to get a $30 million domestic opening weekend.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar
judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar


@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@p 5/5 Insightful

jb, to random
@jb@nicecrew.digital avatar

“Small government“
Lulz, when has a single conservative ever reduced the size of government by a single gram

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@TrevorGoodchild That's a 3000+ a day habit right there.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>poast nitter now showing up in localization slap fights on steamcommunity.com


@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Paultron Don't worry, they will. Normalfags hate free expression. That's why no free speech hangout has ever taken off. They might enjoy saying faggot and nigger but the moment the heat turns on them they're gone.

TrevorGoodchild, to random
@TrevorGoodchild@poa.st avatar

Hey, Poison Dart Pepe, quick question: are you really an Albanian? My condolences if true.

RT: https://shitpost.cloud/objects/f125ba55-9b5a-4316-8c16-3fff8df3fe89

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@backrooms@shitpost.cloud @TrevorGoodchild You have 35 followers. If you're blocked or muted it's not because of your red hot takes, it's because you're not interesting enough to be worth expending the few seconds needed to read your sniping.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@backrooms@shitpost.cloud Boomer liberals have informed the host that they will never attend any gathering where I am invited. This has happened more than once.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@backrooms@shitpost.cloud Some were jews. If you are that dullard Poison Dart Pepe I can see why you can't keep an account. Skill issue.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@backrooms@shitpost.cloud Torba is a technically inept lying grifter who stole $3 million from the right. Pete and Graf have taken great risks to provide their users a place to speak. Pete asked for nothing, Graf asks that his users cover his expenses which he is very open about. He does not pay himself the six figure salary that the work he does is worth on the open market.

They are not the same.

Fiftyhearts, to random
@Fiftyhearts@poa.st avatar

-Flee from Gab.
-Sign up for Poa.st.
-Feel like I stepped into a weeb den.

...where did I go wrong?

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Fiftyhearts Complaining about it.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Fiftyhearts You should have read the intro when you signed up.

sickburnbro, to random
@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

@TrevorGoodchild a lot of people are going to be upset that Washington state just said the bar is unnecessary to practice law.

I didn't expect their ox to get gored so soon.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@monsterislandcolonizer @TrevorGoodchild Let's say ourguy potential leader is out there.

He ain't posting. He might be reading but he knows the enemy well enough not to feed data into their analytical machines. He's observing the failed A-B tests of Trump, Thomas Rousseau, NJP and studying historic attempts like Rockwell's and Pierce's, as well as the classics in Italy and Germany.

If you're not that guy the best thing to do is keep posting, because it is from the sea of awakened White men that the leaders of the future will emerge.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@sickburnbro Most likely such a man would be building a real life network with extreme vetting and have no time for these distractions. Also he would want to minimize the chances of some zero day exploit being cross indexed with RL activity.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Hertz One test of the leader of the future is staying as far away as possible from any Charlottesville situation.

TrevorGoodchild, to random
@TrevorGoodchild@poa.st avatar

Uh oh, now you've done it

Pedo-jacketing here is a big, big no-no. This isn't :torbo: 's dumpster fire, the admins and mods here actually take this shit seriously. Strongly recommend you stop fucking around.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/7b52d2d4-5591-40b6-986e-306d199f09b2

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@TrevorGoodchild @uk_1989 aaand he's gone

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

The same idiots who hate anime hate movies, television, shitposting, cat pics and every other effective form of propaganda.

TrevorGoodchild, to random
@TrevorGoodchild@poa.st avatar

This is why everyone should have at least one alt fedi account

RT: https://bae.st/objects/c2b168a5-f079-45ff-afb9-d4db20ad10a1

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Cough @graf I second Graf's suggestion of freespeechextremist dot com when it comes back. P, the admin and owner, is apparently getting all the parts to assemble new server soon, they have been ordered. I've had an account there since October 2018 and never had a serious complaint.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Everyone plz upload an avatar. Just steal one from somewhere using Tor if you're worried about EXIF data. It's safe.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Thousands of Gab accounts like this spewed garbage 24/7. I capped a few because I knew no one would believe it otherwise.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Making pic posting a pay service is so obviously commercial suicide that it can't be to save money. Torba claiming he won't expire pics because Gab is the Library of Alexandria does not pass the lol test.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@EscapeVelo But it's not. Gab ai is a cope just like Dissenter. Torba brings nothing to the table. His forks of open source projects always lag behind the big money proprietary programs and he does nothing to make them politically incorrect. His art AI still can't draw a swastika because it's hard coded not to, and he won't pay for the coder skilled enough to find and strip out the inhibitors.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

gf suggested i update the who to follow thing since i havent done anything for two years so I will also add some of your suggestions.

in your opinion, who deserves to advertised as "People To Follow"

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@graf This Judge Dread is a fine fellow, I like the cut of his jib.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

My reach pre-Gab ban, post-Gab ban



judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Analysis of how Gab was working to suppress free expression and content discovery written in June 2019:

To abolish free speech on Gab required several steps since the fraud Andrew Torba stole $2.5 million in donations, crowdfunding and fees in exchange for the promise of free speech.

The first phase was abolishing all organic trends to conceal what Gab's original users were talking about. This happened very early when abolishing hashtag support was floated, then the number of trending hashtags listed went from 10 to 5 and then to 3 FAKE 'trending' tags that never changed.

The second phase was having swarms of downvote bots run by Soco, T5 and Lightfighter 6 attempt to brigade problematic users off the site.

The third phase was outright banning for speech. The most well known target was Weev, whose posts were legal but arguably violated the rules. That effectively purged all his allies who quit Gab in solidarity, this was intended to sever the association of Gab with Daily Stormer in particular and Nazi content generally. It failed, nine months later Alexa still showed Daily Stormer as an associated site.

The fourth phase was the abolition of Categories and Live Topics in favor of user moderated Groups which can only be created by paying users. There was pushback on this so Live Topics were restored for a time. But eventually they were abolished as well under cover of the shitstorm post-mass shooting, which also provided an excuse to kill GabTV and advanced search.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

attention newfags: if you don't understand this website or the websites its connected to, brother tyler made an introduction video, watch it on PoastTV


RT: https://nicecrew.digital/objects/2faefad6-78a4-4a41-964b-94d79ee25b52

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@graf oof

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar


judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

I've been here for like a week and Wanderer's Choice thinks I have an unfair advantage because my evil frens will help bully him.


P.S. wait a week and come at me, bro, I'm sure your posse will arrive any second now.

18+ judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

In January of 2019 Gab was growing by leaps and bounds.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Torba's retarded witch mother and Gab employee threatens a Gab user with spilling private chat info to stop her from criticizing the site. Check out the donor tag. Yeah, Torba's broke mother donated.

In a pig's eye!

(July 2018)

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Between Nicecrew's 145 signups and Poast's 180 16.5% of Gab's active human users have prepared to evacuate in the last 24 hours.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

@alex do you remember off the top of your head if mastodon dedupes files? im wondering if in torba's infinite wisdom he's still operating off a 2019-2020 fork of mastodon where even the thumbnails aren't checked and that is leading to his issues which would be infinitely more funny than an exit scam

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@graf @alex I recall Fosco, Rob Colbert's replacement as main coder on Gab, was asked about this and replied that they did not dedupe files and it was too much trouble to bother fixing.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@graf Torba's issue has always been incompetence, which he attempts to patch with grift.

I was in beta chats with him, he knows absolutely nothing about technology.

doonxib, to random
@doonxib@poa.st avatar

Would you say it's gotten so bad that a small little Fediverse Instance like this is actually more active and filled with real users/accounts? Because it seems that way to me.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/aa3edadb-1731-45cb-8fec-bbc5e6cc6b93

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@doonxib I get more engagement on poa st with 175 followers than I do on Gab with 7200.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Tramble Yeah, most of my low engagement on Gab is due to 90% or more of the 7200 followers being dead, their owners having crossed over to Truth Social, Twitter or r/TheDonald's new forum site, but the rest is due to my shadowbanning, not to mention the forced unfollows they do to people who repost me too much. Happened to Trevor more than once, as I recall.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

What Torba's 20k 'donation' to AF bought him - fifth billing at AFPAC III.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

Meanwhile in the other realm...

The ridiculous civil judgment against Trump by that faggot kike judge shows that Team A means business, they want Trump utterly annihilated, at least within the rule based system they absolutely control.

What comes next? Watch SCOTUS. If they clear the path for Trump to be on the ballot it means real powers have got Trump's back. Really, the SEC approving the Truth Social merger already demonstrated that.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@TrevorGoodchild Gab's sugar daddy cutting them off is a tiny inlet draining as the vast meme ocean shifts slightly neoconward under the gravitational force of money.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@morgthorak @TrevorGoodchild The deal with Team A is they're the sexual revolutionaries that Stalin wiped out when he consolidated power. Pretty much the same genelines. Team B is Bloombergism - stop and frisk, mass surveillance, a new 'cold war' against Russia and more wars to secure the realm in Syria Palestina.

So we are still fucked under Team B.

judgedread, to random
@judgedread@poa.st avatar

To put Gab's Pro revenues in perspective, $194,658 is ninety seven times what Graf requires to keep poa st going for a month.

alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar


@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Monsignor_DickFace Torba pays his faggot brother to moderate Gab, and the fag protects trannies from helpful suggestions re: self termination options.

@judgedread@poa.st avatar

@Monsignor_DickFace FREE SPEECH *

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