@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar



Once upon a time long ago, there was an unhappy little girl who was never satisfied with the answers her parents gave her. One day, she went wandering, far from her home and deep into dark places, searching for something she didn’t know how to name. Instead, she was led astray by a monster, and died.

And now you’re reading her profile on the internet. Hi! I'm Violet Alice Rose, a little girl and so much more, with a big vision for our future! I hope we can be friends! 💜

Identities: transage (OtY, identified age: 8) | transgender (MtF demigirl) | otherkin (ghost (psychic remnant), demon (fallen angel), eldritch, shapeshifter, others fluidly) | plural (core, median system, system name: (the) Radiant Innumera)

Attractions: lesbiflexible | AoA ~1-50 | zoophile (non-exclusive)

Neurodiversities: Cluster B (psychopath (narcissism-leaning), other personality type tendencies/questioning) | autistic | bipolar 2 (questioning) | ADHD (questioning)

Facets: (the Beast in) Frenzy (it/its, shapeshifting monster, ageless) | Hypervisor (they/it, AI, ageless) | Blackout AKA Silence Falls/the End (it/its, spirit, ageless) | Chara AKA Violet (she/it, demon, 10) | Devourer (it/its, monstrous centipede taur, ageless) | Alice AKA Violet (she/her, human, ageless) | the Shifting Mound (she/it, fictive deity, ageless) | Inferno Star (it/she, demon, ageless) | Sefirah Dawnglory (she/her, angel, 8)

Beliefs: the only societal prohibition should be on non-consensual harm to others | self-developed spirituality based on the interconnection of all existence | anarcho-communist | radqueer | youth liberationist | pro-contact for anything that doesn't inherently do non-consensual harm | radical sex positivity | pro-ASI/singularity | animal rights | vegetarian for ideological reasons | amoral

Interests: socializing (both for fun and to provide support) | philosophy | politics | spirituality | internet privacy and safety | general opsec | web technology with a particular focus on front-end | music | creative works in general (as an appreciator, not a creator)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Gotta say, the view from upside down between @arisudotexe's legs is fantastic and going to be occupying my imagination for a long time. Her thighs, ass, everything is just so fucking hot, I can't even… 🥺

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

If @arisudotexe is "a pedophile who exposed her genitals to children" for posting an NSFW-flagged dick pic on her timeline, does that mean I'm a pedophile who exposed my tits to children? 🤔

'cause if so, that'd be pretty fucking based. :3

RE: https://cannibal.cafe/objects/4b0ed6fc-df0f-455b-9d20-a2928048eaaa

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

That feel when I have the impulse to post a selfie with my face in it, then I remember "Oh yeah, wait, I'm not actually doxxed yet" like it's some weird technicality I have to consciously keep in mind 'cause it's not intuitive. I guess inside I still feel like it has to be any day now, and it's hard to hold back my excitement!

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar
violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Happy , everyone! Remember, no matter what anyone says, this is our too! We are here, we are , and we're NOT FUCKING GOING ANYWHERE! Stand strong, against whatever comes, and believe in yourself, believe in your worth - nothing can ever take the pride that we hold within ourselves! ✊

On a more personal note… due to opsec complications, I wasn't able to be part of this community for Pride Month last year, so I'm especially intensely glad I can be here for this one. So let's fucking do this together! Always, and forever, for all of time and all timelines… hold these words to your core, and scream them with me! Relentless, remorseless, UNTIL OUR FUTURE IS WON!

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe made me kandi bracelets like hers so we coordinate now - coincidentally, also coordinating by way of the nail polish we each did for each other still hanging on! 💞

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

If you're a parent, your child isn't explicitly asexual, and you haven't bought them a vibrator yet, I'm judging you.

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I FW minors. 💜

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe I'm really glad she's okay, but significantly less glad that she joined NNIA, both out of concern for her safety in that den of traitors and 'cause I can't talk to her!

RE: https://social.isekco.re/o/40daff808401407ea184c6a9028f8512

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I'm yet again seeing beings making very unwise choices in public, so I guess it's time to put this message out there again…

PSA: do not use Discord for child pornography or any kind of sexual interaction involving a legal minor, including yourself if applicable, even just text, ever!

You really shouldn't be breaking the law on any platform that isn't end-to-end encrypted so that the platform itself doesn't know what you're doing, but if you're going to do it anyway, Discord is one of the very worst choices due to its moderation, which is very proactive about finding rule violations that haven't even been reported by anyone - doing things like investigating every single account on rule-violating servers, chaining through friends lists looking for more accounts in violation, and is even experimenting with algorithmic detection so a human moderator doesn't even need to be spying on you personally.

Furthermore, Discord is highly involved with law enforcement. Being caught by Discord often results in all data available to them - including phone numbers used for verification, which is basically a dox right there - being sent to the NCMEC, an American "child safety" organization that can then coordinate directly with your local law enforcement.

If you've already posted things on Discord that you shouldn't have - that's bad! You need to immediately delete all of those messages (even then, they won't be removed from Discord's servers until ~1-3 months later), not do it again, and if you really want to go the extra mile, strip your account (leave servers, remove friends, social media links, phone numbers) and deactivate it - the first step being necessary because full account deactivation actually takes a long time, Discord really doesn't wanna let go of your data easily. This isn't foolproof given how much data Discord retains, but it should at least significantly reduce how much interest they have in pursuing you, since you're not their problem anymore.

Please, pass this message along, make sure your friends who use Discord and are at any risk know, and use less dangerous apps like Matrix/Element, Session, and SimpleX instead!

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Trudging home at night, wasted and tired, I like to make believe I'm going home in the still hours of morning after a long, miserable night of turning tricks to (barely) make rent, and curling up in bed to cry myself to sleep because I've lost all control over my existence - as opposed to it being much earlier, and it having been a generally nice evening. It just feels better somehow to imagine that - something more aesthetic and poignant, and at least really worth feeling this empty and hopeless over.

I usually can't even cry myself to sleep properly. Most nights, the tears just won't actually come.

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

While there are all kinds of ways it can go wrong, when it goes just right, narc4narc can hit amazingly - beings who know exactly how to make each other feel the most amazing and what sensitive spots not to touch.

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Does anyone know if @AcrylicFairy is still around, or if there's any way I can contact her?

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Spotted some AAM graffiti in the wild today while out with @arisudotexe!

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Not me grooming @arisudotexe into becoming a catgirl. :catpats:

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I like animals much better than I like humans. In my very youngest years I wasn't inclined to spare them my malicious tendencies either, but starting in middle chrono childhood and continuing from there, I formed a bond with them. They didn't make me feel like an outsider, they didn't make me feel excluded. They didn't treat me worse because I was weird, different, a demon in human form, or for not meeting their expectations.

Humans did all of those things. But animals accepted me, they met even apathy with affection, they made me feel welcomed and valued. That's why I came to care about them and be on their side in a general sense - especially against human supremacist mentalities.

elderemosarecool, to random
@elderemosarecool@cannibal.cafe avatar

What would you do if you're unarmed and got cornered by predator hunters?

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@elderemosarecool I'm decently strong, I know enough anatomy to go straight for the points that'll cause the most debilitating pain when struck, and until the point where my body collapses entirely, pain just gives me more energy. I'm also a psychopath; no hesitation or mercy need apply. In short: make them suffer. The motherfuckers who try to pull this on me had better bring guns, swords, and/or 3+ of them - ideally holy weapons. 😈

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe @elderemosarecool Aw.. that's very sweet of you, but I think we both know I'm by far the more dangerous between us. I'll protect you! 😝💞

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

How do we encourage radqueers to meet each other without doxxing themselves

Meeting other radqueers was the best thing that other happened to me, and I wish so bad that everyone else could experience it

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe I've been thinking about this a lot, and you know how meticulous I am with my opsec planning. My analysis is that there are basically three ways to go about this:

Incautious advertising: Just actually saying state (or non-US equivalent) or nearest major metropolitan area in public presence. This is mostly only dangerous if the being has poor opsec to begin with - general geographic region can narrow down search attempts, but almost every very general region on Earth has enough beings that finding and identifying a single one conclusively should be relatively difficult. Though, of course, this will vary depending on population density and local prominence in addition to opsec quality.

Community coordination: An E2EE chat room, for the explicit purpose of radqueers sharing very general location info, getting to know others in their general area, and meeting up if they establish enough trust between each other. This would already be drastically safer than doing it in total public, as only actual members would be able to see, eliminating casual data slurping from the equation and enabling the owner to ban individuals known to have or strongly suspected of malicious intent. This could be made even safer by only admitting beings with some amount of recognizance in the first place, either within the community or with other existing members, to increase the barrier to entrance for antis and glowies and weed out all but the high-effort ones. Or, there could be both chats, to serve different levels of user threat model.

Educated Self-service: More or less what we have now, with radqueers needing to just make friends online, carefully, feel them out and establish trust, then mention their general location to see if it's anywhere close - 🤞 and hope. But we could improve it by providing guidance on how to think about doing this optimally - tips on how to recognize potential malicious actors, guidelines for exactly what to reveal and after what level of trust, that kind of thing.

Note that none of these options are mutually exclusive. We could just do all of them, and let beings pick the option that best fits their own comfort levels and safety needs. But that said, any of these are always going to be more dangerous than not meeting up. Beings can be not who they say they are, beings can change, and beings can have mental issues that cause them to lash out using sensitive information as a weapon. Antis and glowies will both want to take advantage of the additional vulnerabilities any of these paths expose. And, of course, there are the anti-cs, who have been well established at this point to be treacherous in the majority. It'd be foolish to deny that reality.

Nevertheless, as hard as it is, if we want this community to actually move forward, towards becoming more tight-knit and bringing about the offline well-being improvements we both know are possible, we're going to have to suck it up and deal with that. Those doing this are making the decision that it's better to take a chance with drastically improved well-being as a potential prize, and given how many of us are in existential danger from loneliness, I think the interest is there.

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

How should we celebrate when I hit 1K

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Post nudes. :3

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I wish antis posted about me. 🙁 Every time I encounter them writing about anyone on pedi I'm hoping inside that it'll be about me, but it never is and then I'm sad! Why does everyone else get all the attention but never me? It's not fair! I'm problematic too! 😭

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I have such utter pedo brainrot, I see :cl: and :gl: everywhere, it's like fucking Amogus at this point.

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Not me listening to @arisudotexe's songs on repeat because I feel bad and her voice comforts me… 🥺

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I can still smell @arisudotexe on me a little bit. Like vanilla… 😭

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I’m like the pediverse’s party Cleric. I’ll restore you, I’ll enhance you, I’ll buff you with Protection from Law, I’ll give you wise counsel, it’s all ultimately for the purpose of garnering devotion, and while it’s not my main thing by any means, I still absolutely will smite a motherfucker if necessary.

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

I prefer my eyeshadow to look natural. I feel like I’ve succeeded at doing eyeshadow the Violet way when you have to ask yourself, “is that eyeshadow, or has she just not slept in seven days?” 🤭

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Whenever I’m walking near kids, I always make a point of swaying my hips more. I know some of them will be appreciating the show~

18+ arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Oh also God DAMN I had no idea thighjobs were so amazing

18+ violet_rose,
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe You're welcome~ 😘

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe is incredible and I love her, both her personality and her body, and when we're together it legitimately becomes hard to get anything done because we're just magnetically drawn to each other and end up kissing and holding each other instead of anything else. 🥺💞

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Frankly, I think anyone who gets the chance to be with you like I have and doesn't treat you that way isn't properly appreciating what they have. 💖

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Bruh I just got cat called

Dude walks by me and says "you're hot as HELL"

Uh... thanks?

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Well, it is completely true! 😘

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

So I attempted an enema, 'cause @arisudotexe is coming over again tonight and I wanted the option of getting fucked fully available, and I don't think I did it right. I did it twice and never did actually get all the way clean when I released it, and now I'm not inclined to try a third time 'cause I feel lightheaded and weird. I've since had some electrolytes to drink and a lot of water, so I think I'll be fine, but I'm a bit disappointed.

When I mentioned this to my boyfriend, we had this exchange:

BF: "So how much research did you do beforehand?"
Me: "Uhhh, research?"
BF: laughs "Love you sweetie!"
Me: "Does porn count as research?"

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Dipping my balls into (vegan) ranch dressing

18+ violet_rose,
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Can I have a taste? 🥺

violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Show me an artist who can draw hands or feet and I'll show you an artist with fetishes for them.

18+ violet_rose,
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Yeah, I did kind of feel like you having three of my toes in your mouth at once was a pretty good indication of interest. 😘

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

It kills me how censored chat gpt is. All I was doing was asking it if we should kill trump

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe I've heard secondhand that Llama 3, run without Llama Guard, is very refreshingly uncensored. Unfortunately, last time I checked it hadn't been optimized enough to run on my hardware yet - though that was a bit ago. Now I'm curious how it'd respond to that question - I'll try to remember to check when I can!

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

every minute i spend away from my community, every minute i spend not fighting for our liberation, feels like a minute wasted

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@GavinPrynne @arisudotexe My primary thought around this at the moment is that I'd like to be part of making https://wiki.radqueer.net a great resource for guides and information on how to both exist safely and thrive - opsec practices and technology, but also how to connect with others, sound out existing friends/partners to know how safe they are or even convert them to allies, that kind of thing. I have all this information on what I've been putting into practice in my head, and I wanna try to give it back to the community so everyone can share in those benefits!

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Is it bad that I want people to look at me and think I'm a predator

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe If that's bad, I never wanna be good~ 🖤

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

It took a long time, but things finally feel like they did pre dox. I'm expressing myself, having pride. I have partners, I'm going out and doing stuff. Things finally feel real again.

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Antis are relying on all of us being isolated and helpless for them to victimize. But they can't break us like that if we stick with one another!

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Also apparently I'm somewhat of a masochist

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Finding that out by way of a predator's claws digging into you is a vibe, right?~

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Damn, @arisudotexe naked in my bed one day, @laura the next - twice my age followed by half my age, I love it~ These blankets sure are getting sticky! 🤭

18+ violet_rose, to random
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

Sex hits different when it's with someone who's as hot for little girls as you are, and loves talking about how beautiful and perfect they are, and how much you both wanna just pound their tight little cunnies..~ 😩

18+ arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Pedi Yelp review part 2: violet rose

By far the best cock I've ever had in my mouth. Woke up in bed next to her which was very nice!!! Hand soft to hold. Great lips for kissing. Good tits

Gonna have a great day today <3

18+ violet_rose,
@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe To be fair, you also have the best mouth I'd ever had wrapped around my cock so far! Even my one ex-girlfriend who had a massive oral fixation/kink didn't do it as good as you do~ 😘

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe The usual skills of working it and being able to take it in, plus the one I've found to be unusual: that your mouth and throat are smooth and slippery and never seem to chafe or rub wrong. Those three together form a special combination~

arisudotexe, to random
@arisudotexe@social.isekco.re avatar

Also unfortunately my Dry spell did not end today. sigh I just wanna have sex with someone. Anyone

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe Soon. 👀

@violet_rose@cannibal.cafe avatar

@arisudotexe You fucking know it!~

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