
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

mcuglys, in Made a post to /c/Fediverse about Burggit shutting down and it sparked an interesting discussion about the current state of Lemmy avatar

Its surprising to see Lemmy hate loli so much since much of the Mastodon fediverse is full of it. Just look at Pawoo, Baraag, Misskey, and a ton of other small instances. I was hoping to see a lot of old style redditors who liked free speech show up when Lemmy got popular but that didn’t happen. I guess they’ve all dispersed and gone elsewhere or off the internet entirely.

Burger, (edited ) in Made a post to /c/Fediverse about Burggit shutting down and it sparked an interesting discussion about the current state of Lemmy avatar

A lot of our issues were due to the growing pains of our host who, don’t get me wrong, promptly responded and fixed issues as they popped up. The big reason we stuck with him is because he went to bat for us when someone did their typical crybully shit and tried to go above us and get us censored by our ISP despite the infringing content being completely legal in the country that the host is in.

I highly recommend for this very reason because they will promptly tell any complainer to fuck off so long as the host they’re complaining about isn’t doing anything illegal. It really is censorship resistant.

I’d get pinged all the time on our Matrix that the server is down or is slow and other stuff which caused the components of the server, namely pictrs to crash and exhibit undefined behavior, since our image storage host was accessed via an NFS share to a spinning rust server with more ample storage mounted through a Wireguard tunnel. With each server going down all the time, it’d cause Lemmy to seriously break and require a manual fix to get it going again. Over time, I’ve gotten kinda burnt out from maintaining the site and slowly just mostly stopped using it altogether aside from a cursory glance every now and again to make sure it was still working, due to my increasingly waning lack of interest in perusing the site.

If it wasn’t for the funding issues, this instance probably would’ve remained on the same path to being shutdown just at a later date, most likely. Just because it’s too much for one person to maintain given all these situations along with the software still being of a beta quality piling onto our already existing issues. And frankly, I don’t have fun using it anymore and honestly completely dread working on it.

I absolutely refuse to create an account on any of the popular instances, which would probably end up in a repeat of the Lemmy Admin Matrix room situation where I laughably got permanently banned on sight for “CSAM” even though I never posted any such thing, rofl. So I’ll leave this here, the hyperlink in that post references their Fediseer tool:

This is precisely another reason why I’m glad we’re shutting down, the threadiverse is so stifling that we have to be on our best behavior or else we get labeled through your dumb Fediseer tool. Sometimes wrongly, (IE: calling us bigots when we fully support the trans movement, as well as the overall LGBTQ movement as a whole, and any movement that’s focused on minorities.) labeling us as a bad instance. The fact that your tool doesn’t allow instances to opt out can create a completely slanderous situation if a clique of high profile instances decide that they don’t like you.

Burggit will live on in a frankly more fun microblogging fork of Misskey, called Sharkey in the wider fediverse. A big chunk of which, will not give two shits about the reputations passed down to instances by this tool wielded by a clique of popular Lemmy instances whose behavior would make a typical Reddit powermod blush, since it takes itself way less seriously:

diff, avatar

the strong-arm bullying by popular instances was easily the most annoying thing about the “Lemmy-verse”. The auto-defederate list that those instances controlled was an obvious example of power-mad witch-hunting people being in charge. I’ve even heard once or twice of smaller instances being forced by the popular instances to follow their rules and subscribe to the list if they don’t want to be added to the list themselves.

I share your sentiment that Sharkey has been much more relaxed and fun! Only a week after I started using it, I stopped caring if Lemmy Burggit would even come back online. The users are more playful and friendly, and there’s none of that circlejerk/hivemind moderation cult over there. it helps a lot that sharkey itself feels much better put together than lemmy does. so with that, I too say goodbye to Lemmy, and hello to Sharkey.

Burggit is dead, long live Burggit!

RA2lover, avatar saw itself being forced to change its rules despite content falling within their scope not having been posted at all.

Burger, avatar

Going back on my, “This is the last post I’m making on Burggit.” Already apparently, lol. This was something that I thought of covering, but ultimately decided not to, since I thought the post was long enough as it is. Thank you very much for bringing this up.

diff, avatar

wow! that’s a concrete example of exactly what I mean. despicable behavior.


@diff Fuck redditors. Lemmy can jump off in a brushfire. Misskey FOREVER!


Never heard of fediseer before, but their censured list is a great place to find new instances!

AWildLoliAppeared, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down? avatar

I’m on Pawoo but that place is weird. Open to suggestions.

What’s this shark thing people are on about?

diff, avatar

Burggit has a Sharkey instance at It’s sort of “replacing” the Lemmy instance here. the fact that some users here seem unaware of this and instead think that the entirety of Burggit is shutting down, makes me think there should be some prominent banner or pinned post clarifying in the title.

You already have a Pawoo account, so it’s the same kind of application as Mastodon, with a timeline of posts. if does have a different UI though.

mens, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down?

How do I use sharkey for more than gooning? The layout of the site is a bit questionable. The content I browse, takes only like 6th of screen, and I can see only one image or post at a time. Even if it’s a text post, I see only part of it.

I liked lemmy for promotion of discussion. New law or new turn in tech? Lemmy’s great place for that. Some topics don’t get discussed outside of places like burggit, so I’m hoping the discussion could happen on Sharkey.

JuicyJuice, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down? avatar

I signed up yesterday for, but it’s now down. Then I remember that burggit has its own sharkey instance.

diff, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down? avatar

just the Sharkey instance ( pretty much. I never cared too much that burrgit was specifically a link aggregator like reddit anyway, so this isn’t too big of a deal for me. once i got used to the way sharkey works, I actually preferred it anyway.

faxeneda, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down? avatar

I’m not really sure, I have a few ideas but nothing that is a direct alternative to Burggit. There are two things I use Burggit for and that’s to view loli hentai and to occasionally talk about hentai games. There are a few websites I know of for viewing loli hentai but for talking about games, the only website I currently know of is F95zone and I have an account there but outside of using it to download games, I’ve only ever commented once and I’ve never made an actual post there before. I’m sure that F95zone would be fine, I’d just have to get used to how different the platform is.

RA2lover, avatar

f95zone disallows certain types of loli - see Rule 7. I think lewdcorner and allthefallen are somewhat less strict on this.

faxeneda, (edited ) avatar

I have read F95zone’s rules and I have seen people complain about how vague rule 7 is. While I have been using ATFBooru for a while now, I’ve never had an account there and this is the first time I’m hearing about lewdcorner. I’ll check them out.

RA2lover, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down? avatar

I still have genuinely no idea.

Swore myself off reddit after ther API fiasco and removal of .compact mode, but i’m not aware of other general-focus reddit-alternatives that don’t act worse than reddit in some aspect.

nofrefan, in Where do you plan to go once Burggit shuts down?

Most of the alternatives seem to be very hard to get into. Baraag wants a sample of your own artwork for an account, but I’m not an artist. Most others, like, need an invite and then still need a justification, and I have no idea what to even write there…

MishikoYuki, (edited ) avatar

Dang, Baraag has closed applications to non-artists again? I guess I can understand it since they get ~3M visits/month which is far more than Burggit ever did, but it’s still a shame.

You can still create an account on another instance that federates with Baraag like or, and you’ll be able to follow artists on Baraag from there. Looking at its about/rules section seems to be a more free-speech oriented instance that also federates with the lolisho side of Mastodon and doesn’t have these sign-up restrictions.

diff, avatar

if you’re considering microblog instances like baraag and, what’s wrong with burggit’s sharkey instance? Do you not like Sharkey specifically? You can follow baraag creators from there if that’s what you wanted to do on baraag.


what’s wrong with burggit’s sharkey instance? Do you not like Sharkey specifically? You can follow baraag creators from there if that’s what you wanted to do on baraag.

Okay, to be be quite honest, I’m just completely baffled by this sharkey thing. By now I don’t even know how to find it anymore. I saw it for a while while the lemmy instance was down, and I never got what it even is, what it does. Nobody ever explained it to, it was just like “here’s a sharkey instance”, as if that’s a thing that everybody knows what it is, when I have never before or since then even heard that word outside of

I think it has something to to with mastodon, but even then, the details or how it offers anything beyond mastodon are completely fuzzy to me.

diff, avatar

basically that place IS pretty similar to mastodon. it’s just a different fediverse micro-blogging application.

if you’re familiar with mastodon, there’s a UI mode that’s similar to mastodon. After making an account, on the left bar, click on “more” then “switch UI” then select “classic”. that makes Sharkey look a bit more like mastodon. If you have any trouble after that, I’m @diff over there. I’m still learning some things myself, but I got all the basics down.


@diff not sure if the users in this thread can see this (I don't know how the federation between lemmy and sharkey works) but this is me posting from my sharkey account


@diff not sure if the users in this thread can see this (I don’t know how the federation between lemmy and sharkey works) but this is me posting from my sharkey account

This is visible from the lemmy instance at


Okay, I just learned that it is a completely, utterly different experience. To be honest, I just never even tried to make one, because from what you can see at the outset, it doesn’t look like there’d be a point…

diff, avatar

yeah the logged out page was a bit blank when I joined. I didn’t really know what it would look like until I made one.


Baraag is microblogging while lemmy and reddit do entirely different thing. But if you just want to goon, you can browse most of baraag’s content from another instance. You just need to check your instance has wanted federations.

Burger, in I just got a new job after a year and a half of unemployment. Am hapi. avatar


Burgerlurker, in I just got a new job after a year and a half of unemployment. Am hapi.

Congrats! I had a similar thing happen to me (though after almost a year of unemployment i got a job with more pay 😀). It takes a while for the despression to subside after such a long time of feeling worthless. I recommend picking up a constructive hobby. By that I mean not videos games or books or films or whatever. A hobby where you can make something you’re proud of, woodworking, art, learn an instrument, something crafty y’know? If feels great to finish a project or perfect an new song, something that you can show to people and be proud of.

float, avatar

My hobby and profession are both programming hahah. I make a lot of bookmarklets, reddit bots and userscripts.

float, in Here’s Some Bitcoin: Oh, and You’ve Been Served! avatar

Nice, wonder if the police will make an effort to catch some random anonymous individual, although Coinbase will still have to defend itself anyway.

RA2lover, in Just wanted a warning, Lemmy.World is perhaps worse than reddit at respecting their users - Reddit Migration - avatar

Scanning through the logs, in the fallout of this they also banned @InternetTubes for “ban evasion”, FinalBoy1975, HardlightCereal, as well as commenting about this in an entirely different instance) and to be an alt of an user who hasn’t posted on but also criticized it).

Just wow.


From what I've read, they've also linked to CSAM and CP links on a completely different instance, and it has been left there, even if it's just as "proof". At this point, just the general lack of care about all of this is wow, and has made me reconsider just going back to reddit. As bad as it gets, this has its own bigger can of worms.

Burger, in Just wanted a warning, Lemmy.World is perhaps worse than reddit at respecting their users - Reddit Migration - avatar

I only found this after going down a rabbit hole of looking into one of their admins after seeing one of their admins unjustly label us as a “pedo instance.” I’m not going to append a screenshot of that because he talks shit about one of our users who go here in that same assburgers fueled diatribe.

Call this drama seeking, but I honestly don’t care. The level of disrespect I’ve had leveled at me and our instance by the wider Lemmy community has my patience wearing thin.

Lemmy was a fun experiment, but window lickers who have narcissistic complexities have got to ruin it, unfortunately. I really should’ve backed kbin since it seems like the wider fediverse (AKA the fun side) is more accessible compared to, “We’ve got to act like super serious corporations, but without any professionalism” Lemmyverse.


Not sure about accessibility, but I prefer the lemmy UI over the kbin one.

Burger, avatar

I agree. Lemmy has that going for them for sure. The UI easily outclasses kbin.


Most instances on Lemmy are much, much worse than Reddit. The few ones like this one that have some free speech going on just get blocked and ridiculed. At least from reddit I can understand from a business pov that they removed a lot of subreddits. For a lot of Lemmy instances money isnt even the driving factor but just closed minded individuals and censorship.

It makes me sad since i loved to think that lemmy could be a smaller more compact community alternative to reddit but honestly its really not.

Burger, avatar gets a mind boggling amount of donations:

The admins should be above acting like snarky 12 year olds leveling serious insults at others which could risk landing someone in legal hot water/fuck over one’s reputation, as well as banning people for saying that their instance sucks, and is full of power tripping admins. I’d expect a little bit more professionalism from an instance that has a budget in the thousands. With their projected annual budget at an eye popping 5 figures range.

If someone here said Burggit sucks I definitely wouldn’t ban them and would like to know why and if there’s any changes that can be made to make the site more appealing to them, assuming they aren’t a troll. If they are a troll, and not breaking any rules, I’ll just disengage and have a good laugh.

Anytime I ban someone, providing they aren’t aiming to harm the site in any way, I always go for temp bans. I hate giving out permabans because I feel people should always have a second and third chance to correct their behavior.

Later on, I’m going to trial run a kbin instance and run it as a sorta sister site to Burggit. Maybe the feed will be less dull then because the wider fediverse doesn’t really appear to have such a huge hypocritical stick up their collective asses compared to the Lemmyverse.


burggit is a fine instance, and you don’t really wanna talk to anyone who would defed with you anyways. don’t sweat it and let .world be a shithole in peace. their antics will catch up to them in the long term

rinkan, in Lemmynsfw has defederated

With all these defederations, have you guys considered making a SFW version of burggit (maybe that can stay federated with everything, and moving the SFW communities there? Then this instance could be “loli containment”, so to speak, still accessible from the SFW instance.

Also, from the post on lemmyNSFW, it sounds like people from here were crossposting loli stuff to there? You’d probably have to really commit to the “obey the rules when on other instances” rule.

choshoband, avatar

yeah me. i wasn’t aware “persons under the age of 18” rule included drawings. i have no clue why they left it vague like that.

Disabled, avatar

Even if we did do that, people would defederate us just in general, it’d also almost certainly be seen as us bending or breaking on our stances, by doing this we’re essentially saying that they have power over us.

If they have power over us, we are no more friendly to free speech and expression than they let us be. We will not bend or break on our policies. If it wasn’t for the loli’s they’d defederate us for other reasons, we’re not going to be pressured into ruling with a golden hammer and sickle like other instances do.

Not to mention, it would split up our own communities between 2 separate instances and put more work on us by having 2 instances to maintain instead of one. That’s extra manpower and resources we’d have to dedicate, resources we just don’t have and for an end goal that we have no desire to achieve (and is realistically unachievable).

Lemmy NSFW was loli friendly until the change in leadership as of today, posting lolis on their instance was not against the rules, so there’s nothing to punish.

Hope this helps to address your concerns.

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