PNS, avatar

YT video title: "Angry Mother Destroys $10,000 In Airport Equipment After Losing Her Children In Busy Airport"

Yes ma'am, we took your children and hid them on you.

PNS, avatar

She fell asleep, woke up and her kids had fucked off.

PNS, avatar

What acting out will get you when you need the cops on your side.

PNS, avatar

Most folks never get to see the airport from this vantage...

PNS, avatar

Kids found. She was charged with assault and public intoxication.

PNS, avatar

We might be a year away from booze being banned in airports and on planes.

It is a scourge.

Cbrooklyn112, avatar

@PNS ban black people from airports better idea

Schif, avatar

@Cbrooklyn112 @PNS your clan hood is showing.

PNS, avatar

@Schif @Cbrooklyn112

Have you seen the shit those idiots say about US? Cause I have...

Schif, avatar

@PNS @Cbrooklyn112 tldr...what do they say?

PNS, avatar

@Schif @Cbrooklyn112

Just this morning I watched a clip on X I decided I didn't need to pollute everyone else's hangover with, but it was a typical ropehead opining how every white man, woman and child should be killed. On the planet.

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Cbrooklyn112 @PNS @Schif so you found/find the dumbest black people alive, on Twitter even, and associate that with real life? I know far too many black families and am smart enough to know the difference between trash and decency.

PNS, avatar

@MartinDeLaToot @Cbrooklyn112 @Schif

Hey it's the literal uniform of armed robbers, carjackers, shoplifters, cop killers and octogenarian rapists.

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Schif @PNS @Cbrooklyn112 naw…I’m aware of too much white and Mexican trash for that to be true.

PNS, avatar

@MartinDeLaToot @Schif @Cbrooklyn112

There is literally ZERO popular messaging on MSM suggesting whites 1) be concerned or 2) to inculcate reciprocity.

The messaging is we deserve it.

You can only ignore the knocking at the door for so long...

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Schif @PNS @Cbrooklyn112 who is saying this stuff?
Some academes and a bunch of uneducated morons on Twitter.

Take care of your side of the street and then you can bitch and moan about everyone else. I have serious doubts you, or anyone else I know,can honestly say you’re doing that.

PNS, avatar

@MartinDeLaToot @Schif @Cbrooklyn112

Either you're playing the fool or you actually believe the messaging isn't present and saturating Western media.

Maybe it's because you're not in N America. Maybe it's because you want to believe with all your heart what you hope is true.

PNS, avatar

@MartinDeLaToot @Schif @Cbrooklyn112

Young blacks are UTTERLY LAWLESS in our cities.

The courts make big shows about letting them go free.

The news explains it all breathlessly.

WTF am I missing, Martin?

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@PNS @Cbrooklyn112 @Schif where do you live? Is it possible the major city you’re next too is a bit more insane than mine?

I don’t have blacks running out of control in a lawless society in Oklahoma City. Mexicans, yes. Blacks, not so much.

Humpleupagus, avatar

> Schif literally makes a clan reference to a statement about banning black people from airports.

> PNS mentions that there are numerous black people who say far worse about White people.

> Martin comes in like a White Knight to side step the issue and impliedly defend black racists who literally want him dead.


PNS, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif

I'm just not going to be alive forever to advise my daughters wisely.

The very phrase "Blacks and People of Color" should concern folks of the milky complexion.

It is deliberately exclusive. To a very, very fine point.

I've been here 53 years and have never seen this before. It's certainly never been encouraged.

Jonaschuzzlewit, avatar

Good shit PNS. Lots of us see it. Only thing I hate more than niggers is the retard Whites who defend them.

I did not start hating niggers but after BLM I fuck sure do. Not one of them stood up and said this is bs.. The so called good ones smirked and looked the other way and I realized that I needed to pick a side. So I did.

Humpleupagus, avatar

When around blacks, never relax:

I have a black neighbor. Conservative, works hard in a union job. The police have been to his house several times because of his kids and his kids friends, this included because of a stabbing at a local restaurant. Black people have black networks. Even if a particular one is ok, he has friends that aren't. He has friends that want you dead because you're White.

PNS, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif

You know who dropped the Hard R back in tha?

Blacks. If a pimp was sniffing around or a drug dealer, in the hood, Mothers used to tell their kids this guy or that guy was a nigger. As a warning.

PNS, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif

Once THEY bred shame out of their culture all things were permissible.

PNS, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif

It doesn't help that they as a people, have been selecting for thugs and hoes for a long while now, either. They haven't been selecting for scholars, or hard workers.

LivingSpaceStudios, avatar

@PNS @Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif Shame only existed in Black culture because of the whip and the Klan robe. When that was removed as a factor the shame dried up.

These racially unaware/treasonous Whites will decry the existence of so called "White trash" because they saw some argument (which ended without death) happen outside a trailer park once (usually on a TV show) but then turn around and make excuses for the entire continent of Africa being a disgusting shithole filled with murderers, rapists and cannibals.


Also, don't forget that the term "White Trash" was invented by blacks in the past to refer to whites so poor that they had no other option to do the jobs that were only available to blacks.

Rather than having sympathy, negros will just insult you

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Morghur @Cbrooklyn112 @LivingSpaceStudios @Jonaschuzzlewit @Humpleupagus @PNS @Schif seriously, not the brightest of takes. “Black people called us white trash!”
So fucking what!?
Are you so childish that has some type of effect on your ever loving soul?

Black people called us names so it’s totally cool for us to do it back.

  1. I thought whites was better than them.
  2. You’re mentally weak if it matters to you.
Humpleupagus, avatar

There you go again, defending bad behavior and attacking Whites. They've broken you, and it shows.

Can you show me any post you have ever made on any platform directly criticizing a black person for disparaging Whites? I'll wait here.

LivingSpaceStudios, avatar

@Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @PNS @Schif @Morghur You'll be waiting a long time.

People see the families of racially motivated, anti-White stabbing victims talk about how "<x> wouldn't want this to be about race" and "the bigots politicizing this are the real problem" and they wonder who would do such a thing and how you could you let your family die without taking vengeance.

This guy is primary example of someone who would behave that way. A nigger could murder his family in front of him and he'd call it an isolated incident. Guys like him are totally mind broken.

Yuri Bezmenov would call someone like him a "Useful Idiot". You can show this guy as much evidence as you want, show him photographs and videos of niggers murdering people and throwing babies into bathtubs full of boiling water, he'd still deny anything was going on. The only way to deal with people like this is, in Yuri's own words, to shoot them.

Humpleupagus, avatar

From what I've seen looking back, they did a much better job of self-policing before the welfare / grievance state got their claws into them and broke up what community they did have in the name of progress and ending racism. The gangster rap the studios pushed starting in the 90s didn't help.

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Humpleupagus @PNS @Schif @Cbrooklyn112 ahhh eat a bag of dicks with that mess.

I’m sick of people seeing shot on Twitter and saying it represents real life.

Humpleupagus, avatar

But you won't criticize the guy making Klan references.

The lengths you'll go to in order to avoid any criticism of any particular black person, including by obfuscation, is clinical. It's a sign of serious mental abuse at the hands of your educators. You probably don't see it that way though. They were that successful.

MartinDeLaToot, avatar

@Cbrooklyn112 @Humpleupagus @PNS @Schif I didn’t see the klan reference.

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