@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar



Developer of Games.
Lurker of Shady Websites.
White Internationalist.

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AlbinoMutant, to random
@AlbinoMutant@poa.st avatar


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @AlbinoMutant If she was as traditional as she says she is, then she'd petition the KKK to lynch her for the crime of coal burning.

nugger, to random
@nugger@poa.st avatar


RT: https://poa.st/objects/a952bbfb-fccb-44a4-9c5e-9e9a7b07684f

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@WandererUber @nugger Perpetual family trusts are no longer legal. It's one of the "brilliant" things that came out of universal suffrage.

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar

Reddit janitors have already deleted the account of the guy who set himself on fire


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Terry This guy's entire life was Reddit and they just delete it without a moments notice. His entire life is just gone in a puff of smoke.

18+ RehnSturm256, to random

OH MY GOD I almost said, “I love you” to the cashier at the slop stop drive thru :AmiyaCrazy:

When receiving my order and saying the usual “thanks so much” and “have a good day”,s, I started to mouth “lo-“ and immediately turned my my head forward, eyes wide, and clasped my hand over my mouth :blobcatsnapped: what the FUGG how am I this autistic!?

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@RehnSturm256 @AngryWraith To be fair, I've seen McDonalds cashiers that I would marry on the spot if they asked. LOL.

ryan, to random
@ryan@bemrose.social avatar

Seeing a lot of anti-trans backlash in my feed.
It's an understandable response to wokeists raising up the transgender demographic like they're some sort of sacred calf. They've taken a lifestyle choice and turned it into a religious icon in their war on culture.

But: When ridiculing the ridiculous, please note the distinction between trans activists and trans LUTFAs.

All of the idiotic and culture-destroying bullshit, all of the woke DEI policies, the byzantine rules and laws about pronouns - everything that makes big news - comes from the activists. They deserve the firehose of your scorn. Please, open the taps.

Just remember that most people (transgender included) are not activists. They want no involvement in this cultural jihad being pursued by the commies and marxists. They just want to live their lives outside the limelight. Sound familiar?

No matter how much you disapprove of their appearance, or disagree with their life choices, at the end of the day, remember they're still people. At least give them the respect for that.

In other words: don't be the bigot that the activists claim you are.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @ryan @Charles_in_Charge @quercus >Guess which restroom "she" used.

The unisex one.

Wormwood, to random
@Wormwood@poa.st avatar

going to do this to women, but with my warhammer minis

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@graf @Wormwood What if she has multiple basil plants? Do they all come to her at the same time?

BigTLarrity, to random
@BigTLarrity@nicecrew.digital avatar

After learning absolutely nothing by watching Sega bomb with the 32X and Sega-CD, Sony decides to attempt a pro-gamer move

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@sjw @BigTLarrity @Marshall1Banana Raw poly count hasn't mattered for decades at this point. The real problem is fill rate versus memory buffer access.

You can draw millions of triangles end-to-end but if stack even a few hundred on top of each other you can slow the rendering down to a crawl. Especially with how beefy some of the fragment shaders can be nowadays.

GoodBoyUV, to random
@GoodBoyUV@poa.st avatar

>Every trip to the gf store be like:

RT: https://poa.st/objects/a2976f0a-dadd-4a78-a70c-18f87d089857

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@GoodBoyUV @Rwoeidk Some may call this junk...me, I call them treasures.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

well it looks like you guys are either going to have to absolutely flood our stripe account before April 5th, or learn how to use crypto

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Evil_Bender @Xenophon @Heil_Honkler @graf We really need to sort this payment problem out.

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Dear California Courts:

You're a bunch of niggers. Just because I use Linux shouldn't entail that I should have to solve eight to ten captchas in order to log into your sites or perform cases searches. You're allowing any android browser to click the box without further question. I hate you so much rn. 😡

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar
graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>he didnt order a pizza on pi day
explain yourself

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@graf Pizzas are not pies?

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Mister_Sunshine @graf A pizza is a flat bread with toppings whereas a pie is a pastry shell with filling.

alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar

Torba is having a hard time.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@RustyCrab @alex @anonicus What's wrong with 9gag, bro? I get all of my funniest memes from there.

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @BadFediPosts Another "Bad" Fedi Post, brought to you by the Elephant Man.

bigbologna, to random

I like it when they bomb Gaza... It's not like Hamas gives a shit about sending bombs into Isreal... Blow up all them piss drinking terrorists...

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@bigbologna You advocate for genocide in this thread under the rationale of "right of conquest". How is that the Jews have a right of conquest in a country they do not originate from but the Germans in Germany and Central Europe lack such a right?

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @bigbologna Because I enjoy watching people lose their spaghetti.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

I still want to know who organised this because this level of collaboration with artists and to pull off a project this big is impressive.


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@sjw Painting a mural on each corner of a 15 floor skyscraper means 60 murals. If you had to pull that off in one night you'd want about as many people. This would require a bunch of support staff as well, like guys on phones wrangling 60 artists (notoriously erratic people to handle) and a bunch of guys on lookout reporting back to the leaders if the cops or building security show up.

It's a pretty impressive level of organisation. I imagine there has to be money behind this.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@sjw That means even more organization. I wonder who's funding this.

istina, to random
@istina@pieville.net avatar
@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @istina Dracula was based on Vlad Tepes and Vlad did nothing wrong. Therefore, by the transitive property, Hitler is, indeed, literally Dracula.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

poast palworld server running


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@graf I copy palworld.fedi.agency:8211 into the connect field in multiplayer and it just says it's timed out when I press the connect button. Is it locked to a particular country or do you need permissions or something?

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@graf Sweet, it works now.
Let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!!!

AbsoluteFail, to random
@AbsoluteFail@noagendasocial.com avatar

What the hell is Microsoft doing?

They force a GUI no one liked with windows 8. Then come back to form with windows 10. Only to make a half step back to that shitty UI with windows 11. Now they are blowing up the memory and CPU requirements for "AI PC"s. Something I'm sure no one really wants.

As a Linux user we need to open source Windows and build a distro people actually want. Letting MS destroy the PC market isn't a good thing for anyone

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @AbsoluteFail @MartinJJ @Dan_Hulson Most Steam games run on my Linux Mint with very little configuration, anyway.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @AbsoluteFail @MartinJJ @Dan_Hulson The thing I really like about Linux is that it doesn't break File Explorer with random, mandatory updates that you can't opt out of and then destroy your hard drives, forcing you to have to reformat drives and download sketchy third party File Explorers from websites that look like they're a front for trafficking arms to the Taliban.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Jonaschuzzlewit @Humpleupagus @AbsoluteFail @MartinJJ @Dan_Hulson I'd suggest getting an Ubuntu based distro to start with because they're relatively simple to get into for newcomers and they have most if not all the features a basic user would want from a PC. Some people will try to talk you into Arch and/or Gentoo but they require a bit more knowledge to use and it's easy to break stuff. I'd recommend Linux Mint but straight Ubuntu is also fine.

IAMAL_PHARIUS, to random
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@poa.st avatar

Year of the dragon 2024. soft landing guys we gonna make it

RT: https://poa.st/objects/833eba87-6fb7-462e-a3f3-ed4c2667e56b

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Frondeur @IAMAL_PHARIUS But you're supposed to be feeling bad for this guy who is partially responsible for no one being able to own a house. Let's all put the meth down and start crying our hearts out for landlords everyone.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@ImperialAgent @Frondeur @IAMAL_PHARIUS No, but he sure as hell profits from it and he helps to prop up an industry that profits on replacing Whites with niggers. An entire industry that has bought up so much of the available property just to rent it back to people at a premium so you can't even buy your own without some serious lifelong (often multi-generational) effort and planning.

He's just one the many slum lords that need to be thrown into a wood chipper, the fact that his slum is small by comparison to some is immaterial.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@gnarley_boot @Awoo @Humpleupagus Humpleupagus, Ink Splatter Analyst.

PNS, to random
@PNS@noagendasocial.com avatar

YT video title: "Angry Mother Destroys $10,000 In Airport Equipment After Losing Her Children In Busy Airport"

Yes ma'am, we took your children and hid them on you.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@PNS @Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @Schif Shame only existed in Black culture because of the whip and the Klan robe. When that was removed as a factor the shame dried up.

These racially unaware/treasonous Whites will decry the existence of so called "White trash" because they saw some argument (which ended without death) happen outside a trailer park once (usually on a TV show) but then turn around and make excuses for the entire continent of Africa being a disgusting shithole filled with murderers, rapists and cannibals.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @Jonaschuzzlewit @Cbrooklyn112 @MartinDeLaToot @PNS @Schif @Morghur You'll be waiting a long time.

People see the families of racially motivated, anti-White stabbing victims talk about how "<x> wouldn't want this to be about race" and "the bigots politicizing this are the real problem" and they wonder who would do such a thing and how you could you let your family die without taking vengeance.

This guy is primary example of someone who would behave that way. A nigger could murder his family in front of him and he'd call it an isolated incident. Guys like him are totally mind broken.

Yuri Bezmenov would call someone like him a "Useful Idiot". You can show this guy as much evidence as you want, show him photographs and videos of niggers murdering people and throwing babies into bathtubs full of boiling water, he'd still deny anything was going on. The only way to deal with people like this is, in Yuri's own words, to shoot them.

ScoWer22, to random
@ScoWer22@noagendasocial.com avatar

Wow. I thought I was seething pi$$ed off. This guy's on the same page, if not a chapter ahead of me.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @MCMLXVIIOTG @ScoWer22 >"Let me school you on the societal rules around sending women and children to war"
>Yet another boomer making more veiled threats about revolting against the government.

"If they take our Automatic RIfles we'll revolt"
"If they take our bump stocks we'll revolt"
"If they force us to give up property we'll revolt"
"If they force us to take vaccines we'll revolt"
"If they send our sons off to war we'll revolt"
"If they send our daughters off to war we'll revolt"

When I was a kid I would occasionally make threats I wouldn't back up because I was too young to understand how cringe that is.

You'd think someone whose 50 or 60 would know to put up or shut up but every so often one of these boomers runs his mouth about how <x> specific thing will be the turning point.

coolboymew, to random
@coolboymew@shitposter.club avatar

Said nobody

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @coolboymew She's already had enough crack.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

Islam has fallen. Billions must blow themselves up.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Svantovit @Awoo Do roombas actually work? I've only ever seen one of the knockoff ones and didn't really path find.

LivingSpaceStudios, to random
@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

Another "bad" fedi post? Who or what even runs this account?

RT: https://shitposter.club/objects/bf86ab22-9718-4a34-bc86-72b9a0c5ee67

Tepid_Tapir, to random

My take on the UK ban on XL Bullies (despite nobody asking) -

Obviously the bans on dangerous dogs are going really fucking well as their banned dog list now includes 5 breeds. Can't wait to see what they ban next because they can't control their population. I'm sure they won't have to add more dogs in a few years.

People are also being lulled into thinking the ban isn't that bad because it's not outright euthanizing. It's really just a slimey way around it though. People with these dogs will have to keep them muzzled and contained, and will need to have them fixed and insured. The latter is nigh impossible to do if you aren't rich or influential. Bully breeds can not be bred, ​​sold, abandoned or rehomed.​ So if you can't afford some scam insurance, you are fucked into euthanasia because you can't rehome the animal. They basically found a way to make the owner pay for killing their own animals due to a ban.

I'm sure the insurance company owners and their ties also have nothing to do with this ban whatsoever. I'm sure it's purely coincidental their ties to the UK government and the fact that this ban is going to make them bank.

Another issue is all the dogs currently in shelters are going to be euthanized, because it's illegal for them to be abandoned and they can't be rehomed.

The UK does not even recognize XL Bullies. They are using visual ID to identify bully breeds, which is wrong most of the time even for dog professionals. But the UK is letting police officers determine what dog is banned breed. I have a feeling we will see a lot of power hungry police officers like we saw in CO where police officers were labeling Labradors and dachshunds as banned dogs. With the UK not recognizing the breed, this leaves a blindspot for officials to name any breed as a banned breed.

On top of that, the huge increase strain on vet med professionals as well. As someone who had to regularly euthanize happy, healthy, friendly animals, it does a number on your mental health. I have never dealt first hand with a dog ban, but i had to deal with the fallout of a neighboring area's breed ban and it was horrendous the amount of dogs i had to euthanize, that breed or not, just from overpopulation as a result of bans. With the UK ban, vet med professionals would be legally required to euthanize happy, healthy dogs if it falls under the ban requirement.

The best part is, people are so happy they don't have to euthanize their dogs. Idk if the UK is this retarded, or it's just really effective propaganda, but they're still forcing yall to euthanize your dogs - they're just doing it in a less loud way, and making the people responsible for their ban. It's beyond stupid.

Anyways if yall have questions or want to start a convo feel free to hit me up. I'm on vacation so I might not respond quick or have all my sources.

The American Bully breeds currently recognized by the American Bully Association. Only the XL is banned in the UK
Other breeds the UK is looking to add to the ban due to bites include the American Bulldog, the Staffordshire Terrier, the German Shepherd, the Rottweiler, Siberian Huskies, Mastiff (the breed), Labradors, French Bulldogs, and Greyhounds.

@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@ChineseCheese @graf @Tepid_Tapir All animals have the tendency to attack things they consider a threat or have no reason to respect. I've never been attacked by Pitbulls but I was attacked by a Rottweiler when I was a toddler.
If you ban Pitbulls, niggers and irresponsible women will start buying Rottweilers and turning them into violent, schizo dogs. If not Rottweilers than German Shepards or Greyhounds.

Niggers and Women shouldn't own large dogs because both groups are too impulsive and irresponsible to control them.

lain, to random
@lain@lain.com avatar
@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @lain @Billy_Hughes It's still less of a mistake than "piss in mouth gf".

PoastSupport, to random
@PoastSupport@poa.st avatar

🎄🎄 Welcome to Poast's 3rd Christmas Giveaway🎄🎄

It's Christmas time here at Poast, and everyone on the Poast team loves you all for sticking around for our third Christmas online, sincerely. To show our love with material items, starting "tonight" (and regularly at 19:00EST / 00:00GMT) every day until Christmas eve we will be posting a thread on this account, @PoastSupport giving away a gift to thank you for a great year.

To enter you must:

  1. be a Poast user, creating new accounts to enter will ensure your name is not included in the draw
  2. poast something within this thread so your name is included in the randomizer (try to make it funny)
@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@Owl @milk @PoastSupport If I don't win everything, I'm going Poastal.

EDIT: added a picture.

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar

its literally the meme lol


@LivingSpaceStudios@poa.st avatar

@deprecated_ii @Terry People who act this way deserve to have their bikes stolen by niggers.

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