cato, (edited ) avatar


Katti, avatar

@cato that still means “first come, first served”. Even if you sign up on advance, all others can do that as well. Also, many shifts don’t appear so early so you will have to wait until the event starts anyway.

cato, avatar

@Katti yeah, FCFS is fine. I just prefer to have a fixed schedule when I go into an event. And I would prefer the shifts that are already foreseeable in advance anyway.

Katti, avatar

@cato only a really small fraction of shifts is foreseeable. Some teams only distribute shifts a day before they are happening. That’s just the way it works 🤷🏻‍♀️

cato, avatar

@Katti then the way angels operate is just fundamentally incompatible with how I operate. Kinda sad :(

Katti, avatar

@cato most tasks are quite spontaneous or only planned one day in advance. Depending on what you want to do you might want to get in contact with specific teams?

cato, avatar

@Katti I can only compare it to the security team at the furry con I volunteer at. There, you click together a shift schedule weeks before the event, everyone knows when they need to do what, you can choose between various tasks, and that works great. For ad-hoc shifts, there's a supervisor / shift coordinator that takes care of finding people spontaneously. [...]

cato, avatar

@Katti [...] But I also realise that this is a bit different in scale, since the team is usually around 100 members and everything is well planned out in advance.

I guess being in a specific team at Congress would lock me in to a specific kind of shift, which I would find too restrictive

Katti, avatar

@cato That's the problem: you can never really tell how many angels you need. Some shifts pop up in an instant (additional crowd control etc).

cato, avatar

@Katti yeah... I guess I'll never be able to get a reward for doing shifts, it'll have to stay at a few hours just for fun

Katti, avatar

@cato If you really want to work hours, I guess you need to look for these "unsexy" night shifts doing access control or similar.

salticidea, avatar

@Katti @cato This, or build up and/or tear down shifts.
I thought I would never be able to click enough shifts, in the end I got to 26 hours (or 24, 2 were a night shift), 6 were tear down shifts.

cato, avatar

@salticidea @Katti I'd love to help with buildup and teardown but... y'know. There's certain events before and after congress.

Katti, avatar

@cato also: most people don't do angel shifts for "rewards". Most people just want to give something back to the community.

cato, avatar

@Katti yeah, no I get that, I didn't mean to say it was the only reason I'm doing it. It's just a bonus I'll never be able to reach, so I do some shifts for fun but not overdo it

Katti, avatar

@cato the shirt score was a low as 12 hours in the end.

cato, avatar

@Katti yeah and I managed two ahaha

cato, (edited ) avatar


miketango, avatar

@cato But why. The shifts were worked, it doesn't matter by whom. This way more /other people had the chance of doing shifts.

cato, avatar

@miketango Being able to book earlier doesn't change that though...?

miketango, avatar

@cato It prevents people from hogging shifts, which is good.

cato, avatar

@miketango If I want to do a lot of work, what's bad about that? I guess I just have a different mindset

miketango, avatar

@cato The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

cato, avatar

@miketango yeah okay

pennylane, avatar

@miketango @cato also if you make them available they will be full weeks in advance and new people don't have the chance to grab some at the event. Think like ticket queue.
Either people who don't register early because they don't know the option are left out or people arriving late. There is no good solution that works for everyone but if you have an idea that nobody had in 10 years feel free to step up and throw it into the ring.


@pennylane @miketango @cato Also, people will sign up for shifts a week or two in advance, then forget it and won't show up. Signup only after arrival makes sense to prevent this. Add signup only a limited time in advance and a fair distribution might be feasible.

cato, avatar

@michik @pennylane @miketango my idea was kind of that in reverse, as I said in my second post. But it seems that the core objectives of the Engelsystem are different from what I thought

pennylane, avatar

@cato @michik @miketango what did you think the core objectives are?

What so you perceive them to be now?

cato, avatar

@pennylane @michik @miketango i was distracted, annoyed and frankly i don't even know where I was going with this

pennylane, avatar

@cato @michik I guess we're all a little frustrated with the issue because no one ever came up with a really good solution. Just the kind of compromise that keeps as few people angry as possible 😢

feuerrot, avatar

@cato es gibt so oder so zu viele Engel für zu wenig Schichten (mindestens) in manchen Bereichen. NOC Helpdesk hatte ~50 Schichten und zur Einführungsveranstaltung sind ~100 Leute dagewesen.

cato, avatar

@feuerrot ja okay wow


@cato There is an open issue for a slightly different, but similar feature - allow shift signup only some time (e.g. 24 hours) before the shift starts. This would prevent people who arrived first to claim all the attractive shifts. Instead, everyone would have a fair chance e.g. on day 3 for shifts on day 4. How does that sound?

cato, avatar

@michik also a good solution

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