moffintosh, Italian avatar

The contraddictions between the quasi-socialist mode of production and private corporations are intensifiying😁

What Comes After Open Source Software?

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh the clowns want to infiltrate it to push identity politics, the corpos want to subvert it to sell merch :neocat_gun:

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh FOSS gets assailed by a lot of special interests.

also there were already experiments with the Prosperity license and such to make a 'corporate GPL'. OSI didn't like them because Reasons(tm.)

i'm still currently a fan of OSL3 but i'll have to do more reading to be sure. it's like AGPL with less obtuse wording. (they also don't mention linkers because the lawyers reviewing it said it causes a lot of issues in court.)

moffintosh, avatar

@icedquinn I wouldn't call that "selling merch"

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh the corpos just want the free labor. rich gold called it "colonizing the commons" and i've seen that come up a time or two.

ex. the svalboard picks up from the lalboard, closes the licenses, and then sells it as a product. (in this case its one guy who basically 'finished' the now-abandoned design and sells kits/prints, but big businesses want to do it with everything.)

i used to comment that linux is "like africa" where they just want to plunder the resources and anybody who gets too useful gets acquihired out of the ecosystem


Yeah. The way ancient slavery worked is you got to live on the lord's land and farm it for subsistence and in exchange you had to give a percentage of your harvest back to the lord.

Isn't that what socialists think is a big brain new concept?

moffintosh, avatar

@olmitch @icedquinn
> Isn't that what socialists think is a big brain new concept?



sound pretty similar to living in state owned housing funded by taxes so me.

moffintosh, avatar

@olmitch @icedquinn No? It's collective ownership. Not much different from a stakeholder owning controlling stocks

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @olmitch socialism also means a lot of things :neocat_floof_mug:

the most common expression of "socialism" is actually "authoritarian nanny state," while Hayek saw socialism as a vehicle for fascism and Marx saw it as a vehicle for communism. it's "supposed" to mean industrial machinery belongs to the commons, however they think that would work in practice.

i suspect tech shops/hackerspaces are the closest we've seen to "real socialism" though.

moffintosh, avatar

@icedquinn @olmitch Socialism means a lot of things, except to the people who called themself such, who willingly picked the label.

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @olmitch i still see people refer to europe as socialist which is hilarious because i have never seen any commonwealth owned manufacturing come from there

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @olmitch well sweden has state owned booze production i guess

moffintosh, avatar

@icedquinn @olmitch Imo, the DDR and USSR allowed small buisnesses to operate too, but in neither case was one the dominant form of production.

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @olmitch @Moon i think the permaculturists and tech shops are probably the closest to a reasonably functioning [classical] socialism.

there's still a lot of issues to sort out but eh

icedquinn, avatar

@olmitch @moffintosh well the lord owed a percentage. the serfs didn't own anything.

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn @moffintosh I watched the video, the Perens suggestion seems fraught with peril but doesn't seem to be the same thing as the people trying to infiltrate open source, other than giving them oxygen

Moon, avatar

@icedquinn @moffintosh it didn't seem quasi-socialist to me as much as perens basically just saying they're getting around the sharing clause and taking stuff for free. money can still exchange hands just abide by the spirit of the license, right?

icedquinn, avatar

@Moon @moffintosh well companies did a lot of FUD and propagandizing over the GPL up until big tech became a thing. when they found ways to cheat the license they suddenly had no further issues with GPL. then when the AGPL came around Google outright banned it from Google Code in a not at all subtle jab that you were not to genuinely inconvenience a corpo from colonizing the commons.

Just like now you see a lot of heat thrown at the AGPL because they can't colonize it.

i hate sociopathy i'm so tired

moffintosh, avatar

@icedquinn @Moon Primitive accumulation of software!
It's the enclosures all over again, with common property being appropiated by the capitalists to extract profit from it.

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @Moon latest book of the month was talking about enclosures in britain.

moffintosh, avatar

@icedquinn @Moon "Book of the month"?

icedquinn, avatar

@moffintosh @Moon i've read 100% of one book and 30% of two other books this month :blobcatlaydown:


I'm guessing this is some book club you're a part of?

icedquinn, avatar

@Hyolobrika @moffintosh @Moon no :ablobcatworried:

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