shedinja, avatar

How the fuck do you hit on girls ar bars

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@shedinja Buy them a drink and just talk to them if she looks you in the eyes for more than 5 seconds and smiles she to open to speak. Simple as

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@shedinja Also do NOT speak about work/college or Politics stick to moosic the general nightlife in the area and talk of drinks to break the ice

givenup, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @shedinja yes, every fedi guy needs to know, don't talk about politics to girls, some of them know better already but a lot of them don't apparently.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@givenup @shedinja Also, younger women find it attractive and exciting if you have a criminal past and are well known for your bad behaviour but women over 30 generally don't like that in a man

givenup, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @shedinja yes i knwo younger women are fucking dumb, just like older women but in a different way.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@givenup @shedinja I think it is more that younger women like men who will take risks and break the law and older women prefer stability

TimeSpent, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @givenup @shedinja Fun fact, women are more attracted to bad boys in the middle of their cycle (when they are most fertile) because they instinctively view masculine men as better father figures.
Short story, they want your sperm not your partnership.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I always found that women under 30 were drawn to my former bad reputation and it put women over 30 off but idgaf they aren't my target demographic innit

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja Dan gets more women than me :suicide:

Time to go dick around in the woods some more, maybe I will find a nice skinwalker lady

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja Mate I am an average bloke with average looks and I do fine it is confidence women will not look at you twice if you unsure about yourself

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I think I am actually pretty much the king of being average at everything as much as I troll about myself I am exactly middle of the pack (well I'm still a sperg but like aside from that). I have always had 0 self confidence and need to force myself to do things and that is something I do sometimes struggle at

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja lack of confidence and desperation for a woman is a killer and I reckon it is why a lot of men on Fedi get zero bitches tbh

burner, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar

@burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I just stroll around like the King of fucking England and no fucker hassles me innit

Xenophon, avatar

It's like fat people asking how not to be fat

>well stop eating food
>yeah but I don't wanna. Isn't there a pill for this?

>Just be confident
>yeah, but I hate myself and I'm not at all confident.

Fake it till you make it, niggers.

burner, avatar

@Xenophon @Barbecued_Lemons @Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I just stutter and make things really uncomfortable when I try to be confident and talk to people

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar

@burner @Xenophon @Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I am actually kind of fine, its not knowing how to start the conversation itself.

Xenophon, avatar

practice on ugly bitches.

burner, avatar

no such thing when your standards are as low as mine (barring pajeetesses, but that's basically like talking to a dog so it doesn't help)

Xenophon, avatar

I can lead a horse to water, Burner. Nobody said it was easy, but if you attempt to become more comfortable talking to women in a social setting where you are displaying sexual interest in them, you will just get better at it.

or you can just wearing a wedding ring. Bitches love married men because they think your wife has already vetted you as a quality partner. Women are bitches.

burner, avatar

I don't understand how going to a gym will help me talk to foids. I'm completely fine with my appearance, it's not the cause of any of my problems

Xenophon, avatar

Ask the millions of men it's worked for. Ask @matty how he feels better. If you dedicate time to improving your body, women will recognize it and respond. I dunno man. They like bigger arms and shit.

You improve your appearance to attract a mate, it has nothing to do with how you feel about yourself.

burner, avatar

foids hit on me fairly regularly, I just fuck it up because I can't speak or don't realise until it's too late. Like I said, appearance is not my issue.

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar
burner, avatar

normalfags cannot comprehend the sperg experience

Barbecued_Lemons, avatar

@burner @Xenophon @matty @Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja Come to America we can hike the trails because nature is fun and drag women off the paths. They say an ironwood tree is natures radiator

burner, avatar

we should start a cult

Xenophon, avatar

just tell them you're fascist and you want to make White babies to save Europe.

burner, avatar

does this work on swarthy foids

Xenophon, avatar

>Listen, I hate muslims and what jews are doing to our country. Lets make White babies and save Europe

I guarantee you get married.

burner, avatar

I think that will get me arrested here but I'll keep it in mind lmfao

Xenophon, avatar

Dan has a fucking swastika tattoo and he gets laid. I'm sure you can find a wife, especially in 2024 where more and more people are noticing

Hoss, avatar

Where the fuck am I supposed to go get a swastika tat so I can finally get laid? Do I need to get locked up and join the AB?

Xenophon, avatar

That's actually an interesting question. if normal tattoo parlors will do that. They'll tattoo an octopus on your asshole

Hoss, avatar

I presume they wont. Maybe you need to find the place the local Hell's Angels branch members go to.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja Also if you have Chinese in your area that do tatts for Triads they will do them

Hoss, avatar

@1nter4ri teach you that lifehack?

1nter4ri, avatar

@Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja hehe possibly. 😜

I have always want tattoo but my mother stop me.

givenup, avatar

@1nter4ri @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @Dan_Hulson @TimeSpent @shedinja you'll appreciate her for that one day, don't worry.

1nter4ri, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar

@1nter4ri @givenup @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @shedinja I always tell you get tattoos they are hot and would look good on you

1nter4ri, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @givenup @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @shedinja If husband is say so maybe I get one. What would you recommend?

burner, avatar on the forehead. Very popular

1nter4ri, avatar
Hoss, avatar

Excuse me? Does this Aryan gigachad look like a nigger to you?

1nter4ri, avatar
Hoss, avatar

He was the church, baby. He rolls the nickels. The game was his.


1nter4ri, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar

@1nter4ri @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja That's how I look when you leave me on my own and I forget how to use the Washing machine 😢

1nter4ri, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I always leave you with plenty of cloth. You should not despair. ^^ beside I am out figure out tattoo.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@1nter4ri @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja You should get a tattoo they are very cute but don't go overboard just get a few at most also tattoos on girls hands are cute too

1nter4ri, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar

@1nter4ri @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja Tattoos are better if you can cover them but also remember if you want a tattoo done in more private areas you got sit there for hours while some stranger does the tattoo

1nter4ri, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Hoss @Xenophon @matty @burner @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja I would like one show off if I wear a bathing suit or something but hidden otherwise. Usually I wear one piece.

burner, avatar

get a Luffy tattoo where his eyes are your boobs. Kind of like Dan's Scrappy Doo tattoo

1nter4ri, avatar
burner, avatar

it's sophisticated

1nter4ri, avatar
burner, avatar

dan's scrappy doo nipple tattoo is classy

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@burner @Xenophon @matty @1nter4ri @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja @Hoss My mates ex wife has baphomet on her tummy and the horns touch her nipples pretty satanic but very fucking hot

UnityOstara, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @burner @Xenophon @matty @1nter4ri @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja @Hoss This guy I worked with back in 2008-2013 had a simular tattoo from jail.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@UnityOstara @burner @Xenophon @matty @1nter4ri @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja @Hoss She wasn't a satanist or owt she was just edgy when young but still it was very hot

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @UnityOstara @burner @Xenophon @matty @1nter4ri @Barbecued_Lemons @TimeSpent @givenup @shedinja @Hoss brother hulson i just entered into another project's discussion like it was the queen mums own and told people how it was going to be and thats just how it was. im beside meself im going to go into parlament next

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