binkle, avatar

my future president telling people to microdose amphetamines on the timeline

tyler, avatar

What's the real difference between it and caffeine? Both performance enhancing drugs

RustyCrab, avatar

@tyler @binkle everyone I know who has ever done adderall regularly has gone crazy

creamqueen, avatar

@RustyCrab @tyler @binkle what about me

RustyCrab, avatar

@creamqueen @binkle @tyler :spiderabyss:


@creamqueen @RustyCrab @binkle @tyler you're fucking cream queen

creamqueen, avatar

@rdr @RustyCrab @binkle @tyler I take Adderall daily :froth:

tyler, avatar

Oh shit guys it's cream queen act cool everyone

RustyCrab, avatar
creamqueen, avatar

@RustyCrab @tyler @binkle @rdr reported blocked you are not free from sin

tyler, avatar

I've never used it

RustyCrab, avatar

@tyler @binkle ask @Pawlicker about his experiences

tyler, avatar

So you use Adderall and become a foot fetish furry?

Hell no never going to touch the stuff now

RustyCrab, avatar

@tyler @Pawlicker @binkle whatever works man


@tyler @RustyCrab @binkle it's very weird it's great until the crash hits

Also if you're in a psychologically broken mindset it's not as good

tyler, avatar
cassidyclown, avatar

@RustyCrab @tyler @binkle I didn't go crazy but a guy I knew got hospitalized for psychosis from it which is pretty scary

RustyCrab, avatar

@cassidyclown @binkle @tyler it probably depends on dosage but I've known 4 different people who have life altering brain damage from it. They don't call it brain damage but it's irreversible personality changes and complete lack of ability to function coupled with extreme suicidal tendencies.


@RustyCrab @binkle @cassidyclown @tyler I can't tell if anything here is brain damage or just feeling shitty from loneliness but I'm slowly easing off of/trying to be less dependent on it.

I can function off it if I have friends and stuff to keep me company. I take a low ass dose and ir, extended release fucks my sleep up.

Ssris fucked me over more imo

tyler, avatar

That's real. Ssri are of Satan.

Effect of being a little broken:

My oven just broke so obviously that stress means I should kill myself.

cassidyclown, avatar

@tyler @Pawlicker @RustyCrab @binkle it's scary how keen shrinks are to increase the dose on anything. Every time I visited mine he would increase my SSRI dose even though I said I felt fine. I'm naturally not very expressive and tend to speak in a flat tone. I finally made the connection one day and faked an enthusiastic, tone-varying voice and smiling face and he stopped increasing the dose. I even asked him at one point if my dose seemed a bit high and he said "oh no don't worry some of my clients are on twice this". My GP later looked shocked when she asked about it. It's one of the main reasons I quit going.

pernia, avatar

@cassidyclown @Pawlicker @RustyCrab @binkle @tyler >not very expressive and tend to speak in a flat tone

cassidyclown, avatar

@pernia @Pawlicker @RustyCrab @binkle @tyler I'm more expressive and outgoing around people I'm very close to which is normal. I don't understand how a psychiatrist wouldn't understand this.

tyler, avatar

Same way they'll explain cutting your brain in half is you having multiple personalities/consciousness within you

Also simple truths don't make them money. They're the worst kind of doctor.

cassidyclown, avatar

@tyler @Pawlicker @RustyCrab @binkle @pernia Something that pissed me off a lot was when they cancelled an appointment on me the very day of the appointment and rang me up asking if I could do tomorrow instead. I was put on-the-spot and forgot I had some other shit to do at that time that day and agreed. The next day I rang them back to cancel. Because I had technically cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment which means it can't be refunded they quietly added the bill onto the bill for the next appointment I did attend which ended up being weeks later. They didn't even tell me on the phone.

tyler, avatar
PeachySummer, avatar

O shid @The_Almighty_Kek breakfast crown in dispute

tyler, avatar

You're going to get pink eye one day from all that brown nosing

PeachySummer, avatar

I just wanna see a retard fight, retard :animu_angry_1:

tyler, avatar

Punch your bathroom mirror then nigga

hazlin, avatar

@cassidyclown @Pawlicker @RustyCrab @binkle @tyler good on you mate. I know someone who was misdiagnosed by a shrink, and they kept him on medication that would send him into a mania for years.

No one will care more about your own health, then you.


Am the same, one visit to a gp and I was on a new SNRI on twice the starting dose.

Planning on seeing a psychologist/therapist (without ze pills and not cognitive behavioral).

I have a good understanding of my issues, where they come from and my self destructive habits. I just need someone who I can talk to about them without that person thinking "This dude is about to kill himself" lol


@tyler @binkle the real secret to maximum productivity is crack

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