@Fash-E@poa.st avatar

I have 7 days left to cover the last 500 years for White History Month. Good thing they were uneventful... heh...

@Aspergtame@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Fash@poa.st You shouldn't have wasted it covering the Byzantines (spiritual niggers.)

@Fash-E@poa.st avatar

@Aspergtame I definitely should have doubled up more stuff early on, the posts have been getting exponentially larger lol

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Fash@poa.st @Aspergtame Should have stuck to Germanic history only it is called White History Month not Wog Swarthoid History Month

@blankdeblank@nicecrew.digital avatar

That's what islam did when it took over White countries Spain used to be as White as France. The first thing islam did was enslave 5000 blonde White children and shipped them into to harems. Also why I think the spaniards were not all that sinsitive with the indians when they took over south america. Because they were pretty dark already why they didn't bring women from spain like North America did.

@Leinad@poa.st avatar

@blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Aspergtame @Fash@poa.st ?
"X is not white" is the oldest trick in the book used by niggers and jews to push for muttmixing, back when i was still on twatter it was the vast majority of spics (and commies) talking about how Spaniards were "moorish" and that they should flood the country with spic immigration, it is also an idea heavily pushed by the "Hispanistas" wich 99% of them are spics, appealing to some sort of utopian view of the Spanish presence in the americas to psyop Spaniards into, again, believing they are mixed and should mix even more by flooding the country with spic niggers

That is unless we get into the Varg-Tier braindamage of "Nordicism" in wich case i guess we should consider Pashtun villagers with blue eyes "White" and Spaniards, French, Italians, Greeks, and every single East European Country (Slavs aren`t white and neither are Finns because Mongols or some shit) as "Non-White"

but then again, if we are gonna go retard, might aswell go FULL retard and consider Anglos nonwhite aswell since the English Aristocracy went Philosemitic and began to mix with jews back in the XVIth Century when Cromwell killed the King and let the Kikes back in the country

>They didn't bring women from spain
America wasnt discovered yet, they didnt know if they would make it in the first place, the first wave was Missionaries, Sailors, Explorers, Soldiers, etc... that being said it only lasted for about 20 years, in the early stages of the Conquest of the Americas, after that they sent in regular colonists

read up on "Blood Purity Laws" Spaniards didn`t mix nearly as much as people believe (by nearly as much, i mean not at all beyond the casual oildrillers that exist and have existed in every period in existance, and some of the original Explorers that went there "Conquistadores" as people call them, marrying daughters of some of the local chieftains for political reasons, most of the time to help them convert them to Catholicism, as a matter of fact it was the Pope and Jesuit Cucks that had more interests in mixing than the Spaniards themselves) , the funny thing is that Spain had race laws much before the advent of Biological Racism, and there were laws that prevented, not only mixing, but quite literally living together, the Natives were left to live in the countryside and their tribal lands whereas the Criollos (Descendants of Spaniards) mostly lived in the Cities, Criollos could hold land in the Countryside but they could not go live there despite being its property by law precisely to segregate and prevent mixing

the rampant muttification didn`t happen untill the XIXth Century when the Freemasons started fucking around in the Americas


@Aspergtame@clubcyberia.co avatar

@Leinad @blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Fash@poa.st I am not reading that much.

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Aspergtame @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st @Leinad Same thought

@blankdeblank@nicecrew.digital avatar

Gee just imagine if everyone stayed in there own countries we wouldn't even have to be mean and exclude but you didn't so now we do. Who would have thought.

@Leinad@poa.st avatar

@blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Aspergtame @Fash@poa.st >everyone stayed in there own countries
so... like the british? it is very interesting that somehow French are considered non-white because Algeria or some shit, Spaniards more of the same because South(read that as "Shit") America, but somehow britbongs are 1337 9999% hwhite despite them unleashing "SAAAAR PLEAAS DO NOT REDEEEM", also Belgians had the Congo, and the Dutch had the whole Boer thing in South Africa, i take it the Dutch and Belgians are nonwhite too then?

who would have thought that most historians being Anglo or Jewish would result in painting any country that isn`t the British empire (and to an extent Germany because Anglos are Germanic) in a bad light and propagate fictional myths (Greeks were gay, Slavs are mongols, Spaniards mixed with spics...) to facilitate jewish control

@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

Its because brits don't like frogs. it's not that deep.

@Leinad@poa.st avatar

@Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Fash@poa.st the French were a simple example, its more about the whole "X is not white" you can remove the reference to the French and the meaning is the same

@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

nobody that i'm aware of actually thinks europeans aren't White. maybe you should stop taking jokes so personally.

@Leinad@poa.st avatar

@Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Fash@poa.st i`ll refer you to my previous post, what opinions may or may not exist or jokes may or may not be made, the fact of the matter is that there are certain misconceptions and myths (Intentional or not)

most people ive talked to dont even know about the Blood Purity Laws, fuck i didn`t know about them untill a year ago, its information, there was a chance for me to type down and relay such information in a post, i sat down, i wrote the post, i relayed the information, everything else, jokes or not, memes or not etc... is irrelevant to me

your point is "its a joke" my point is "its irrelevant im relaying information"

you may say this is Autistic, you may not, again, i do not care, i am relaying information

and then of course is the potential reflection on Damnatio Memoriae, on how such and such parts of history are ignored and/or overlooked, and how certain events are bigger than what one may think and... you get the idea

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Leinad @Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st Look mate no need to effort poast none of us here actually think that Spics Wops French whatever aren't White they may be swarhy but they are still White

@Fash-E@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @Leinad @Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank He broke you, total sperg victory 😔

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Fash@poa.st @Leinad @Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank I still said they were Swarthy 😏

@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

they're White. just not White enough innit

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@Xenophon @Aspergtame @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st @Leinad REEEEEEEE fighting urge to Benjamin Franklin poast

@rher@mugicha.club avatar

Post the map, do it.

@Dan_Hulson@poa.st avatar

@rher @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st @Leinad THE WHITE RACE IN ALL ITS GLORY

@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @rher @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st @Leinad not too sure that map is accurate to Europes current population pool

@TimeSpent@poa.st avatar

@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Dan_Hulson @rher @Aspergtame @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Fash@poa.st @Leinad I guess I have to switch to the frog's side since we're both swarthy.

@Leaflord@leafposter.club avatar

What kind of nigga are you?

@TimeSpent@poa.st avatar
@Leaflord@leafposter.club avatar

Damn. That's some deep south dark skin black

@TimeSpent@poa.st avatar

@Leaflord @Aspergtame @rher @Xenophon @blankdeblank @Dan_Hulson @Fash@poa.st @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Leinad Guess this means I can legally steal your bike now.

@Leaflord@leafposter.club avatar

You wouldn't steal from a fellow Wakandan, would you?

@TimeSpent@poa.st avatar
@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

Only Jamaal at the Ranch.

@Leaflord@leafposter.club avatar



Xeno would for sure

@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

I'd put a bullet in it.


You would shoot live rounds in it I have no doubt

@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

not sure why you're being such a fag 🤷


fag 😅

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