
CJ gets it right.


The "populist right"/far-right/alt-right were always authoritarian. How is this guy just now noticing?

icedquinn, avatar

@Hyolobrika @gabriel
> populists are authoritarian
:blobcathuh: somebodys been reading CNN


I'm not sure what he means by the term. I assumed it was related to "alt-right" which I associate with types, others on fedi, and /pol/.


@Hyolobrika @icedquinn @gabriel If it's the American populus, yeah pretty much

icedquinn, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @gabriel @Hyolobrika
I'm saying the people in power use whatever terms they focus tested to make you hate their opponents.

Spoiled rich kid fascists are mad that working class people want the system to benefit them instead of spoiled rich kids. That's populism. Go read up on Tiberius :blobcatnerd:


@icedquinn @gabriel @Hyolobrika well yeah but there's a difference between the populus that goes "I want the system to change to benefit the people" and "I want the system to change to benefit MY people"

icedquinn, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @gabriel @Hyolobrika think a lot of the lower class could do with some slight education because removing the system in the first place tends to bring about more peace and prosperity than just changing who owns it.


@icedquinn @gabriel @Hyolobrika I mean
I'd say more than slight imo
But like
populism is the rule of the populus, yes? So basically a democracy?
And so the "populist right" would be a right-leaning populist group/party/w.e.
And the "populist left" is the left-wing form thereof
From this current understanding, I'd much prefer left populism, though perhaps not American left, being lite-right-center in reality at best

icedquinn, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @gabriel @Hyolobrika the left right thing comes from voting for or against the regency in the french revolution. it doesn't really make sense these days.

icedquinn, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @Hyolobrika @gabriel its patently hilarious for people to be like "these right wingerts want to overthrow the government" if you read any history if someone was right wing it meant they SUPPORTED the state


@icedquinn @gabriel @Hyolobrika wh
I thought it was an American thing to describe our parties

icedquinn, avatar

@TURBORETARD9000 @gabriel @Hyolobrika yes its been kept because its useful to keep everyone divided.

it originally comes from an actual vote where people sat on different sides of the room based on judging the regency of france iirc

icedquinn, avatar

@Hyolobrika @gabriel in historic contexts the populist appears when the ruling elites have hypernormalized feeding off the public for their completely unhinged decadence.

In the USA they started appearing when banks and finance began shenanigans to institute crop liens and other forms of neoserfdom.

The authorities already made the world authoritarian. Populists want to benefit from the instruments instead of being perpetually crushed by it. The people with control of the propaganda apparatus of course have an infinite supply of slander for people who want to take the gravy train away.

When you look behind a lot of these propaganda pushes you seem to always find some billionaire who would profit more of only we could get people to stop believing in some deeply held cultural value.


I think you misunderstand. When CJ said "the populist right" I thought he was referring to a specific group of people. Are you saying that he's not actually referring to those people but a different (and overlapping?) group?

icedquinn, avatar

@Hyolobrika @gabriel I've probably said all that is worth saying by now.

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