@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

isnt it funny how... people will complain about obesity rates, yet also people will say we have to be ✨ body positive ✨ (they only mean this for women, lets be real)

@talviunelias@bunnyanarchy.org avatar


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  • djsumdog,
    @djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

    That sounds like an authoritarian answer. "We'll force less sugar." In reality, there are a ton of people who get on low-carb/keto diets and do amazingly well. The healthiest I've ever been was when I kept my carb count under 40g/day + weights and cycling. I was ~130lbs (59kg) for nearly three years.

    It is harder being back in America. I do think some companies are clearly lying on their food labels about carb counts, but once again, the less authoritarian answer is holding companies to account for their labeling.

    "We'll force you to be healthy" removes the choice from the individual. It gets into the dangerous category of, "We'll force you to take this medication." or "We'll force the food industry to remove fat (which doesn't work)

    @talviunelias@bunnyanarchy.org avatar


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  • djsumdog,
    @djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

    Yea, they tried a soda tax in Chicago and it included diet/sugar-free sodas. It seems like a good idea, but I don't trust bureaucrats to ever be able to implement things competently. Regulations like these are often lobbied for by competing industry as well.

    @icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

    @djsumdog @talviunelias @mischievoustomato > its just forcing them to pay more at gunpoint
    remember whenever you would write tax to include the part where the government ultimately kills people who don't do what it says

    @skylar@misskey.yandere.love avatar

    @talviunelias @djsumdog @mischievoustomato first off tax collectors deserve to be tarred and feathered, possibly with boiling sugar
    second, bullying fat people is a much more palatable solution than raising the price of soda

    @talviunelias@bunnyanarchy.org avatar


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  • djsumdog,
    @djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

    Bullying sucks, but without it, you may never learn to stand up for yourself and handle shitty people calmly. You will find bullies as an adult, and by trying to shelter kids from them, we make them more fragile.

    Shame isn't a bad thing necessarily. Shame is used in societies to move social norms in a general direction and make the society more predictable (and thereby "safe").

    The kid who bullied me and my friends in middle and high school died of sleep apnea. One of the people he bulled, one of my good friends today, literally works as a service technician for CPAP machines. .. Kinda ironic ... also don't feel sorry for that kid at all.

    @icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

    @djsumdog @talviunelias @skylar @mischievoustomato i don't think we should even half condone bullying there are entirely professional ways to teach people to traverse adversity.

    cf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7iyifrpqOA

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