@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar



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djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar
djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

If you subscribe to people on Locals, I wrote a scraper/downloader/archiver in Python:


Edit: If you want to just see the code:


djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar
djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

The internet is certainly not what it use to be

djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar
djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar
kaia, to random
@kaia@brotka.st avatar

boys only want one thing

the one thing:

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Not even a PC, just a console under there. :gummysad:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

is it worth getting a lower end display or just save for the atomos directly

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Do you care more about 120Hz+ or about good color reproduction?

eris, to random
@eris@layer02.net avatar

I think tiktok is genius because they found a way to actually provoke celebrities into taking a stance on Palestine by just collectively mass canceling random celebs until they say something lol

Like you wanna take the PR move to be silent and neutral and now you can't do that lol

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

and they were formed to clear the name of a man who was convicted of raping and killing a little girl in a pencil factory. The case is kinda weird, but the evidence had to be compelling because the jury wouldn't even take the bait to believe a black man they defense implied did it. :blobcatshrug:

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Israel is touted as the only western democracy in the region (and why the west defends them), but their state is nothing but authoritarian (the wall, airports, vax mandates, mossad). Netanyahu tried to dismantle the judicial system when he returned to power (under the double-speak of stopping corruption).

America has done some shitty things (Bay of Pigs, COINTELPRO, MK Ultra .. okay a lot of evil things), but the foundations of self-governance are solid; almost by mistake America became amazing. Still I think a lot of pro-America conservatives blind themselves to why so many on the left hate America (the empire and things mentioned), and the anti-US oikophobes blind themselves to realizing if a State falls, almost always, a more authoritarian one is put in place.

Hating a whole group for their government is dumb though. People in western nations might be self governed, but most people are not really aware of everything their government does.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I remember on the last No Agenda show, the CIA/JFK thing came up and Dvorak said he believed the mob killed Kennedy and I was like, "They're the same thing!" The type of work the OSS/CIA did really required psychos, and by the JFK era the organization had to have been filled with mafia recruits.

The president has been irrelevant, probably since at least Eisenhower .. the CIA and DIA run most of the show.

thechase, to random
@thechase@noauthority.social avatar

Follow me for more kitchen hacks

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I only know about this guy because Josh Null pulled up the "pie" he was baking in a MadAtTheInternet stream. ... I wish I didn't

djsumdog, to random
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Github requires you to sign in to search code on public repositories, even though you can just clone the repo and search it offline yourself without logging in.

RustyCrab, (edited ) to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

does anybody have recommendations on protein powders? I just want two things:

  1. not contaminated with heavy metals
  2. not filled with artificial sweeteners AND PREFERABLY no or little sugar either

labdoor/consumer reports would be helpful.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Maybe look at the keto ones and try to find the one with the least number of weird ingredients? There was some pea-based protein power I used in NZ, but I don't remember the brand and they don't sell it here anyway .. and I haven't used any in months cause I've fallen off the wagon again and haven't done weights in a month 😩

mischievoustomato, to random
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

how the fuck dude


@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I haven't seen that before. It might be a known bug. or at least worth reporting.

...also turn on wobbly windows. I LOVES THE WOBBLE! :agummyblobblewobble:

gabriel, to random

This is clipped segments from Nobody Special's live show. I just want to emphasize what he says at the end:

...the capitalists, we gotta start policing this stuff...

I'm curious to hear what should be done to prevent situations like this, and would like to see those involved jailed for what is highly likely illegal in some form already.

As a Canadian, who does live under single-payer, I will add that the same problems that allow this to happen also make the public option worse. No matter what your system is, accountability is crucial.


@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I think another big aspect is that medicine is a belief/theological issue ... I've lost a lot of faith in modern medicine.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Go get a plane ticket to Somalia.

The root of evil is state power

Da fuck?! I think the root of evil is people doing fucking evil things. You would not be communicating on the Internet, using the software you are using, without a "State power." The type of scale required to make the types of technology we have (for better and for worse) requires States.

States do have a monopoly on violence. This isn't a bad thing in itself so long as the State is dependent on the approval of a large number of people (selectorate theory; see The Dictator's Handbook by Mesquita and Smith) and the State preserves real freedom of speech and disagreement (difficult to achieve).

I do believe smaller states are better. I'm fine with technology progressing more slowly if the EU was gone, and the South had won and kept America split, if the USSR had meaningfully dissolved and if China wasn't an empire. It's very difficult to prevent the creation of larger States or governing confederations; it follows the natural order of nature to create larger systems within a hierarchy.

You want to live in a place with little protection; the wild west. You're fucking insane dude and I don't think you have any idea what that's like. Go live in Somalia or India for an idea. You wouldn't survive a fucking month with your brain dead takes.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Nations that provide on all of that are dependent on research from the US. Honestly, your socialized systems drive up prices in non-socialized systems where the pharma companies will recoup those losses. Your nation outsources the costs.

There are downsides to "free" healthcare, because demand can skyrocket. Austrians a decade ago opposed even having a doctor co-pay of $10~$20, even though AU's cost was ballooning out of control.

Canada has a massive increase of medical assisted suicide (MAID) for people who don't need it.

A socialized system also increases control by the State. You want health care? Take this government mandated drug. Oh you're not taking the drug? Well no health care, maybe even no food.

The American system is not great. It has a lot of problems. But it does tie healthcare to adding value to society (employment). The trouble with "free" healthcare is the doctors and treatments cost money ... so you are paying for it; everyone is. You just don't see the costs because it's in your taxes.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

:agummythink: I think I agree with that as well. I still think the US has a relative monopoly on violence (obvious exceptions include organized crime, the deep state, powerful companies ... The Clintons ... Boeing). Enshrining the right of citizen to own firearms and the earliest politicians being against standing armies is really important.

Even though guns don't meaningfully put Americans in an adversarial position against our government, the mentality of being able to own arms makes a massive psychological difference (look at Australia vs America during the Scamdemic ... or even New York vs Tennessee in policy decisions).

Those officials trying to crack down on militias, or arresting protesters from Jan 6th and implying they're some kind of militia when they're clearly not, is trampling on those fundamental concepts and is surely a path to authoritarianism.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I had a buddy who worked in compound research. He did get paid pennies for his work, but he also told me about all of the costs. Each monkey for a trial is like $10k, and you often need dozens of them.

They pharma companies are take a lot more than they should for sure, the staff are way underpaid, and now they're basically getting away with skipping all real research and safety trials .. but even if the system wasn't corrupt as it is now .. the costs are not trivial.

Countries without the same medical patent laws just manufacture the same drugs without paying into the research either.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Yea, taxing the top only ever increases costs. The rich never pay meaningful tax; it just gets passed to consumers. Same with minimum wage increases too honestly. BTW, where did you get this from? Link please? :blobcatnoplease:

RyanGosling, to random
@RyanGosling@bae.st avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

What a terrible fetish

BigTony, to random

Its really funny seeing the reception to the rabbit r1and watching none music people find out what teenage enginering is and why they suck

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I've seen all the bad reviews, but I didn't realize it was the same shop that made the Playdate (the gameboy knockoff with a handcrack for some reason)

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

boomers: :blobcatree: we need forever wars
gen x: :blobcatree: forever wars
millenials: :ablobcatpopcorn: watchin anime

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Yea I assumed beanie guy too, but I guess he's more of a "let me ready the dailymail to you" guy

lovelymiss, to random
@lovelymiss@nicecrew.digital avatar

Did Patriot Candle from blab get arrested by the FBI today?
Anyone else hear about that?

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Might have been dumb, but this sounds like it will be the ultimate test of free speech in the American court system :blobcatgrimacing:

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

most accurate Mark Dice video

(I stopped watching Mark Dice when he defended DW+ against Crowder showing he was totally fine with YouTube censorship ... before Crowder went to total shit and turned out to be an idiot who can't do ethical journalism and produce his own show)

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Crowder didn't even have a non-compete. They tried to retroactively say the non-poaching agreement was a non-compete (and not-gay-Jared either had shit lawyers or there was a lot more going on there that hasn't come out yet). What's interesting is that in Gerald's 30 min rebuttal, he blatantly lies to the audience, and you can see though all the lies by just pausing and reading the full text of the actual documents they put on the screen.

Crowder basically can't handle anyone leaving him. Not professionally. Not personally. Every other boss will say, "good luck wherever you go. If things don't work out, give me a call." Crowder is, "You're leaving me bitch? You'll never work in this town again," and then spends more than five years of your salary to go scorched earth on you.

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

Most normal nixos user

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

What's the pawlicker take on the Nix shenanigans? This seems like it would be a good post for your pleromanonx86 blog.

iceloops, to random
@iceloops@shitposter.world avatar

Dad bought me this

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Those look like fun. I haven't done legs in forever. That a Unicomp Model M keyboard?

mischievoustomato, to random
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

re: zoomers cant into email


@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Zoomers? E-mail?! Dude I'm over 40 and I stopped checking corporate e-mail three jobs ago!

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

(circa 2015)


18+ RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

any girls

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

What if a girl responds, but she's flat?

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

oh god do you really have to keep me tagged when you engaged the deranged harpy?! I guess I'm going to wake up tomorrow with 338 unread notifications. 😩

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Yea I got a 🤨 too, but I knew better

NanoRaptor, to random
@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

How the fuck is doing all your work "quiet quitting" ?!

binkle, to random
@binkle@clubcyberia.co avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

dream pantry

PurpCat, to random
@PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

White girls when they find a cartoon dog


@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Ruining wholesome children's cartoons...

Zoomerman88, to random
@Zoomerman88@poa.st avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

It's not the phone. The dude got it wrong; his kid linking his phone had nothing to do with it. Tacoma's and Tundra's with Safety Connect have permanent cell phone modems built into the car. They're under the glovebox and require a bypass harness to turn off (if you pull the fuse you lose the right speaker and Bluetooth). Louis Rossman covered it. GM and Toyota sell your data to Lexus Nexus.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I got car-doored by an illegal Hispanic in Chicago. She opened her door right into the road without looking. Fucking bitch.

Kyou, to random
@Kyou@kyou.social avatar

I want soda

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar


icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i don't think i'd ever participate in big protests. i might point a camera toward one or fly a drone over it or something. but no point in standing in one.

there's always some assclown that gets photographed five seconds after he needs to be, then they just send in the police and everyone gives up. pointless.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I use to photo and video protests, but the Jan 6 political prisoners have had a chilling effect that I don't think most people really understand. People on one side are cheering the old cancer lady getting put in prison for three months, and they're going to be totally blind-sighted when it happens to them.

matty, to random
@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar


Nigger are you fuckin serious

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

This idiot blocks everyone.

Kyou, to random
@Kyou@kyou.social avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I can't wait for the next chapter :gummypopcorn:

Zennagain, to random
@Zennagain@noauthority.social avatar


Preach it brother! Also, continue to sue the shit outta our enemies!

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Same ... I support them on locals too (turned off renewals; expires in the summer). It was after the Israel thing I realized he talked to his audience the way that he talks to a jury. He wants to convince us his side is right.

There were earlier warning signs. He confronted people complaining that Rumble was funded by Peter Theil, and then defended Theil by saying James Corbett was wrong! ... Months later he brings up Corbett again and can't even get his name right.

I don't like how anti-state Corbett is sometimes, but I still trust him 100x that of Barnes.

Also Viva use to do great 15 min law clips every week. Now he only does long unwatchable legal streams because he doesn't understand that Nick Rekieta is a terrible role model.

drewdevault, to random
@drewdevault@fosstodon.org avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Yea I remember when this a happened too .. I would download and run the latest XFree86 binaries instead of using the ones from Slackware. There was a whole kerfuffle about attribution. Xorg stayed GPL.

GPL/AGPL are for people who don't want their software to ever become part of an AWS/Azure offering or packaged commercially without code changes being released. But if you're writing a library in GPL (and it's not LGPL) don't expect anyone to use it. My current company has strict license checks as part of VC funding and we've removed and replaced parts of the code if it's discovered a dependent license is GPL (there's a CI check to prevent this now).

ChristopherBRobin, to random
@ChristopherBRobin@iddqd.social avatar
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Nuclear Cum

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

We missed out on his presidency big time bros

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

Yep, I'm sure all that MKUltra programming/handlers is just a conspiracy theory. 🙄

Poor guy.

@djsumdog@djsumdog.com avatar

I'd still vote for him.

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