graf, avatar

genuinely surprised to see 500 people from gab sign up here in a few short days, maybe 2-300 on ncd and a couple dozen on some other instances.

if the vibe here doesn't suit you, there's 30,000+ other instances we connect with that you may be more suited with that allow you to talk to anybody on any other instance. you don't want to be on poast anymore? you can talk to us from ncd, or from any of the other instances that exist providing they haven't blocked us for wrongspeak

if we or any other instance disappeared overnight (not happening) the network is still here and it's resilient. the opposite of what torba has been trying to create by walling off his garden. if you want to invest in a future you should be doing it here on the fediverse, not on gab.

i am thankful everybody is here with us and knows about this place and can branch out to other instances, make their own or whatever and be here without worry.

burner, avatar

norwoodzero is taking applicants from mentally retarded gab users

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@burner @graf And I shall be there to ban them 😤

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @burner good morning brother hulson we live to see another shite day

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @burner Gm Brother Graf I said morning on another one of your poasts you must have missed it. I hope you doing well mate and the Gabniggers not causing you a headache I went out on the piss last night so I have a headache from that innit

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @burner i checked in on them and they are sharing base64 hashes (100% text) of images so when you put it in a browser it constructs the image lmfao

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

Cast into the dark ages

graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @burner @Dan_Hulson 

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

That scares me

graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @burner @Dan_Hulson that text string? this is the image it makes

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

You just copy that into jewgle?

graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @burner @Dan_Hulson the text you just copy paste into your address bar. i wouldn't suggest doing it because i did it in a sandbox environment, but the fact they are doing this is pretty far more advanced than i think torba was expecting

Xenophon, avatar

time to meme in Morse code on gab.

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @burner @graf Nice name change Xeno me old mate

Xenophon, avatar

i wish you hadnt buggered me mum and i had pure anglo genes instead of these irish wog genes 😭

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @burner @graf I was sex having last night for once so maybe you will have a White Brother or Sister in 9 months innit

KennyWhitePowers, avatar


Dan_Hulson, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @Xenophon @burner @graf I explained I had a custom badge and was verified on Poast and I'm an Admin on Norwood zero and the birds were all over me

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @KennyWhitePowers @Xenophon @burner "oi let us have a wee taste innit luv xx"

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

"Name's Dan Hulson. If you aven't eard of me, your hot friends have I'm sure. Fancy a quick shag in the loo?"

graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @Xenophon @burner @Dan_Hulson you can call me Danny Hulsulliovan

GamerMosleyUKPortable, avatar

@Xenophon @Dan_Hulson @KennyWhitePowers @burner @graf What's this, has Dan finally come out of Saint Paddy's closet and become an alcoholic-- I mean Irish

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@GamerMosleyUKPortable @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @burner @graf The best thing about St Paddy's day is reminding the Micks he was actually a British bloke innit

GamerMosleyUKPortable, avatar
Xenophon, avatar

Ireland is an Island not connected to Britain

Dan_Hulson, avatar
Mnxn, avatar

Wanted to see how many places are, apparently all of these 🤔 so many places to fuck off to and become unbothered

And later declare independence.

graf, avatar
Mnxn, avatar

I already have this problem.

graf, avatar

@Mnxn @KennyWhitePowers @Xenophon @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable dont worry about that they kill and eat any indian that sets foot on the island

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

What is the island in the Indian ocean with the inbred cannibals living in the stone age?

Xenophon, avatar

which island isn't it?

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

That is the exact island that Graf wants to send mnxn to 🤣

Mnxn, avatar

Karma for me going to NCD I guess 😔

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

Being raped and eaten by prehistoric street shitters is a bit extreme Graf

graf, avatar

@KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @Xenophon @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable they literally kill and eat anybody that comes close international law has a buffer zone of like 7 miles around the island lmfao

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @Xenophon @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable Nice place for the Gab niggers go on holiday I would say

graf, avatar

@Dan_Hulson @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @Xenophon @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable they have been around for millennia probably and only have a suspected population of up to or around 400 its crazy there must be like some insane low life expectancy

KennyWhitePowers, avatar

This guy went to tell them about Jesus, and got to meet him instead.

Xenophon, avatar

White people are so dumb. gorillas kind of look like me, but I'm not going to try and convert them to Christianity.

edit: he's a chink, lmao.

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable when i go to bed im going to pull up some sentinelese documentaries on my tv. i dont know much about them but the idea makes me laugh

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable Me old man used watch a show with Karl Pilkington in it called An Idiot Abroad he went to dangerous places with cannibals and shit but I never watched it cuz he were bald

Mnxn, avatar

How hard is it shaving in a house with no mirrors dan? 🤔

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Mnxn @KennyWhitePowers @Xenophon @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable @graf I'm not capping if I went bald I would just hang myself it is a massive fear of mein

Xenophon, avatar

you could just get a transplant.

scalp some wog and have a jew doctor stitch it into your scalp :smug:

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable @graf I would never have a transplant of any kind because I believe organs hold a small piece of the soul you often see people who have transplants change

Mnxn, avatar

Hair isn't an organ dickhead

graf, avatar
Jens_Rasmussen, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Jens_Rasmussen @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @Xenophon @burner @GamerMosleyUKPortable @graf Skinheads are gay I was always a Polo jeans and timberland/Kickers wearer

ghostwaffen, avatar
Jens_Rasmussen, avatar
graf, avatar
C_J_S, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable Imagine being next-door to India and exposure to the poo of foreign people could doom your whole race.

graf, avatar

@C_J_S @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable yeah i saw the arguments for not contacting uncontacted peoples as "they wont be subject to the same diseases we are" because they dont have built up immune systems but hello they live in the indian ocean

PalePimp, avatar

@graf @C_J_S @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable "they wont be subject to the same diseases we are"

Coming from the people who brought you the magic science juice. 🙄

If there was anything valuable on that Island the poos will exterminate them in an afternoon.

graf, avatar

@PalePimp @C_J_S @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable brother pimp you should check out the """banned""" film Cannibal Holocaust if you haven't seen

PalePimp, avatar
PalePimp, avatar
graf, avatar

@PalePimp @C_J_S @Xenophon @KennyWhitePowers @Mnxn @burner @Dan_Hulson @GamerMosleyUKPortable one of the female actresses was so upset some chad said no to having sex with her prior to her sex scene with him she had a hissy fit too

PalePimp, avatar

@graf @KennyWhitePowers @burner @Dan_Hulson This is the kind of thing that you put in an embedded device... who is doing this?

graf, avatar
graf, avatar

if you are proficient in typescript, javascript etc consider contributing to our front-end's open source project here ->

if you are proficient in erlang/elixir please consider contributing to our back-end's open source project here ->

i also run an instance hosting service called :btrfly: that allows you to roll your own poast or ncd with little to no tech experience for 15$ per month if you want one for your community

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