graf, avatar

>check gab
>18 notifications
>100% of it is that wanderers_choice quoting me or responding to me
this guy has been going for a solid fucking day god damn lmfao

PraxisOfEvil, avatar

@graf iirc he was the one who defended Ralph after he got pummeled by Cogs friend in whatever Latin country they were in. He said Ralph was a white man who'd been betrayed by jewish youtubers or something

graf, avatar

@PraxisOfEvil he was there to pick up underaged prostitutes

Xenophon, avatar

i used to like him. He was a good dude on gab and had a lot of informative posts and memes, not just "hurr duurr, it's the jews, racewar now!" But it's clear he has no hope in a place like this. he seeks confrontation.

Clapp, avatar

@Xenophon @PraxisOfEvil @graf He is just like a lot of them are. He is so used to only existing in the realm of race war now, it's the Jews moron, that he cannot exist in an area that's not that 24/7. I ended up muting and leaving a lot of groups on gab just because that's all it was 24/7. Granted I'm not against that shit but there's more to it than that. And it just gets to the point where I get tired of hearing about it. It's just non-stop Doom and gloom

PraxisOfEvil, avatar

@Clapp @Xenophon @graf That's where I'm at

graf, avatar

@PraxisOfEvil @Clapp @Xenophon not gonna lie brother rick sometimes the 'jew this' and 'jew that' gets pretty tiresome. i dont care much about it but when that's all somebody talks about its crazy

Xenophon, avatar

The joos gave brother Hulson the clap the other night, when he banged his mates ex missus.

Xenophon, avatar

He just went out of his way to tag you graf :animu_laugh:

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil this is what he's whining about now. he has like every word ive said to him burned into his memory. im like a blood enemy now. he's probably going to order the graf fumo and treat it like a pin cushion while watching occult videos on youtube in the dark

doonxib, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil Cross website flame war. How very homosexual of him.

graf, avatar

@doonxib @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil when i called him an idiot i was being sincere. to describe him as room temp iq is being considerate. not only is he an idiot but he's also misrepresenting our userbase, he's libelling me and my website, my staff and other people here but he's just an all around shitbag in every sence of the word

doonxib, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil Would you believe me if I told you he wasn't always like this? Many accounts I first met in Gab back in 2021 were far more friendly, normal, and all around much more relatable until they started going schizoid. It's one of the reasons I made White Nations in the first place and moderated it so heavily. Because of shit like this. Moral standards, ethics, and calls for violence exceeding the most debased of pavement apes. The fact that Gab has now degenerated into some schizoid's paradise of virtue signaling, self recrimination, and all around unpleasant personalities doesn't surprise me in the least. This is what Torba bred and fostered by his metric manipulations. Of those who put out a pro White Nationalist message he chose only the most neurotic (outside of a few) to reach the top and front page of the website. Further emphasizing poor behavior.

PraxisOfEvil, avatar

@doonxib @graf @Xenophon @Clapp I was active on Gab, I enjoyed it at times, but I don't miss it and soon neither will you guys

ArdainianRight, avatar

@PraxisOfEvil @Xenophon @Clapp @doonxib @graf
Gab's functionality is shit, so even with Fedi's issues with Search you're not really missing anything, and you have a ton more freedom here. Also all the good users migrated over here.

graf, avatar

@ArdainianRight @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil @doonxib our search works fine but we also have way too much power under the hood for the current demand. apparently people have added mellisearch to pleroma so that would be interesting to see. but not being able to change scopes (say "gab"), search from specific instances etc it sucks. here you can go to a users profile and click the dropdown menu and search for posts from that user but its kind of tedious

graf, avatar

@doonxib @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil he came here and cried about how bad lies and liars are and turned around and has been doing it all day on gab. im sure some people might have found him interesting or tolerable but the man is a fucking lunatic


>he has like every word ive said to him burned into his memory
Yes, but not in chronological order.

Even after you explained how he is ultimately in control of the content he sees, he cried about how he could still view someone's post that he had muted, LOL. Nobody here is going to sit down and manage his timeline for him. Filters, mutes, blocks, it's all there.

Man-child must lead an extremely sheltered life. He'll let Torba manage his content... because anime girls have cooties.

graf, avatar

@MCMLXVIIOTG @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil i just think anime is cute. this world is so dark and ugly why would you not want to brighten it a bit. makes you wonder what kind of shit is going on in his head to see an adult anime female with large breasts and liken it to CSAM

VaxxSabbath, avatar
graf, avatar

@VaxxSabbath @Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil i just want to help people man. thats why poast is here and all the services and stuff

BarelyEagle, avatar

@Xenophon @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil @graf lmfao

>”hey can you act different so I like it here more?”
>”omg wtf why would you do this to me, I didn’t even ask you to do a different.”

Literally no idea he disproved himself in one poast.

Xenophon, avatar

There are people who know it's the jews, then there are people who know it's the jews and just want to be mad online.

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @BarelyEagle @Clapp @PraxisOfEvil im starting to think he is the jews people are mad about online


@graf See if you can get him going for 6 months 👌

graf, avatar

@Zergling_man he's literally losing his mind about poast/me/matty/ncd/fediverse. ive never seen anything lke it

Cough, avatar

I already mind broke him. Broke him so hard that he was DMing my mutuals to denounce me. You'll get use to their sperging.


Xenophon, avatar

i just saw them yelling at you when i was lurking on a gab alt. didn't know you there, or know you were here for that matter, but welcome.

Cough, avatar

Ya they big weirds. Like make sockpuppet accounts to harass me weird. But that's life weirdos be weird.

Xenophon, avatar

i saw the aryan man acct tell you to take your swazzy out of your bio. talk about getting butthurt. That guy is truly a fag. They're getting swindled by a jew (torba) and can't even see it. the irony is so thick.

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@Xenophon @Cough @graf @Zergling_man >take 'swazzy' out of your bio
I don't want to complain because I know how retarded fedi gets, but at least fedi knows its retarded.

Xenophon, avatar


Her swastika is even backwards. I'm assuming she is Japanese.

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@Xenophon @Cough @graf @Zergling_man Wait is that what swazzy is? I swear, every time I try to make fun of someone for all this gab drama, they go and prove me right by being 1000% more retarded than I thought they were.

Cough, avatar

low key its my stupid test

graf, avatar

@Cough @Xenophon @ForbiddenDreamer @Zergling_man nice jpeg but cringe yellow circle of gay

Xenophon, avatar
Cough, avatar

It makes me happy that people are making me taller. 😅

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@Cough @Xenophon @graf @Zergling_man tfw no qt waifu to smuggle in your carry-on luggage

Xenophon, avatar

when i'm fuhrer, all sigma vril retaining males will get a qt waifu to breed an Aryan super race with.

Xenophon, avatar

How's that parallel economy going, Andrew?

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @Cough @ForbiddenDreamer @Zergling_man i will hand it to torba he has a lot of balls handling peoples money because one wrong step and somebodys gonna show up at your door with a handful of their friends and baseball bats asking why their coaster money was late. no fucking way will i do that

white_male, avatar
ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@white_male @Xenophon @Cough @graf @Zergling_man Jasmine scented, or the sticky kind?


@ForbiddenDreamer @white_male @graf @Xenophon @Cough >Jasmine
Natural white tiger

graf, avatar

@Zergling_man @Cough @Xenophon @ForbiddenDreamer @white_male i actually prefer basmati, soaked for about an hour and rinsed until the water runs clear. perfect, super long grain rice every time

Xenophon, avatar

basmati is also my preferred. can't really go wrong cooking it either.

graf, avatar

@Xenophon @Cough @ForbiddenDreamer @white_male @Zergling_man i will drain the water from soaking and rince it while a couple tablespoons of butter (per cup) melt in a pot on high heat. ill drop it in and stir it as the butter melts, when it starts steaming put the water and bring to a boil. lid on, reduce to med-low and go for 5-6 mins. perfect every time (add salt if you like)

ForbiddenDreamer, avatar

@graf @Xenophon @Cough @white_male @Zergling_man Whenever I'm cooking with butter like that I always brown it first, at least until it boils twice, to give it a bit more flavor. I'm not sure if this would work in a rice maker or whatever, but since I always try to cook everything in a single pot or pan, I just brown the butter before throwing everything else in.

graf, avatar

@ForbiddenDreamer @Xenophon @Cough @white_male @Zergling_man oh i always toss in a bunch of garlic but some people are sensitive to it. garlic = king in my house tbh

Cough, avatar

Basmati is the worst. No taste, cant keep form, need to be spiced up to the point pooper hole takes burn damage to make it taste good.

Xenophon, avatar

It's so sticky though :demon_wojak:

graf, avatar
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