@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar



This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

EdBoatConnoisseur, to random
@EdBoatConnoisseur@poa.st avatar

Nothing will happen, nothing eber happens.

RT: https://decayable.ink/objects/13d0ede5-8ab5-4e48-a89d-a23fb9fb55ff

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Nothing will happen, nothing eber happens.
Not true. Boeing might fall out of the sky (it's a design feature)

mushroom_soup, to random
@mushroom_soup@breastmilk.club avatar

Here’s a question for my friends on here: who are your favorite female characters in media? I’m always looking for doll inspiration! For example right now I’m making an Aeon Flux doll and I also have an idea for a Crossbreed Priscilla doll from dark souls.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Mushroom asked for women, not some masculine jewess

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Its probably too expensive
This. kikes often gift their daughters a rhinoplasty treatment at their bar/bat mizvahs. I suspect that tranny hasn't completed his religious schooling, or he opted for another surgery.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Autism detected

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Lethal Weapon
Excellent movie can't praise it enough. You all laugh now, but it's gonna be big, I'm telling you

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar


alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar

People of Nostr,

I have created a bad ass new Nostr library in TypeScript. It's built around carefully designed interfaces so the parts can be swapped in and out. It's documented extensively.

Check it out here! https://nostrify.dev/

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>You're a neutral good, you are
You spelled vegan wrong

sickburnbro, to random
@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

this isn't just democracy - effecting votes by paying off people who make decisions is corruption.

Democracy ironically was considered more immune to this because the amount of spending required to move the needle is considered higher.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>listening to Styx

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

There are some people who are otherwise very intelligent who you'd think would know it's useless and annoying to rant about politics on a backwater funposting network that no one of importance will ever see (this is a subpost)

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I post all of my schizo thoughts
Even when there is no internet. That's dedication.

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>she's not a terrible actor at least
This says otherwise

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

That yenta bitch cropped a video of another kike doing the usual anti-White bullshit they so love to spew. What was on her necklace that had to be hidden from view? Ah, it's the kike star. Tried to play it off as this was some self-loathing White. There is no such thing as a based jew.

matty, to random
@matty@nicecrew.digital avatar

In the interest of security, we just deactivated 72 inactive accounts on NCD. This is done periodically. Unfortunately this drops the numbers down, but it is what it is. We are happy to accept new members into our little home, but part of my responsibility is pruning, so to speak.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

That and you can recognize regulars by their posting habits, a radical departure from their norm always raises eyebrows. glowniggers want it to look like they've been around for a while, but they've always struggled when playing the long game.

dubbub, to random
@dubbub@poa.st avatar

Ukies are now sending kids into the meatgrinder. When the Reich did that it fought for the future of the White race, Ukies are fighting so their corrupt politicians can receive more bribes from the West.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Do you really want to drag Jeff Cliff into this?

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
  1. Thot visits Canada. Doesn't understand physics. Throws a chair off the 45th floor, trying to hit a busy highway for the camera. jewish rapper (((Drake))) even rewarded her with a cameo for it. Canadian courts gave her a slap on the wrist.


Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar


I dunno wtf is going on in this movie, but you have to check it out. Don't let the cover fool you. It takes place in the city.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I still remember dreaming that zombies were coming out of my closet that night. Thanks, dad.
Not sure if it's right or wrong, but... I've always tried to make a distinction between dreams (pleasant) and nightmares (unpleasant). So when I see hump saying he was dreaming about zombies, I just have to assume it's a fetish.

Hey, I'm not judging, some people like clowns.
[judgmental stare at ephelant]

SMetzeler, to random

To all the Nazi bots here: I bet not ONE of you can explain WHY you hate Jews! Here is an inventory of all the the common excuses. So which one is YOUR excuse and how do you defend it, as ALL of them are ridiculous BS?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>jew confirmed
Figured as much when he posted a meme calling them "perfectly normal". First book burning back then was at... [checking notes]

Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexuality

And they "look" like Aryans? LOL.

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Dear California Courts:

You're a bunch of niggers. Just because I use Linux shouldn't entail that I should have to solve eight to ten captchas in order to log into your sites or perform cases searches. You're allowing any android browser to click the box without further question. I hate you so much rn. 😡

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>street numbers
They show house numbers 🤨

anonaccount, to random

>TikTok supporters online are claiming that "pro-Israel lobbying groups" and Jews are responsible for pressuring Congress into fast-tracking bills that would ban the Chinese social media app, which the U.S. intelligence community deems a national security threat.

>Online activists across X, Reddit, and other popular internet forums are spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories claiming that prominent Jewish-American leaders oppose TikTok because it has emerged as a central repository for anti-Israel criticism related to the war against Hamas.

>One X account with nearly a million followers pinned blame for the ban on Jonathan Greenblatt, the Jewish leader of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a watchdog group that has raised concerns about the prevalence of anti-Semitism on TikTok. The claims parrot classic examples of anti-Semitism alleging that Jews control politics and use this power to silence criticism of Israel. The emergence of this argument is raising concerns on Capitol Hill amid a massive rise in Jew-hatred across America in the wake of Hamas's Oct. 7 terror strikes on Israel.

>"Seeing Gen Z in the US overwhelmingly support Palestine in the face of Israeli aggression, TERRIFIED [Greenblatt]," wrote X user "Censored Men" in a March 13 missive to more than 983,000 followers. "Is it such a coincidence that today the 'TikTok Ban Bill' passes after MONTHS of congress pushing for it so heavily?"

>"With the speed they moved to ban TikTok, there is 0 doubt in my mind pro-Israel lobbying groups are behind the pressure," wrote another X user, "Lolo," to more than 155,000 followers. "Israel has been getting absolutely cooked on TikTok the last few months and it doesn't help that their own bozo soldiers are posting videos of them doing war crimes once a week."

>This type of rhetoric has flourished on X, as well as other internet forums, since the House passed its version of the TikTok ban last week. The legislation is now in the Senate. Its chief Republican backer, Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), says the rhetoric is evidence that the Chinese Communist Party is using TikTok to foment unrest in American and promote inflammatory propaganda.

>"I understand why they love TikTok," Rubio said. "The Chinese-controlled app amplifies their views because Beijing wants to divide and weaken America from within. We can debate Middle East policy, but we shouldn't give the Chinese Communist Party—a group actively committing genocide against Muslims—the ability to control that debate."

"Wow! I am fucking SHOCKED that Dems are voting to ban Tik Tok. This is AIPAC at work," Democrat Pamela Keith, a former Florida state lawmaker, wrote last week on X.



@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>The Chinese Master Plan is to create unrest in the United States by saying "it's the jews." — Marco Rubio.
Marco is a Cuban anchor baby, who just happens to be owned by the jews (Norman Braman and Sheldon Adelson). Born a Catholic, became a Mormon, then a Baptist, and is back to being a Catholic again. Hmm.

Neither of Rubio's parents was a U.S. citizen at the time of Rubio's birth,[5][6] but his parents applied for U.S. citizenship and were naturalized in 1975.[4] Some relatives of Rubio's were admitted to the U.S. as refugees.[7]

DW2, to random
@DW2@poa.st avatar

The Economist is apparently a Rothschild mouthpiece btw

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>I wish someone would put a baby in me so I could get more time off to play with my children

AdamAtSea, to random
@AdamAtSea@noauthority.social avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>My tires are ovals at best, but must likely rounded blobs.
This isn't photoshopped, they actually do this sometimes.

Zennagain, to random
@Zennagain@noauthority.social avatar

They are learning!

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

> RNC: We're going to do what the democrats do.
> Gay Guy: Heeeey!
IIRC, his recruiting efforts yielded like 85% women. Retarded boomer women. Who felt that this effeminate faggot could somehow be their own son. Yeah, no. The GOP is gay enough.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Yah but you're gay and doing nothing to help
LOL. If you think having LTGBWTF on your side is how you win, you aren't part of the solution. The GOP actually considered Bruce Jenner for governor of CA. Let that sink in, there is no political solution.

syrenka, to random
@syrenka@nicecrew.digital avatar

what's with norwoodzero.net? also, @snow_huwhite is @kiki88 right? cc: @kiki & @Normans_are_not_french is just another @Dan_Hulson alt, right? cc @Dan_Hulson :thinkeyes: also @justnormalkorean is on freakish volume of instances, but @xuya all the same, correct? :why: what's going on around here?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

He starred in the remake of Lethal Weapon


graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

slept literally all day (based) and too lazy to cook for myself so what should i order for dinner ☝🏻

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Hump posts an incomplete MeinSweeper game
I hate you guys.
>I look to the sea
>Reflections in the waves spark my memory
>Some happy, some sad
>I think of childhood friends, and the dreams we had

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar
Red-Potato, to random
@Red-Potato@nicecrew.digital avatar

This ADHD lesbian I work with makes me uncomfortable. ​She grabs/touches me too much, too overly friendly with me, keeps touching my personal stuff like grabbing my drinks, ect and tries to do these "cute quirky" things to me that annoy the piss out of me. If this was a man, it would be a sexual harassment case. I do my best to avoid her, but it's hard.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

HR for sure. Stick to the basics. Conduct is unprofessional, you don't feel safe coming in to work. No need to go into further detail, it's a workplace.

Terry, to random
@Terry@bae.st avatar

jewish anti semite running in Boston today. She said she wants to deport all jews.


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

khazarian milker fans might have another pin-up girl

Floppa, to random
@Floppa@poa.st avatar

Not sure how I got a checkmark on here but that's very nice!
I've never had a checkmark before!

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Was worth a shot
Was it? First impressions are important.

This is how I see you now.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Tree Forts are based. In high school, my friend had one with a four foot bong.
Are you sure that tree fort wasn't actually a car?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Dying in an inglorious shootout sounds better than handcuffed in the back of a cruiser near an acorn tree.


RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Dems want to, in what is effectively a two party system, bar the opposition candidate from participating in an election. It goes before judges, who coincidentally VOTE on it. And it's unanimous.
>wE nEEd tO DiSSoLvE tHe HiGhEsT cOuRt tO pRoTeCt (((our democracy)))

TrevorGoodchild, to random
@TrevorGoodchild@poa.st avatar

I haven't had this much fun shitpoasting and vibing with the gang in years. No retards shitting up my notifications, old and new mutuals all chiming in, intelligent discussions with no sperging. Solid memes.

Thank you for this place, @graf -sama

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>We tremble in fear of the
He will hit you with his purse

(actual pic of Jeff if nobody has posted it already)

gav, to random
@gav@cawfee.club avatar

if mr townsends made a poast account, i think itd be a few days before someone spergy enough tried to make him say nigger

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

The guy from The Who? I'd be typing as fast as I could.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>the who?

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>check gab
>18 notifications
>100% of it is that wanderers_choice quoting me or responding to me
this guy has been going for a solid fucking day god damn lmfao

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>he has like every word ive said to him burned into his memory
Yes, but not in chronological order.

Even after you explained how he is ultimately in control of the content he sees, he cried about how he could still view someone's post that he had muted, LOL. Nobody here is going to sit down and manage his timeline for him. Filters, mutes, blocks, it's all there.

Man-child must lead an extremely sheltered life. He'll let Torba manage his content... because anime girls have cooties.

KekistaniWanderer, to random
@KekistaniWanderer@poa.st avatar

Like I give a damn what some RTard writes

That said, a-shalom-alaikum habibi

RT: https://poa.st/objects/f95a5b0a-5d23-4ba3-bcef-2cf67bd7aebc

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>sigh.....this place is for children who don't like it when you defend yourself or mock anime
Begs the question of why you're still here then. Are you the kind of moron that goes to a boat show and complains that there are too many boats?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Are you the kind of insecure faggot that reposts himself immediately?
Nope, no repost here. It's an odd quick that happens between Poast and NCD, nothing more.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Uh huh
Why would I lie? Pay attention and you'll see it's a thing, NCD posts show reposts. Better yet, ask @graf if you worried I'm just trying to prank an M24. Hell, my initial comment wasn't even directed at you in the first place. This isn't Gab, lurk more.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

this is pretty humbling to see, thankful for all of you who have made poast home to so many displaced souls


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Will Torba lose it when he starts seeing ASCII art? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

DutchBoomerMan, to random
@DutchBoomerMan@decayable.ink avatar

*you talk about Ocean a lot

*LIterally pretended to be Jennifer Connelly for 3 months straight



@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>She looks like a troll

SarahGation, to random
@SarahGation@nicecrew.digital avatar


@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Condoms are literally for fags

Xenophon, to random
@Xenophon@nicecrew.digital avatar

@graf @parker @Leaflord @burner Is this true?

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>When they've all overdosed, the overdose rate will be down
Unfortunately, people save them so they can do it over and over and over and over... Numbers would have plummeted if a visionary spiked the Narcan supply

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

Fedi seems a bit burnt out on Tournaments but I promise you that 2024 shall be the year of the Tournament! We shall be having Tournaments almost constantly this year just to end it off with the Best Tournament of 2024 Tournament.

Remember to vote in each and everyone!

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>As you can see we still have gaps so please feel free to recommend some more tourney ideas so we can maintain 100% up time
I'll take What Is Jeff Cliff for $1000 Alex...

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

>MFW I have hard evidence of voter fraud

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Some people actually announced they were casting a proxy vote. Only niggers do that. Curiously, none of them were Senko supporters. Others were casting not Senko votes, they didn't about their candidate, they just wanted Senko to lose. Some couldn't even control themselves while in a polling place, slandering Senko as a loli. Through no fault of the vigilant @AnimeGirlConnoisseur, it turned into a farce.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>The Awoo Foundation is now accepting bribes to keep this information hidden
OnlyFans site vows to uncover something

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

Agree. Reboots and remakes are cancer. DeathRace (2008) is one of the few movies that surpassed the originals. But Death Race 2000 (1975) was a mediocre B-movie, so...

Remakes are their way of overwriting the past. Searching for Django (1966)? Algorithm directs you at the niggerified 2012 version. The subversives in Hollywood are trying their damndest to capitalize on nostalgia, while installing 20% LBTGWTF content.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

I saw a service station selling Dango. I wasn't game enough to try it at the time due to servo food being shit but now I am wondering if next time I am near it if I should go try some.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

> for a few hours
Those hours will feel like days. You will be exhausted (pun intended)

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>Because someone is about to get fired
Wrong. Your co-worker is going to quit. With no notice.

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar

>All this talk about sex
>no talk about marriage
You disgust me Fedi.

@MCMLXVIIOTG@nicecrew.digital avatar

>>All this talk about sex
>>no talk about marriage
>You disgust me Fedi.
Well of course there's going to be marriage. If there's one worth having the sex with, you've got to get that in writing ASAP.

For everything else, you might as well perform pelvic thrusts at an old section of a Roman fort's wall.

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