Anon_Z, avatar

Does anyone know the history of that Gorf site? Looks very small and has a bunch of former gabbers joining and creating groups. Wondering when it was created and if we will be welcome there.

I really miss the groups. Gorf now has Victory Gardens and Backyard Chickens but virtually no members.

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

Looks like the admin bounced last year

Anon_Z, avatar

I am very glad I asked about that place. I had a hinky feeling.

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

Let's ask @matty and @graf if there is a coding reason why groups aren't viable options for their more popular instances

matty, avatar

I think it's being worked on, it's just not like a high priority for the Soapbox developers. I would like to see that feature be brought to Soapbox some day.

Anon_Z, avatar

Maybe someone could "borrow" the code from gab. :)

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

I wish they could borrow that AND the self destruct posts option!

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty the problem with self destruct posts on the fediverse is they aren't truly self destruct. the nature of the fediverse means that it replicates your post to dozens of thousands of servers and gets stored for a finite amount of time, some places store them forever. some even reject delete requests meaning you should never post something on fedi that you would not want coming back to bite you in the ass because once it's posted here, it's forever. you should use that general rule of thumb for all internet activities tbh

Mamako, avatar

@graf @TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty Why would you associate your fedi account with your real life anyway?

graf, avatar

@Mamako @TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty unfortunately i didnt have a choice

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

For sure. I was just thinking it'd be good to self destruct shitpoasts aftwr 24 hours instead of taking up server space here.

matty, avatar

You could make 100,000 text posts and the impact on storage would be negligible. The biggest impact is media, generally.

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

That's what I've heard from the meme hater over in NAS. They wanted us to delete everything periodically.

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty did eriner ask you that or was that bestowed upon him by adam curry

matty, avatar

Here's how you avoid that, from an administration standpoint

  1. Don't be retarded

Storage is expensive, but if you have a supportive user base/community, you can always add more. NAS probably grew far too much for their users to reasonably support. With the recent influx of people, we'll have to buy more storage at some point too, but that's already been covered because the community is supportive.

matty, avatar

This is also why I think Torba's "storage" excuse is a red herring. I think he wants to sell the platform, and alienating non-paying customers to artificially increase the paying to non-paying ratio for investors was the "best" strategy. Or he is literally just retarded. I don't know, I'm not jewish enough to understand all of it.

graf, avatar

@matty @Anon_Z @TinyHouse4Life eriner restricted total user count to 10k so NAS was only ever 10k or less, but he is also hosting at home so buying a drive and popping it in is much cheaper and easier than asking remote hands to do it after you order a drive to the datacenter (or god forbid buy a used one from them)

ChadleyDudebro, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty @graf I'm gonna guess that you'd need to create your own instance. Creating modding and updating are not for the faint of heart, or the full time employed.

Anon_Z, avatar

Yeah I briefly looked into that and it is a lot of work. Getting a domain name (easy), hiring a server host (easy), but one hard part for me would be finding a script and learning to edit it (I hate scripts).

Don't have the time or energy to start something like that now.

graf, avatar

@Anon_Z @TinyHouse4Life @matty @ChadleyDudebro thankfully i host a basically one-click solution for that for only 15$/mo -> :btrfly:

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty there's 4, 5 years worth of lore as to why they don't exist here. a lot of it has to do with technical limitations of scaling it across the entire fediverse. a few people have taken on the project but it's stagnated because of this. there are group features using external third party instances however, such as

basically with this you create a group, then you can follow it like a normal user here and anybody who posts @ it will be reposted on your timeline. similar but not the entire. functionality is similar but it's not as elegant of a solution

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty actually I guess here you could create an event and set the time to something 100s of years down the road, and use the timeline as a group. have you tried that?

TinyHouse4Life, avatar

I haven't tried anything other than #s and search to find topics I am interested in
With the migration of gabbers coming over there's been lots of talk of missing the function of groups.
It was such a good way to corral information on specific topics I think people are trying to find an answer to that here.

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty I think they would work the way you guys want. there is an index of ones you're attending, there's an information landing page and a discussion tab

graf, avatar

@TinyHouse4Life @Anon_Z @matty and what's better is these federate, at least to soapbox instances (, ncd et al)

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