nukie, avatar

Who up being a brony :fluttershy:

Tony, avatar

ew, bronies

nukie, avatar

@Tony what's wrong with it

Tony, avatar

I just think it's cringey.

nukie, avatar

@Tony it's literally just a slice of life anime but with horsepussy instead of child pussy


@nukie @Tony potential badfediposts entrant

nukie, avatar

@allison @Tony
>waah waah it's le bad opinion
okay listen here you little bitch I have been thinking about this for years and it's literally, LITERALLY, fucking true.
I have no fucking idea what you stupid fucking pigshit golems don't get about that. MLP gets so much undeserved hate while actual cringe like Lucky Star or Azumanga Daioh get a pass for some reason. I've had enough!!
Look, if you don't believe me then look at the facts:

Slice of life anime is:
>a show about cute girls doing nothing.
>It has no real plot beyond some light threads that get resolved easily.
>There are very low stakes.
>We always know the girls come out on top.
>I would have sex with every single character
>Everyone is happy, the world is basically idillic.
>There's a beach episode. It's adored by autists.

MLP is:
>a show about cute ponies doing nothing.
>It has no real plot beyond some light threads that get resolved easily.
>There are very low stakes.
>We always know the girls come out on top.
>I would have sex with every single character
>Everyone is happy, the world is basically idillic.
>There's a beach episode. It's adored by autists.

They are the same. The only reason why you uneducated idiots hate on MLP is because it has a toy line attached to it. That's all. You're evil and hypocritical and should be ashamed!

mint, avatar

@nukie @Tony @allison >a show about cute ponies doing nothing
They have save the world at least twice though.
t. watched the first couple seasons decades ago

PurpCat, avatar

@nukie @Tony @allison i've never watched the show but I've seen some good fanart on e621
t. furfag

mint, avatar

@PurpCat @nukie @Tony @allison The best Stable Diffustion XL model at the moment was made by a brony. They've aso pioneered AI voice covers. They're more /g/ than /g/ itself.

PurpCat, avatar

@mint @nukie @Tony @allison It's up there with Sonic fan "writing Sonic porn games for the mega CD" tier nerd shit IMO.

mint, avatar

@PurpCat @nukie @Tony @allison The only thing about Sonic fangames I remember is that one game which would enter creepypasta mode if you launch Cheat Engine and leak all your credentials to developer.

PurpCat, avatar
PurpCat, avatar

@mint @Tony @allison @nukie the only way it'd be funnier is if some shitty 90s club/eurodance music in FM started playing at that screen like with those PC-98 music disks when you put the game in.

mint, avatar

@PurpCat @Tony @allison @nukie Spoke too soon, now there's a huge drama brewing on /hdg/ because of that model. Recap:
>when PonyXL was released, its author said he pruned many artist tags because of "ethic considerations" or some other bullshit
>anons speculate that their tags are hashed/obscured instead of being simply removed from the dataset
>someone on /vt/ randomly stubles upon a three letter tag that generates some shituber with nearly perfect accuracy
>this drives /hdg/ into frenzy, the hash hunt starts
>a couple of artist styles also get randomly found with the same three letter tags
>another tag (gpo) found that generates eldritch horror, becomes a local meme
>someone with beefy gpu promts all 26^3 tags and filters those that result in noticeable consistent style changes
>meanwhile other anons dig up ponyfag's discord messages and post screenshots
>apparently he left artist tags hashed so that he could prompt them in private
>also looks for monetization ventures, making some speculate he wants to paywall the styles
>later ponyfag visits the thread in person, comes up with a bunch of answers and threatens to paywall PonyXL V7
>the proompting community left in shambles while still trying to datamine more tags

PurpCat, avatar

@mint @nukie @Tony @allison all of this would be avoided if Internet artists didn't live like ecelebs (impossible) or get hood rich from drawing porn from simps


mint, avatar

@PurpCat @nukie @Tony @allison Meanwhile I'm too lazy to order now ear foam pieces for my HD 280s.

PurpCat, avatar

@mint @nukie @Tony @allison if you actually post art you can make so many shekels unlike those "struggle artists" as I call them with a Chris Chan or Sam Hyde like content schedule who always cry about ai and being broke


Jokes on them, i just have a cheap office chair and as a table i do it where my mom irons the clothes.

Why do these people cry about muh capitalism and struggling financially and then showing off ther crap like that?

PurpCat, avatar

@Morghur @nukie @Tony @allison @mint idk if this artist does i got sent this by a friend who said he should get rich drawing porn too
But so many do


True, so many people draw smut nowadays. But it's a get popular/ rich scheme quick that works as long as you have a good level of skill. And even if your skill is subpar if you capitalize in something niche coomers will eat up whatever you put out for them.

PurpCat, avatar

@Morghur @nukie @Tony @allison @mint honestly
I'm incapable of drawing solely that simply because it seems like many of those artists don't even draw a single good character that needs more art or are capable of writing but rather endless mediocrity


So they just make a copy of a copy of a copy that is just something to live out their fantasy rather than a fully developed and fleshed out character?

PurpCat, avatar

@Morghur @nukie @Tony @allison @mint basically but also they can't tell when their audience likes something lol


They are incapable of the bare minimum? No wonder you don't want to be mixed up with them.

I mean, i would expect them to catch on things that others might like, but i guess that requires effort or they are so autistic they just want to do whatever they like and that's it

PurpCat, avatar

@Morghur @nukie @Tony @allison @mint it's a mix of both I'm sure


@mint @nukie @Tony @PurpCat I have some jank Monoprice thing I bought for $20 and I fully intend to run it into the ground because I don't have the money to spare for anything else, even if the ergonomics are obviously much better

Tony, avatar

Well that's why I think it's cringy. lol

Kyou, avatar

@Tony @nukie SHUT UP, IT (was) IS FUN (up until the 5th season)

nukie, avatar

@Kyou @Tony they made five seasons of that horseshit? I thought there were only two

Kyou, avatar

@nukie @Tony lol I think it had 9 season. The first two were the best because they were the ones the og creator was involved. After that it was just cash grab

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