GolfCartLady, avatar

You just interacted with a newfag who thinks the Holocaust is real.


@GolfCartLady I have to honeslty wonder how one stumbles upon Poa DOT st while still thinking the holocaust is anything but fiction.


@DasSauerkraut @GolfCartLady I'm seeing that he's a Jimfaggot so I'm guessing he got here by way of Reddit.


@PonyPanda @GolfCartLady Metokur makes jew and holocaust jokes though, least last I listened in, how the fuck would his followers still be wholly ignorant?

Cloudy, avatar

Keyword: Jokes


@Cloudy @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady
Simple question for ya.
Where are the physical bodily remains of the supposed 6,000,000 systematically killed in the holocaust?

Cloudy, avatar

Where are the bodily remains of the 10 Million Chinese people who died in World War 2? If you can acknowledge that as realistic you can acknowledge around half that number.


@Cloudy @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady
In a country with 1.5 billion, 10 million is more realistic, and they were killed more realistically, shot in the head and through into shallow ditches.
The holocaust is the most illogical and absurd mass killing story ever told. Try to look at the logistics of it, and also, where are the remains of the 6 million?

Cloudy, avatar

In 1950 (closest I could get) there were 500 Million people living in China. In Europe it was also 500 Million. It's very possible for it to have happened.


@Cloudy @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady
If the holocaust story was the same as in China, simply that they were grouped up, shot in mass, and thrown into graves I could call it plausible, but the story given is a farse.
Also, where are the remains of the 6,000,000?

Cloudy, avatar

Originally they were grouped up and shot, wdym?

And the remains are buried in mass graves as well.


@Cloudy @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady
Lined up and shot by firing squads, mass executions is what I mean.
Never have any mass graves been found in Germany than can prove the 6,000,000 claimed to have been killed.

Cloudy, avatar

Yes they were shot by firing squads, that's what the mobile death squads were. The head of the SS wrote about how he even vomited at one of them because it was too gruesome for him.

And there were mass graves, here's an example:

Cloudy, avatar
Cloudy, avatar
Cloudy, avatar
Xenophon, avatar

I know you're a troll, but what makes someone a "holocaust victim?"

Cloudy, avatar

Someone who died or got sent to a camp.

Xenophon, avatar

so "someone who died" was a holocaust victim, or someone who went to a work camp and lived.

What an extremely jewish definition.

Cloudy, avatar

If I get sent to a gulag and live, that's still being a victim of the USSR.

Xenophon, avatar

Lmao. Going to prison for beimg a criminal is not beimg a victim of the system. And not dying is not beimg part of the 6 million. I know youre a troll, but you need to up your game, or more likely just delete your acct.

Cloudy, avatar

The Gulags weren't for criminals, they were mainly for dissidents.

Xenophon, avatar

The concentration canps were fr criminals. Most jews were criminals

Humpleupagus, avatar

I slept through the cloudy holocaust. 😭

Humpleupagus, avatar

Fun Fact: Cloudy has been expelled from 109 instances, but none of it was his fault. 😏


@Cloudy @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady
80 years on a single pit with approximately 8000 is found, in Poland, where similar mass executions blamed on the Nazis were actually done my the Soviets.
Where are the mass graves for the claimed 4,000,000 victims of Auschwitz alone?

Omega_Variant, avatar

Didn't you know they revised the numbers down from 4 million to 1 million quietly. Man 3 million off the mark is an minor oversight goy.

To cremate 6 million bodies it would take 64 years all the way up to over 100 years even by today's crematorium standards. They must have had like turbo tech or something.

Burying all them bodies wouldn't have been any easier. Wonder where they all went?

Almost like when the red cross aid they found no evidence of it they weren't lying.

Or when the jewish world almanac said:

Cloudy, avatar

They revised it because 4 million people were killed but only 1 million were jews.

If I have 6 million crematioria, how long would it take to cremate 6 million people, btw?

Omega_Variant, avatar

How many crematorium did they have?

Cloudy, avatar

Enough for 6 million, it appears.

Omega_Variant, avatar

So that's an "I don't know"

So according to this 1.3million died.

The crematoriums (supposedly) came online in 1943. The best number I can find is a total of 52 ovens existed.

1.3 million divided by 730 days is 1780 bodies a day. That's 34 per oven per day. The average oven takes 2-4 hours per body even by today's standards to cremate. Adding extra bodies only slows this process down. So unless there are 68+ hours in a day back then that seems impossible.

Even at 1.3 million it is unfeasible. Let alone 4 million which was the original claimed number.

You are believing a lie, nigger.

Cloudy, avatar

You can put multiple people in an oven, and you can also bury others without an oven.

The 4 Million was acknowledged as an inaccurate number even by normal Holocaust scholars.

Cloudy, avatar
doonxib, avatar

@Cloudy @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant Thank you for posting about the masturbation machines friend. Few men have the courage to mention the truth. Ten thousand Jews were wanked until they were dead, sometimes a day. Hitler was quoted as saying, "I want them to leave this Earth with a smile."

Cloudy, avatar

There are many grifters who lie about things like shotguns being bent around walls and stuff. That doesn't make the general event false.

doonxib, avatar

@Cloudy @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant The general event was Communists and subversive anti German nationals were sent to work/POW camps like the US did to the Japanese. That's it. Some twenty years later a myth born from USSR and Allied propaganda of the era with Jews in Eastern, Europe, and Western media conglomerates created an elaborate fiction known as the "Holocaust." The idea of poisoned rooms, ovens, and other elaborate murder machinery was a poorly told lie, repeated before millions of people over sixty years using a method known as the "big lie" to sell its legitimacy.

Cloudy, avatar

Why do we have mass graves of ash?

doonxib, avatar

@Cloudy @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant We don't. You have dirt, which kikes can claim is anything they want to and will have you thrown in prison if you don't agree in Germany.


Cloudy, avatar

There are mass graves of ash in Poland.

doonxib, avatar

@Cloudy @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant I'm sure Poland has plenty of dirt, too.

Cloudy, avatar

Yes, it's land...

doonxib, avatar

@Cloudy @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant BTW, not to drive home too much of a point with you over the rather obvious "problems" with the Holocaust narrative. But, let me put it like this. There were thousands of massacres of White Nationals throughout the 1800's up into the mid 1950's. One for the Irish was the British supposedly drowned hundreds and hundreds of Irish slaves. Now, this event is denied by many British historians and people to this day, but guess what. You don't go to prison for denying it... anywhere. And, there are thousands of examples of this. The Holocaust is the sole exclusion to this rule. Do you find that even a little suspect?

PurpCat, avatar

@doonxib @DasSauerkraut @PonyPanda @Cloudy @GolfCartLady @Omega_Variant inaccurate, the larry ellison pic should show the Oracle logo next to his name (you WILL pay for an Oracle license)

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