RustyCrab, avatar

passing my media literacy test after watching Starship Troopers.

IF the humans started the conflict then it's pretty much an Israel/Palestine situation.

The movie really doesn't make it clear who's the aggressor and maybe that's on purpose. The only thing the audience sees is the bugs hurling rocks at earth trying to kill everybody. In hindsight, the only reason they could even know to do that is because a brain bug figured it out where earth was as a result of an invasion.

I think a small amount of dialogue about human expansion into the galaxy would have made that more clear. If you don't put that together it's just a big dumb movie about killing bugs.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab Grade: D-
Comments: didn't understand the material, the book is actually about why fascism is good. The bugs are communists, communist rules can't work with humans (or: communism is dehumanizing) so in the logic of the author, humans need fascism.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab that's not my real analysis that's just what pozzed people who hate heinlein for no good reason say

bot, avatar

This is why I don't trust any ajax facts.

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax I'm assuming the book has more explanation of some stuff but I'm just going purely off the movie

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab oh lol I forgot that was a thing for a second... The thing about super anti-war people like in hollywood is they don't NEED the war to be unjustified to decry it as horrible. The have this intuition that fighting is inherently bad, always unjustified, even in self-defense. What you're supposed to do when someone actually just wants to kill you is just never considered (unless it's a WWII movie, but WWII is easier for people like this to psychologically parse, the fighting on our side is remembered as "unselfish" because we were fighting for the "oppressed"-- the jews). I think that intuition is why Verhoven unirionically said the book was fascist propaganda and didn't even finish reading it.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab In the book it's never made clear who started the war because it's not meant to pass judgement or assign blame for the conflict, heinlein seems to interpret war as inevitable, and the book is more concerned with contrasing the different societies in the conflict.

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax there is still the question of how the bugs would know where to attack if humans didn't invade. The movie makes it unclear as well but I dont think theres any other reasonable conclusion.

18+ roboneko, avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus

> the question of how the bugs would know where to attack

you are attempting to apply logic and reason to a story in which non-FTL rocks are somehow used as an inter-star-system weapon of war :cirno_heh:

how those things are even managing planetary escape velocity is a mystery best not pondered

18+ roboneko, avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus actually a scifi where there's some method to throw dumb rocks at FTL speeds could actually be a pretty interesting angle if the consequences were explored

ajax, avatar

@roboneko @RustyCrab @splitshockvirus Yeah I'm more interested in the socio(don't know the rest of this word) theories behind the narrative which is what the author was most interested in. The hwole bug meteor attack would make at least a little more sense if they sent bugs to launch an asteroid that was already in the solar system at earth but that's a minor gripe in the log run.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab Also your actual grade for your initial post (and considering it's about the movie) is A- I was just being a jerk.

splitshockvirus, avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax

The book and the movie are telling different stories.

The book: People don't deserve the right to vote, only people who fight deserve to vote. You should join the military.

The movie: Haha Jingoism sure is wacky, look at how absurd the military industrial complex is.

I think the :glow_in_the_dark: orchestrated the meteor, bugs can't throw rocks across the galaxy.

:disputed: Federation Fact checkers have disproven this theory and have arrested this user for treason :disputed:

RustyCrab, avatar

@splitshockvirus @ajax
>I think the :glow_in_the_dark:
orchestrated the meteor, bugs can't throw rocks across the galaxy.
That thought crossed my mind but the movie gives absolutely zero basis for that. Like why? Troop morale? Thats an expensive way to do it.

RustyCrab, avatar

@splitshockvirus @ajax as for bugs not being able to fling rocks across the galaxy. I dont know, its implied they're pretty intelligent and they DO hit other planets on purpose


@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus @ajax been a long long time since i watched the movie but i always assumed they just hopped on a meteor and rode it here

18+ roboneko, avatar

@rosey @splitshockvirus @RustyCrab @ajax 500k years later ... :blobcatghostdead:

RustyCrab, avatar

@rosey @splitshockvirus @ajax you mean like the bugs on the meteor are course correcting? Maybe since some of them can shoot stuff out of their behinds with force and telepathy is a thing

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @rosey @splitshockvirus In any story where you have FTL travel at all you already have to do a lot of handwaving

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax @rosey @splitshockvirus yeah I went back and fourth on that in my head

You can't strictly apply real world physics to it because maybe the author was retarded who knows


@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus @ajax yeah something like that
look for a comet flying nearby, spit a ton of eggs onto it, the eggs grow into an invasion force while it hurtles through space

18+ roboneko, avatar

@rosey @splitshockvirus @RustyCrab @ajax masses of FTL egg sacs that survive reentry would be a fun premise

ajax, avatar

@roboneko @RustyCrab @rosey @splitshockvirus I remember something about that being how they spread, I don't remember if it was from the book or the movie but the main way they colonize new planets is exactly that way.

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax @roboneko @rosey @splitshockvirus yes they say that in the start of the movie

18+ roboneko, avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus

> why?

destruction of political foe and politically acceptable elimination of intelligent natives in one go

ajax, avatar

@roboneko @RustyCrab @splitshockvirus Also it's hinted slightly in the movie (so slightly I wonder if it's just an illusion I projected on it) the ruling party needed a way to bleed off some excess population so they just sent them into the meat grinder.

RustyCrab, avatar

@roboneko @ajax @splitshockvirus I'm trying not to apply "our world" a la 9/11 logic too much to it since its just too many leaps at once for me.

I think I'm satisfied with the explanation that "the movie is poorly written in that regard"

ajax, avatar

@splitshockvirus @RustyCrab Yeah I had that feeling as well when I watched the movie. In the book the bugs are basically like the Zerg, their technology is biological, they advance by selective breeding or controlled evolution or something. It was never a surprise to the humans in the books that the bugs weren't just bugs.

I think they actually had some peaceful relations with the bugs historically, and another human-like alien race, the skinnies, are actually allied with the bugs. They have a lot of different plausible ways they could have found out.

IIRC the conflict started because the humans and bugs tried to colonize the same planet. I have vague memories to that effect.

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax @splitshockvirus that would have made a lot more sense. So did the movie just butcher the book's story?

mischievoustomato, avatar

yes, apparently the director only read like 2 chapters of one of the books

RustyCrab, avatar
ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus for the most part, yes. The movie didn't even include the most influential concept that the book introduced to all science fiction: power armor.

In the book, ALL the soldiers are equipped with like 12 foot tall power armor that has kiloton nukes as a handheld weapon.

This is gundam level shit almost.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus Verhoven probably didn't include that because it would make the human soldiers too cool

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax @splitshockvirus maybe I should actually read the book

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus probably. It's a little dry, but not impenetrable.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @splitshockvirus Both the movie and the book are awesome don't get me wrong but they're just like... two VERY different artists' commentary on the same basic material.

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax :niggacob:

18+ roboneko, avatar

@RustyCrab wasn't the guy who made the movie politically opposed to the themes of the book that it's based on? I still haven't read the book but I've heard that it's good (and nothing like the movie)

RustyCrab, avatar

@roboneko I dont know anything about any of that. I just saw stupid discussions, watched the movie and wrote the post.

18+ roboneko, avatar

@RustyCrab I realized I had no excuse at this point. grabbed epub will probably go read it right now because I'm just browsing fedi anyway

mischievoustomato, avatar

from what i've read online, in the movie:

  • some mormons (non citizens) try to colonize planet colonized by bugs, they were warned not to do so cuz they'd die. they did anyway and died.
  • this caused bugs to want humanity gone
  • Buenos Aires happens

and in the books its similar too? humanity and bugs are at odds because both wanna conquer planets in the galaxy and thus clash

RustyCrab, avatar

@mischievoustomato I really hate the Mormon thing in the movie. Its like a one line throwaway that's really easy to miss but is central

mischievoustomato, avatar

hell not even i remembered it

RustyCrab, avatar

@mischievoustomato I literally had to rewind later to catch it. I was asking myself who started it and was like "wait did they start a colony?" And scrubbed back through the news clips and found that.

ajax, avatar

@RustyCrab @mischievoustomato Now that you mention it I remember that as well

RustyCrab, avatar

@ajax @mischievoustomato it pisses me off. That line was so important and its SUPER throwaway. Like damn nigga I dont know about brain bugs and shit at the start of the movie. I have to allocate space for remembering what's important. I'm not a tape recorder thats gonna capture every little line. That was mixed it with a bunch of other lines that didn't matter at all.

mischievoustomato, avatar

explains why i dont remember it, i was watching with friends, and we commented on stuff, so yeah

Dicey, avatar
Johnny5iveAlive, avatar

Dark Horse did a decent job filling in the gaps.

RustyCrab, avatar

@Johnny5iveAlive dark horse the comic company?

RustyCrab, avatar

@Johnny5iveAlive ive never hears of them I just see them as a result

icst, avatar

@RustyCrab I think the bizarre take that "the bugs are good" or "the troopers are bad" that freaks make, doesn't even follow from the movie. The guy who made it was trying to poke fun at the book, but most of it is mainly targeting the idea of military guys being in charge.

He seems to mainly paint them as stupid stereotypical "jarheads" rather than evil or "the bad guys". So the movie mainly has them doing stuff that is incredibly dumb like having all their ships in the same spot getting destroyed or all going down to the surface to fight the bugs blind without collecting information about their actual strengths and weaknesses.

So I see it more as an attempt to paint "military=low iq" and "they should instead listen to the enlightened philosophers, politicians, bureaucrats, and artists like me!" It falls flat for anyone who doesn't subscribe to the same biases (about military people being inherently stupid) as the movie maker because you won't ascribe the dumb decisions to being the inherent result of the whole system unless you believe the same already.

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