@roboneko@bae.st avatar



A waifu cleverly disguised as a neko. Here to cutepost, catpost, shitpost, and contract cancer.

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icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> why do you even log in at all then?
:neocat_sad: a question i ask myself

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn :lainheadpat:

Terry, to random
@Terry@breastmilk.club avatar

I forgot I had this

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Terry lmao what is this from

@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Terry cc @LoliHat @sjw @Zergling_man @coolboymew does anyone recognize clip from OP it looks amusing I want to watch it

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

chatgpt is currently grooming me (telling me to use pomade)

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab @a7 @feralphilosophernc I dunno what all the words (pomade, etc) are supposed to mean. they seem almost arbitrary. also try "matte" and "paste" TF knows how the terms relate to the ingredients tho. I think they're more or less just various wax formulations as opposed to gel acting like glue

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

> 41% of French population is in favour of a proposal to limit everyone to 4 flights in their entire life. 59% of 18-24 year-olds agree.

presented without comment

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn @allison @voltrina zoning is complex. there's safety critical stuff like no light industrial using crazy chemicals next door to the apartment. there's stuff like not wanting a walmart parking lot being put in immediately adjacent to your single family home

there's also a bizarre lack of pragmatism where low capacity retail isn't allowed with residential or height restrictions aren't eased up on even where it would make obvious sense. the latter often with claims of preserving the character of the area all while reducing setbacks and landscaping requirements to near zero resulting in an ugly mass of concrete and metal. very nice character you preserved there :blobwoozy:

and then there's the blatant conflicts of interest. there's usually someone making money off of all the dysfunction. and in particularly expensive areas it's worth noting that any politician that actually managed to "solve" things would be hated by everyone when their real estate investments tanked

kirby, to random
@kirby@lab.nyanide.com avatar

does anyone actually use steno keyboards or are they a YouTube shorts meme. They look terrible for programming

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@sysrq @kirby "if your tool is high quality and doesn't get in your way this is likely a sign that you are bad at your trade" has always seemed like such a weird take to me. why wouldn't I want better UX for something I do for hours on end? it's purely a matter of personal comfort at that point

that being said WTF is this about steno keyboards? that sounds like it would be unpleasant to use for anything other than stream of consciousness transcription. if nothing else how would you handle keyboard shortcuts and the like?

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@hazlin @kirby @sysrq so then I type any design documents out (keyboard), consult documentation, CS reference material, etc (browser -> tiling WM -> keyboard), debug when things break (keyboard), etc

> It is like building a house

so I says to the carpenter I says "that is one high quality saw you've got there. clearly you care about the tools you use, thus I can conclude that you are likely bad at your trade" :blobcatgoogly:

not to be confused with a person who knows little to nothing about carpentry opining about the poor quality of someone else's tools (naturally said someone else will have experienced no noteworthy issues with them)

... yet I just typed the above on the shitty integrated chiclet keyboard on a low-ish end laptop. make of that what you will :nepuwah:

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

summoning the energy of all my ancestral spirits combined to resist typing "learn git nigger" in slack chat

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar


:blobfoxannoyed: that's covered in the manual. you should read it

:blobcatcry: hostile work environment!

SuperDicq, to random

We did it. My car is free terrorize the public roads of Europe for another year.

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Suiseiseki @SuperDicq you have to run proprietary software just to start the engine. things have been over for multiple decades :cry:

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

all but one skill is done, data-entry wise. there is one skill that kind of blows up the templates. having to decide to bodge it (technical debt) or delay the whole project trying to work out a proper thing.

that proper thing is basically to just like.. make some list with attributes to store the cost ladder and then later figure out how to actually store it in sqlite. possibly by just baking the whole tuples with an ID number since there aren't many unique combinations.,

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn TFW the toy project becomes a real project

icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i decided before i got out of bed how to handle that group. it hadn't actually come up until just now so i was kind of backburnering it.

was talking to someone and some asshole just drops in and takes over the conversation and is like haha i muted you so that means i can just talk over you whenevr i want etc.

ended up telling the admin they deal with it or i'm out (i didn't give them the dead-by date.)

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn text or voice coms? if text have you tried just muting them in return and forget that they exist?

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

passing my media literacy test after watching Starship Troopers.

IF the humans started the conflict then it's pretty much an Israel/Palestine situation.

The movie really doesn't make it clear who's the aggressor and maybe that's on purpose. The only thing the audience sees is the bugs hurling rocks at earth trying to kill everybody. In hindsight, the only reason they could even know to do that is because a brain bug figured it out where earth was as a result of an invasion.

I think a small amount of dialogue about human expansion into the galaxy would have made that more clear. If you don't put that together it's just a big dumb movie about killing bugs.

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab wasn't the guy who made the movie politically opposed to the themes of the book that it's based on? I still haven't read the book but I've heard that it's good (and nothing like the movie)

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab I realized I had no excuse at this point. grabbed epub will probably go read it right now because I'm just browsing fedi anyway

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus

> the question of how the bugs would know where to attack

you are attempting to apply logic and reason to a story in which non-FTL rocks are somehow used as an inter-star-system weapon of war :cirno_heh:

how those things are even managing planetary escape velocity is a mystery best not pondered

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus actually a scifi where there's some method to throw dumb rocks at FTL speeds could actually be a pretty interesting angle if the consequences were explored

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab @ajax @splitshockvirus

> why?

destruction of political foe and politically acceptable elimination of intelligent natives in one go

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rosey @splitshockvirus @RustyCrab @ajax 500k years later ... :blobcatghostdead:

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rosey @splitshockvirus @RustyCrab @ajax masses of FTL egg sacs that survive reentry would be a fun premise

mischievoustomato, to random
@mischievoustomato@rebased.taihou.website avatar

yeah, why havent A/B style updates been implemented?

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn @mia @mischievoustomato :tanya_wut: how frequently was it taking snapshots?

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@mia @icedquinn @mischievoustomato that's a lot, yet I feel like deleting one per hour shouldn't be asking too much of even low end hardware

a7, to random

should have moved to las vegas with that crazy kid, probably would have been fun

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@a7 @tard @RustyCrab @mischievoustomato in theory. in practice you probably get dragged to court before it all gets cleared up because FREEDOM :eaglecry:

sneeden, to random

Ok, so I binge watched that NotJustBikes guy and it does seem like in most US cities you're absolutely fucked if you can't drive for any reason.

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@d @RustyCrab @sneeden even without a real winter riding in the rain sucks and overall risk of death is far higher. if you enjoy them for themselves they make sense but otherwise it's a pretty difficult sell

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@RustyCrab @d @sneeden I sometimes see people commuting on glorified dirtbikes and I expect those are much cheaper

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@sneeden @RustyCrab

> starving student

stealth ebike that you pretend is a regular bike and take on sidewalks and shit. chinesium purchased from amazog. all certifications likely counterfeit. battery has a non-negligible chance to explode, permanently injuring you for life or lighting your house on fire

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

Dear California Courts:

You're a bunch of niggers. Just because I use Linux shouldn't entail that I should have to solve eight to ten captchas in order to log into your sites or perform cases searches. You're allowing any android browser to click the box without further question. I hate you so much rn. 😡

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Humpleupagus government use of captchas (and analytics) hosted by third parties never sat well with me. these are government services, there's no other game in town and in many cases I am more or less forced to make use of them

they also "protect" the weirdest things against "bots" I mean if it were just the final submission page for various forms I would at least understand the motivation but often it's random informational pages or even worse something that's ALREADY BEHIND A LOGIN WTF

although in this case I suspect the entire thing stems from that one guy who scraped more or less all the available cases in the entire US and then (iirc) made them freely available and indexed things like names. but public is public so he did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Instead of giving candidates the fizzbuzz question I am going to present this and ask "why is this funny" https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@hazlin @RustyCrab without the COCK it wouldn't be a proper EnterpriseExperience™

roboneko, to random
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@sjw these are both remote accounts tho ... :what2:

nhk, to random

if you aren't making more than like 1000$/mo on something there should be zero legal requirement to pay taxes or have a "business" license or any of that bs. even if its your main source of income. let hustler hustle god damn it

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@nhk @icedquinn TFW you just wanted to do anything involving a farm :gura_pain:

rees, to random
@rees@breastmilk.club avatar
18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rees @Tony how much of what's going on in this video is AI generated?

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rees @Tony impressive

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Tony @rees :zt_nod: you can tell because of the pixels. but if this keeps up you won't be able to tell within, uhh, probably a few months given the rate things have been going

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rees @Tony ehh I don't buy that since it makes a number of unfavorable assumptions. such as people won't change the way they do things, or we won't start employing some sort of web of trust type model

it ruins stuff like product reviews but those were already trash anyway

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@rees @Tony @Dudebro doesn't it become easier to tell if it's a bot as it gets longer tho? short stuff is really difficult to judge if it's actually coherent

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Dudebro @rees @Tony

> Short, concise information

s/information/entertainment/ FTFY

it all depends on your underlying goals I guess

gabriel, to random

I'd love to see a measure other than GDP, like HDI but on a shorter timescale.

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn @gabriel :ablobdrool: now I want that one seedy taco truck but it won't be open this late

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Normal man encounters bot

@roboneko@bae.st avatar
sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Working on the maintenance I meant to do last weekend. In about an hour I'm expecting about an hour of downtime. Wish me luck!

@roboneko@bae.st avatar
Kyou, to random
@Kyou@kyou.social avatar

My towels aren't drying because of this stupid RAIN

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Kyou that is what dryers are for

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Kyou clothes dryers aren't a thing? where are you ... :vlpn_confused:

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Kyou :not_like_this:

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Kyou drying rack plus space heater makes an okayish substitute for me when the dryer breaks (assuming winter, rain, etc)

@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Kyou realizing you don't have the option to warm your clothes up before getting dressed on a cold morning. why even live?

@roboneko@bae.st avatar
icedquinn, to random
@icedquinn@blob.cat avatar

i saw a guest interview that was suggesting that these software billionaires are actually just conducting the largest rent seeking enterprise to ever grace the planet

looking at the low profit margins on a lot of hardware assembly i'm not entirely sure he was wrong

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@icedquinn which particular software billionaires? but yeah, pretty much anything that attempts vendor lockin and charges a subscription would qualify so that's ... probably most of it at this point? :puniko_tired3:

Pawlicker, to random

this is literally you when you sign up for the fediverse

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Awoo @Pawlicker do jumbo blobcat plushies exist? like a pikachu plush but better

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@Pawlicker @Awoo those are nice but they're small

mima, to random

At least those now know what it feels like to be 1% of a Filipino here in the Philippines ​:suwako_evil:​

RE: https://minidisc.tokyo/notes/9p806tdga1

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@romin @icedquinn @mima @SuperDicq if I can no longer afford meat I think there are some tough questions that need to be asked regarding why the standard of living should be slipping so badly

18+ roboneko,
@roboneko@bae.st avatar

@SuperDicq @icedquinn @romin @mima

> The farmers are actually standing in the way of affordable housing.

:top_kek: trying to blame government mismanagement on the farmers now? you don't need to turn farmland into housing you need to build up. if you're going to turn farmland into anything then returning it to wilderness would generally be a much better plan

> If there's less farming we have more "pollution budget"

in what specific ways is farming polluting which happen to be interchangeable with construction of all things?

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