MeBigbrain, avatar




WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@MeBigbrain I like how you just ignored the chart showing that christianity makes ppl more accepting of other races and just insult me, lmao. Why wouldnt you be pissed off about this trend instead? Says a lot about you

MeBigbrain, avatar

@WoodenDoorInspector You're right, we must do something about this plague of Trump voters.

WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@MeBigbrain And once again you ignore the data. Why is church making them more anti white?

Owl, avatar

Why are you ignoring the blood of Christ?

WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@Owl @MeBigbrain Because the very first person to write about him was a jewish zealot who hated gentiles. Hitler theorized that Paul completely lied about who Jesus was to subvert rome and said he would "complete his work".

tyler, avatar

Not only did you disregard my reply earlier, you are also conflating an acknowledgment of jewish influence and it's consequences with truth.

jews manipulate truth to get their way. It's literally satan and his minions. Of course they would use the ultimate truth (The Bible) and use wicked men like Scofield and such to use it as a cudgel to fool the less discerning to supporting wickedness themselves.

It's all over the Old Testament, examples of these sort of people 'being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine'

If you're not actually interested in the conversation: fine; just stop bringing up Christianity then.

Scot_Paladin, avatar

Ever notice that the pagans never tell us about their religion, just constantly criticize Christianity?

Maybe, try opening with, "Hello sir, have you heard the good news of Thor?"

tyler, avatar

I have asked a few, out of curiosity for what they would say, and it is never ever "because of xyz authority" (including typical pagan false deities) - but almost always it's just another variation of ancestor worship, the worship of men. Even so, they don't know anything about their ancestors, so it's all their own headcannon. They're just making it up. They're retarded.

Spingebill, avatar

@tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @MeBigbrain @WoodenDoorInspector in some cases it's just a long, roundabout way of saying "hail thyself"

givenup, avatar

@Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @MeBigbrain @WoodenDoorInspector we know who else practices self / race worship to this day (it's the jews btw)

Witch_Hunter_Siegfired, avatar

@givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @MeBigbrain @WoodenDoorInspector ”Race worship” is good, everyone does it but Whites.

CatLord, avatar
Witch_Hunter_Siegfired, avatar
KingOfWhiteAmerica, avatar

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @CatLord @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @MeBigbrain @WoodenDoorInspector Worshipping created things is prohibited in Traditional Christianity.

As the Race is a creation, and not the Creator, its worship falls under the category of Idolatry.

Witch_Hunter_Siegfired, avatar

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @CatLord @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @MeBigbrain @WoodenDoorInspector This is the same argument I’ve heard retards say on Twitter, like the Smash Baals guy or whathave, NO RACIALISM MUH BROTHERS IN CHRIST, type shit. What’s the distinction here?

MeBigbrain, avatar

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @KingOfWhiteAmerica @CatLord @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector Racialism is acceptable to us, worshipping your own identity is not.

Witch_Hunter_Siegfired, avatar
KingOfWhiteAmerica, avatar

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @CatLord @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl @WoodenDoorInspector I love my Race and my genetic inheritance, more than just about any other created thing.
But I’m not ontologically confused about it; the Race is categorically distinct from the Divine, which is Uncreated.
“Worship” - literally, “Laetria” is, for the Christian, reserved solely for the Uncreated.
Laetria directed to created things is Idolatry, by definition.

WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @CatLord @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl loving your own race more than other races would be called "race worship" by almost everyone. The entire goal of the old testament was to conquer all gentiles and destroy their gods to usher in the jewish god yahweh.

CatLord, avatar
WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@CatLord @KingOfWhiteAmerica @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl You're arguing semantics, it was their racial pride that was called pagan/idolatry by the church.

KingOfWhiteAmerica, avatar

@WoodenDoorInspector @CatLord @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl They’re not the same, just as “some catholics saying things“ is not the same thing as an official statement by the Catholic Church.
You’re not a serious person if you can’t recognize such clear and present distinctions.
Esteeming and preferring one’s own Nation over others is not Idolatry.

WoodenDoorInspector, avatar

@KingOfWhiteAmerica @CatLord @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl I posted a clear example of the Germans racial pride, and the official statements by the church, not "randoms". What you're saying doesn't make sense, if all the most prominent priests, the pope etc all called this idolatry and race worship are ALL of them wrong? If all the top officals are wrong then how can you claim modern Christianity doesn't oppose racial pride in Europeans?

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@WoodenDoorInspector @KingOfWhiteAmerica @CatLord @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @MeBigbrain @givenup @Spingebill @tyler @Scot_Paladin @Owl Nice and all but what you think about Tomboys though they aren't for me but I would shag one I guess


Achtunger, avatar

@Dan_Hulson Muscular "women" aren't tomboys. They're victims of jewish feminism.

Paleloon, avatar

@Achtunger @Dan_Hulson there is definitely a hard line that shouldn't be crossed on how much muscle a woman should build but technically a toned woman is muscular and thats perfectly fine

Dan_Hulson, avatar

@Paleloon @Achtunger I don't like muscular women but if a bird is athletic I don't mind

GrungeQueef, avatar
Dan_Hulson, avatar
Humpleupagus, avatar

Her clit is bigger than your dick.

Eiregoat, avatar

Then she will bear strong sons.

Humpleupagus, avatar

It's gonna hurt when Dan has to shit them out.

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