amerika, avatar

Short introduction:

  1. I am a raging realist. Reality is the only morality. I reject all symbolism and emotion.
  2. I know there are good people from every religion, tribe, race, culture, ethnicity, and social class. To protect these, ethno-nationalism is needed.
  3. I am skeptical of the human future. We are creating the largest ecocide in history. I reject climate change and egalitarianism.
  4. I am indifferent to LGBT causes but think natural rights should extend to LGBT people.
  5. Generally I favor natural selection, i.e. remove the defective, promote the effective, and leave everyone else alone & accept them as they are.

I am part-hippie, part-fascist, part-libertarian, and mostly just a Republican who saw through the lies from my own party and the neurotic junk DNA people of course.

I oppose DEADS:

  • Democracy
  • Equality
  • Atomization
  • Diversity
  • Socialism

You can read my writings at

amerika, avatar

My goal is simple: restore Western Civilization. The modern brew of democracy, inclusion, equality, diversity, and socialism/entitlements has failed.

The plan:

  • Seize power
  • Relocate all other ethnic groups
  • Exile the defectives
  • Restore the kings

Key readings:

cjd, avatar

The same kings whose royal families have run liberal democracy into the ground by manipulating media and education and assassinating anyone who doesn't play ball?

Hard Pass.

amerika, avatar


Who are you thinking of here? I favor monarchism as a system, but we have not had it for 200 years.

cjd, avatar

Who do you think these puppet presidents answer to?
Who do you think runs the mafia families?
If you start tracing this stuff out, you find these people are all literally family.

amerika, avatar


I am skeptical. Democracy overthrew the kings, and then the corporates took over. Their familial relationships are less important than their social connections and shareholders.

cjd, avatar

Ok so you maintain that everything is actually the true will of the people, and there's no The Masons / The Jews / Illuminati / Oligarchy behind the scenes pulling the strings ?

amerika, avatar


I take democracy at face value. The vote determines who has power.

There are modifiers:

  1. Everything is funded and every group has lobbyists warring it out.
  2. Business is upstream of politics.
  3. Votes are frequently bought through Tammany Hall tactics.
  4. Everyone votes with their ethnic and sexual interests.
  5. The real conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy, but there's no plan either!
cjd, avatar

I don't buy this at all.

  1. Central banks control who can access cheap credit and who can't

  2. Secret societies groom obedient politicians and control them with blackmail (Epstein)

  3. Governments do whatever they want, no matter what people vote for. Who wants another war in a country no one can pronounce? Nobody, but the power elite do, so it happens.

  4. Media and public education are controlled through some kind of secret power structure. This is evident from the fact that they always agree on what to say.

I think it's fairly obvious that there is a hidden "state" which transcends national governments - the only real question is WHO is at the top of this thing, and there's a lot of evidence that it's the European royal families.

amerika, avatar


  1. Governments regulate markets, central banks are similar to that, but there are options for those outside of the cheap credit.
  2. I don't buy into this at all. Epstein ran a business providing 15-17 year old hookers to rich fat businessmen and then blackmailed them
  3. Those opinion polls matter. Also a number of wars have ended via politics like Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam. The voters yanked them.
  4. Your last sentence is important, but consider that if they share the same ideology and social groups as well as media sources, they are going to be "a troppo" or in near-simultaneous echo.
cjd, avatar

Vietnam wasn't ended by people voting, that's a bunch of statist propaganda.

Vietnam was ended by people SHOOTING draft officers, firebombing draft board buildings, killing their commanding officers, and generally threatening a civil war if the power elite would not back down.


icedquinn, avatar

@cjd @amerika :neocat_floof: old americans went hard.

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