18+ RehnSturm256,


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    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @RehnSturm256 I was telling a chat this the other day but white people literally won't stick out for each other. You'll never hear a white person say he didn't see nothin or some white person getting rich off a one hit wonder donating to the legal fund of some white person in jail.

    Also the infighting too. Compare how the black community views George Floyd or someone like him with how white people view James fields or the j6 protesters, and you'll see why many deserve migrants.

    18+ RehnSturm256,

    @PurpCat I was even thinking about that too, how Blacks have those go fund-me’s whenever one of their own gets plugged by a cop. Whites laugh about that, but they don’t see how this is a success: they are - even selfishly - sharing resources amongst each other or grifting outside races to help them. And their whole community joins in even if it’s to show face or solidarity.

    Whites don’t give a shit to do that. They’ll just bitch and moan and hold on perilously to what little they have in isolation instead of combining what they have with their own.

    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @RehnSturm256 While shit like the fundraisers for Kyle or the guy who held the guy on the subway in a chokehold exist, it's too little, too late.

    One of the whole reasons the the e-right flamed out compared to where it was in 2016 is harder to accept than "the leaders were wiggers who care more about marketing a podcast or shitty blog than the white race". It's that look what happened to the J6 or CVille protesters.

    I think a lot of people forget this, but nobody in 2017 wanted to be caught dead supporting James Fields or saying "hmm there's something REALLY SUSPICIOUS about a guy driving his dream car into a crowd, I can't put my finger on why though". You were blacklisted in many communities if you said this, as you were if you said George Floyd was on Fentanyl, and in 2017 it still seemed like there was something to lose. There were online pitbulls like Emily/Edward Gorcenski (who has ties to LFJ of Google and DropKF fame) who made it a life goal to dox everyone who went to a single protest and at least one person killed themselves over losing it all (but he's not a mentally ill SNES emulator developer so he doesn't count).

    Even websites like the Gateway Pundit which try to say they give a shit about the J6 protesters only now do because the wind blew that way, they were saying the people at the CVille protests were "nazis" and "feds" and shit.

    Or look what happened to e-celebs on the "wrong side of history" at that time. I knew one struggle artist pivoted sides because he was convinced that nobody in the e-right would support you, and since all he wanted in his life was to avoid working the grill at McDonald's and to get e-famous he was fine with starfucking some shitlibs.

    After all, just like the shitlib in another chat who larps as a lolbert, the only thing many white people are worried about is being seen as ray cist. Him and other people like him deserve to go outside and see "NOW HIRING" signs for job agencies written in Spanish as their brainwashed kids struggle to find employment. It's not their problem, it's a distraction from watching the latest NCIS and CSI episode.

    18+ RehnSturm256,

    @PurpCat if people united instead of being scared, it wouldn’t matter if they tried to fire protesters for their views, ruin their lives, etc. but then that’s a whole discussion there about how Whites are stratified along lines of class, religion, and especially politics. There’s no “one group”, lots of traitors, ambivalence, isolation, all of which prevent meaningful unity.

    @Meat_Mom@poa.st avatar

    @PurpCat @RehnSturm256 >we deserve to be raped by niggers!!!
    Nah I think that's just you, fag. Both the e-left and e-right are similarly burnt out at this point. White ppl don't stick up for each other because they virtually no institutional support and will get shut down for doing so.

    18+ PurpCat,
    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @Meat_Mom @RehnSturm256 it's clear whose doing the raping nowadays though

    18+ RehnSturm256,

    @PurpCat @Meat_Mom incidentally, trans have more sway than most other groups, and it’s a demographic that can be “joined” by anyone at a steep cost. But it is why so many trans are White: without any community of their own, and wanting to lessen the misery they feel by all sides, they join in the group and thus become a protected class overnight.

    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @RehnSturm256 @Meat_Mom I'm sure that's a huge reason for it, that and it's a fad

    @idea_enjoyer@nicecrew.digital avatar

    I've never seen it so bad.

    Grab any corner of positivity you can. It's bleak but there's still beauty.

    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @idea_enjoyer @Meat_Mom @RehnSturm256 pretty much
    That's why I tuned out of politics. You get nothing and only get fucked

    18+ RehnSturm256,

    @Meat_Mom @PurpCat that’s the goddamn point, that power, even on the community, local level needs to be reaffirmed. Everyone else has safety nets and a voice but Whites are content isolating themselves until they are swallowed demographically and or by state oppression.

    @burner@norwoodzero.net avatar

    it's almost as if any form of White solidarity or nationalism has been stigmatized in the mainstream to an extent that it's taboo to speak out when a White person is being wronged

    @Alex_Fog@nicecrew.digital avatar

    its how they've gone about everything. implant the ideas, make everything surrounding the ideas negative in some form, blast that through the airwaves for generations, and now we are at a point where even those who 'notice' won't speak up out of fear and being isolated. all part of the plan m8

    @burner@norwoodzero.net avatar

    yup. Don't like being lectured about how you're a bad person by some woman in HR? How about you never work again.

    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar

    @burner @Alex_Fog @RehnSturm256 my goal is to save up enough money from this current wagie job to study to make Vidya or something. As the timeline increases I realize how unlikely it's going to be to find partners who aren't either choosing to work their day job (be wagies) or so mentally ill that they'll derail it with a google doc but I'm gonna try.



    @PurpCat @burner @Alex_Fog @RehnSturm256 this is an extremely depressing podcast concept.

    @PurpCat@clubcyberia.co avatar
    @burner@norwoodzero.net avatar

    they have a girlbossing show and a nigger show

    @Hoss@shitpost.cloud avatar

    These are the three Walmart underbosses you have to fight at the end of each stage before you reach the Walton manor.

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