Paulajak, avatar

whyyyy is finding a bf so difficult why do people just ghost you after a few daysssss

f_o_u_r_t_y, avatar

@Paulajak Yeah :lain_sad:

Paulajak, avatar

@f_o_u_r_t_y i will start voting when a party comes that promises state mandated bfs

18+ RehnSturm256, avatar

@Paulajak @f_o_u_r_t_y same, er, similar. I will vote for anyone that makes finding waifu easier :catstare:

disabled, avatar

@RehnSturm256 @Paulajak @f_o_u_r_t_y State Mandated Dommy Mommy Harems. :Disa_Drool:

RehnSturm256, avatar
branman65, avatar

@RehnSturm256 @Paulajak @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y state mandated mommy dommy wives

Paulajak, avatar

@branman65 @RehnSturm256 @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y you need to impregnate her within a year otherwise you get terminated from the state mandated mommy dommy wives program

disabled, avatar

@Paulajak @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y I’d do it, even if it’s just to keep the mommy dommy wife harem. I don’t know if the state would want my genes spread though.

mischievoustomato, avatar

@disabled @Paulajak @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y i dont know if i wanna spread my genes considering I'm a cancer survivor

branman65, avatar

@mischievoustomato @Paulajak @RehnSturm256 @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y I couldn't imagine. the closest I have ever gotten to experience that was when I had pneumonia at 3 and I developed Pittakionophobia from that ordeal. i'm glad you beat it

Paulajak, avatar

@branman65 @mischievoustomato @RehnSturm256 @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y i still havent gotten cancer but like everyone from my dads side of the family had so its probably over for me

RehnSturm256, avatar

@Paulajak @branman65 @mischievoustomato @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y anyways we were talking about state mandated dommy mommy, hope for the best, no more bad vibes. Only dommy mommys :blobaww:

paula99, avatar
disabled, avatar

@paula99 @Paulajak @branman65 @mischievoustomato @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME! GROOM ME!

mischievoustomato, avatar

@disabled @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y no groom ME bro you have a wife already 😭😭😭😭

disabled, avatar

@mischievoustomato @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y I’m a Shota AND I’m disabled. I have the right to be greedy!

mischievoustomato, avatar

@disabled @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y I'm missing one eye, I'm also kinda uh disabled?

disabled, avatar

@mischievoustomato @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y I don’t want to have a who is more crippled competition, but I assure you, if we did, I’d win.

mischievoustomato, avatar

@disabled @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y tfw no gf that hits my limbs with a sledgehammer until I'm a vegetable

18+ RehnSturm256, avatar
mischievoustomato, avatar

@RehnSturm256 @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @disabled @f_o_u_r_t_y tfw no gf that is just cute and nice

disabled, avatar

@mischievoustomato @Paulajak @paula99 @branman65 @RehnSturm256 @f_o_u_r_t_y tfw only 1 huge tiddied dommy mommy wife and not a harem of 100

RehnSturm256, avatar

@disabled @paula99 @Paulajak @branman65 @f_o_u_r_t_y @mischievoustomato I want a girl to groom me :ablobmeltsoblove:

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