SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


AnimeGirlConnoisseur, to random

== Final Poll ==

Osaka vs Holo

Poll Instructions




To vote, please make one and only post with only the name of the girl you want to vote for within the AnimeGirlConnisseur Baest thread NOT SuperSnekFriend's Mugicha thread. (Osaka or Holo) You may add an image to your vote post.

Poll closes at 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT)(UTC is for queers) next day of posting and any vote post made after will not be counted. Remember, you and your friends have an extra hour and a half.

You MAY repost or quote post this thread, though it's encouraged to boost the main tourney thread as well.

But please do not use this Baest poll thread for discussion. Use @SuperSnekFriend 's tourney threads on Mugicha Club or quote post a person's vote instead.

No account made December 2023 or later will be counted. Any vote made can be discarded after consideration.

ChristiJunior, avatar

@Dude You should be in the poll thread right now, just reply to my first post with you vote, with the other accounts still tagged in.

Alternatively, follow the:


SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Major Update

Ohayo Fedi! :02Hi:

While my sleep schedule is still screwed up, it didn't screw me up that much last night.

Over night some of the Loli Brotherhood, but not the majority of them, which brought a few votes but nothing that would push Senko safely away from Osaka. Meanwhile the Animekampf as continued to push in trickles of Osaka votes.

One group over the morning surprised everyone in showing up: the Nice Crew Digital. NCD is not known for being an instance of loving anime, though there are a few that are anime fans. The NCD is known for several other things, namely being the alt-Fedi instance with the most verifiable amount of women, being, being creators of long hellthreads full of endless chatter that annoys a lot of other Fedi people. They are the most normalfag-friendly of the alt-Fedi. The NCD being non-otaku doesn't mean they cannot vote, so with all their Osaka votes, especially as virtually all have respected both the "no chatting in the poll thread" rule and "no anti-loli/debating loli" rule.

This is a last call to the Fluffy Tail Mafia and Loli brotherhood to wake and push hard for Senko, or she will lose. Remember, this isn't a democratic process. This is a game and not playing the game will make you lose even if your girl is the objectively better girl.

Osaka - 91
Senko - 85



SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

The time has come and so have I! After many months, many battles, many tears shed, blood split, and sweat poured, we have reached the end, the final three matches to determine the Anime Queen of the Fediverse. We have the girl who got through all adversity through sheer dumb dork luck. We have a fox goddess who is the embodiment of the perfect wife and who has destroyed her competition so far. We have what many believe is the on the few objectively perfect anime girl characters. We have a beloved

This first semifinal is between that dork and that perfect monster wife.

** WCTB 32. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga / Azumanga Daioh **

Poast's lich, Lichelord Greyford, with Fash-E's request and help, uncovered Osaka

Granwalder wants a tard wife, specifically a tard wife from Osaka, Japan.

Fash-E says that Osaka "is ready for Total War!" Let's a go!

** 12. Senko / The Helpful Fox Senko-san **

Qwerty, one of Fediverse's Watamelon sellers has given stated the Watamelon Union gives its official support to Senko-san.

SNEK, my supposed twin brother, thinks, "Senko is very cute." Yes friend! She is very cute indeed. :bebe: (Why is there no emote for Bebe still)

Some are as belligerent against dorks and for monster girls as those who are for dorks and against Fluffy. Take the resident dragon girl scholar, William_The_Dragonborn, "Senko is perfect, death to Osaka."



SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Major Update

You know what happens when your sleep schedule is messed up? You miss important deadlines like hourly and major updates during heavy voting. :NYNSleepy:

The Fluffy Tail Mafia continues to hold the tourney host and tourney goers hostage, with Holo still holding a major lead over the vampire loli.

But like I said before, Shinobu has powers of her own and is no pushover against the Wise Wolf. Shinobu supports called the loli bros of Varis Hangout and brought a bunch of voters from their to support the other remaining loli, besides Senko-san. This has given Shinobu a place where, with another big push without the Fluffy Tail Mafia defending well, she can threaten Holo's lead and thus her star status as a tourney favorite.

We will see what these two will come up with for the rest of the match. Until the morning, oyasumi Fediverse! :senko_nap:

Holo - 44
Shinobu - 35

Thanks against to @kvit for the Shinobu pic!



SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

By the way, a quick and dirty PSA:

You guys may think I'm obtuse or a bit of an ass for making this rule:

>Please do not use this Baest poll thread for discussion. Use's tourney threads on Mugicha Club or quote post a person's vote instead.

You may be right about being obtuse, autistic, or an ass. HOWEVER, the rule does serve a purpose. I myself cannot easily keep track of people's voting if a bunch of people keep posting in the thread with irrelevant stuff.
I missed one guy's vote early on from the Mugi vs. Asuka because it was crammed among irrelevant posting from others, including people who don't care about the tourney at all. I only caught it when rechecking the tally.

Even if breaks the Fediverse's "purpose", please act like Whites and FEA's and respect my wish and rule.

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

What a rough and exciting battle! We saw the ultimate turnaround in the last match.
Today is the final quarterfinal match before we get to the real finals next week.

** 3 Holo / Spice and Wolf **

Besides Senko and Osaka, Holo is the other beast that has kept everyone on their toes and off their seats. The Fluffy Tail Mafia is holding their tails hoping the two mofu powergirls will drive their way. Holo is their "main" champion, despite Senko being objectively stronger. Both girls are perfect in everyway. But one can argue that Holo is better as her romance is more fleshed and deeper than the wish fulfillment that Senko belongs to.

In the last werewolf versus vampire match, Wolf Girl in Wheat Fields points out, "Wolfgirl with fangs twice as long." Imagine the love bites!

Zealist worked wonders with Stable Diffusion, offering . Perhaps for this match he can make gothic pics of Holo.

Fedi's resident alt-history writer and husband of a Nazi hellwan, Tactical, pines, "Vampire wolfgirl needed." Don't we all?

** 11. Shinobu Oshino / Monogatari **

While Yor struggled to not get doubled by the wolf goddess, Shinobu has a better shot to take on Holo, Shinobu being supernaturally wonderfully herself. To Shinobu's credit, she defeated the tough opponent Lum who is beloved on the Fedi and has great, objective anime credentials.
While unofficially I support Holo, I salute Shinobu and wish her good luck in this match

Kvit, Shinobu's husbando, has been there for his waifu from the beginning, shouting various slogans like "CUTE VAMP," and "VOTE FOR VAMP!"
He does have a mellow outlook however. "I'm gonna have to go nuts tomorrow and even then I bet chances are low. It's worth a shot though, I believe Shinobu deserves the win." Ganbatte vampire bro!

The Greek philosopher Dicer from Poast has this profound observation, "Unlike real women, Shinobu has compassion."



SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Holo - 18
Shinobu - 8

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Holo - 27
Shinobu - 12

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Holo - 30
Shinobu - 21

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Holo - 55
Shinobu - 48

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Holo - 56
Shinobu - 49

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

Last match was an absolute mess and not just from the various usual Fediniggers coming to trash and defecate everywhere in the poll thread. Senko wiped the floor with Yor, achieving the highest raw vote score yet in this tourney, with the current voting system.

Today we have unique match in its thematic unevenness, a beloved sweet girl from a chill slice of life versus a hotheaded tsundere from an esoteric and action packed meme mecha. These two titans of Fedi memes will face each other to see who will fight against the Wise Wolf or the Vampire Princess.

** RR 18. Tsumugi Kotobuki / K-On! **

The first winner of the tournament continues her march to the final round. Having a great performance against Tomoko in the close Round Two match. I do not have much to say, having never seen K-On! myself, except that Mugi is above-average. That can be a curse though. Mugi's flaw she must handle well is that she is above-average to those who know her well, but easily ignored by those who do not. Asuka has more star power, positive and negative, than Mugi's even if Mugi's star power is almost entirely postive.

Christmas_Man from The Bag Social reminds us all that you cannot be a K-On! fan and not be racist, sexist, and homophobic. Sounds good to me!

Granwalder cautions us though that Mugi has not always been an innocent angel, "Never forget who stole hitlers strawberry." Why Mugi, why?

Dan Haulson defends Mugi against any would-be slanderers, "Mugi is White and a good National Socialist don't slander her good name. Have a classic Mugi poast innit." Classic Dan!

** 7. Asuka Langley Soryu / Neon Genesis Evangelion **

The red headed hothead can best be described as a solid average contestant. You may be tempted to see "being average" but I see it as Asuka having solid all-around attributes
The only downside is that Mugi-chan has been above-average in performance and has most of one instance behind her. Asuka, as of writing, can counter act this with the most vocal and heavy campaigners in this tournament. I see her doing well no matter what.

ChristiJunior supports RedHeaded Nationaism: "In this case I will be going with Asuka tho, because Redhead Supremacy."

Koropokkur accuses Asuka, "Filthy ginger was never late because she rarely showered."
Christi rebuffs, "Then explain this [secret picture of Asuka showering.] Checkmate, libtard." Seems like solid proof to me!

William_The_Dragonborn gives a sentiment of Asuka's series shared by many, "EVA IS OVERRATED!" That doesn't mean the girl is overrated however. This is ultimately "The Fediverse's Best Anime Girl Tournament", not the "The Fediverse's Most Favorite Anime/Manga Series Tournament."



SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Major Update

Senko the Slayer continues to destroy her opposition. Reaching fifty votes in less than twelve hours is quite the feat, especially with Yor's pedigree.

Keep the support and votes! Yor supporters help your girl fight gloriously. Senko supporters, help your girl reach great heights. Fluffy Tail Mafia, don't let up just because your girls seem to unstoppable.

Until tomorrow, oyasumi Fediverse! :senko_nap:

Yor - 27
Senko - 50



SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


Links to the poll account and thread for those who can't see the quote post:

** 4. Yor Forger / Spy x Family **

The Thorn Princess has done well for a new girl on the block. Both Wiz and Raphtalia, who were not weak girls, succumbed to their injuries from Yor's strong and dexterous moves.
This may be her hardest match. While she did well against one of the Fluffy Tail Mafia's girls, Yor did not face against the FTM's main champions.

"Fuck Senko. Yor has to take this shit. I already lost Lum, I have to fight for best wife against the fluffy tails." "We need Lum fans to join the Yor caucus to defeat the Fluffy Tail Menace."

SNEK (not me) from Gearlandia Haus has a pessimistic outlook, "Yor mite lose." This probably is true, but that should not stop Yor fans. A good, glorious defeat is better than a miserable victory. And who knows, strange things have happened throughout this tournament. A miracle for the assassin mommy-wife might be given to her.

GrungeQueef may accidentally revealed the missing ingredient for Yor's perfection, "Imagine if Yor had a fluffy tail."

** 12. Senko / The Helpful Fox Senko-san **

The Fluffy Tail Mafia's influence has been rather anemic since the beginning of this tournament, when they were ferociously pushing for their fluffy tailed girls into the second round. After the lackluster match with Raphtalia and Liru, they seemed to rebound with Senko and Holo. A closer look though shows that support for both came naturally, with the Fluffy Tail Mafia being rather low-key with all matches.
If they truly believe in their mofu mofu cause, then the members of the FTM must rally hard for the next week-and-a-half for their fuwa fuwa girls.
With that being said, Senko has a supreme advantage in this current match. If she wins even by only a few votes, Senko will prove herself to be this tourney's equivalent to Samus.

Wgiwf from Poast seems to be the only member of the Fluffy Tail Mafia whose energy and has been consistent. "VOTE FOR SENKO!"

The Fedi's chief fox girl champion, bronze from the Kitsunemimi Club, shares wgiwf's sentiment, "VOTE SENKO-SAN!!!!!"

Granwalder from Poast offers a Germanism, "The fox will get the bread." At least, I think it's a Germanism.



SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 9
Senko - 28

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 18
Senko - 34

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 23
Senko - 39

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 24
Senko - 43

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 26
Senko - 45

SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Hourly Update

Yor - 26
Senko - 49

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar

Sixteen girls survived Round One and fought hard in Round Two.
Now there are only eight girls left.

While the first Quarterfinal match has already started, we now begin the beginning of the end. Which of these eight will move on to the semifinals as the titanesses of anime girls?

SuperSnekFriend, to random avatar


With Samus being the Fedivere's best vidya girl and Korone and Tenma being the Fediverse's best chuubas, at long last, we enter the this war's main battles to determine the very simple question: Which anime girl deserves to be the Fediverse's Queen and Official Waifu?


This thread will have all the info, rules, data, and announcements going forward, including relevant data.

RURUS tl;dr

  1. All polls start at 3 PM Eastern Standard Time (-5 UTC) and end the next at the same time. One user equals one vote.
  2. Let me know about any issues.
  3. Any ties will result in a one hour blitz poll right after the main poll closes.
  4. Do not cheat or rig, like using alts to vote multiple times.
  5. Do not threaten to cheat or to disturb the tournament.
  6. Do not hate vote based on personal infighting, religion, or politics.
  7. Do not argue about lolis and lolicons.


SuperSnekFriend, avatar

Congrats to the girl too stubborn and lucky to lose, Ayumu Kasaga! She will move on to face either Senko or Yor in the semifinals. What a crap fest!

Final Tally:
Osaka - 52 ★
Konata - 48


SuperSnekFriend, avatar

In the greatest turnaround in all of Fedi Tourney history, Tsumugi Kotobuki won the third quarterfinal match. CONGRATULATIONS!

Final Tally:
Mugi - 70 ★
Asuka - 67


SuperSnekFriend, avatar

After a good fight between the Loli Vampire, who fought valiantly and braverly, Holo the Wise Wolf won the last quarterfinal of the tourney.

Final Tally:
Holo - 61 ★
Shinobu - 53

Thanks to @wgiwf for the pics!


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