@Eiswald@poa.st avatar



Weebshit connoisseur, moeshit aficionado, isekai liker, shonen enjoyer, farmer, company owner, domestic terrorist, nigger lyncher, kike crucifier, bachelor, and turbo autist.

Now also located at nicecrew.digital/ (backup)

A "Hobbyist open source intelligence analyst."
Total Glownigger Death

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar


Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Loneliness be slappin tonight.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Maybe someone else can relate to this. I'm talented at basically everything. Anything I do I do well, often exceptionally well, and I've had to wrangle in my own ego.

How do you navigate the egos of other people, potentially close friends and family, who have decades of experience doing X thing, you name it, and you upstage them? It's stressful for them to be outdone, overachieved on casually by an amateur.

For this reason I try to take a back seat in most projects because I don't want to make the experienced feel threatened.
This comes off like a humble brag but this issue is just getting worse and worse as projects become more complicated and their solutions are inadequate or half thought out. I don't like to damage a man's pride. It's why I don't usually help old men because most of them would rather die trying than need the pity or charity of someone else.

Years, decades even I've spent reigning myself in so that others can feel important.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Humiliation Ritual Status = Thwarted

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Anyone else ever known a person who sleeps 12-14 hours a fucking day every goddamn day?

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

I swear to God, I shouldn't feel as invested as I do but something about (((Western Localizers))) forcing their tranny shit on us makes me want to fedpost.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Now it all makes sense.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

mfw can still see the aurora this morning
Sure hope there's an even more brilliant display tonight.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar


Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar


justnormalkorean, to random
@justnormalkorean@poa.st avatar
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@justnormalkorean >trannodite
Seriously, what in the fuck.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

tfw no cute elf to impregnate over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until I've spawned an entire new race of half-elves.

RT: https://shitposter.world/objects/f7b0c918-7705-4cd8-9bf5-62ba816fb94a

cowanon, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@cowanon tfw in the absolutely accursed 120-135 range


Tamamo, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Tamamo 38 is still young, for men, and only men who have taken half decent care of themselves. That woman doesn't know what she's talking about, she's just regurgitating lines spit at her by other roasties infected with the kike mind virus that is 'feminism', and it will be far too late when she finally realizes that it was all a mistake.

Women do one thing well and that is enforce each other's behavior, behavior that they then blame on men somehow even though they've largely done it to themselves and each other. This chick isn't 'breaking the mold', she's doing what every woman around her is doing, they act like Lemmings and then pretend that they have agency.

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Tamamo >We can be "young" at 38 if we have a measure of success and comfort
>If you've got nothing to show for those years on the earth then you're not much better off
There's a whole hellthread of shit to unpack in those lines.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

>be mid 1980s through early 2000s
>small all White/Asian dev teams
>low budget
>less than two years of development for most games and sequels
>banger after banger
>so many good games
>even the 'bad' games are better than modern games
>2010 and beyond
>colossal shitter, nigger, tranny, and woman dev teams
>multiple hundred million dollar budgets
>10+ years of development
>released in a beta state
>can't even be fixed
>runs like trash
>bloated mess
>not optimized at all
>lectures you
>movie games
>'hold to interact'
>quick time events
>dog shit UI
>trannies and niggers everywhere
>macho female protags
>always lesbians
>they're all ugly so trannies can self-insert
>micro transactions
>live service single player
>all men are helpless, naive, and incompetent
>all men are punch lines unless they're black
>no White men

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Sui @ThisFuckinGuy @Humpleupagus @Dudebro @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @Barbecued_Lemons @CatLord @ForbiddenDreamer @TimeSpent I go outside to work on gravity wagons, receive a large shipment of crates, and tie up loose hardware cloth with tin wire and this whole thread devolves into pure fucking chaos.

TheEternalAnglo, to random
@TheEternalAnglo@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson Can you DM your steam friend code so I can add you and use your pawn in Dragon's Dogma 2? 🥺 👉 👈

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Dan_Hulson @TheEternalAnglo tfw can't even play games right now because my GPU finally burned out after a decade of constant use
Waiting on a payout from last years work to pull the trigger on a whole new rig (mine is a mash of parts as old as 15 something years).
I should start shanghaiing DD2 now so it's ready.

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @Dan_Hulson @TheEternalAnglo I didn't even know these exist. My fully upgraded rig is going to be about 1,400 total.
I wonder what the insides of one of these looks like.

Edit: Found the review images. lol

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Mister_Sunshine @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Humpleupagus @Dan_Hulson @TheEternalAnglo >I just bought DDR4 to replace my current ancient DDR3 rig yesterday
That's what I'll hopefully be doing sometime next week. I'm hesitant about DDR5 since DDR4 has such a good reputation. With my current cart the DDR4 mobo with only one left in stock is actually over 100 dollars more expensive than the DDR5 version.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

He works fast.

GolfCartLady, to random Esperanto
@GolfCartLady@nicecrew.digital avatar

Good morning ☕ :kitty_pat:
Happy :cat_zoom:

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
werefeat035, to random

This is Ahmed. 👳🏾‍♂️ He was born in Sweden. Ahmed is Swedish.
This is Metoo 🐭. He was born in an aquarium. Metoo is a fish.

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@werefeat035 @CozyLife Graf owns the instance, you retarded fucking mongoloid, and if you had read the terms of service you would know that you don't fucking belong here.
Go be a stupid fucking nigger somewhere else. Better yet, save all of us including those who just came from gab and are fitting in just fine the headache, and shove yourself right back up Torba's stinking asshole.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Literally who?
Also we are so back. Been awhile since I got blocked by someone I've never interacted with. Thought I had lost my edge.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/7aff8562-c64d-4519-8126-594b0bcfb997

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Shadowbroker2135 @madonline What the fucking is the Temperance Movement?

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Need a good Minecraft server to be autistic on.

BroDrillard, to random
@BroDrillard@nicecrew.digital avatar

There won't be new semiconductor manufacturing facilities in the US...

>creating a Chief Diversity Officer

>requirements that chipmakers submit detailed plans to educate, employ, and train lots of women and people of color, as well as “justice-involved individuals,” more commonly known as ex-cons.


@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@BroDrillard It's no wonder we're starting to see a narrative shift against DEI and ESG for a multitude of reasons. I'd wager that part of it isn't organic considering the mouth pieces it's coming from. Wouldn't be surprised if kikes like Larry Fink aren't liquidated by his peers for the damage he's caused (((them))). Probably, hopefully see an aggressive roll back of these initiatives up to an including unapologetic White(straight and sane)/East Asian supremacy hiring practices.

Funny how quickly things can change when they think they're about to get killed or it actually starts to effect their wallet/lifestyle.

justnormalkorean, to random
@justnormalkorean@poa.st avatar

Nikki Haley is only winning in 1 state today lol

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
YeetLibs, to random
@YeetLibs@poa.st avatar

Common Pippa L

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@PurpCat @Goalkeeper @YeetLibs @bot Guess I can't see Bot. RIP

SNEK, to random
@SNEK@gearlandia.haus avatar

This actually got me to laugh out loud


@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
GolfCartLady, to random
@GolfCartLady@nicecrew.digital avatar

I am the Chief Boobies Officer of NiceCrew Enterprises ​ :sign_boobs:

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar


graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

velveting flank steak strips that i will cut into small pieces and toss with strained tomatoes, tomato paste and provence herbs to serve over spinach and ricotta raviolis for dinner topped with chipped parmesan. and you?

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@graf Those really cheap premade burgers from a box fried in last night's grease on white bread with ice(((berg))) lettuce, American "Cheese", slice of Tomato, expired Mayo, and great value Ketchup and Mustard.
Meal of kings.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Can't believe there are people still talking about law and wasting their time analyzing and interpreting it as it pertains to separating our powers and ourselves from the federal government.

BigTLarrity, to random
@BigTLarrity@nicecrew.digital avatar
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@BigTLarrity I'm willing to bet the feds start performing terrorist acts against Texas' infrastructure. They need to be ready to defend their power, water, etc from imminent attacks.

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Saber @BigTLarrity >lawfare
They've already declared themselves to be acting in self defense against both the federal government and the invasion from the south. Magic words on paper probably (hopefully) won't influence much going forward. There's no obligation for anyone to obey the law when it's become a threat to you and your own. Especially when the feds are a bunch of toothless cucks who waste taxes on witch hunts but can't pony up the strength to do anything other than harass individual citizens.

Most federal law now is an existential threat and hopefully these states tell them to go fuck themselves.

"Oh, the supreme court said X? How about go fuck yourself." should be their only response.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

Rapid acceleration. Friend and I have been talking about a domino effect. Once someone, anyone has the balls to stand up to these faggots, others will follow.


Xeraser, to random
@Xeraser@poa.st avatar

not exactly what i asked but this works too
also surprisingly not my fetish (until now)

@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Xeraser Pizza AND milk? Oh yeah.

Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

>be me
>notice that youtube's interface is extremely laggy lately
>snoop around
>they've implemented something, somehow that creates artificial input lag if you're using adblock
The absolute state of these corpokikes. lol

Awoo, to random
@Awoo@bae.st avatar
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Dicer @Awoo Not sure why women who would never have acknowledged that these men exist at all otherwise suddenly have an opinion on who/what they're 'dating'.
Is this the zoomer feminist 'myth of consent' dilemma?


@Eiswald@poa.st avatar

@Dicer @LukeAlmighty @Awoo Always good when they get a taste of what it feels like to be a man.
Reminds me of those FtM tranny stories.

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