@PunishedD@poa.st avatar




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Ghislaine, to random
@Ghislaine@poa.st avatar

Working on something

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@Ghislaine I am not a licensed poet, but I think you're missing a word in that last line.

milk, to random
@milk@poa.st avatar

everything interesting i have to say is a fedpost, sorry

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @milk Were you narcing on @GayNiggerRetard ?

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

cloudflare has sent me over 40 purchase confirmation emails in the last 2 minutes

great service :cloudflaretrash:

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf You buying your bandwidth one megabyte at a time?

Crux_Invictus, to random
@Crux_Invictus@poa.st avatar

I will never understand the prices of women's clothing.

I'm going to marry myself a thrifty woman who likes op-shops.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/37b38427-0a10-446d-b282-f70167bef70c

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @Crux_Invictus @Dan_Hulson Well, now I know why they hate it. "Little is known about Marsan, who keeps a basically nonexistent profile online. According to a former Brandy Melville store owner interviewed in the documentary and in Taylor's 2021 Insider exposé, Marsan and other senior leadership at the company were part of a group chat called "Brandy Melville gags" where racist, homophobic and anti-semitic jokes and memes, as well as sexually explicit photos, were shared. The store owner also claimed Marsan was a vocal Trump supporter who made fun of the young women he employed who were Bernie Sanders supporters." rare based fashion fag

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @Crux_Invictus @Dan_Hulson Do they actually have copies of Atlas Shrugged decorating the store like the article claims?

PunishedD, to random
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

Preliminary results suggest the only reason women get any male attention at all, is because of the 1934 National Firearms Act.

RT: https://poa.st/objects/6b606d4c-dd7f-4603-8f68-75db025e74fd

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

U shaped desk has been set up (we are so back)

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@qwerty @RustyCrab Mobius strip desk still superior.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

>western union
>“i dont know if we cash western union money orders”
what a fucking stupid woman

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Your bank should be able to deposit them, like any other check. If you're trying to get actual cash, then any place that cashes checks should handle them too.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Where was this (if you can say)? A financial institution has to be truly retarded not to recognize money orders and train tellers on them.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

leftypol is linking to poast nitter now its so over

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Change the PoW/captcha to a form swearing fealty to Hitler, that will filter them pretty quick.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Leftists being parasites on useful people and organizations, while condemning them? Say it ain't so, I'm shocked and shook rn fr fr

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf It's kind of shocking that there's 139k people finding and using an unadvertised alt-tech service like that. (Or not people, since there could still be automation involved, but if you're actively weeding out the big ones then that's still a lot of human usage.)

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @burner Even Cloudflare gives up and blackholes protected addresses when a DDOS actually stresses their connections. Bandwidth is the fundamental rare commodity of cyberspace, like real estate is to meat space.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@jeffcliff @burner @graf For reliable distribution, yes. For raw volume, no. The Internet is fundamentally hierarchical, it just looks like a mesh when you zoom in.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@jeffcliff @burner @graf Sure, as attack volume. The way you mitigate attacks would choke all those fridges and home routers off the Internet. I'm all for nuking smart appliances but it wouldn't solve the mitigation problem.

GolfCartLady, to random
@GolfCartLady@nicecrew.digital avatar

So.. if you look directly at the
eclipse without your super
special eclipse viewing glasses
all of your hair will fall out
and you will be forced to join
Norwood.zero where your only
hope of growing your hair back
will be to let Dan Hulson slather
your bald head with hair growth

I made it up. :kitty_alpha:

<pic related>

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@jeffcliff @GolfCartLady @graf Considering the kind of people who "specialize" in ChatGPT interactions, it's not an unreasonable assumption on its part.

PunishedD, to random
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

Happy Birthday @graf You are surprisingly acceptable for a canuck.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

just watched a drunk guy clap and cheer at an ATM

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @Bad_Banner Small dick energy. Even if it's not a date, a guy should pick up the tab like it's nothing.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

holy shit this is the mold that all other karens are made from

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@RustyCrab @pasture @graf Her address is in the info box in that post, I can grab it if you actually want it.

sickburnbro, to random
@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

big "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes" vibes

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@Humpleupagus @NitroDubs @Paultron @sickburnbro It depends on what they're measuring. PDs report the number of crimes reported, arrests, cases open vs cases closed. The FBI consolidates the numbers, but also have metrics around types that mismatch what local PDs have. So it might be possible they're going off of cases open, which could be down if nobody collects them or treats them as viable cases; plus an FBI filter that curbs it to specific categories. I haven't looked into the recent numbers, but there's also usually a 1-2 year lag publishing them. No way do they have accurate numbers for all 3 years right now, I bet there's estimation hidden in that chart.

PunishedD, to random
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

Ian is about to make a million dollars.

RustyCrab, to random
@RustyCrab@clubcyberia.co avatar

Is there a word that means the opposite of gentrification? What about negrosis

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@deprecated_ii @RustyCrab White flight is the complaint that property values fell when blacks moved into a white neighborhood, because all the whites left.

Gentrification is the complaint that property values are rising because whites are moving into a black neighborhood.

It's hilarious that their complaints reveal they hold the same underlying assumptions as the people they call racists.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

so there’s a shitload of new users. what did musk or torba do this time

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@reloadedAK @graf @BronzeAgeHogCranker CLOSE THE GATES, BUILD THE WALL

We're gonna have to sacrifice the possibility of "joined on Feb 29th" users.

autisticated, to random
@autisticated@poa.st avatar
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@autisticated Skill issue

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@autisticated If you don't instinctively decipher this, can you even call yourself a gamer?

sickburnbro, to random
@sickburnbro@poa.st avatar

weirdest musk saga yet: Musk sets up his own PCs

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@sickburnbro You just don't connect it to Internet during setup, and it skips past it. If it has wifi, you skip setting up a network because it asks that first. "Genius" my ass.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@sickburnbro But you don't have to if you did that trick. I have multiple Windows 10 computers without an MS account, the only thing it blocks is the Windows Store. Maybe things are different with Win11, but anyone using that deserves to suffer.

Shadowman311, to random
@Shadowman311@poa.st avatar

I regret to inform you that b**mers are doing it again

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@PhoxFriday @Shadowman311 The classic "what they took from you" video. youtube.com/watch?v=QxIWDmmqZzY

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@RustyCrab @PhoxFriday @Shadowman311 Back when "a California 6/10" meant something.

ConvulsingFrothingSnatch, to random
@ConvulsingFrothingSnatch@poa.st avatar

There is a perspective I can't understand no matter how many angles I view it from. I've been told again and again from a certain type of individual that preparing for change or hardship is not just nonsensical, but flat out evil. When I tell these people about how I'm learning to can food, grow my own vegetables or make the most out of the material I own now, they look at me like I'm the devil himself. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say these people hate me for being independent; they hate me for keeping myself free and secure. I genuinely can't understand it.

When Covid first happened and people were struggling to find basic things like milk, toilet paper, meat, ect. I really thought there would be a change, but instead I was met with an even greater anger from these types. I was the enemy for being prepared. I was a hoarder. I was the cause of the missing goods, despite everything I owned being months old. I was the one creating the problems.

This is the kind of thing that makes me believe in demons. Even accounting for subversive media, I just can't comprehend how somebody hates their neighbor for having a pantry full of canned food. It's nonsensical.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@ConvulsingFrothingSnatch To an over socialized mind, independence is a declaration that you intend to "betray" the group in hard times.

Getting called a hoarder is a common accusation. It pops up everywhere from Soviet famines to the Great Depression to government mints (accusing savers of hoarding gold/silver and destabilizing the currency). The best response is to hoard ammo and don't tell anyone you're prepping.

Hoss, to random
@Hoss@shitpost.cloud avatar
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@Hoss "militaristic fascism is bad, because it creates a utopian society of beautiful people who can still defeat genocidal monsters!"

I think you messed up your critique a little, buddy.

Royper, to random
@Royper@poa.st avatar

Should I cop or cope?

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@Royper Cope. If you're going for that sort of thing, tomahawks are better.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

what do we think of this page for nitter 403 errors friends?

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Not spicy enough. Add some slurs, or a 1x1 sized 10MB image to send back to the scrapers.

deprecated_ii, to random
@deprecated_ii@poa.st avatar

oh cool, if I let my linux desktop sit idle for a little while all the USB devices stop responding and I have to do a hard shutdown to recover because nothing brings them back

just what I needed

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@deprecated_ii They forgot to tell you "Year Of The Linux Desktop" was a horror movie.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

alright you heard him valentines day is canceled unless someone tops this donation

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Fair enough. Lovebirds GTFO

Bad_Banner, to random
@Bad_Banner@poa.st avatar

>Logging in as the only black guy on poa.st


@PunishedD@poa.st avatar
graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @thendrix @PraxisOfEvil @pasture It is impossible to exaggerate how bad a mindbreak Trump was for the left in 2017.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @PraxisOfEvil @pasture @thendrix Yes but Orange Hitler "lost" so it's fine. History will progress on the right side until gay space communism takes over, any day now.

IAMAL_PHARIUS, to random
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@poa.st avatar
18+ PunishedD,
@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@IAMAL_PHARIUS @nugger Wait, I threw this into CAD and hacked on it for 37 hours, I think I've engineered an improvement.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Apple just launched a new open-source programming language | TechRadar

Apple wants to make configuration easy and scalable with Pkl


@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@sjw ...but why?

That intro example made me embarrassed for them.

eriner, to random
@eriner@noauthority.social avatar

To qualify for safe harbor (as a service provider) under the DMCA, you must register a designated agent at the US Copyright office: https://dmca.copyright.gov/osp/publish/history.html?search=noauthority&id=06a0e40b2f20b4ccdcc5e18ba7e4af1d

This is unrelated to Section 230.

If Moon v Greer goes to the supreme court (unlikely), I suspect Moon will lose not only because of his actions (and inaction) in that particular incident, but because he failed to register his website with the US Copyright office and pay them the $6 extortion for safe harbor.

Ref: https://blog.ericgoldman.org/archives/2023/10/think-kiwi-farms-is-legally-unassailable-copyright-law-might-disagree-greer-v-moon.htm

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf @eriner @alex @Moon If you're talking about the new Beneficial Ownership regulations, older LLCs still need to file that, but the deadline is Dec 31 2024 instead of immediately.

YeetLibs, to random
@YeetLibs@poa.st avatar

Do jews not get charged mortgage interest?

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@YeetLibs That's like Islamic banking. Both religions ban interest, so lenders have to structure a traditional mortgage to avoid it.

But banks are banks, they aren't handing out free money. If you read the 2nd part, someone who takes out a zero-interest loan like this doesn't get to "own" the house like you do with a mortgage. Instead the homeowner and the bank form a partnership, and as the homeowner pays the bank, they own a little bit more of the home.

If you default on a mortgage, you're out of the house and the bank gets 100% of it. If you "default" on this kind of loan, you split the ownership, but the bank has first claim usually. And if you sell the house for more than you bought it, the bank gets a cut of the profit; you can't just pay off the mortgage and pocket the difference. But if you sell it for less, you still owe the difference.

If the bank is doing it right they'll also jack up the up-front price of the house, same as any other zero interest loan (putting the interest into the principle). But I don't know the specifics of how that's calculated in Rabbinic finance.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

stop buying chineseium products and products made with chineseium chips


@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@yockeypuck @graf And how the fuck did they convince 3 million idiots to buy one?

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@yockeypuck @graf I can kind of get that, automating something simple as opening a latch so that pet food falls into a bowl. But you can't automate brushing your teeth. This is some kind of fitness tracker bullshit thing, isn't it? "You did 57 circles today, 5% more than your average last week!"

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

just saw baked macaroni and cheese on the federated timeline and i think i just figured out whats for dinner

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@graf Roast timeline?

professionalbigot69, to random

>setting up a new user
>need to set up ms auth
>need to get app from apple app store
>need to verify apple id before i can get the app
>can't verify email because i have to set up ms auth first
>can't set up ms auth because i can't get it from the app store
imagine if you couldn't change the ms auth requirement
fucking insane

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@professionalbigot69 I've been saying it for years, but 2FA is a scam, a crutch for lazy devs and organizations who don't want to think about security. Nobody who relies on it ever considered a world where everyone has to use it for everything.

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@RustyCrab @professionalbigot69 "But Crab! Then our users will just write down the passwords on sticky notes next to their computers! Or store them in txt files on their desktop!" t.dipshit who passed his Security+ certification and thinks he is Very Smart

MoralPanic, to random
@MoralPanic@poa.st avatar

has there ever been a historical equivalent to the dudebro billionaire class, ala musk zuckerfuck bozos? Where ultrarich guys were also public figures?

@PunishedD@poa.st avatar

@MoralPanic Maybe the 1920s influx of "new money", who immediately became socialites and public figures. It was the first confluence of fast wealth, emerging empires/industries, and mass media.

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