@Sui@decayable.ink avatar



ֆʊɨ 2.0 - Less frenly edition.

I'm here for lulz, if you get offended that's on you.
Pls just dont report me k? Our mods are mean :(

Follow https://decayable.ink/users/ArtContest

(Still alive) Backups:

Textwall of quotes:
"I wouldn’t necessarily call Sui bad, just different." - Owl
"Take no words from that man. He is currently lost. He will drag you down. Don't ask him questions, you will get wrong answers. Hold to Christ." - PodunkPotato
"You truly are the devil's pumpkin" - Xuya
"i dub thee, sui reaper of skill-deprived fedizens" - Threat
"I'd let you tie me to a radiator" - Tony
"I hope God personally kills you" - Dr Sex
"You are just an obstacle to be eradicated and not worth any more time." - Jeff Cliff
"You absolute nigger!" - feralphilosophernc
"Imagine the chaos if you were all nuclear engineers and not jannies" - gh0st
"I love you." - Drunk Jonny Fever
"I’m gonna rape you" - rapist
"When decayable came online, I was like, "Who's this guy?" I had only heard the rumors and stories. Like whispers in the wind from the dark forest." - TheWanax
"sui is among my favourite redditors" - Burner
"Everything is beautiful in it's own way. Except @Sui" - KingDenizen
"Yea, You're the nicest asshole I know" - Kiki
"No one warns you about sui" - Idea_Enjoyer
"Shut up Dyke Sui from Spinster" - King_Noticer
"i wish the emp blast comes soon so I never have to see this again" - John Phil Mike
"I hope your next minecraft pack ruins more lives" - Not Swatty
"Worst post I've ever seen. Very well done" - DEERBLOOD
"You are a sick and twisted person. Leave GCL alone." - HockeyDoxey
"I always click on the sensitive tagged stuff unless Sui posts it" - Matty

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Art Contest 46 (S2E24) - Summer Edition

It's the Summer Solstice this week, so gimme some OC about summer. Or something like White Boy Summer if you aren't a heathen 💅

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Ok, I'd hoped that this retarded little schizoid would settle down on his own but he hasn't and it's already been 2 weeks with no signs of stopping. Keeping it public because the little rat keeps lying in public, also going to tag in our moderation because he's been chatting shit about all of us and then jumping into threads and trying to be all buddy buddy with several of us (whilst projecting his "backstabbing" onto mostly me) @Formerly_Trucks @Decayable @Darbzilla @ThisFuckinGuy @Doll . Not going to tag him in because he keeps doing it behind our backs, whilst being a general bad actor and is still trying to cause drama. He can find it on his own.

Here we go fuckers and faggots, the Dicey narrative correction thread. Buckle up for an effort post in autistic detail because his faggotry has completely exhausted my apathy.

May 27th. Day 2-3 of Dutch having a schizoid episode against p & graf. The contents of this are largely unimportant to this thread, but the gist was Dutch seemed to be having a paranoid delusion that graf was personally after him and anyone with ties to graf was being used as a pawn in this. On the last morning of the schizo hellthreads, @Darbzilla tried to tard wrangle him. This failed so he contacted @ThisFuckinGuy to try and wrangle him too. By this point the thread had gotten to graf stating that Dutch won't be happy when he realizes that decayable.ink is hosted through poast's :btrfly: service. Dutch's reply was "DO IT FAGGOT", seemingly interpreting graf's post as a threat to our instance. Swatty then put down the rabid schizoid (which is nothing new, Dutch is well known for deleting or getting himself banned). This is where the schizo faggot dicey comes in however.

Dicey leaves and nobody gives a shit. Me and Doll wake up and Dutch is on his bunny cafe alt, he clearly doesn't give a shit about the account (his ~2xth since we've known him) and just doubles down on "not bending the knee to graf" and p being compromised. Eventually he goes dark after accusing p of hacking his bunny cafe account a few times.

Everything's all wrapped up and is (mostly) all good right?

[Narrator: It was not all good]


Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

@NonPlayableClown glowradish btfo'd, total vtuber victory.

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Awww sheeeeit

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Art Contest 44 (S2E22) - Fedi Ships

For the first week of pride, we're shipping two or more fedi users/jannies/admins together (Like Matty & P).

Deadline: 9pm EST Sunday 9th June

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

@Decayable @Formerly_Trucks Uhh, my badges were wiped and I don't see anything in the mod log?

Badges are srs bsns 👀

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

@Formerly_Trucks This fucker's been staring at me from my desktop since you posted it, think it would work as an emoji to spread the balldo love?

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Make it count shroomnigs :shroomy_benis:

n3f_X, to random
@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar

ok folks here is the free lawyer i was telling u about ... he doesnt mind getting bogged down with legal questions on the internet

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

He's not free, my asshole is still flaccid and seeping from months ago.

Humpleupagus, to random
@Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club avatar

I found @Sui 's mom. 😬


@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

You watch some weird porn.

Also, hey mum 👋

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

@BillingtonYVR Hey man, I'm probably the least suitable person to talk someone down on the phone. I'd be better off in canadian healthcare "Lol kys"ing.

Drink water, don't fedpost and play the long game.
All I got, my brother in federation.

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Hey @graf looks like whatever the fuck happened with @Doll yesterday is now happening with me lol, no media's loading from poast or the zoo. Only from this instance though, my alts seem fine :shroomthunk:

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Great, we have gremlins squatting.. Why would it only affect one specific instance though? I just went through 3 and they're all loading fine

Bad_Banner, to random
@Bad_Banner@poa.st avatar

I hope Metokur is doing okay.

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

He's back on twitter isn't he?

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

@Doll i just saw your ticket, your issue is resolved you may post jpegs now

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Perfect 🥂

Darbzilla, to random
@Darbzilla@decayable.ink avatar
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

@madison was just looking at calico critters for gf on amazon and saw this, maybe you should pirate it and play it for your kids

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

... It's very soft leather...

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Ethically imo, hunting > farming. And I'd rather hunt people than other animals tbh, but whatever I'm not gonna go eco terrorist anytime soon so 🤷‍♂️

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Almost everyone agrees that intent matters... So yeah? Nature requires hunting to survive, it's brutal but cleaner, we farm for fucking goyslop and profits.

Farms are not "care", any care shown is fucking psychopathic as the end goal is usually industrialized slaughter. Would a person be a good parent/guardian if they raised a kid just to slaughter them when they were at their physical peak?

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

How? Her organs must be destroyed by years of this shit?

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

I hope you never got close to this bad, holy fuck. I had to double take while scrolling it just looked fake.

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Sounds like she hides behind "bullying and haters" as an excuse to avoid criticism too.. We legit need to bring back bullying, this shit should not be encouraged.

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Want to seduce a fed?
Come check out the Dutch Fever PUA thread.

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

We wuz custodians n sheeeeit.

KingDenizen, to random
@KingDenizen@decayable.ink avatar

Dancing Shrooms

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
jill, to random
@jill@nicecrew.digital avatar

GEeee :blank: Fam & Frens... :eyebrowwiggle: ...Wiener Frideeee... 🌭
...eeeevening edition... :girbil_bat_thing:
@Doll & @Sui & @Humpleupagus


@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

> Lovecraftian horror weiner high detail


brittbratt_fingerpuppet, to random
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet@nicecrew.digital avatar

Phrasing, Dudebro. Phrasing.

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

You did tho.
You said me and my mrs could decide, we went mild.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

holy fuck bethesda what is wrong with you letting them say "smoothface" and not "smoothskin"

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

inb4 it's now DATS RITE, and only niggers can do it.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

leeching the new Fallout series by amazon from usenet and watching it, standby

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

If you're questioning if an amazon show is worth watching, might as well give it the ol' 3 episode test. I'm not touching that shit with a shishkebab personally, Total Amazon Death.

sjw, to random
@sjw@bae.st avatar

Tactical vagina

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Semi automatic assault vagina

Formerly_Trucks, to random
@Formerly_Trucks@decayable.ink avatar

Really looking forward to getting the samples of decayable dot ink merch we ordered :shroomwiggle:

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Never too late to try dude, we get all kinds of submissions from totally tangential from the prompt to AI to shitposts to art art lol

justnormalkorean, to random
@justnormalkorean@poa.st avatar

He seems upset

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

I saw him crying to himself about living in some slums with single mothers, maybe he got the balls to ropeneck and make the world a slightly better place?

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

> I want to fuck kids, but I'm too fucking retarded to have an argument for it. I KNOW! Make this all about pedophile jews, people hate pedophiles!

This fucking nigger, every single time.

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Step 1: Charge into a thread and try to defend pedophilia by calling everyone jews
Step 2: Get assraped from every direction, even losing to a guy who can't fucking see you because you're defederated.
Step 3: Call it le epic trolling, to spare what little self esteem you have left.

Sandnigger, you live in a slum surrounded by single mother niggers who yell in your hallways. You cry about it on fedi.
You get assraped in these threads every single time. You cry about it on fedi.
Kill yourself. Just do it, nobody will miss you.

Inginsub, to random
@Inginsub@clubcyberia.co avatar

Android randomly corrupted a video. Nigga, what the fuck

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

@Formerly_Trucks can we steal this one?

Dicey, to random
@Dicey@decayable.ink avatar

hue of skin of victims carries a lot of weight

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Give it time.

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

I find faggots like destiny to be anti-lulz, even when they're being bullied they make it less funny for me by just existing. Tbh I get him mixed up with the horse fetishist more often than not.

But yeah, jews are the leading cause of antisemitism. Even other kikes can't stand them lmao. Thank fuck they're a bucket of crabs though, imagine the evil shit they'd get done if they weren't constantly dragging each other down.

graf, to random
@graf@poa.st avatar

two and a half days left to make fiat donations please share thank you 🙏🏻

RT: https://poa.st/objects/bd11f224-e1ff-4bd3-a266-6a3c585e9450

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Have you found any potential alternatives besides crypto, or have they pretty much kiked you guys out completely now?

Sui, to random
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Back and better with bonus Poast waifu + beans

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

> I never drew with a fork before, but...

I never thought I'd read that 🥂

n3f_X, to random
@n3f_X@nicecrew.digital avatar
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Well, did it work? Did the radleft forgive her for fucking twitler?
Doubt 4 months with that creature would be worth it tbf, that's some fucked up community service.

alex, to random
@alex@gleasonator.com avatar
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
Eiswald, to random
@Eiswald@poa.st avatar
18+ Sui,
@Sui@decayable.ink avatar
brittbratt_fingerpuppet, to random
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet@nicecrew.digital avatar


@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Yeah, fingerpuppets wouldn't be paranoid without a reason to be 🤨

@Sui@decayable.ink avatar

Just "accidentally" drop fake dox around then delete that too.
Muddy the waters with a bunch of reasonable but bullshit info.

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