@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar



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Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

"Headcannon" "coding" and other nonsense are just the liscense to spew absolutely braindead takes about media and have the ability to retreat behind "it is just my opinion/theory bro!" When people rightfully call you a drooling retard for it

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Trannies trying to usurp another character
This time in yoru no kurage wa oyogenai
Even took the time to subvert the wiki
In other news the moon revolves around the earth


Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

C104 BA doujin numbers
Top 3 are Mika Kayoko and Hinature


Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Yukari uses the pronoun "midomo" to refer to herself
It is an archaic one used to address equals and subordinates fitting of her nobility

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

"You have to let these people into the fandom as well as listen, respect, and value their opinions or you are a bad person"


Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar
stardust, to random
@stardust@nicecrew.digital avatar

literally the protagonist of the next game in the Assassins Creed series: Shadows

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@stardust dont care
The AC series is some of the worst niggercattle goyslop in existence

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

The BA anime is schizo
It has an version to pantyshots and has taken effort to scrub anything normalfags would find objectionable yet it gave hina wider hips and a smaller skirt

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Yagamaska lol the game has panties modeled on all the characters (that have them) even if you cant see them in game or nigh impossible to


Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

If a faggot tries to tell you cagliostro is a tranny remember that her and her allies equipment (faust robe) can only be operated by biological females
Thus besides being a massive autogynephile required the genderswap for plot reasons

Tamamo, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Tamamo lucite platforms erotic

SNEK, to random
@SNEK@gearlandia.haus avatar

:plsno: :plsno: :plsno:
thinking that Hades game isn't worth to even pirate

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@SNEK >ugh let people enjoy things
Ok you can oogle your vitiligo aunt jemimah i am going to play the new 7th senran kagura game

Meemoo, to random
@Meemoo@varishangout.net avatar
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Meemoo @Zergling_man this is why the right loses
We only fight to restore neutral ground not to take enemy ground
You shouldnt be satisfied with getting what you want you should aslo strive for making sure your enemy has scars to remind them why it was wrong to oppose you in the 1st place

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

I appreciate yostars efforts to find anime vas for BA that are also devoted fans
(Black suit VA)

ChristiJunior, to random
@ChristiJunior@detroitriotcity.com avatar
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Tamamo @ChristiJunior no it is some industry regulars

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Cayhr @Tamamo @ChristiJunior
This is a good point
Japanese is the only language in recorded history where the only accurate way to translate is to make the script sound like it was written by the bastard child of joss whedon and chuck wendig

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

>Saudi Arabia cares more about preserving the identity of japanese media than some japanese companies
What a time to be alive

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Remember when we win they want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed
And they think it is funny

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@ComfyGuy it was a combination of a lot of things
His lawyer made some mistakes, the judge obviously reslly didnt want to deal the the case and the anti SLAPP statute was very high to overcome so much that it was later amended to lower the burden of proof

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar
rlier23, to random
@rlier23@bae.st avatar
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@rlier23 a lot of these "fan" translators use their stuff as resume building so they can get noticed and onboarded by the clique

"Culture war" is just "woke" for leftists
>i was going to have an honest discussion but you violated this faux pau i just made up tough luck kid

MoeBritannica, to random

l m a o


@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@ChristiJunior @William_The_Dragonborn @Ene @MoeBritannica @Pikika @Tamamo kamiya was right when he said inafune is a businessman not a game dev

Kyonko802, to random

Crippled elf sex

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Kyonko802 gonna do the wheelbarrow with her

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Which one is better?
Twintail shuppogaki or sidelocks shupppogaki?
(I dont know how to make a poll)

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Judging by mutsuki's patch the name appears to be problem solver six eight
Not sixty-eight

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Ronnie21093 then it is also plausible she just screwed up the roman numerals

Kyonko802, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Kyonko802 i like at the end of this one (465437) where sensei makes her halo flicker

Kyou, to random
@Kyou@kyou.social avatar

Is Tom Cruise aware of this

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Kyou i think
Mayano and goldships va met him at the jp premiere as part of the promotion

Giganova8, to random

Some birds I saw outside, the first ones were right up next to the window, but they flew off before I could get a better angle


@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Tamamo @Giganova8 be careful not to piss them off
Corvids dont only hold grudges but they will pass them onto their family and children

PafuPafuVt, to random
@PafuPafuVt@poa.st avatar

It’s starting to happen, and it’s happening quick, Say goodbye to your hobby

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@PafuPafuVt >international standards
Bullshit the biggest and best selling anime of the season has the mc wearing pasties molesting the other girls
These people are no different than our enemies and deserve the rope just as much

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Kaku raises an interesting point
I think a crucial step for GG would be to form factions not necessarily with leaders but with a name and clear cut objectivies
Sweet baby detected has 300k people but they font agree on anything and ultimately get nothing done
A group like "the GG falangists" with a mission statement like "we are for the complete annihilation of DIE leftist and cultural marxism from gaming by all and any means neccessary" would get more done even with 1/1000th of the manpower

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar
Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar
Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar
Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

"Witch hat atelier enjoyer" needs to becomea derogatory slur
Anyone who likes that shitty manga is an annoying fag and should be put in a camp

TopBep, to random

The media literacy crowd apparently can't find a single game that is "right wing" and it's kind of hilarious. Aren't these the same folks who were complaining about the military industrial complex funding call of duty so that it could be used as a recruiting platform for the US military? Did they think that was a left wing action by the developers?

Not to mention the at least hundreds, if not, thousands of titles made by folks who would be considered right wing or have right wing leanings.

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@TopBep leftist pilpul's sleight of hand is to never give concrete definitions to anything because as long as they do not provide criteria that you can fill they can go "nuh-uh" and follow up with a wall of text word salad

It is why their definition of communism is alway s the vague "workers own means of production" and never the actual criteria marx actually gave like a 100% inheritance tax

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @TopBep as someone succintly pointed out in this thread leftism is entropy and rot made manifest they have no principles or values just to consume
It is like trying to catch smoke because it changes to what it needs to be in the moment
X thing is fascist when i need to attack it but it is woke when i need to defend it

Notice how for years persona 4 was sexist and "transphobic" for years but was immediately not once the lgtvs got enough of a foothold in atlus

LittleTom, to random
@LittleTom@poa.st avatar

Well they buried the lede 6 paragraphs in but the article is exactly what you'd expect.


@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@DrRyanSkelton @LittleTom "good job taking out those BOWs in Africa, Chris!"

DrRyanSkelton, to random
@DrRyanSkelton@mugicha.club avatar

"Which units have been most helpful for you in [game mode]?"
"I found [dogshit unit] to be surprisingly helpful as well as [two more mediocre units and one decent one.]. I have run it about twenty times and only won once on the starter difficulty though."

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@DrRyanSkelton one of my major peeves of gachashit
Your waifu sucks and you want a buff?
Too bad! Roll for the unit objectively better than her!

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@DrRyanSkelton i really like archetto too bad she is garbage and always will be

smugumin, to random
@smugumin@bae.st avatar

Director of the tekken games talks about how to petition changes from devs:

"Let me tell you what is actually most effective for these requests.

First of all, as explained earlier, online petitions are not very effective. Compared to that, a large number of documents hand-delivered by fans with handwritten signatures is still more effective.
But in any case, the signatures are not authentic. because although they are numerous, their enthusiasm is not genuine.

In addition, demonstrations in front of developers' buildings and Q&A sessions at shareholders' meetings have had the opposite effect in some cases (setting a bad precedent if they succumb to such actions).

In my 30 years of experience in the gaming industry, I have found two things to be most effective.

One is to create a big fuss on the Internet and in magazines at a level that is picked up by media outlets outside the gaming industry. This is what I call a big flame war. When this happens, the management of the company has no choice but to take top-down action. However, there have been almost no community-based cases of such an uproar, so this is practically an empty theory.

Let's move on to another example.

In this case, we received multiple letters from multiple fans (unique users) on a daily basis. But they do not include e-mails, but old-fashioned letters by physical mail.

Having experienced this firsthand, I can assure you that a few letters in a postal envelope delivered every day sticks with us more strongly than 10,000 Online Petiiton results streamed to us on social networking sites.

At one point I received several letters a day about requests to reinstate some characters. Some of these letters were terrible, with razor blades in them, which I don't recommend because it is counterproductive.

However, receiving enthusiastic letters from all over the world on a daily basis has a significant impact on the awareness of the development team, making it easier to talk about within the company and attracting the attention of management.

On the other hand, as mentioned earlier, e-mails and Online Petitions no longer give the impression of being indistinguishable from mass spam advertising.
In other words, the ease and convenience of making requests in the online digital space tends to dilute their value.

So, let me just say that in this day and age, requests by letter are actually more effective than you might think.



@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@deVoid @smugumin Haradas fav Im@s girl is iori btw

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Looking for an endless space 2 mod that replaces horatio with hitler

Vidmastereon, to random
@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

Anno speaking from personal experience that you cannot shut yourself off from the world with your hobbies is unhealthy and that you need to go out into the world and make connections is NOT the same as saying you need to throw away all your favorite stuff and thst you are a degenerate for liking strike witches (one of his personal favorites)

People who peddle the "Anno hates otaku" narrative by taking out of context snippets because they have an axe to grind against weebs and need to show how "mature" they are because in reality they are emotionally stunted children who are only LARPing as they think adults are supposed to act need their fingers snapped off

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@handsomewinner always time for perrine
But dont forget about the other girls

rlier23, to random
@rlier23@varishangout.net avatar

i want to like merus design, she's got the brat energy all nailed down and that shit eating grin of hers is ever so enticing to me

BUT THOSE GODDAMN FUNBAGS just kinda ruin the whole vibe she would def be a better design if it wasn't for those tits, i just don't feel like they fit at all

but maybe im just being a sperg :zt_think:

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@rlier23 @LolikingSama let us oppai loli enjoyers have something once and while
You already have cherino

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@rlier23 @LolikingSama it is a good size
If you need larger there is always kaede

Kyonko802, to random


@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Kyonko802 Perfect Wife material
I also love furisode

SnugSmug, to random
@SnugSmug@varishangout.net avatar

I'm so mad I spent like $130 on genshit.
It's always in the back of my mind eating away at me.

@Vidmastereon@varishangout.net avatar

@Tamamo @Meemoo @Minty @SnugSmug realtalk if they were to go "somehow, Elysia returned" for pt 2 it would defibrilate the entire game

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